1) Should George Bush be impeached?
2) Will George Bush be brought up in the Hague for war crimes after his term?
3) Will Americans blame George Bush for their collapsing home prices?
4) Is George Bush the worst president in US history?
5) Who would do a better job as president - George Bush or a Giant Panda?
January 11, 2007
HousingPanic Stupid Question of the Day - Special George Bush Edition
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice let slip her media preferences on Thursday, saying "I love every single one" of Fox News network's correspondents and also favors CBS anchor Harry Smith.
In comments overheard on an open microphone between morning television interviews, including one with Fox, the top U.S. diplomat said: "My Fox guys, I love every single one of them."
But Rice told an aide that when she was next in Iraq she would like to do a "one-on-one" interview with CBS "The Early Show" anchor Harry Smith.
"He's a decent guy. I know they are like 55 in the ratings, but I like him," Rice said in comments monitored by Reuters on a television feed.
I didn't vote for Bush.
I'm not a Bush fan.
But I will say this.
He stood up and admitted that mistakes where made and that he, no one else, bears the responsibility for them.
In my view, he will go down as one of our worst presidents ever, and it will take years for America to recover it's international relations, but at least the man had the balls to admit he was wrong.
I know the game is over and too many lives have been lost.
But imagine had he shirked responsibility completed or blamed others?
What indication is there he really believes he made any mistakes? Because he said so?????? Let's see, what else has he told us....
I'm always amazed at the fascination liberals have with FNC. Liberal control 95% of media. FNC is the lone conservative voice in an ocean of liberalism and yet you can't stand it.
Get a grip people.
"I know the game is over and too many lives have been lost."
WTF, over? "Too many lives" - are you really that uninformed? In WWII there were more casualties in ten minutes than we've seen in four years! In Korea we lost more guys every week than in the four years in Iraq.
God I hope you don't vote.
Let's just call it like it is. Bush has done a heck of a job. And he's continuing to do a heck of a job. And will continue to do so until he is no longer in office.
1) Should George Bush be impeached?
2) Will George Bush be brought up in the Hague for war crimes after his term?
3) Will Americans blame George Bush for their collapsing home prices?
4) Is George Bush the worst president in US history?
Of course the answer to questions 1, 3 and 4 is YES!!! Unfortunately, Bush will probably never be convicted of war crimes.
I didn't waste my time watching Bush recite his lines last night. Listening to compulsive liars makes me uneasy. Everyone knows that Bush is only a puppet who speaks for the real rulers of this country.
The summary of the administration's new Iraq "strategy" in this morning's paper was as bad as could be expected: More troops, more money, more destruction and more death.
And it will all be for nothing. The US will lose the war in Iraq.
Anonymous said...
I didn't vote for Bush.
I'm not a Bush fan.
But I will say this.
He stood up and admitted that mistakes where made and that he, no one else, bears the responsibility for them.
In my view, he will go down as one of our worst presidents ever, and it will take years for America to recover it's international relations, but at least the man had the balls to admit he was wrong.
I know the game is over and too many lives have been lost.
But imagine had he shirked responsibility completed or blamed others?
Thursday, January 11, 2007 5:30:57 PM
Puhlease! up until now it has been the media undermining him or democrats not supporting him, in his own words. Or stay the course, yada yada.
He is only owning up to it because he has to eat some humble pie to get congress to give him his money for his escalation (not surge). He is also trying to insulate congressional repuglicans from his folly with this war.
the fact that hundreds of thousands aren't massing outside the white house gates today shows you how far America, and Americans, have fallen
The "don't care" generation.
1. no
2. no
3. americans will blame anyone but themselves.
4. i do not know.
5. if the panda is a democrat then no.
the fact that hundreds of thousands aren't massing outside the white house gates today shows you how far America, and Americans, have fallen
Why aren't you there Keith? Or do you only protest when everyone else does. A sheeple I believe they call that.
If you feel strongly, go protest alone in front of the US Embassy in London. Be a man instead of a little girl bitching on a web site
Yes, no, no, yes, yes.
The No's are only cos you asked it as "Will", if it was Should then yes X 5.
