December 07, 2006

Ten more American kids were slaughtered in Iraq yesterday. Why?

No, this isn't about housing. This is about the incompetence and corruption of our leadership in D.C., which HP'ers know is a continuing storyline on this blog.

Al Gore (say what you will about him) called our Iraq misadventure the "worst strategic mistake in the history of the United States". Harsh? Yes. True? Yes.

I'm so glad Americans are having such a grand time spending their perceived housing loot down at the mall today, while kids in Iraq are getting killed for absolutely no good reason, and the US printing presses are churning out more worthless dollars to pay for it all.

The "Iraq Study Group" comes out yesterday with a CYA report that has no teeth, no balls, no ideas. What do you get when you put a bunch of old politicians in a room to figure out the problems of the world? Nothing.

I don't recognize America anymore folks. Once I see people massing in front of the White House gates, burning effigies of Bush, and demanding our troops come home now, then I may. Until then, it's some far off land who lost its way and lost its soul. Where is the rage, where are the new leaders, and when will this disaster end?


Anonymous said...

Remember when musicians gave a damn too? Now nobody wants to take a stand or they're "Dixie Chick'ed" out of the business

Anonymous said...

Why ?
So that other kids back in the good ol' USA can ride around in their SUV's with cheap fuel.

Also because the writing was on the wall with the dollar.

Also because Israel said to do so.

Also because Iraq/Iran and other Oil producing countries, want to trade in other currencies instead of Euros....

A lot of reasons....but they are primarily all selfish.

Roccman said...

why keith?

for the oil - only for the oil - never has been about anything else but the oil...

and now that I mention it - it all is ever about the oil...

and by the way - peak oil is here and now folks...

Anonymous said...

If you care so deeply about the senseless tragedy in Iraq, why do you advocate repeating it by the even more stupid blunder of attacking Iran? Your thinking seems so conflicted. One minute, you're touched by the senselessness of it all, the next minute you want to nuke Iran.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to world politics Keith is your run of the mill American who before the war didn't even though the difference between Iraq, Iraq and the rest of those 'damned Arabs' down in the middle east.

Once those countries started to affect his lifestyle, he was up in arms. You see only Americans deserve to live like kings.....the rest have the role of the court jester.

Keep eating your burgers and driving your cadillacs keith....they'll be worthless soon enough.

Roccman said...

Keith still has alot to learn.

In his mind - only the US, UK, and Israel can have nukes.

Iran never said they wanted to wipe Israel off the face of the map...never said those words...yet Keith continues to advocate those words were spoken.

Never said - never happened.

Roccman said...

Here is the truth:

"The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] from the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad)." Ahmadinejad was not making a threat, he was quoting a saying of Khomeini and urging that pro-Palestinian activists in Iran not give up hope-- that the occupation of Jerusalem was no more a continued inevitability than had been the hegemony of the Shah's government. Whatever this quotation from a decades-old speech of Khomeini may have meant, Ahmadinejad did not say that "Israel must be wiped off the map" with the implication that phrase has of Nazi-style extermination of a people. He said that the occupation regime over Jerusalem must be erased from the page of time. Again, Ariel Sharon erased the occupation regime over Gaza from the page of time."

Anonymous said...

Baker and all those old gray bald politicians remind me of the movie "Happy feet" and the old grumpy penguins.

Anonymous said...

>> Al Gore (say what you will about him) called our Iraq misadventure the "worst strategic mistake in the history of the United States".

Too bad he doesn't spend any time talking about the worst fraud committed against the American people: the income tax.

Bill said...

And if i read correctly in yesterdays Rag, the dems want to put more boots on the ground!

Here is a snipit:

In a surprise twist in the debate over Iraq, Rep. Silvestre Reyes, the soon-to-be chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said he wants to see an increase of 20,000 to 30,000 U.S. troops as part of a stepped up effort to “dismantle the militias.”


Memo to Rep. Reyes: where are those additional twenty to thirty thousand US troops supposed to magically come from?

Anyone feel a draft, excuse me, a "national service commitment" coming soon. And you laughed at me when i brought this up months ago..tuff times ahead america..tuff times ahead.

blogger said...

I want to bomb Iranian nuclear sites. No troops, no invasion, no occupation. Just take out the nukes and be done with it.

That's a LOT different than Iraq, where we sent troops in to die, where we had no reason to go in in the first place, where we had no exit strategy and where we tried to nation build

Anonymous said...

All the sheeple who voted democrat as a protest against the war in Iraq really crack me up. I told ya nothing would change in Iraq, told ya. Na na na! Your vote doesn't matter, the Goldman Sachs of the world run this country, not you. It's all about the "non-negotiable" American way of life. Get it?

Anonymous said...

Keith, you are insane wanting to bomb Iran. Really, off the wall. Yeah, bomb Iran, then go home like nothing happened.

Anonymous said...

Does it make you feel good knowing that your president is just killing time till his job is over ? Some say impeach him, do you really want Dick in the big chair ? We'll get sucked into Iran then the sh*t will really hit the fan. Did you know the draft boards are set up and ready to go ? Do you want to see some raghead dancing over your loved one body ? not me. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

Anonymous said...

One more Keith. Do you have any inkling of the ramifications of an attack on Iran? It would destabilize the entire region. Do you really think that Iran would not respond by disrupting the oil trade and attacking our troops in Iraq? An attack on Iran plays right into their hands.

Roccman said...

"Just take out the nukes and be done with it."

why keith - why can't they have nuke technology?

just one valid reason keith - just one...right now you look a fool.

Just one valid reason Keith.

Roccman said...

"Anyone feel a draft, excuse me, a "national service commitment""

Part of the plan Bork - conscription and slavery.

All part of the plan.

blogger said...

If you remember my first post on this, it was to bomb iran's nuke capabilities and also their government, military and leadership institutions. They have threatened Israel's right to exist, thumbed their nose at the UN, and made threats that would make it appear they are planning on destroying Israel themselves, either under their flag or Hezbollah's.

After we're done, then it's up to the Iranians to form whatever type of government they want. Without our help or intervention. It'll be interesting to see who wins that fight.

Yes, it'll be ugly. But Iran with a nuclear bomb is unthinkable.

And hey, a little anarchy in the region is par for the course, eh?

Meanwhile, a leader with vision would be mandating an energy manhattan project right about now.

blogger said...

Richard - Iran cannot have nuke capability because I say so.

