January 20, 2007

If Hillary Clinton becomes President, I'm leaving the US. Oh, wait, I already left the US. Well, I'll stay over here then.

Man, I hope Americans aren't this dumb. Ladies and Gentleman, running for the 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination, the most hated, fake and conniving woman in America.

Dear god help us all. 300 Million Americans and we get this crap?

Report: Hillary Clinton to launch presidential bid

NEW YORK (AP) -- Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton will embark on a widely anticipated campaign for the White House Saturday -- a former first lady intent on becoming the nation's first female president.

A polarizing figure since she burst on the national scene during her husband's first presidential campaign, Clinton engenders strong opinions among voters, who either revere or revile her but rarely are ambivalent.

She often is compared to her husband and found lacking in his natural charisma. Others have criticized her for being overly cautious and calculating when so many voters say they crave authenticity.


Anonymous said...

this women sat on the wal-mart board and her husband, bill clinton, gave China "most favored trading status" which, effectively, purged america's manufacturing jobs. so, essentially, bill clinton paid for "his prosperity" by selling off america's manufacturing jobs to china and maybe he did it because hilliary was worse than jack abramoff with her ties to "race to the bottom" wal-mart.

honestly, I don't know if america can withstand hilliary after GW AND Bill...

i don't think that "housing bubble money," no matter how adicting, is a very good substitute for "real jobs" that produce "real intelligence."

Anonymous said...

Sha is a very dangerous politician in a Manchurian Candidate sort of way.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really believe that there was one chance in a million that she would have voted for this rediculous war if she hadn't thought it was the politically savvy thing to do?

How is it possible that the most powerful position in the world might, for the second time in a row, go to someone whose primary qualification is her last name? It's disgraceful! I'll be embarassed to be an American if she wins.

Anonymous said...

That ticket only has a chance if Bill Clinton runs with her as Vice President. Otherwise, we will have another republican for president. If Democrats want to win, they must choose a moderate. John Edwards is the ticket to win. I am a gun owning Republican that voted for Kerry, for Bushes plan to save social security by giving it to honest Wall Street Casino is irresponsible. The Democratic party has become too liberal and the Republican party too conservative. Can we please have a moderate.

Anonymous said...


With this post and the bash GW posts you have won my admiration as a true independent. I ask you is it better to sit on the sidelines of something as important as a presidential vote when your only choice is to try to pick the less of two horrible evils?

Anonymous said...

Can anybody see this train wreck coming ? When all is said and done it'll be a Hillary and Obama ticket, the Republican's will pour money behind these two with feel good news stories of how great they'll be for the country blah blah blah. They'll interview the joe on the street about voting for a woman and black man, he'll smile and say sure but when he goes into the voting booth there is NO WAY IN HELL the guy will vote for them. The Republican's will laugh all the way to the White House/Bank.

Anonymous said...

She will give everyone in congress happy ending and has learned a trick or two from miss lewinski.God help us if we elect this evil woman as our president.

I'm not much of a borack obama fan either.

Anonymous said...

If you liked Richard Nixon's style of governing, then you'll love HRC. She has lists, and the people on them had better make sure their passports are current before the swearing in ceremony.

Anonymous said...

Actually she hasn't made very much impact as the NY Senator either positive or negative. She is a smart lady but without an ounce of charisma. I just don't think she has the leadership skills to be President. I just don't think America is ready for either a black man (Obama - who I would vote for) or a woman. There are a lot of rednecks in this country. I think too many people would cross party lines just so they wouldn't vote for these Democratic front runners. Either one would need heavy security if they did win.

Anonymous said...

Come on America wake up!!! CLINTON!! So let me get this straight. We get 4 years of Bush Sr., eight years of Bill, eight years of Bush Jr., and now possibly four to eight more of Clinton II. My whole politically aware life will have been the Clinton-Bush Dynasty. Please don't let this happen.


Anonymous said...

Hillary is a socialist, Bush is a fascist. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. The PTB don't even bother to change the names. Egad, we have no choice. They will ruin this country and then we can break out the guillotine.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone support this woman? I seriously don't know a soul, and I bet nobody here is a supporter either

So who does?

Anonymous said...