Heck, a fat chick did Clinton, dont see what's wrong with that, someone needs to stand up (pun totally intended) for the fat chickies anyway ... they give great head, either they are hungry or they know they have to ... either way ... and Hillary is a freezer lesbian anyway.
BTW i'd totally go republican if Hillary is on the damn democratic ticket ... not even as Vice president ... she's a female Cheney.
O Bama, Edwards so far, I'd get behind ... no question and dont even care who is who.
If anyone here in the USA thinks G-Dumbya is doing a good job, then that individual hates his country, because everything G-dumbya has done has been bad for all US citizens,including those 59 million dumbass pukes that voted for him in 04.
He routenely talks in opposites. I've heard it said that G-Dumbya will be the first pres. to leave no lie left untold, and that the W/H will be forever known as the real home of the WHOPPER after his departure.That would stating it nicely.
I should list some of his failures for reminders, but it wouldn't do any good. Having said that, all of us will bear the consequences of the G-Dumbya built schiett sandwich. But please, don't blame me, I voted for the 5 time decorated war hero, complete with 2 silver stars, not this AWOL ZERO.
"the fact that hundreds of thousands aren't massing outside the white house gates today shows you how far America, and Americans, have fallen"
ha! the ONLY person outside the gate today is that lady in her tent with her friend
"the fact that hundreds of thousands aren't massing outside the white house gates today shows you how far America, and Americans, have fallen"
ha! the ONLY person outside the gate today is that lady in her tent with her friend
"I know the game is over and too many lives have been lost."
TO anon Thursday, January 11, 2007 5:42:44 PM
WTF, over? "Too many lives" - are you really that uninformed? In WWII there were more casualties in ten minutes than we've seen in four years! In Korea we lost more guys every week than in the four years in Iraq.
God I hope you don't vote. "
To set you little mind at ease, I did vote.
And as far as lives lost, pull your US-centric head out of your ass long enough to realize that hundreds of thousands are dead since the 2003 invasion, and no, not all of them terrorists.
I challenge you and anyone to name one meaningful success from this war, just one - and then I'll shut my proverbial cakehole...
And giant panda.
This is a fun game!
Will the Sunnis and Shiites be brought up for war crimes? Their unholy war has cost tens of thousands of lives of people, many going about thier normal routines. Islam frequently hated the majority of the world's population who were not decieved by Mohammad's lies.
Personally, I still think Nixon was worse.
His behavior cost far more lives than Bush's. The country entered a deep recession towards the end of his tenure and tooks years to recover. (Although that may still occur with Bush's fiscal policies)
But ultimately, there is one substantial difference between Bush and Nixon: Bush is stupid. Sorry to sound blunt, but he is. I blame the voters for placing an incompetent imbecile into office more than I blame the imbecile for his conduct.
Nixon on the other hand was intelligent and methodical but was led astray by his own unfounded paranoia. He knew better yet he still conducted himself in an egregious manner. Bush on the other hand seldom knows better since his mental fortitude is sub par.
And no, I don't think he will be impeached. I don't think Congress has time to deal with that. They have much work to do to get the country out from under this debacle.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice let slip her media preferences on Thursday, saying "I love every single one" of Fox News network's correspondents and also favors CBS anchor Harry Smith.
In comments overheard on an open microphone between morning television interviews, including one with Fox, the top U.S. diplomat said: "My Fox guys, I love every single one of them."
Yep, they're "her guys" all right. Faux News has been acting as the mouthpiece of the Republican Neoconservatives for years....
I'm always amazed at the fascination liberals have with FNC. Liberal control 95% of media. FNC is the lone conservative voice in an ocean of liberalism and yet you can't stand it. Get a grip people.
Faux News manipulates the truth and when that doesn't work, they LIE. Get a copy of the DVD OUTFOXED and then you'll discover the REAL story behind the Fox News Network.
The summary of the administration's new Iraq "strategy" in this morning's paper was as bad as could be expected: More troops, more money, more destruction and more death.
And it will all be for nothing. The US will lose the war in Iraq.