Anonymous said...

Keith, you are trolling. How can you be so conflicted? You want out of Iraq and you want to start WW3 at the same time. Okaaayyy...

Anonymous said...

The reason why Keith does not want Iran to have nukes is because Iran in a few years, will itself be a force on par with China and Russia. It;s got oil. It's got gas. It's got income. Tehran (I haven't been there but have been told) is a gorgeous city, and getting ready by the day.

The fact is that Iran, Russia, China, India, are now starting to stand of there feet.....and demand resources that America now get's.

If you bomb send it back to where it started 30 years ago.

OPh another reason is to over throw the 'regime' and put in another America friendly type og regime in there.....who Russia and China have a lesser influence in.

p.s to all who live in the US and Europe. Don't throw around the term 'West' to mean American......the classic idea of a 'Western' nation has nothing to do with the corporate socizalism America represents today.

Anonymous said...

Keith said: I want to bomb Iranian nuclear sites.

Why is it ok for the US to have nuclear sites and no one else?

Are you afraid that Iran may one day do something UNHEARD OF like dropping an atomic bomb on a major city somewhere and killing thousands of civilians?

Anonymous said...

"Ten more American kids were slaughtered in Iraq yesterday. Why?"

Oil and Israel.

SUVs and God.

Stupidity and selfishness.

Roccman said...

"Richard - Iran cannot have nuke capability because I say so. "

Sounds like Bush and the other global elites speaking...

nuff said.

Keith - you are wrong and it is people like you who I characterize as a "USELESS EATER".

Anonymous said...

The draft references in this thread answer one of Keith's questions. There are no huge "peace now" demonstrations in USA because there is no draft. In the Vietnam era, the sons of the upper middle class were being fed into the meatgrinder, and that provoked the revolt that gradually turned around US policy. Bush's Iraq adventure has produced the same kind of disaffection as we saw after a few years of the Vietnam adventure, but not the same intensity.

As Walter Lippman used to say, you can't fight a colonial war with a conscripted army. This is why congressman Charles Rangel wants to bring back the draft - to place a form of restraint on the executive branch. I don't agree with Rangel's approach, but at least he's thinking about the problem.

blogger said...

I see Iran and Iraq as two very different situations. I know most don't, since they think "dirty arabs with oil"

Iran is threatening the very existence of its neighbor with destruction, while building the capability for nuclear weapons against the UN mandate.

Iraq didn't threaten anyone, didn't build nuclear capability and was run by a secular government. Their only mistake was in trying to kill Bush's daddy.

No troops, no nation building. Just bomb them and bomb them hard.

Anonymous said...

Yes Keith.....Israel

That's what it is all about eh ?

What about the Palestinian's right to exist ? That's just brushed under the carpet uh ? I suppose they don't have the same influence as organizations such as AIPAC ?

Or maybe it's not the Israelis fault after all. Maybe it's just that it is in AMERICAS best interest that the middle east is always in a state of diseray. Divide and conquer uh Keith. Imperialism at it's finest.

Anyway. If Israel wants to bomb Iran, let them. Why don't they do it themselves ? They have nukes, planes technology to do so !

Go it ...I dare ya to.....

Pretty hard with those Russian made 'sunburns' pointing at a couple of aircraft carriers uh Keith ?

Lebanon wasn't a cake walk for the Israelis uh Keith ?

Be careful what you wish for buddy......

blogger said...

No draft - just allow anyone to serve in the combat forces between the ages of 18 and 50

Women, gays, etc

We got more than enough folks who want the $$$ and training.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

My son, neatofishyguy, will not go get his drivers licence because he feels he will be registered for the draft and drafted through the DMV?

He is 16, and did not get this from me.

He does not want to be in the military and go to Iraq or Iran.

Roccman said...

"Iraq didn't threaten anyone, didn't build nuclear capability and was run by a secular government. Their only mistake was in trying to kill Bush's daddy."

Wrong again Keith - Saddam threatened to sell oil for Uros and gold in 2001.

An economic nuke.

See Keith - you can keep pounding on the keys to attempt to justify your position, but you have not done your homework and look a fool and sound alot like the regimes you speak out against.

Better quit while you still have an audience to spew your fairly narrow perspectives on (very careful wording on my part here Keith as we have been down this road many times before).

Anonymous said...

So send you Dad and your son there Keith. Go there yourself.

$$$ for your life. Worthless paper for your life.

I would rather clean the toilets at Madison Square Garden after an Aids convention.

Your an idiot Keith. With all due respect of course.

Don't you know when/how to lose ?

Anonymous said...

Yes....send women and gays to fight a war Keith.......good luck with that one as well.

Bwhahaha....Keith your a military mastermind.

Anonymous said...

Tit in a wringer and they acknowledge it now. Iranians are poised to take advantage of a power vaccuum in Iraq should it become total chaos. Shias helping Shias but also, Shias helping themselves to oil reserves that make them a major player in the world. Special AT (assh*le tax) on oil for "infidels" to pay (in keeping with their beliefs) and control of a very strategic part of the world geography. U.S. failure in the region will result in some very big and unpleasant changes to the non-negotiable way of life so they will "go big" to try to save the situation and even apparant success could result in eventual failure over time - all war begins with a deception.

Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

The best way to harm the middle eastern sheiks and shias is to empty there pockets.

How do you this ? Consume less oil.

Ah but we love ouw new turbo Jeep Cherokees don't we ?


Anonymous said...

The more I think about it, the more I welcome the draft. That may be the only thing that can wake up these patriotard lemmings clammoring for another jew war. Yeah, Let's see what they think when THEIR sons and daughters are over in some arab hellhole, against their will, getting slaughtered for the greater good of israel and jew elites elsewhere. Bring on the draft baby! It's America's last hope! We must break the jew stranglehold on our nation!

Bill said...

I would rather clean the toilets at Madison Square Garden after an Aids convention.



Anonymous said...

And folks, Iraq DID build nuclear facilities WAY back when, but, the blood-lusting jews in israel bombed them back into the stone age in the early eighties.

LMAO @ FMW..... I see some of your paranoia is rubbing off.

Anonymous said...

Kids? Kids?
Just by softening up the name is suppose to give me a knee jerk reaction? I'm sure the 'Kids' over there wouldn't appreciate the name, after the years of training!
Now granted some may be younger than others
They Are adults after all!

Anonymous said...

