Keep buying that cheap Chinese crap. Keep endorsing torture, child killing, mind control, communism and political executions. And keep kissing the ring of your new landlord, the rich and powerful communist leaders of China.
It's amazing what Americans will do for cheap crap and low prices. It's amazing who we'll do business with to make a buck. It's amazing that we as a country no longer stand up for human rights, our principals, or, well, anything quite frankly.
Just remember folks, every time you head on down to Wal-Mart and buy that really cheap (fill in the blank) from China, you're doing a deal with the devil. Sleep well.
And don't forget, your mortgage payment is due.
Human rights violations in the People's Republic of China (PRC) remain systematic and widespread. The Chinese government continues to suppress dissenting opinions and maintains political control over the legal system, resulting in an arbitrary and sometimes abusive judicial regime.
The lack of accountability of the government and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) means that abuses by officials often go unchecked. This fact sheet identifies the most common types of abuses, including arbitrary detention, torture and ill-treatment of prisoners, severe restrictions on freedom of expression and association and violations specific to women.
January 19, 2007
China - our evil best buddy (and landlord)
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>> The Chinese government continues to suppress dissenting opinions and maintains political control over the legal system, resulting in an arbitrary and sometimes abusive judicial regime.
Um, they're Communists, that's what they do! It's like getting pissed off at a dog for barking.
Wal-Mart should be renamed CHINA-MART as most of the products sold are prbobaly made by those communist bastards.
Wal-Mart = China-Mart
Where is the rest of the lecture about responsible consumerism?
We can also not eat meat because it might have been handled inhumanly. We can stop buying shit from Mexico as well, because there is cheap child labor there. Stop buying diamonds because they are mined by warlord's slaves. Can you think of any others for tomorrow's post?
Then we can all get together and you can lead us in a rousing chorus of, "We are the world".
Usually I'm behind what you say, but this time you're off base.
Made a promise not to buy Chinese crap anymore about 5 yrs ago.
So far soo good.
This argument is rather futile.
During the last century when the U.S. got caught in human rights abuses, our justification was always hinged upon the fact that our standard of living was high, our productivity was high and thus "you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette" style thinking justified it. Communism was a failure economically and in so many other ways. It was a slam dunk argument.
Now it's not so easy. The Chinese have proven that their post modern communism does not hinder productivity. If you believe appealing to people on masse to act in concert, logically for something not to their selfish benefit you probably also believe that an outside, third party can fix an internal civil war.
I couldn't agree more. The appetite for the cheapest price drives work from North America to places where human beings are not worth much. As a result, the North American prosperity is actually being built on the backs of people who are paid pennies an hour. And still we are in debt to our eye teeth, and our mortgages payments are not just due -- they are overdue. Foreclosures are up.
I agree, which is why I only buy Clarks shoes, made in the good old, wait a minute, these say "Made in China" on them.
As a nation, we are not doing much better. People in this country only care about two things-cheap gas and cheap consumer merchandise. But the sheeple will soon be unable to make their mortgage payments to the Chinese as this house of cards is falling. Roscoe Bartlett spelled out the concept of peak oil to Congress yesterday-I watched it live on C SPAN. Many Congressional members were dumbfounded. Peak oil is hard science, as is global climate change. China's government is already talking about post oil and understands that the US will not get off the fossil fuel binge without military intervention. China's intentions are hostile towards the US.
As a nation, we are naiive. People are too busy trying to maintain their borrowed lifestyles. How much longer can this continue before everything begins to unravel?
It's so simplistic to condemn a country. Besides not just Walmart but K-mart, Target and lots of other stores buy stuff from China. Where are you gonna go shopping to avoid products from China? Also it has been proposed that in order to promote democracy you need a strong middle class which is rising in China. When do American government care about abuse of human rights when it serves their interests
Sadly, it's just not Wallyworld that sold out for their profit margins. A lot of the high-end market has also moved their production (ESPECIALLY electronics) over there.