It's obvious to me we've already lost in Iraq. All that's left is for Dubya and his NeoCons to try to save face by continuing this ridiculous farce of a "war" until the Democrats get the guts to stop funding the troops over there (which is why we finally got out of Vietnam).
He is only owning up to it because he has to eat some humble pie to get congress to give him his money for his escalation (not surge). He is also trying to insulate congressional repuglicans from his folly with this war.
Yep, it's all "political maneuvering." No doubt Karl Rove had to explain it to the Presidential Dunderhead countless times before he understood the strategy....
>> He stood up and admitted that mistakes where made and that he, no one else, bears the responsibility for them.
What good does it do for one to admit to mistakes, but then not have to *personally* pay for those mistakes?
NO(because in a freakin' democracy with rights of peaceful protest, WE'LL be in the world court dock with him as accessories)
What the hell kind of thread is this for this site?
Is this a website about the US housing market or a democrat circlejerk?
Jimmy Carter has been and will continue to be considered the worst President this country has ever had. Sure he is a great man, but man was he a bad Executive. He symbolized the folly of micromanagement.
GW Bush was not alone in thinking that Sadam Hussien had weapons of mass distruction. I personally heard Madeline Albright state that they thought the same. THe difference with Bush was that 09/11 forced his hand, he could no longer ignore the middle east for the sake of popularity.
He was obviously wrong to think that people who have NO respect for human life would embrace Democracy. Eventually they will though, as long as it is dressed up as Capitalism.
Nice to see Republican Senator Chuck Hagel not take the GOP and Fox News brain-dead talking point.
Why more Republicans don't rail against this boob, I'll never get. It'll cost them for decades unless they find their voice, and their soul, soon.
Hagel: Bush speech worst blunder since Vietnam
11:25 AM
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -- U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel offered Thursday what might have been the harshest criticism to date of President Bush's plan to commit more troops to Iraq, calling the president's Wednesday night speech "the most dangerous foreign policy blunder carried out since Vietnam."
Hagel's comment drew applause in a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing in which members questioned Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice over the plan to commit 21,500 additional U.S. troops to Iraq.
The commotion prompted Committee Chairman, Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., to call for order.
The remarks by Hagel, a Republican, followed his scathing rebuke Wednesday night of the Iraq plan. He called it a "dangerously wrongheaded strategy that will drive America deeper into an unwinnable swamp at great cost."
Anyone who really thinks this war is about oil should stand up and take a stand. Stop using your car. Stop using your heater. Stop using your computer.
Don't be a wimp! Take a stand. This war is wrong and I think all of should stand for what we think and just shut everything down.
Come on folks get a grip. Of course we need oil. It is an unfortunate thing but it the boat we are in. If we give up oil we don't have a country.
I have to believe that there are people in Iraq with children and businesses who really do want to live in peace. I saw alot of people voting in Iraq and it seems that a majority of Iraqis do want to live in peace.
War doesn't scare me because this is the new world we live in. Unlike the Iraqis I am not afraid to defend myself and I will shoot to kill to defend myself. If you think America is so safe take a drive in South Central Los Angeles or New Orleans where gang crime is skyrocketing. Get used to it. It is only going to get worse.
William Lyon Mackenzie King was the Canadian Prime from 1921 until 1948. For much of that time his most trusted advisor was his dog Pat, who King believed could communicate with the spirit of his dead mother.
Worst PM ever? Nope. Far from it. King is widely considerd the Canadian FDR and remains one of the country's most revered leaders.
This just goes to show you how far out of touch you can be from reality and still do a pretty good job of running a country.
Being dimwitted and delusional wouldn't have been such a big problem for Bush if he had only gotten better advice. I know for a fact that Barney never wanted him to invade Iraq.
"He stood up and admitted that mistakes where made and that he, no one else, bears the responsibility for them.
blah blah so freking what? Do you think just because he said that, things will get better??? Gessh, you are a mornon, and you probably believe in the tooth fairy, right?
Why do idiots who think those who dare to criticize Bush are automatically Democrats?
Even smart and aware Republicans are taking Bush to task now.
Criticizing Bush makes you one thing in my book - an American who gives a damn
Bush supporters though, I think a high percentage of them are Fox News watchers, and disbelievers in evolution. In other words, idiots.