From a few above:

That nut job from Iran has stated in the extermination of the Israeli state and for Our elimination as well? How much clearer do you need to hear it?
Listen to him next time!
You don't pet the rabbid kill it!

Anonymous said...

Israel does a fine job with their military of gays and women.

Give someone a gun, some training and a desire to fight to the death, and it don't matter if they have a vagina or a hankering for guys

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:58:51, No, he did not. You heard something like that, taken completely out of context, from the thought police known as the jew controlled media. When you hear ANYTHING on the news regarding the middle east, it is a 90% certainty that it is a JEW LIE.

Anonymous said...

You seem to live in some kind of bizzaro world, if you think Iraq and Iran are different. The Iraq invasion came about about because of the takeover of our government by the neocons(codeword for pro-Likud). Read the PNAC manifesto calling for the invasion of Iraq. Saddam was targetted because (1) the necons thought Iraq would be a push-over, (2) Iraq had the temerity to sit on top of our oil, and (3) Saddam paid out $20,000 checks to the families of Palestian suicide bombers, (4) Iraq would be the launchpad for an attack on Iran. The goal, in the Iraq invasion, was to position ourselves for an attach on Iran for daring to threaten Israel's hegemony. Afterall, Israel only has 200+ nukes to Iran's none(so far). If Iran got a nuke, Israel is afraid it might have to treat the Palestians like humans, rather than treat them like a pile of shit. Common, Keith, grow up a bit in your thinking.

blogger said...

Doesn't matter what I think on this of course.

I'm just telling you how it's gonna be.

Bush, who is no longer responsible to the voters, and who wants oil prices as high as he can get 'em, is going to finish off Iran in the next two years.

Get ready.

Anonymous said...

To the above poster about his kid not getting a license the order of the draft will go 20 year olds get drafted first then up to 26 years old then 19 then last 18 year olds. I have two boys in their early 20's and this subject is on my mind everyday because some of their friends are in the sandbox now and the news keep saying Iran this and Iran that, it just a matter of time before our trigger happy president gives the big GO order. God Bless our service people.

Anonymous said...

To the above poster about his kid not getting a license the order of the draft will go 20 year olds get drafted first then up to 26 years old then 19 then last 18 year olds. I have two boys in their early 20's and this subject is on my mind everyday because some of their friends are in the sandbox now and the news keep saying Iran this and Iran that, it just a matter of time before our trigger happy president gives the big GO order. God Bless our service people.

Anonymous said...

Mind telling us why you're so hell bent on protecting Israel even if it means the economic destruction of America(which surely will happen if we do something as stupid as bombing Iran). You seem pretty well grounded and rational on everything except the topics of Iran and Israel. I just wonder why. Is there something you're not telling us?

Roccman said...

"I'm just telling you how it's gonna be.

Yes Keith - Bush will bomb Iran - the coat of oil will go to $300 and the global economy will collapse at which point the new world order will step in and enslave you - THAT IS THE PLAN.

But you are still wrong. You believe the US, UK, and Israel are the only ones who are justified in having nukes because you think the other people are lunatics...

This is where you are wrong Keith - it is the US/UK/and Israel who are the lunatics...

Do yourself a favor - get a US dollar - look on the back - then look for the all seeing eye and the text written beneath it.

The Plan Keith is plain as day - and the plan keith is to make you a slave.


Anonymous said...

They died for Eretz Yisrael.

Hopefully they took a lot of arabs with them.

Anonymous said...

Its ain't gonna be that easy to attack Iran....or else they would of done it already.

Unless Bush wants a couple of aircraft carriers by Russian made Sunburn Missles, then go ahead.

Also. Things aren't all that rosy at the Pentagon either. Bush and his cronies are not regarded with the highest of esteem in it's corridors.

The USA is over extended as it is. Bombing Iran would literally be suicide.

You think Russia and China are gonna sit idily by and watch the US wreak havoc in their back yard ?

It ain't that easy Keith. It wasn't with Iraq, and it will not be with Iran. And Iran has known what is on the cards for years now. You think they have sit idily by nowing the the USA will one day attack ?

You/We can all sit there and act like couch generals. But this ain't a Knicks versus Bulls game here buddy.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

LMAO @ FMW..... I see some of your paranoia is rubbing off.
Ya think?

Anonymous said...


Iran is not building nukes to destroy Israel, they are building nukes so they don't get attacked by the US. So what's your solution? Attack them! That's good thinking, brainiac.

Anonymous said...

Tabasco, you're half right as usual. Iran is building nukes so they don't get nuked by the blood-lusting jews in israel.

Anonymous said...

You honestly think that all these 'mullahs' and the Iranians (who are not Arab by the way) would actually bomb Israel......when they know that it would mean they are wiped off the map ?

Iran wants nukes for it's own survival.....they ain't stupid.

Don't listen to the 'hoopla' there leader say's for the populist votes.

Roccman said...

Rhoid said, ''re an idiot."

Hey Keefer - first member in your "don't have a freagg'n clue" club.

Keep it up rhoid - the army might come look'n for you with talk like that.

Oh that's right you dodged and now are the armchair general.

Anonymous said...

Rhoid is a freakin moron. I don't know how someone can be so old, and yet, still so stupid. I thought wisdom was supposed to come with age? But here's Rhoid, old enough to know better, yet still parroting the same ol' jew lies, and in fact, any ol' lie he may absorb through the talmudvision. Hey rhoid, if you're gonna referance the non-proliferation treaty, why not point out the fact that the blood-lusting jews in that terrorist state of israel are in violation of it?

Anonymous said...

Because panicking screaming liberals will not allow the US to slaughter enough Arabs to pacify the region. drop bombs, kill, pacify. end of war.

Bill said...

And speaking of EYE-RAN!

Iran plans to reduce use of dollar in trade

Iran, the world’s fourth-largest oil exporter, plans to reduce its use of the US dollar in world trade and increase use of the euro, two Tehran-based newspapers reported.


New HP Theme song: BOMB BOMB BOMB, BOMB BOMB IRAN, BOMB BOMB BOMB, BOMB BOMB IRAN, We bomb ira-a-an, fast as we ca-a-an, that is our pla-a-an, we gonna rock them in the morning, rock them in the evening when we bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb, Iran.

Anonymous said...

"This is where you are wrong Keith - it is the US/UK/and Israel who are the lunatics...