Anyone watch here creepy and cardboard announcement video?


Anonymous said...

She has more in common with Chavez's Venezuala than the USA.

She is a subversive communist, and has sold you OUT lady liberty.

She gets sworn in to uphold and defend the Constitution, and then spends her life DESTROYING IT!!!

Anonymous said...

New Yorkers and her Senate colleagues like and respect Hillary. I think people around the rest of the country have pre-conceived notions about her that are not fact-based. Many people will change their mind once they get to know her as a presidential candidate and not as the president's wife.

Anonymous said...

I just don't think America is ready for either a black man (Obama - who I would vote for) or a woman. There are a lot of rednecks in this country. I think too many people would cross party lines just so they wouldn't vote for these Democratic front runners.
Agreed. Neither Hillary or Obama stand a chance. John Edwards is my choice too. A Southern man with populist tendencies....

Anonymous said...

Of course the PTB will put Hillary upon the demogogue ticket, they want McCain to win. Pitchforks and torches some day, mark my words.

Anonymous said...

Hillary is as red as a baboon's ass. No one seems to get it, but the Clintons are defacto members of the Bush clan.

They're all evil criminals, and deserve to be hung from the lampposts on Pennsylvania Avenue with their own guts.

Anonymous said...

GO HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

status" which, effectively, purged america's manufacturing jobs. so, essentially, bill clinton paid for "his prosperity" by selling off america's manufacturing jobs to china and maybe he did it because hilliary was worse than jack

Sounds like a couple of Rrpublicans.....

Anonymous said...

The Republican's will laugh all the way to the White House/Bank.

The Repuglickans don't want the WH anymore. To them it's just a temporary money making opportunity (ie The Cralyle Grp, Haliburton, permament tax cuts). They did their damage (Iraq, Patriot Act, Fed rate cuts) now they can't wait to get out. Leave all the repairs and inspirational speaches to the Dumbocrats.

Peace out, beeeeeetoches!

Anonymous said...

Lots of white trash misogyny evident on this thread.

Anonymous said...

Actually, before that you had Reagan, with Bush Sr. as vice-president. So you talk about a dynasty! We haven't had a president unrelated to Reagan-Bush/Clinton since 1979! 12 years of Reagan/Bush, followed by 8 years of Clinton, then 8 years of Bush Jr. Now 4 years of Clinton's wife?

Original post:

Come on America wake up!!! CLINTON!! So let me get this straight. We get 4 years of Bush Sr., eight years of Bill, eight years of Bush Jr., and now possibly four to eight more of Clinton II. My whole politically aware life will have been the Clinton-Bush Dynasty. Please don't let this happen.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. You are all supposedly so wise to know that the housing bubble is real and that the bubble is about to burst. And you are right! But you are all brainwashed by the reprublicans about Hilliary Clinton. Is she my first choice for president? No - she isn't. But my God, I think she would be exponentially bettter than GW. It's attitudes like these that got GW in office in the first place. Please - start looking at the facts regarding Hillary and GW. For the person who would not vote for her for "Hillarycare" attempt as first lady, the insuranse companies thank you. Was Hillary's plan the right one? Probably not. But there is a huge time bomb ticking with our health Care system - with financial implications that are much, much worse than the housing bubble. At least Hillary tried.

You all make me worry that we'll have Jeb Bush in office come 2009.

Anonymous said...

As an North-European from Sweden I wonder: Why this irrational hate against her? If she the best possible canditate, I dont know. But she definitely seemes have more sense behind her skullbone than that sorry excuse for a president: Bush junior.

Regardless above - the empire-version of the American self-image cant be saved anyway. Regardless Heavy or Lite version. Its too late.


Anonymous said...

Cmon, why can't a private sector person, like a Warren Buffett or a Michael Dell, run for President?

Why does it always have to be one of these career political hacks/sock puppets?

Anonymous said...

i really don't understand how she can even run since she has already served two terms as co president! even though she appointed herself to that position she in my opinion was actually performing as co-president. please no more clintons ever.

Anonymous said...

wow, I am shocked! This is such a left wing, liberal blog and you al are bashing HRC. I am confused...She will give you everything you want. Edwards and/or Obama are the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I'll never understand all the Clinton haters.