Bush the whipping boy. Lets recall, the public supported the war when it started and the democrats voted for it too.
1) Should George Bush be impeached?
2) Will George Bush be brought up in the Hague for war crimes after his term?
3) Will Americans blame George Bush for their collapsing home prices?
Partial blame. Then again, Greenspan was FED chief under Clinton and Fannie's CEO was Clinton's chief budget officer . Dems on Reps on Fannies board. Privatize the profit and package up the risk for the government and china people.
4) Is George Bush the worst president in US history?
The worlds got problems and Bush had bad choices. The bubba thing does not resonate well beyond the south.
5) Who would do a better job as president - George Bush or a Giant Panda?
Anyone who thinks the middle east crap is going to end with a withdraw is smoking some crack. Its going to spread and I would not be surprised to see some European countries ( infested with multicults ) to fall into civil war in my lifetime -- muslim extremists are incompatible with everything...
Muslims have 5-6 kids per family + no jobs. GDP of the entire middle east is less than Sweeden. Just wait for the oil price to plunge now that construction is slowing.
If you believe in evolution, how long would it take for a Boeing 747 to appear?
1) Should George Bush be impeached?
===no, but Clinton was.
2) Will George Bush be brought up in the Hague for war crimes after his term?
===no, but Clinton should
3) Will Americans blame George Bush for their collapsing home prices?
===no that was Clintn's fault
4) Is George Bush the worst president in US history?
5) Who would do a better job as president - George Bush or a Giant Panda?
===Clinton would the worse of the 3
hey it's raining outside right now and I just washed my car...damn that George Bush!!!
And yes Keith I watch Fox News. Don't you have a Keith Olberman 12 minute tirade during which he says the same thing 72 times to watch?
ps and I believe in evolution Mr. Smart guy. Keith, like most liberal democrats can't understand that being fiscally connservative, wanting to fight terrorism AND NOT a member of the Christian Right is possible.
See Keith unlike you brain dead Democratz who follow every liberal talking pount 100%, I can disagree with conservatives. On issues like abortion and separation of church and state I'm more liberal than your average Republican. Hell I'd fit in at a dailykos convention. Yet when it comes to taxes,guns and a strong military I'm as right as they get.
In other words oh Great Keith, I can watch FNC, believe in evolution, be pro-choice and also believe in low taxation and believe that Iraq needs to be won and we can't cut and run.
Can you understand that or does Keith Olberman have to explain it to you using the same word 72 times?
I feel bad for Hilary or Obama. As soon as they are in the W.H., watch the int rates fly and the econ drop like a rock!!!
Peace out beyotches!!!!!
1) Should George Bush be impeached?
2) Will George Bush be brought up in the Hague for war crimes after his term?
3) Will Americans blame George Bush for their collapsing home prices?
Hmmm. I dont know but I think they might if things get really awful.
4) Is George Bush the worst president in US history?
I think so. I can't think of anything he has done right. And I used to support him.
5) Who would do a better job as president - George Bush or a Giant Panda?
EZ - An empty chair would have done better.
I was Rebulican in 2001 and backed Bush 100% because I believed him. Our nation was in danger. Iraq was an imminent threat. Now I am registered an Independent and cant think of anything he has done right. And no, its not just Iraq.
Anonymous said...
Personally, I still think Nixon was worse.
Nixon was Bush II's idol. He went AWOL to campaign for him.
But Nero was Nixon's idol....
I thought libs hated the military. The more soldiers that die in Iraq the happier libs should be. You dumbfucks should have requested an extra 100,000 soliders, imagine all the dead soliders coming back home. You'd have a nice vegan festival to celebrate.
I so sincerely hope the next 9/11 takes as many of you out. LA ad SF should be next on the target. The more libs they kill the better our country will be.
"Liberal Media" is a myth started by the neocon bunch a long time ago(check out Accuracy In Media web site) I guess General Electric is somehow a liberal organization? Who owns NBC? Who owns the media?You moron, start thinking and stop parroting what some talk radio's version of what's happening in the world.