Do yourself a favor - get a US dollar - look on the back - then look for the all seeing eye and the text written beneath it.

The Plan Keith is plain as day - and the plan keith is to make you a slave."

Where the hell is my tinfoil hat again?

Anonymous said...

Where the hell is my tinfoil hat again?

Well then what the F#CK DO those symbols mean? I know what a cross means - that's Christian. I know the moon symbol is muslim and the star of david is Jewish.

So what the F#CK does the pyramid with the eye mean?

What does the "ORDO AB CHAOS" (Order out of Chaos) mean?

Who's symbols are these? They're not Christian!

Are you people too dumb and clueless to even ask?

Are you such cattle that you look at an the axe and just keep chewing your cud.

Get a clue. Find out who your masters really are.

Anonymous said...

Don't buy corporation made beanies! Screw the system and make your own!


Richard, here is the real threat:

Anonymous said...

The fact was there were not so many Viet Nam protesters, and they were very unpopular. There were more to protest this war. It will not take that many buring effigy protesters to change the Iraq policy. The policy itself cannot be sustained. Don't blame it on Americans: they are mostly the the Ugly type. What you are seeing is the true colors. Read more history, and forget your early state-based education.

Anonymous said...

This blog has become a liberal paradise. I question your agenda and your patriotism.

Bill said...

A real example of the story as it has been circulated:
Take out a dollar bill and look at it.

The one dollar bill you're looking at first came off the presses in 1957 in its present design.

This so-called paper money is in fact a cotton and linen blend, with red and blue minute silk fibers running through it. It is actually material. We've all washed it without it falling apart. A special blend of ink is used, the contents we will never know. It is overprinted with symbols and then it is starched to make it water resistant and pressed to give it that nice crisp look.

If you look on the front of the bill, you will see the United States Treasury Seal. On the top you will see the scales for the balance-a balanced budget. In the center you have a carpenter's T-square, a tool used for an even cut. Underneath is the Key to the United States Treasury. That's all pretty easy to figure out, but what is on the back of that dollar bill is something we should all know.

If you turn the bill over, you will see two circles. Both circles, together, comprise the Great Seal of the United States. The First Continental Congress requested that Benjamin Franklin and a group of men come up with a Seal. It took them four years to accomplish this task and another two years to get it approved. If you look at the left hand circle, you will see a Pyramid. Notice the face is lighted and the western side is dark. This country was just beginning. We had not begun to explore the West or decided what we could do for Western Civilization.

The Pyramid is UN-capped, again signifying that we were not even close to being finished. Inside the capstone you have the all-seeing eye, and ancient symbol for divinity. It was Franklin's belief that one man couldn't do it alone, but a group of men, with the help of God, could do anything.

"IN GOD WE TRUST" is on this currency. The Latin above the pyramid, ANNUIT COEPTIS, means "God has favored our undertaking." The Latin below the pyramid, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, means "a new order has begun." At the base of the pyramid is the Roman Numeral for 1776. If you look at the right-hand circle, and check it carefully, you will learn that it is on every National Cemetery in the United States. It is also on the Parade of Flags Walkway at the Bushnell, Florida National Cemetery and is the centerpiece of most hero's monuments. Slightly modified, it is the seal of the President of the United States and it is always visible whenever he speaks, yet no one knows what the symbols mean. The Bald Eagle was selected as a symbol for victory for two reasons: first, he is not afraid of a storm; he is strong and he is smart enough to soar above it. Secondly, he wears no material crown. We had just broken from the King of England. Also, notice the shield is unsupported. This country can now stand on its own. At the top of that shield you have a white bar signifying congress, a unifying factor. We were coming together as one nation. In the Eagle's beak you will read, "E PLURIBUS UNUM", meaning "one nation from many people."

Above the Eagle you have thirteen stars representing the thirteen original colonies, and any clouds of misunderstanding rolling away. Again, we were coming together as one. Notice what the Eagle holds in his talons. He holds an olive branch and arrows. This country wants peace, but we will never be afraid to fight to preserve peace. The Eagle always wants to face the olive branch, but in time of war, his gaze turns toward the arrows.

They say that the number 13 is an unlucky number. This is almost a worldwide belief. You will usually never see a room numbered 13, or any hotels or motels with a 13th floor But, think about this: 13 original colonies, 13 signers of the Declaration of Independence, 13 stripes on our flag, 13 steps on the Pyramid, 13 letters in the Latin above, 13 letters in "E Pluribus Unum", 13 stars above the Eagle, 13 plumes of feathers on each span of the Eagle's wing, 13 bars on that shield, 13 leaves on the olive branch, 13 fruits, and if you look closely, 13 arrows. And for minorities: the 13th Amendment. I always ask people, "Why don't you know this?" Your children don't know this and their history teachers don't know this. Too may veterans have given up too much to ever let the meaning fade. Many veterans remember coming home to an America that didn't care. Too many veterans never came home at all. Tell everyone what is on the back of the one dollar bill and what it stands for, because nobody else will.

Anonymous said...

I hate when people say "it's about the oil". It's the most childish ridiculous thing ever.

Iraq pumped MORE oil before the war. Iraq makes oil prices HIGHER, not lower.

Are we there to "steal" the oil? Wouldn't it have been alot cheaper to just buy it? What about Japan? Will they have to invade for oil too? I mean we produce 5-6mm barrels a day, did you know that? We use 20mm. Japan produces NOTHING.

"We needed to secure the oil. This was about gaining access to all that oil...". WE HAD ACCESS. The oil WAS SECURE. It was in the ground, can't get much more secure than that.

If it was about oil at all it was about preventing SH from getting all the oil revenue and using it on weapons, etc. It was never about stealing their oil. And it wasn't about "trading oil in Euros" either. That has no effect on currency strength. Only the willingness of people to hold dollar assets does. Short term trades of currency for oil do nothing.

Anonymous said...

These sick-minded, blood-lusting jews at the federal reserve have got to love all the in your face symbolism on this note.

Anonymous said...

Oil and currency & Iraq.

I think the truth is somewhere in between.

First, I don't think the neocons expected Iraq to be making less oil now. But, fortuitously, it helps their other oil investments.

"If it was about oil at all it was about preventing SH from getting all the oil revenue and using it on weapons, etc. "

That's one end of it. (And look how that's going to work---radical Shia sympathetic to Iran are now going to get all the money and surely buy weapons and put fear into the Saudis.)