My recollection of 1993-2001 was the best 8 year period for the country since my birth in 1949, on a lot of measures.

And to blast her health care attempt? I can tell you aren't buying your own health care insurance. She was 100% right on that.

but given the small mindedness of the majority of the US, don't worry..she'll never be President

Anonymous said...

Why do people think a blog that bashes bush is a left-wing blog? Maybe, just maybe, REAL republicans hate bush even more than democrats?

Anonymous said...

I agree. I doubt that she has the cojones to invade Iran or North Korea. The terrorist would love for her to get elected.

Anonymous said...


I think this is the first intelligent thing you have ever written on this blog.

Barrack Hussein Obama would be even worse. I'm leaving the country if any of these two socialists win.

Anonymous said...

Hillary was right on about health care

Anonymous said...

That ticket only has a chance if Bill Clinton runs with her as Vice President. Otherwise, we will have another republican for president. If Democrats want to win, they must choose a moderate. John Edwards is the ticket to win.

If you think John Edward is a moderate you either don't know the meaning of the term or you are so far to the left you think Michael Moore is objective.

Anonymous said...

Why do people think a blog that bashes bush is a left-wing blog?

Gee why would I think this is aleft wing blog? Might be the Barrack Hussein Obama cheerleading. Might be anti-Wall St comments. Might be the constant praise for all things Democrat.

Yeah it's crazy to think this is a left wing blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for great thinkers like you.


but given the small mindedness of the majority of the US, don't worry..she'll never be President

Anonymous said...

"As an North-European from Sweden I wonder: Why this irrational hate against her? If she the best possible canditate, I dont know."

That's right, you really don't know. And since you don't know, please don't bother commenting on presidential politics in this country until you learn more about her.

Read Dick Morris' book Rewriting History and you'll get a glimpse of the real Hillary, not the phony persona her handlers carefully crafted for the media. Morris worked for Bill Clinton from the early 1980s and gives a good profile of who Hillary is and what kind of President she might be. He is not optimistic about the future of this country if she gets elected.

HRC was once a Republican

HRC is aroused by power


Anonymous said...

Yea, lots of left wing blogs calling for Mexicans to be rounded up and sent home, and Iran to be bombed

Anonymous said...

Didn't you all hear? Barack Obama changed his name to George Washington White III

Anonymous said...

This blog is 90% Dailykooks and other assorted left-wing morons

Anonymous said...

Alas a chance for the shattered GOP to find their self esteem.

Anonymous said...

"Sounds like a couple of Rrpublicans....."

no, i'm independent, not "blindly loyal" to any party. i've caucused with the DFL here in minnesota but I was never a believer in John "I hated who I was" Kerry.

Mostly, I prefer Dennis Kucinich....

Anonymous said...

HRC was once a Republican

exactly right, and that's probably why she was on wal-mart's board AND seemingly supported Bloomberg's bid for mayor over the democrat's choice...

that's why I don't have a problem with voting republican in 2008 if she's the choice because she's never been very loyal...

Anonymous said...

I understand that there's a need to change the "Norm" of having a white male president. But just because we want to be innovative, we can't just choose the first Woman, Black, Hispanic, Asian or whatever, that believes he can be THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA!! PLEASE!!!!!
We need good candidates, not another Clinton mockery, or people that just want to be recognized as "the first (blank) president of the USA". This is serious, not a soap opera.
What are we going to have? Hillary having an affair with her male assistant so she can be remembered as president????
I'm on the plane with the others that say "I'm leaving the country"!!

Anonymous said...

"Why do people think a blog that bashes bush is a left-wing blog? Maybe, just maybe, REAL republicans hate bush even more than democrats?"

Totally agree. Bush is a total disaster, as is Iraq. Democrat or Republican, there's no denying those facts.

But how anyone can think of voting for "Hussein Osama", boggles my mind. Just the irony of his name, not to mention his squeeky clean fake image, is enough to prevent me from voting for him. I hope as we get closer to the election, people will really start to call him for what he is "Hussein Osama".

Anonymous said...

This is why more Americans vote for American Idol than the Presidential run. Hahaha!!

Anonymous said...

