January 16, 2007

HousingPANIC housing bubble theme song nominee #5 - Foreclosure of a Dream by Megadeath


Chris said...

Yes!!! My nominee. I specifically picked the whole song because the entire lyrics are applicable to the imploding real estate market, not just the title or the chorus of the song. Whether you are a blue collar worker in the heartland or some real estate mogul wanna-be in Florida, foreclosure is foreclosure.

That one guy is sitting near a sign that says "Buy Now, Pay Later". If this video was produced today, it would say "Buy Now, Pay Never".

Anonymous said...

I particularly like the ending. Only 2 billion to bail out Lincoln savings and loan. We will wish to GOD that it were that cheap this time.

If the bubble collapse doesn't take us down with it, the taxpayer funded bailout for the FB will.

Anonymous said...

Just awesome!

Anonymous said...

This one should be #1. From the national debt counter, to the buy now pay later sign, more borrowed money more borrowed time, read my lips, read my lips from daddy bush. God, I remember watching this when it first came out......... Funny to think how far we have fallen since even then.