What they did see, and this is fact, was that Saddam was not giving any foreign oil contracts to US-based companies. The Chinese, Russians and French (Total) were going to be getting most of the stuff.

That's what really bothered them---the inability for them, as in themselves and their personal circle of oilmen---not the USA as a whole---to get oil and make a klling off of it. Iraq is the only place in the world with major oil reserves which has not been fully explored with modern geophysical methods that top oil companies have, so the total amount of oil in Iraq may be well larger than people know about already. Of course Saddam wanted to sell as much oil as he could to build palaces etc.

It wasn't about the "US" or the "world" getting oil by itself.

Selling oil in euros is also another pointless conspiracy theory---the volume of the Euro/USD currency market per day is titanic, probably in one day more than the entire oil turnover in the world. Since FX is so deep and liquid, any contract in dollars equals a contract in euros plus an offsetting hedge which any investment bank would be happy to sell you. Currency moves on interest rates, not oil.

Roccman said...

Rhoid - you probably think the Statue of Liberty stands for freedom.

Tool - blind tool.

foxwoodlief said...

I agree that a bunch of old men and women sitting around a table debating the future of the world is naive at best since they still see the world through their generations eyes and also we know that the older people get the less willing to take risk.

Yes, Bush, or should I say, Rumsfield, blew it. No coalition, not enough troops, dismantling the government...hmmm, like leaving all those Baathists wouldn't have fueld an insurgency while Sadaam was still on the road. But still, we blew in in 1991 by not finishing what we started when the Shiites were on our side and not Irans. After abandoning them and seeing 2-300,000 slaughtered after we left did we really think they'd greet us with flowers when we came back?

Paying companies without demanding results, insand, but then look at the waste with Hurricane Katrina! The contracts should have read, when you build this power plant we'll pay you x dollars. No plant, no dollars. To often the taxpayer pays without our government demanding results. They want reward then they assume the risks.

Propaganda. Where was ours? Where was the attempt to win hearts and souls? Where was the effort to make people believe they had more to loose by resisting? Where was our efforts before Al Queda stroked sectarian violence to say to the Sunni, you are a minority. Join the government and cease your resistance or we will step aside and let the Shia resolve the issues between the two of you?

Also, when we had the chance to strike at the Shia militia and Sadr we didn't. Our fear for increased violence then only resulted in more violence now. I knew our days were numbered then as there is no way we can fight militias without destroying the country and the people. Even Israel with its might couldn't in Lebanon, not because they didn't have the power but because the west and our morality won't let us. The old, if we knew that the baby Hitler would do to Europe what he did and we had the chance to kill him before he became an adult, would we? Should we? And of course we always say, NO.

Until our will is stronger than those we oppose we'll never win. War has been sanitized and we have forgotten the number of dead in WWII, civilian and military. We've forgotten how many destroyed cities, towns, villages. If you are not willing to pay the price of war then it shouldn't be waged in the first place.

America is damned if we do and damned if we don't. The world blames us for everything, even Bosnia, a war we didn't start, a genocide we stepped in to stop against MUSLIMS and the muslims still blame us, not Europe.

As long as the world has us to blame we'll be blamed. We need to withdraw our military not only from Iraq but from Europe and Asia. Want to see an outcry? Let those countries worry about their protection. Let them pay for their defense and take the money from their social welfare programs and see how long they survive.

America needs to withdraw into itself, to renew itself. Come home and secure our borders or expand them, come home and rebuild our factories, invest in our cities, protect our way of life and let other countries worry about their own problems.

Anonymous said...

Hey Honica, here's a tidbit for you...

Iraq - Sunni Muslim but Arabic (Babylonians)

Iran - Shia Muslim but theoretically Persian, however, truely half Arab (from Babylon). The Persian thing is actually fraudulent for this nation.

They are both semitic states.

Uzbekistan - mix of Sunni/Shia/Christian, etc, however, real Persian with some Turkish/Slavic combinations thanks to the Sovietization of the region.

So you see, the middle east is still a battle between different sects of Talmud tribes, whereas other regions to the north and east are more eastern European by nature (or culture if you want to put it that way).

Anonymous said...

Yeah, with statements like "If it were'nt for the anti-semitism of post WWII Europe, there would'nt be an Israel at all." You know this guys intellect is on par with GWB's.

Roccman said...

Fox said, "Want to see an outcry? Let those countries worry about their protection."

What a sad statement fox - 600,000 Iraqi's dead and you call this "protection".

Only nation on the planet that used not once but twice nuc weapons on civilian populations and you call this protection.

Iran/Contra...Gulf of Tonkin...Northwoods and you call this protection.

May want to read Diary of an Economic Hitman...may want to look into why the Soviet Union really fell...and talking about got a statemment about WTC7?

And this is protection?

You and Rhoid got some reading to do.

Anonymous said...

A real example of the story as it has been circulated:

A nice fairy tale... for children. But some of us know what those symbols really mean. And most would too if they had half a brain.

The fact is... the first civilization to use the eagle as it's symbol was the Roman empire. It too started as a republic and eventually turned to empire before eventually collapsing.

Novus Ordo Seclorum - A new order of the ages. Who exactly is pushing for a new order? Or a new world order? How appropriate that it is done through currency - and the American dollar to boot.

The "All seeing eye". Go ahead... try to find that symbol in any church, mosque or synogogue anywhere on the planet. Now go and walk into your neighbourhood Masonic temple and you'll find it. How many Masons are there in the states? 0.01% of the population? 0.1%? There are more native indians - how come none of their symbols got such prominence on the dollar?

Pyramid? Where the heck is there a pyramid in the US except that hotel in Las Vegas? They couldn't put a thirteen story building maybe?

You can sugar coat it as much as you want... but if you had any common sense, you would know that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... it's probably not a moose.

But hey... if you like to continue to be brainwashed... keep watching the boob tube.

Anonymous said...

I don't think rhoid is capable of comprehending what he reads.

Anonymous said...


Israel has 300 Nuks. They are confiscating land that isn't theirs in palastine with all those illegal settlements to this day.

Clearly they pose a bigger threat to international security with that posture alone, than anyone else in the ME. What land has Iran confiscated threw settlements?

There are only two groups of people that I am familair with that hold your view about Iran. 1) the neocons 2) american Jews that put Israel ahead of even the US, but want the US to die for Israeili expansionism.

Israel is every bit a theocracy that Iran is, having said that both are democratic theocracies.