After the massive damage done to our country by George W Bush, America needs a true leader who can put the nation together again and who has a vision of doing what is best for the country instead of what is best for corporate America. Hillary is NOT that person.

Hillary as President would be a disaster for the middle-class. She has massive contempt for those making less than $100K per year. She is part of the India Caucus and supports outsourcing good American jobs to India. Domenstically, she is no better than Bush at ending the class divide in this country. Worse yet, she is two-faced liar who claims she wants to help middle-income people, but her actions indicate her true positions.

I hope to God that Obama runs and beats Hillary in every single primary. I don't know if he will commit to doing the changes needed if elected, but at least he gives a good impression of being apart from the same tired old crowd and I am willing to give him four years to prove himself.

I also the American people will start to mature by voting based on who is the best candidtate, not party affiliation.

Anonymous said...

"Yea, lots of left wing blogs calling for Mexicans to be rounded up and sent home"

Your sarcasm indicates that you have the delusion that only right-wingers want immigration control. The reality is that the extreme far left that wants open borders as you do. In addition, many neo-con scumbags want more illegals for the cheap labor at the expense of the middle-class. About 70%-80% of America, however, wants this insanity to stop.

Anonymous said...

Read Dick Morris' book Rewriting History and you'll get a glimpse of the real Hillary, not the phony persona her handlers carefully crafted for the media. Morris worked for Bill Clinton from the early 1980s
Oh, come on; get real. Who's going to believe anything Morris writes to smear the Clintons after the way he got fired? It was revealed that he had had an extramarital affair with a prostitute (named Sherry Rowlands) and allowed her to listen in on conversations with the President. Morris will stop at nothing in retaliation for the Clintons dumping him....

Anonymous said...

"Cmon, why can't a private sector person, like a Warren Buffett or a Michael Dell, run for President? "

We don't need another rich billionaire running for U.S. Presdent! Dell has outsourced many American jobs to India, putting many Americans out of work or into lower paying jobs. If we continue to have leaders who are only focused on corporate profits (and Hillary is one of them), we will continue to descend into a third-world country.

Anonymous said...

Dennis Kucinich is a wacko who is endorsed by the Communist Party USA every four years. He is also a favorite of the Peoples Weekly World. I wouldn't call him a Communist, but rather a hard core socialist like Hugo Chavez.

Anonymous said...

No democrat can beat her, and no republican can lose to her. The republicans have it made in the shade.
I'd take a Edwards + Obama, or Edwards + Gore, or Kerry + edwards or whatever ... just no hilary. Any woman but hilary. Heck even the lesbians are going to vote for her.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who doesn't want Hillary as President is a sexist. If you don't want Barrack Obama as President then you are a racist.

Anonymous said...

Who is Borat Obama?

Anonymous said...


It is so easy to vote.

Look who our enemies want...and then vote for the other guy.

Our enemies want Hillary, Obama, Kerry etc... so you must for for the other guy. Mexico, China, Venezuela and Russia are all enemies.

Wake the F up.

Anonymous said...

It's time that we have a black and/or female President. I will vote for the next one no matter what they believe in or plan to do. I plan to vote based on gender and race from now on - if it ain't black, then send it back.

Anonymous said...

Both Hillary and Obama winning the Dems nomination should mean the end of that party, if your average American has any decency. They are both of the lowest sort.

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton is not the greatest candidate.

But that's mostly because she is too timid to do what's really necessary to expunge the USA of self-destructive hyper-pseudo-"capitalism" aka destruction of US industrial power and hyper corporatism.

My choice is Wes Clark so far.

Brains, guts and the ability to call BS on BS.

Again Hillarycare wasn't a problem---it would have been alot better than what we have now. But we'd be even better off with German or French style socialized medicine.

Socialism sucks for most things, but "capitalism" (which is not really present in USA w.r.t. medicine) is even worse for health.

I believe in empirical facts.

Anonymous said...

"My choice is Wes Clark so far.

Brains, guts and the ability to call BS on BS."

He also supports corporations moving jobs offshore. In 2004, when he was running for President, he said there was nothing that could be done about it and we should instead work hard to create good high-tech jobs that cannot be moved offshore. Any thoughtful person sees the insanity of that statement. He is also good friends with Hillary who also supports offshore-outsourcing.