Multiculturalism is a fraud.
It's one culture but of many peoples. Most Americans of eastern European descent understand this hence, you'll never see a local Slavic separatist movement (outside of banana republics like Yugoslavia).
Now, it's time for Muslims to do the same.
I am no fan of Bush or his father or his cronies, but please, it is always to easier to quarterback from an armchair.
Do we think Carter was so great with how he handled Iran? A lot of our problems today go back long before Bush. Bush didn't cause 9/11 he just reacted to it.
The defeatist agenda is appropriate for those who want us to fail nad to see the end of the American way of life. Our failure lies in not being willing to use the power we have.
Easy to accuse Bush of war crimes...hmmm but good old Saddam is a martyr and was the good guy. Easy to be shocked at Abu Graib but wait, the insurgents and militias are killing thousands of Iraqi citizens weekly in brutal ways, bombs, drills, executions, torture but wait, we are the bad guys. If the enemy kills us...that is war. If they kill their own people that is a war crime.
Propaganda is always slanted and our enemies are better at using it than we are. Israel kills civilians in Lebanon and they are war criminals. Hezbollah uses civilians (willingly or otherwise) as human shields and they are martyrs.
If NATO fulfilled its commitment to the USA in aiding our fight against our enemies and sent 100,000 troops to Iraq, if the UN sent 100,000 troops to Iraq, if the Muslim league sent 100,000 troops to Iraq then Iraq could rebuild, secure itself, and move forward in peace and normalize relations with all her neighbors.
I say the hell with europe. Send all our troops to Iraq, we could send 1,000,000, a 1/3 of our forces and impose an iron fist, help rebuild, then come home. If folk riot in New Orleans, kill, commit crimes and martial law was imposed and a shoot to kill order imposed is that a crime? Sorry, the same should apply in Iraq and if the law is made clear and someone is killed for breaking the law, oh well, you weren't warned.
Too many people wanting to punish Bush, see his agenda fail, and too few wanting to see Iraq stabalize and prosper. No one really cares about the Iraqi people. So what if thousands more die by death squads. So what if Iran conquers Iraq or al queida or plunges Saudia Arabia and Shia into war as long as Bush is made to pay or be embarrassed.
Quit the blame game and work on a solution. Bush is only one man, one world leader.
-1. Bush will never be impeached - remember Hillary also voted for war
-2. war crime trials are only for the people from small weak countries (Yugoslavia, Zimbabwe?).
Powerful countries will always be immune. Its why the court will eventually be regarded as a tool of the west.
-3. Americans will blame the democrats in congress, since they are in charge of congress and the senate.
-4. Worst president - Wilson - took America into ww1,
-5. How many democrats will have the backbone to vote down the troop increase and start to bring the troops home. I would say that Satan will skate to work before the democrats actually do something.
With Lieberman having the casting vote in the senate, America will continue to stay in those 14 huge army bases they have built in Iraq.
Its not the ruling elites children who are dying in Iraq, so who rally cares?
Of course the giant panda would do a better job, but that's an insult to the panda bear.
If panda's can (barely) survive in China, with man's encroachment upon their habitat, they've got way more on Bush. I doubt he'd survive in a lot of places! And I'm neither republican or democrat, just a concerned citizen and lover of pandas!
Sheeple, pay attention
I'm no Bush fan as he has not taken the correct stand on many issues I believe to be important but,
1) impeached? Based on what? Misleading us into Iraq? All of the Clintonistas and Euro trash said the same thing about WMD. Do any one of you think for one minute that the government (Taliban) sponsored / harbored terrorists that commited 9/11 would have used planes if they could have gotten their hands on nukes or chem./bio. weapons that could have increased the body count 100 fold? Keep trying to appease the piece of shi# in Iran and just wait.
2) War crimes? We will not be successfull in Iraq because we are not committing enough war crimes. How do you think Saddam kept the savages apart? The "hearts and minds" thing has never won a war and never will. Its horrible but the place has to be brought to its knees first. Do you think that the crowds you see on the 1930's and 40's newsreels screaming "Sig heil" just suddenly became enlighted as to the wrongness of their ideaology? Or that the Japanese would have not slaughtered as many American GI's as possible if we had to march to Tokyo instead of turn Hiroshima and Nagasaki into 4000 degree ovens? The entire nation, men, women, children were forced to pay the price for their ideaology. Just ask anyone that actually survived the fire bombing of Hamburg.