I wish anyone that puts their country ahead of the US, while holding a US citizenship; should go move back to where they came.

Walk the talk.

Roccman said...

Anon - re dollar - EXCELLENT post!!

and if folk looked into fasces- (root for fascism) - look no further than the US dime - or the "great" seal of the us senate.

The word fascism stems from the Italian word fascio (plural: fasci), which may mean bundle, as in a political or militant group, or a nation. The term also comes from the fasces (rods bundled around an axe), which was an ancient Roman symbol of the authority of magistrates.

Anonymous said...

Well said anon above, that really is the bottom line. Who in America, that's in their right mind, wants to put israels interests ahead of Americas? They have to know that fighting more jew wars will only create more people hostile to this nation. How can you not realize that if a person watches their kids blown up by American bombers, then sees his wife executed by blood-thirsty jews using American equiptment, that they may become a little agitated towards Americans?

Anonymous said...

Just so the MF'er in the whitehouse can say he is not a quitter even though whole world says he is wrong. If you elect CORRUPT DUMB EGOTISTICAL SOB's to run the country you desrve what you get in the end....This guy is elected BY,FOR,OF WALLSTREET. The country is run by corrupt wallstrret crooks now, he's the prez for namesake. Defence companies, oil companies, real estate execs and many other corrupt industries are making so much money, they never ad it so good. All in the name of TERRORISM and GOD.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add "All in the name of TERRORISM and GOD.. while young American kids die and become invalid rest of their life, in vain...".

Anonymous said...

Arabs = Semites of the desert

Jews = Semites of the coastal cities, directly north of Egypt.

Iranians = modern day phoney Persians who were Babyloned (Hint: Arabized).

The result, the Arabs and the modern Persians are one, fighting their urban cousins with the Iranians falsely believing that they're the modern day Cyrus the Great liberating Babylon once again.

Roccman said...

From today's Progress Report:

http://www.american progressaction. org/site/ apps/nl/newslett er2.asp?c= klLWJcP7H&b=917053

WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS: The ISG report emphasizes the need to engage more effectively in the battle of ideas in the Arab world. First, the report says, Bush "should state that the United States does not seek permanent military bases in Iraq." (Last June, the New York Times reported the administration was making plans for "maintaining a force of roughly 50,000 troops there for years to come.") Second, the U.S. must show a "renewed and sustained commitment" to a "comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace on all fronts." The Center for American Progress put forward these ideas months ago, urging the administration to "make key policy shifts -- including declaring it does not seek permanent bases in Iraq and intensifying its efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."


Looks like Israel lining up for a false flag on a ship or two in the Persian Gulf.

Anonymous said...

"What they did see, and this is fact, was that Saddam was not giving any foreign oil contracts to US-based companies. The Chinese, Russians and French (Total) were going to be getting most of the stuff.

That's what really bothered them---the inability for them, as in themselves and their personal circle of oilmen---not the USA as a whole---to get oil and make a klling off of it. Iraq is the only place in the world with major oil reserves which has not been fully explored with modern geophysical methods that top oil companies have, so the total amount of oil in Iraq may be well larger than people know about already. Of course Saddam wanted to sell as much oil as he could to build palaces etc."

I think there is truth to that. That may have been the straw that broke the camel's back. Or maybe it was preordained in their minds that for some reason, or any reason we were going in.

Many of the founding fathers were MASONS. So what? Is that a conspiracy too? Are we really under Masonic/Jewish rule?

Roccman said...

"Iraq is the only place in the world with major oil reserves which has not been fully explored with modern geophysical methods that top oil companies have, so the total amount of oil in Iraq may be well larger than people know about already."


A link please.

This statement flys in the face of decades of exploration data.

Fanciful thinking and conspiracy building of reasons why we are in Iraq only distorts the truth.

News flash - all oil has been discovered on planet eart and that number is somewhere between 2.0 and 2.2 Trillion barrels depending on what you read and how reserves are calculated.

...and no oil is not a renewable resource (abiotic).

Roccman said...

"Are we really under Masonic/Jewish rule? "


Anonymous said...

Yeah, them secret Jooboys of the Nazi-dealing Prescott-Bush family, Jim Baker, Bill Frist, Hastert, and of course Dick "Shotgun" Cheney from that hotbed of hymies, Wyoming.

Jews voted 3-1 for Kerry by the way.

Anonymous said...

Richard, I don't have a link offhand but it's true. Iraq has something like 200 oil wells, Texas 20,000+.

The point being that the rest of the planet, including Saudi Arabia has been explored with modern geophysical methods and we're down to getting crazy expensive oil from marginal places. If Iraq doubles its reserves (at the outer limit of possibilities) then it will just be a modest blip on the depletion curve.

The point is of course if you get control over the last area with "drill a hole and light sweet crude pops out" and the rest of the planet is getting whacked from Peak Oil, resulting in a high price, you are going to make ungodly huge amounts of money.

Now, it will be going to Shiite religious fanatics.

Everything else about Peak Oil is true too.

Roccman said...

well anon - go post this theory on:

I post there from time to time, but that board is very much advanced - I can't compete, but maybe you could persuade that group of scientist, researchers, geologists, etc that Iraq has a boat load more oil undiscovered.

Then come back here and tell us how it went for you.

Roccman said...

These are the controlling elite:

Van Duyn,
and Reynolds)

Roccman said...

See also http://www.thenews. detail.asp? id=34656
STOCKHOLM: Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked secret Pentagon documents during the Vietnam war, said on Wednesday that he believed the US would attack Iran before 2008 and urged Washington insiders to make new disclosures to prevent a new war.

foxwoodlief said...

Richard, I was being a little sarcastic about Europeans and "protection." I wasn't referring to Iraqis, no one can protect idiots from themselves. As long as sunni wishes to kill kurd or shia or shia sunni/kurd, no number of troops will stop them.

The point is it is time for America to wake up and recognize that being a Super Power doesn't mean dominating the world and feeling a need to protect it. We still have a saviour complext from WWII. Almost 70 years of spending billions protecting Europe we should have just been protecting ourselves. Japan and Europe are wealthy as a result of not having to spend to protect themselves. They also have the mind set that appeasement is the way and we saw how that helped them with Hitler, but then if you are not willing to pay the price of war then appeasement is how far you are willing to submit, look at France during WWII, they prefered submission to the Germans rather than see Paris burn.