Oh, and speaking of Communism, there is a bill in the Senate (or House) that if passed will require all political internet blogs with 500+ visitiors to register and report yearly with the Uncle Sam. I believe it's being done under the guise of "Campaign Fiance Reform".
Can you say weaponization of space?? China's intentions have always been "politely" hostile. There will be no smooth landing. We presently need China more than they need us.
ALERT!!!! There is a WIDESPREAD misunderstanding WRT Chinese reserves, the trade imbalance, etc.
(1) Chinese US$ reserves have soared b/c US supranational firms have deposited billions of US$ in Chinese banks to fund their MASSIVE investment in Chinese production. That the Yuan is not covertible means that US firms require that the BOC hold US$ reserves against US firms' deposits. In effect, it is not "the Chinese" who hold US Treasuries and agency paper as reserves, it is indirectly US firms who own the US debt instruments. This same phenomenon occurred from the early '60s when US firms increased their Eurodollar deposits over time, prompting the Europeans to demand gold for US$'s, which in turn resulted in the US$ going off gold. When US firms need to repatriate deposits from China for various reasons, they merely swap Yuan deposits for Treasuries held as book entries with the member Chinese dealer banks via the BOC.
(2) The US trade imbalance with China is overwhelmingly the result of US firms investing $1 in Chinese production to get $8 of "exports" from China that return to the US as "imports". Adjusted for the "imports" from US subsidiaries in China, and taking out oil, the US trade deficit is barely 1-2% of GDP; negligible. With oil, the imbalance is 3-4%; however, 1% of that total is related to "imports" from production by large US oil companies abroad.
Then, account for the trade-weighted capital account surplus the US currently maintains, and there effectively IS NOT A US TRADE IMBALANCE.
(3) Chinese producers are required to purchase imported oil in US$. Part of the reserves held by the BOC is for the purpose of US$'s to buy oil and derivatives.
Apparently, few if any media pundits are smart enough to uncover and report these easily attainable facts. Or, the largest corporations who are the source of the perceived trade imbalance and soaring US$ reserves do not want the facts to be known for fear that that the public will demand policy changes to bring investment and employment back from the rest of their imperial/colonial client states.
Rather than a US$ collapse, as many or most expect, the US$ Index is likely to continue to firm, if not rise to the 100-105 level, and certainly rise in terms of stock, real estate, and commodities prices in the short to intermediate term. The US$ will firm or rise as Asia and the EU+ slow from slowing US growth and foreign investment. US$'s will be repatriated back home, increasing the risk of a hard landing, banking crisis, and outright deflation in China. The Shanghai stock index is now in a parabolic/asymptotic rise, which is a textbook bubble trajectory, and all bubbles burst/crash.
Keith, during the past thirty years, Indonesia's General Suharto and Chile's General Pinochet were the two heroes against the spread of communism in their respective geopolitical spheres despite being ruthless dictators. Did we carry about the few million who were caught in the crossfire like the East Timorese?
Now, all of a sudden, we're worried about China when during Mao's time, at least 10 million were sent to Chinese gulags and never heard of again. Now, that number is down to perhaps a few percentages but since they're market-oriented communists than Stalinist-Maoists, it's ok and can be swept under the rug. Perhaps it's time to stop pretending to hold a moral higher ground when we have none.
The housing crash that never was is making you delusional and paranoid. After 19 months of a "crash" housing prices are up in NYC and LA. The whole country is down a whopping 3-4% in prices. So now instead of the NAR your new best enemy seems to be China.
Oh well it will be fun to read all you rantings.
Yeah that's it folks buy the crap from the country who has POLICE knock on wome's doors in the middle of the night, and has vans waiting outside to perform abortions. Now that is a country that we should like to do business with. Also don't forget they hate your guts if you are American.
I guess the fact that they're not really comunists anymore is why THEY are selling US the rope we'll hang ourselves with.
Here comes another Ignorant Repulican Poor Trailer White Trash Incesting Hillbilly Bigfoot Peckerwood Cracker Nuthead DUBYA Arse-Kisser. The sad thing about it is nowaday the nation of the United States Of Americano is overflowing with these sub-human-standard trashes everywhere. Hope there is a plague coming soon to cleanse out the wound that human society have to endure for so long, like the book "The Stand" by Stephen King.