3) Housing prices? The fed bears the brunt of this one. The no doc loan and no money down drove the market out of its fundamentals. Rates were dropped to keep the economy going post 9/11 to not let the world see just how bad we can be hurt and scared into not doing anything. I guess the lack of regulation / oversight can be pinned here but each individual that did not read the fine print on their loans, etc. is responsible. That is contrary to the Demo.. oops I mean Victocrat mentality that everything is someone else's fault and that their really is no personal responsibility.
4) I'm no presidential historian but Jimmy Carter rates as the worst in my lifetime by far. We can thank him for the spread of the fundamentalist Islamic movement via his undermining of the Shah.
5) The panda currently beats any of the posers from either party right now. He won't spit into the political wind to see how the focus group results turned out. He'll just hang out, eat his bamboo, play, rest, live life until someone threatens his offspring or territory, then he'll beat / go medevil on your ass or die trying to protect them. Any reader of this blog who does not think their territory or offspring is being threatened are current day Chamberlins .. thats Neville not Wilt for the sheeple. Unless both sides of the aisle wake up we are done for in under 100 years. Look at Western Europe, by letting these savages in and not assimilate, they will turn their own socialist democracies against them using majority vote and the fashion capitals of Paris, Milan , etc.. will have only seasonal burkas to model.
"too many live have been lost"
for what - for a rag-head?
"Anyone who really thinks this war is about oil should stand up and take a stand. Stop using your car. Stop using your heater. Stop using your computer."
You have a lot of nerve. We've been talking about conserving energy for thirty years. Now it's too late because Republicans CUT research into alternative energy. Too "expensive". Not "cost effective".
I think I'm entitled to "burn, baby, burn" all the energy I want if it makes your penny-wise pound foolish lot look bad. How DARE you criticize people calling this war for what it is? We do need to have an oil war because America BLEW OUR CHANCE over the past few decades. Maybe, just maybe a miraculous breakthrough at some little university lab somewhere will save our a**es. No thanks to people like you.
"Anyone who thinks the middle east crap is going to end with a withdraw is smoking some crack. Its going to spread and I would not be surprised to see some European countries ( infested with multicults ) to fall into civil war in my lifetime -- muslim extremists are incompatible with everything...
Muslims have 5-6 kids per family + no jobs. GDP of the entire middle east is less than Sweeden. Just wait for the oil price to plunge now that construction is slowing."
How dare you pollute this blog with your rational man-thoughts. If we could only sit these Muslims down over a good $4 latte, they might teach us the pleasures of a toilet paper free lifestyle. I can see it now, those perky uber-gals on The View coffee-klatching in burkas, Oprah sponsoring a jihadi fashion show, and Anderson Cooper discussing prostration etiquette for metrosexual infidels -- YES we can win their hearts, but only if we'll give peace a chance!
I don't really care for Bush but I also think a lot people are blaming him for a lot that he really isn't to blame for.
I vote straight Democrat, so don't take this the wrong way, but this vendetta against Bush is almost other-worldly.
Every Keyboard Kommando on this blog who supports Bush, should get off his/her butts, volunteer their chickenhawk ass and demand to be part of the surge in Iraq.
Time to go faggots!
Skip the Bush bashing and stick to the housing panic please. Enough already!
That panda is certainly better looking than Bush. I'd vote for the panda over Bush. I'd vote for a rattlesnake over Bush.
she's a female Cheney.
LOL Nail on the Head!
I would not be surprised to see some European countries ( infested with multicults ) to fall into civil war in my lifetime -- muslim extremists are incompatible with everything...
France maybe?
Bush Did NOT give the speech prior to NOV 8 2006, because he wanted a Demican Congress to give him what he wants: Mexification of the Lower 48.