I just want ALL our TROOPS home from every where, Europe, Asia, ME. Let Iraqis protect themselves and if a few million die at the hand of other Iraqis, oh well, better they kill each other in the name of god than us. Of course we'll be blamed, as we are with any thing, another reason to withdraw.

My nephew use to bash America bad (He is Canadian) and then one day he said, "You know, I now realize somebody has to be the Super Power and if it isn't America it will be someone else, China, Russia, Iran, and I'd rather it be America." Well you know what? So what. Let it be someone else. As they say, "Better be careful what you wish for."

I'm sick of European arrogance, especially the French. After hundreds of years of colonialism, colonization, raping other countries, countless wars of religion, two world wars, they have the gall to sit back and judge or criticize? Look at the call for America to do something about Dafur? NOT!

I still think we should tell Russia and China to do something about their regional conflicts and Europe to take care of its backyard and Africa its own turf and America should worry about the Americas.

Roccman said...

Well Fox - I think western europe and america are breeding grounds for a group of people way more demonic than "terrorist".

This group of primarily white aristocrats includes skull and bones, bohemian grove, and freemasons.

I believe this group worships satan and believe this group has beliefs reaching as far back as Babylon.

This group controls global militaries, banks, and governments.

So Fox - while I agree with you to bring our troops home - I believe it is like pissing on a forest fire.

Anonymous said...

Hey anon above..... "Hotbed of Hymies"...... I like that!!!!!!! It has a real nice ring to it.

Anonymous said... much window-pane or micro-dot acid did you do in your youth?

Because man it seems like you're still tripping.

Anonymous said...

jewinski----does hating people you don't know or understand make you feel better about your pitiful existence?

Roccman said...

hey anon get a handle so i can rip you a new one bitch.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Europeans are aristocratic, stupid, white people who're today, beneficiaries of the Marshall Plan and an extensive state welfare system but don't realize that both eastern Europe and much of Eurasia is going to have their asses during the 21st century. Still, whenever I meet them, they still use racial slurs with blacks and Asians as if they were some how smarter or harder working. At least Americans, up until the collapse of defense and other real industries during the late 1980s, were hard-working, decent people who tried to provide asylum to tons of Europeans who were oppressed by kings, noblemen, nazis, and communists for much of the 19th and 20th centuries but are now, portrayed as the world's bogeymen. At the same time, the US govt has actively hounded KKK organizers and other hate groups whereas Europeans tend to secretly embrace skinheads and other degenerates since they don't have the will to assimilate other nationalities into their system of living like Americans have with most people (sans the new Mexicans) for much of its history.

Anonymous said...

Why bother with a handle Richard, your regressive in your thinking so it doesn't really matter who I am. You have no original thoughts of your own...that's why you post all those long articles written by other regressive road apples to bore us all with. I don't think you have an original thought in your head...maybe you just pissed because the Mason's would let you join...

Roccman said...

"Mason's would let you join..."

too funny!!!

yeah don't get a handle - remain a nameless thoughtless individual that finds joy in drive by empty postings...

you will be gone in under two months...your type is very short lived here.

Anonymous said...'s too much fun to pester simpletons like you. Your kind make me laugh because you can't really come up with anything to say except there is a dark and mysterious force ruling us all from the Star Chamber or the Trilateral Commission.

I bet you used to watch the X-Files without ever missing an episode. Or you believe there really is a crashed UFO stored in Area 51. What character do you dress up as when you go to Trekie Conventions?...let me guess Sulo..

Roccman said...

"you can't really come up with anything to say except there is a dark and mysterious force ruling us all from the Star Chamber or the Trilateral Commission"

and "it's all about the oil"

and "8 in 10 gotz to go"

and "honey git my flag!!! 9-11 got out agin"

and "the housing crash ain't even a blip on the radar of life"

Please tell us some of your thoughts besides "Richard is a moron"...

most everyone here has already said that once or twice or three fact the host of this site dedicated an entire thread to ripping on me...check it ou second highest number of posts to date here at HP.

you think that was because I am a "simpleton"...perhaps.

Also check out my blogger tally - over 1,000 - how bout u - oh that's right you are an ANON- sorry.

Well - can't wait to hear some of your original on!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the reason you have so many hits is because people are amazed that somebody with so little intelligence can actually type and work a computer so they have to look to see if your real or not.

I'm a regular poster here..have been for awhile I just decided to mess with you because you seem to be so dedicated to your lunatic thoughts and beliefs. I wanted to see if I could bait you to bring out the anger which seems to permiate in you through your hatred of the US.

I'm done now...have to go home to the family and live my regular life. Signing off...returning control to the other bloggers to laugh at your lunacy.

Anonymous said...

The US is stuck with the bills of defending Iraq's neighbors from a threat that was fabricated/false and yet the Saudis are funding jihad that was raging against Americans and killing US troops.

Retired US General called Bush's war, a war of aggression.

It was not an act of self defense.

Roccman said...

"I'm a regular poster here..have been for awhile I just decided to mess with you because you seem to be so dedicated to your lunatic thoughts and beliefs."

Another useless eater.

Put a bullet in your brain and do civilization a favor.

foxwoodlief said...

Ten more dead American kids and oh, yes, it ISN'T about oil! Right.

There has been an oil war for 100 years in the middle east. Britain, Germany and France all started it when Americans struck tons of black gold. The future was in oil and they sought to take it from the Arabs and Persians.

America inherited the post-apocalyptic world created by European colonialism and is repeating the same mistakes.

European conquest of muslim lands dates to the Crusades and repeated through the 19th and 20th centuries, dividing up lands in a way to further their goals of dominating oil. Britain taking Kuwait to prevent the German's from having the oil, then carving up Iraq and taking Mosul to keep the French out, even before WWI Britain had already established the goal of a jewish homeland in Palestine.

Why is it that the world so quickly forgets that many of todays problems were given to us by the Europeans and yet they sit back and act sooooo innocent and superior now.


If our leaders weren't corrupt and sleeping with the enemy maybe they'd have weaned us off oil by now and our auto industry would be more competive, we'd have invested in mass transit, prevented urban sprawl dependent on oil and not sold out our nation for oil, big bankers, and cheap imports.

Roccman said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...