In 2008, we need an Obama-Edwards ticket.

Anonymous said...

If Hillary runs, she wins!
Keif, not one candidate in history has had sooo much publicity (negetive or positive).
she is one of those candidates that pepole dont say the truth about how they really feel about her.
If Hillary runs, she wins! in an record breaking landslide

Anonymous said...

original post:
>As an North-European from Sweden >I wonder:

>Regardless above - the empire->version of the American self->image cant be saved anyway. >Regardless Heavy or Lite version. >Its too late.
Shut ip and lick the boots of your masters!

Anonymous said...

"I will vote for the next one no matter what they believe in or plan to do. I plan to vote based on gender and race from now on - if it ain't black, then send it back."
"Anyone who doesn't want Hillary as President is a sexist. If you don't want Barrack Obama as President then you are a racist."

There's some people that won't want Obama because he is black or Hillary because she is a woman, BUT IT'S NOT EVERYBODY!
To some others: Why they keep saying America is not ready for a black or a woman president. This old statement has been going on since the American Revolution. BUT IT'S 2007!!! When you guys think we'll be ready???
I just think that they should forbid relatives of former presidents to be presidents. IT'S LIKE A MONARCHY!! Following the bloodline. We need someone fresh and new!!!

Anonymous said...

We should limit the right to vote to employed males that own at their own home with no debt. HRC is nothing short of a Bolshivik.

Anonymous said...

He also supports corporations moving jobs offshore. In 2004, when he was running for President, he said there was nothing that could be done about it and we should instead work hard to create good high-tech jobs that cannot be moved offshore.

It sucks, but Clark is mostly right, in the short term. Note that he didn't say he "supports it".

Doing things to create high tech jobs here is more than anything of the current politicial establishment wants to do.

You can at least strongly discourage deindustrialization and outsourcing even if you can't stop it.

Anonymous said...

"Why they keep saying America is not ready for a black or a woman President. This old statement has been going on since the American Revolution. BUT IT'S 2007!!! When you guys think we'll be ready?""

I have an answer for that... when it's clear to everyone in the world that the USA is no longer a white majority nation (including eastern European ancestry) but that of a central and south American (read: hispanic) cultural and ethnic majority background.

Once that white majority identity is dissolved internationally, then it'll be ready for a black or latino President and I suspect that'll be around 2030 to 2050.

Anonymous said...

>>This is why more Americans vote for American Idol than the Presidential run. Hahaha!!<<

It is people like this poster that has me worried. Do you really think that more Americans vote on a single idol show than vote for the president? there maybe more "votes" but not more voters.

Anonymous said...

"We should limit the right to vote to employed males that own at their own home with no debt. HRC is nothing short of a Bolshivik."

Wouldn't it be great if we limited voting on measures that increased property taxes to those voters who pay property taxes?

Anonymous said...

I don't think America is ready for John Edward as president even if he is a world-renowned psychic.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Hillary and hopefully a Hillary/Obama ticket. Here is why: I want to see what happens.


Not that I think they are any better or have great ideas. I just want to see if they can create chaos.

blogger said...

1) supported the iraq debacle because she thought it would help her in 2008

2) doesn't stand for anything. only stands for power.

3) is kinda yucky, cold and weird

4) is pro-big-government

5) hasn't addressed social security, medicare and medicaid

6) is a pawn of her polling and advisors

7) is a Clinton, after 20 straight years of Clintons and Bushes, it's time for a damn change!

8) was only a first lady for gods sake. totally unqualified carpetbagger

9) stayed with Bill after being humuliated only because it would help her in 2008

10) is conniving, contrived, fake, power-hungry and plotting. Is not inspiring, loved, motivating or a natural leader.

Anonymous said...

Any moron who believe that more American vote for American Idol than the real elections has an IQ lower than zero. Anybody can vote multiple times for American Idol. Only DemoRats get to vote multiple times in the real elections.

Anonymous said...

SHE'S A TRILLON TIMES BETTER THAN DUBYA ON HER WORST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

...how can anybody trash Clinton after almost eight years of Bush, hell I would elect the dogcatcher, to get out from under GOP dictatorship.