We are to be, what Los Angeles has become. Mexifornia
Every Keyboard Kommando on this blog who supports Bush, should get off his/her butts, volunteer their chickenhawk ass and demand to be part of the surge in Iraq.
Time to go faggots!
Next time you call for the police or the fire dept maybe they should have the same policy. "on no sir, we only respond to emergencies where the home owner (errr renter in this case) is a police officer. Sorry faggot.
liberal media is a myth?
OH MAN, please stop it, I can't laugh this hard this early in the morning, I might pull something.
Even most liberals admit the media tilts left. You have to be a far-left dailykos reading Michael Moore adoring nutjob to think the media is right because GE owns NBC.
Oh but thank you, this was a nice ay to start a Friday with a good laugh.
I can't believe people are actually busy writing down defenses for Bush and his administration. That ground you're standing on? It's quicksand.
Hey Bush Republican Kool-Aid drinkers:
Your president, the chimp, needs you for military service as more people join the Michael Jackson fan club every month than join the US armed forces...get off the internet, stop posting right-wing talking points riddled with hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty and JOIN UP, you cowards!
Go to Iraq to live your porn war fantasies and be proxies for neocons, corporations and Israel..they need white bread chumps to "fight for democracy".
Just rememeber though, this phony war is already lost, because as history always reminds us, an occupying force of mercenaries can never win against a home force that believes they're freedom fighters and willingly die for their cause.
Every American member of the military in Iraq is actually terrified of dying or left limbless, because they've realized that the chickenhawk Republican warmongers at home don't really give a shit about them or their sacrifice.Instead safely thousands of miles away, they rile up faggots like some of you in this thread to post inane theories on global politics.
Cockroaches and white boy chumps, your commander-in-mischief needs you, so drop your cocks and grab your socks and head to the recruiting office, you POSs.
I didn't realize only members of the military were allowed to have opinions on military matters.
By that logic I am assuming Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will shut up as well.
Or does that standard not apply to socialist Democratz?
Bush has a lot more in common with the housing bubble than most people think. Bush, being a puppet for the New World Order agenda, has trapped Americans into debt at an all-time high. Higher home values also means more tax dollars for the big boys so this article is very relevant to the housing bubble. Your tax dollars also support this war!
Check outmore info on this at www.realestatedecline.com
So which is it Dems, do we or do we no need more troops?
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Silvestre Reyes stated, "We have to consider the need for additional troops to be in Iraq, to take out the militias and stabilize Iraq ... I would say 20,000 to 30,000"
— Newsweek, December 5, 2006
"I've committed more than 20,000 additional American troops to Iraq.
— The White House, January 10, 2007
"We don't have the capability to escalate even to this minimal level."...Reyes, who met with Bush on Tuesday to review the plan, said sending more troops removes any incentive the Iraqi government had to take responsibility for the safety of its own citizens.
— El Paso Times, January 11, 2007
jews vote Democrat 80%
blacks vote Democrat 90%
mexicans vote democrat 65%
single women vote democrat 70%
White Christian men vote Republican 70%
Judging by the posts here I am guessing most of the readers are non-white, single women or jews.
No wonder I ignore everything you say
Bush will never be tried for war crimes at the Hague because early in his presidency, he removed the signature of the United States from the Statute of the International Criminal Court. In hindsight, he and/or his handlers seem to have known laws were going to be broken.
Simple really. Bush recognizes islamofascists want to kill us. Right or wrong, he's doing something about it. Democrats for the most part pretend there is no threat and have placed an obstalce in Bush's way since about December 2001 in fighting the enemy.
Iraq is full of future lessons that will be taught at West Point in how not to fight a war. Still, I'd rather have Bush fighting a poorly planned fight than the alternative which is no fight at all. The only thing I hear from Democrats is "Bush is wrong". That may be a great campaign slogan but it won't stop the next attack.
Well said anon 4:36,
These brain-dead faggots can sure talk a tough game, let's see how THEY like being sent to die for israel. Along with them, let's add all the criminal mestizos and african worshipping wiggers............ Now that would be a jewish war that even I could get behind!
ahh yes the Democrat party line...terrorism doesn't exist. It's all fake, made up by Republicans.