And Oh! By the way, you all DUBYA Arse-Kissers and Republican Incesting White Trash out there, how is thing coming along with that WMD thing ? You know, the one branded "Axis of Evil" thing that you all DUBYA Arse-Kissers and DUBYA, His Holy Swaggering Highness himself wanted to find so badly back in March 2003 ? Can you kind of call me or email me when you all find out where the Iraquis are hidden that WMD thing. Thanks ahead !!!
Oh! Since the United States Of Americano was the one leading nation to build the foudation of the United Nation, we thus are exempted from the Geneva Convention in term of the POW matters... I wonder what the North Vietnamese people thought about the same Geneva Convention concerning Americano POW back in the 1960's and 70's.
Americano... What a name... What a nation... What a people...
Keith, you're a racist. Any useful information in your blog is overshadowed by your fearmongering. I hope that one day you realize how foolish your are. I'm unsubscribing from your blog, so I'll never find out.
Very interesting what you said of China, my friend. But what to think of the illegal attack in Irak, bombing innocent families in Bagdad, torturing guys in Quantanamo Bay by the USA. Or the bombing with phosphorus and fragmentation bombs on innocent women and children in Lybanon by Israƫl? Money is the root of all evil ... a world famous song. Ciao!
Here comes another Ignorant Repulican Poor Trailer White Trash Incesting Hillbilly Bigfoot Peckerwood Cracker Nuthead DUBYA Arse-Kisser. The sad thing about it is nowaday the nation of the United States Of Americano is overflowing with these sub-human-standard trashes everywhere. Hope there is a plague coming soon to cleanse out the wound that human society have to endure for so long, like the book "The Stand" by Stephen King.
And Oh! By the way, you all DUBYA Arse-Kissers and Republican Incesting White Trash out there, how is thing coming along with that WMD thing ? You know, the one branded "Axis of Evil" thing that you all DUBYA Arse-Kissers and DUBYA, His Holy Swaggering Highness himself wanted to find so badly back in March 2003 ? Can you kind of call me or email me when you all find out where the Iraquis are hidden that WMD thing. Thanks ahead !!!
Oh! Since the United States Of Americano was the one leading nation to build the foundation of the United Nation, we thus are exempted from the Geneva Convention in term of the POW matters... I wonder what the North Vietnamese people thought about the same Geneva Convention concerning Americano POW back in the 1960's and 70's.
Americano... What a name... What a nation... What a people...
Keith, I'm with you on the scary Chinese panda thing. They are big and scary.
But how am I supposed to afford toys for my kids?
And my car! What? Are you saying I should "buy American made cars" because they're "made in America"?
Since when does it make economical sense for a consumer to buy products of unlike quality, performance, environmental standards, and cost, just because they are produced within a particular nation's borders, or for reasons of nationalist loyalty?
Even if people drank that coolaid, would it lead us to a stronger America economically?
I'm not so confident it would.
Getting the crap beat of out you by competitors hurts big time.
But the good thing is, sort of like natural selection, after you pick up your teeth with a broken hand from that beating, you can start over and decide the next best move for you.
Perhaps America's next best move economically isn't in making toys and cars anymore?
The Chinese do not treat their citizens any worse than our forefather treated slaves and American natives.
Torture... mind control... political executions... sounds uncannily like the good 'ol US of A! No wonder they're best buddies, you can't tell them apart!
90M Chinese grow up as 'only' children By ALEXA OLESEN, Associated Press Writer
Fri Jan 19, 9:06 AM ET
BEIJING - China's one-child policy has created a generation of "only" children that now numbers 90 million, a senior family planning official said Friday.
From the beginning of the one-child policy at the end of the 1970s through last year, some 90 million children who would never have siblings have been born, most in cities, said Zhao Baige, vice minister for China's National Population and Family Planning Commission.
The Chinese government contends the one-child policy has helped prevent 400 million births — about the size of the U.S. and Mexican populations combined — and aided China's rapid economic development.
We've had these complaints before. Japan got themselves in a horrible mess financially when we all thought they would dominate the world economy and buy up the United States! lol. Never happened. It's okay to buy Chinese cheap stuff. We are definitely entering a global economy. Roll with the punches my friends. As long as the U.S. continues to breed money hungry Americans with Capitalism in their blood, the U.S. will be just fine. Buying cheap stuff from China will keep that country on check. As they will want to keep their currency value low and labor cheap. Buy from Walmart! It will keep China under our control. China may have lent us money, so what? That's like lending money to the mob and then trying to collect! They will pay when they are good and ready. So will the U.S. China knows this. So calm down and relax!!!!!!
Unfortunately China's abuses are a necessary evil for the U.S. to maintain the presence as the sole superpower.
I agree with Joey. HIV, poverty, disease and yes greed are going to destroy the infrastructure in China. Unfortunately, my chinese friends say the poor people in China who work for pennies are lucky to get paid. They have there land taken from them, they are starving, they have severe water shortages, and the chickens they eat are being culled for fear of H5N1 bird flu. They have killed most of the girl babies so now they an unbalanced population with too many men.
China's wealth was built on the backs of the poor people. They will continue to do whatever it takes to survive to become the dominant world force!!!
Shame on American companies for not taking a stand against all human rights violations.
Whatever happened to the "Buy American" campaign?
They [the Chinese] have killed most of the girl babies so now they an unbalanced population with too many men.
This is a HUGE problem:
According to Peter Stockland, "Years of population engineering, including virtual extermination of 'surplus' baby girls, has created a nightmarish imbalance in China's male and female populations." (Stockland, "China's baby-slaughter overlooked," The Calgary Sun, June 11, 1997.) In 1999, Jonathan Manthorpe reported a study by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, claiming that "the imbalance between the sexes is now so distorted that there are 111 million men in China -- more than three times the population of Canada -- who will not be able to find a wife." As a result, the kidnapping and slave-trading of women has increased: "Since 1990, say official Chinese figures, 64,000 women -- 8,000 a year on average -- have been rescued by authorities from forced 'marriages'. The number who have not been saved can only be guessed at. ... The thirst for women is so acute that the slave trader gangs are even reaching outside China to find merchandise. There are regular reports of women being abducted in such places as northern Vietnam to feed the demand in China." (Jonathan Manthorpe, "China battles slave trading in women: Female infanticide fuels a brisk trade in wives," The Vancouver Sun, January 11, 1999.)
I love the anti-abortion US flag-waving right-wing republicans shopping at wal-mart for cheap chinese crap as china goes about the slaughter of their new-born daughters per the one-child policy
meanwhile, what becomes of china? they'll be a country of old people a generation from now who cannot support itself (you think WE have a generation problem?), and they're also becoming a country of men who do not have any women to marry
talk about social engineering run dangerously amok
People who get upset when you point out what a corrupt country China is are usually the ones making big money importing widgits from there. They get very, very upset in fact.
My home is 90% China free and I'm working hard to eliminate the last 10%.
I can think of at least one practical use for 111 million unwedded Chinese males.
Old Chinamen smokin' pole?!?!
Can we PLEASE go back to REIC horrors? Even Greg Swan is more appealing than that!!
Transportation figures into the Chinese equation. Guess what they use to fuel that transport? Oil! Why is any of this a surprise? Our country is ruled by the oil companies. The billions that we spend in Iraq, and the blood of our soldiers, is spent to ensure that this oil flows not to America, but to China and India. Fact.
keith said...
I love the anti-abortion US flag-waving right-wing republicans shopping at wal-mart for cheap chinese crap as china goes about the slaughter of their new-born daughters per the one-child policy
meanwhile, what becomes of china? they'll be a country of old people a generation from now who cannot support itself (you think WE have a generation problem?), and they're also becoming a country of men who do not have any women to marry
talk about social engineering run dangerously amok
Who says the Chinese government will keep around large numbers of old people who have outlived their usefulness? They might just turn them into Soylent Green.
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