9/11? fake
WTC '93? fake
African embassies? fake
USS Cole? fake
Khobar towers? fake
Beirut '83? fake
All figments on Bush's imagination.
honica jewinski said:
Well said anon 4:36,
These brain-dead faggots can sure talk a tough game, let's see how THEY like being sent to die for srael. Along with them, let's add all the criminal mestizos and
african worshipping wiggers............ Now that would be a jewish war that even I could behind!
most if not all, of the "kill 'em all" brain-dead faggots posting on this thread have no clue that they've been manipulated and brainwashed by the Jewish interests and lobby in this country.
AIPAC and influential behind the scenes Jewish-American families such as Kristol,Poedheretz and Kagan who push/influence the USA to fight for Israel against ALL Muslims, are not known to these ignorant punks who get their news from right-wing hate talk radio and Faux News.
While these Jewish neocons have hijacked the Republican party, true conservatives such as Pat Buchanan and Joe Scarborough, for example, are an exception and speak out. On the Democratic side you have Jewish Sen. Liberman of CT. who holds "honorary" Israeli citizenship and wants to send half a million troops to the Middle East to fight for Israel..he's really the Senator of Tel Aviv.
Got to give credit to Speaker Pelosi who yanked Jane Harman, Jewess of CA. who was in line to chair the House Intelligence Commitee..reason: she was owned lock, stock and barrel by AIPAC,(American Israeli Political
Action Commitee),and had forgot she was an elected American Representative, a fact well-known in D.C.political circles.
Maybe some day, the American sheeple will wake up to the biggest potential threat to this country, the Jewish lobby.
And before anybody starts accusing me of being an anti-Semite, (my wife is Jewish, by the way), my argument is against the policies of the Israeli state and its tentacles/lobby which reach into our US gov't. I don't want my young sons some day to be drafted to fight for Israel in a faraway place based on fabricated non-American interests or any other young person, for that matter. Now, if Chinese Red Army divisions were landing on the West Coast, count me and my boys in.
So to all the few remaining Bush butt boys, bend ,over spread wide and take it raw for your chimp president ... JOIN UP and "surge " into Iraq as Israel is counting on you.
"If we could only sit these Muslims down over a good $4 latte, they might teach us the pleasures of a toilet paper free lifestyle. "
Touche! You sure nailed me! Except...I actually believe we do need to send even more troops than Bush wants. Didn't vote for him, didn't agree with this whole approach, but immediate withdraw is too little, too late. My gut tells me this one time, he just may be right. But now no one will listen to him - boo hoo.
My point was that, because we blew it on pure research and other moves away from oil - something we had decades to do - now the oil war is in fact necessary. And who wanted Sadam Hussein around? Democrats do not have the answer, because there is no easy answer.
That said, I can understand "do even more of what hasn't worked" is arguably not the best strategery.
But I'm just another Pollyanna Lib.
jews vote Democrat 80%
blacks vote Democrat 90%
mexicans vote democrat 65%
single women vote democrat 70%
White Christian men vote Republican 70%
The only, and i mean, the ONLY good thing bush did, was pull the US out of the ICC. the ICC is a gangsta UN court that would be used to usurp our bill of rights and put US bloggers in jail for criticizing some French man
Mr Democrat, you speak the truth. I agree, but the Democrats are part of the problem too.
It is a one party system. two wings of the same bird.
if we care about our country, we must do something about it by coming to gether for a better place.
the goal of the democrats and republicans is to DIVIDE AND CONQUER... and that is what they have done to the USA.
I'm with you. I know for a fact, billion dollar sweetheart deals and corruption are on both sides of the aisle. MSM doesn't seem to get to the heart of things. Jury is out on blogs - they are so wooly, and have such low standards (HP for example), it's doubtful the anecdotal, anything-goes blogosphere will supplant "real" reportage.
Perhaps what I have been getting at is the down side to our typical pendulum swinging. Divide and conquer (by the ultra-rich) is a big part of that. People of different stripes can unite when they have a common goal, such as survival. With many signs of decline, maybe your vision will come to pass.
I don't want to pay for another impeachment.
Back to the housing focus PLEASSSE!
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