I thought it was all about oil, too. Back in 2002, I just couldn't envision any other rationale for anything so stupid as invading Iraq. Then I read The War On Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You To Know by William Rivers Pitt and Scott Ritter. They argued the war had nothing to do with oil, as the oil was freely available--all we had to do was buy it at +20 per barrel! Rather, they stated that the war was something being promoted by a cabal of neocons(back then I had never heard of the term) and named people I had never heard of such as Richard Pearle, PAUL Wolfowitz, Eliot Abrams, Keith Wurmser, etc, as being the brains behind war. The whole idea was to secure the hegemony of Israel by toppling a weak Iraq, then use bases in Iraq to launch attacks on Syria, Iran, Eqypt and Saudia Arabia. the whole idea, being of course, to use US power to make Israel the king of the mountain in the ME. I was just stunned, as I had never heard of such plans before. Then, as the war plans proceeded along, I started reading in the MSM about Richard Pearle and Paul Wolfowitz and how they were the architects of the impending attach on Iraq. I realized then the US government, as I had known it growing up, had been hijacked by an insidious group of people with first allegiance to another country. Hence, it was no surprise to me when the Mearsheimer and Walt study came out. Keith talks about the US not being the country he's known. Of course it's not. We have a cancer growing within that didn't exist before, or, if it did exist, was not allowed to spread unchecked.

Roccman said...

"They argued the war had nothing to do with oil, as the oil was freely available--all we had to do was buy it at +20 per barrel!"

And today (only 4 years later) it is THREE TIMES as much and rising. In 4 more years it could be 3 times as much more.

See - peak oil is real. The US government and other governments have known that peak oil would was a question of when.

Some say it occured in December 2005 others say within the next 3-5 years. Of course USGS says 2041. And others (CERA) say oil is abiotic.

While I am not in complete disagreement of Israel hegemony in the region - I am fully convinced that oil has peaked and this geologic fact will be obscured in the history books as those "terrorists" hording the oil and not selling to Americans every last drop of it.

It will be blamed on those pesky invisible "terrorist" in the ME while our real homegrown terrorist continue to spin spin spin.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:42:26 has it right, and for those that may not be able to put 2 and 2 together, this is the reason I speak out about JEWS so often.....Neocon = treasonous American jew. Actually, I now call them neo-cohens

Anonymous said...


Did it ever occur to you that if we were only after oil that Mexico, and Saudi Arabia would be much easier to take over? Did it ever enter your programed little mind that even if there was no oil the Islamic Jihadists would still want you dead?

Anonymous said...

My complaint is not with Jews per se, but with the Israel firster neocon thugs that see the US as a convenient pawn for acheiving their ends in the ME. I have several good Jewish friends who are very much appalled by what's happening in Iraq. They were also appalled by Israel's butchery of Lebanon this summer, as well as by the ongoing brutalization of the Palestinian people. They are people of conscience and good Americans first and foremost. My complaint(as the father of a soldier who fought in Iraq and thankfully returned more or less in one piece) is with the Israel firsters, who view the US as a useful tool for securing the hegemony of Israel in the ME, regardless of how many naive Americans get suckered into dying for their cause. Funny how these same people manage to keep their children out of the US Army.

Anon 12:42:26

Anonymous said...

Why We're At War? : George Bush Is Not The Problem

John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" blows the lid of U.S. imperialism and provides the reasons as to why we are at war in the Middle East Click Here for Video

Roccman said...

Catastrophe Still Awaits

By Paul Craig Roberts

"The real difficulty in changing any enterprise lies not in developing new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones." - John Maynard Keynes

12/07/06 "Information Clearing House" -- -- A ray of realism appeared in the confirmation hearings for Secretary of Defense nominee Robert Gates before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Gates himself said that the U.S. was not winning in Iraq, a statement with which everyone agreed except the White House.

The U.S., however, is not out of the woods. The question remains: what will be the U.S. government's response to the lost war and the terrible calamity that Bush has created in Iraq?

Many Americans have the absurd notion that the only limit to U.S. power is the will to use it. This absurd idea provides the Israel Lobby with a vocal American minority that is easy to exploit in behalf of "standing tough" in the Middle East. The main reason that neither Republicans nor Democrats can come to their senses about Iraq and America's disastrous Middle East policy is that the Israel Lobby will not let them.

Right-wing Israeli governments suffer the same delusion as neoconservatives about limitless U.S. power. They believe that the power of their lobby can ensure that American power will be used to destroy all of Israel's enemies.

The U.S. is likely to remain mired in Iraq until Israelis cast out this delusion. No amount of U.S. power can make it possible for Israel to both steal Palestine from Palestinians and have peace. No number of U.S. invasions of Islamic countries can win "the war on terror." As long as right-wing extremism prevails in Israel and as long as the U.S. interferes in the internal affairs of Muslin countries, the formula for calamity remains in place.

foxwoodlief said...

Annonymous, it was always about oil. Thanks.

Back in 1990 while we were preparing for the first gulf war I was in one of the Air Force Leadership acadamies for additional training (Ex AF here) and gave a speech on why we shouldn't go to war or lead the coalition of the willing and how that getting involved over Iraq and Kuwaits squabble over oil would not serve the right wing of this country.

First we didn't have a defense treaty with Kuwait, Britain did, had since they created that kingdom at the beginning of the 1900s to counter German influence in the region over OIL. Kuwait had been a part of what we now call Iraq so sadaam was right on that point that he was invading land that was rightfully his, after all isn't that the same line used by both jews and arabs in Palestine?

Also, Kuwait was stealing oil from Iraq by diagonal drilling of wells at the border so Iraq had a right to protect their oil. Not to mention our own ambassador gave the green light to Sadaam so we could stab him in the back.

The conflict should have been lead by Britain, if any nation should have stood up for Kuwait, or the Arab league since it involved two members of that organizaiton and both being muslim countries. How would we feel if China intervened in a conflict between two Nato nations, say France and Germany?

I was shunned by that speech. At graduation the main speaker singled me out of the entire audience and called me "un-american" and a "pinko-communist fag" because I didn't rally around the war cry.

Why should I then or our nation now fight to defend oil companies or defend nations we don't have mutual defense treaties with. It wasn't like Iraq wouldn't sell the oil as it is useless to them left in the ground...oh, yes, all these years of sanctions, lack of investment, lack of drilling, lack of seeking new oil sources in Iraq has left it one of the last places in the ME with huge reserves when everyone else runs out!

If we were so concerned we should have lifted sanctions sixteen years ago and helped Iraqis rebuild. It isn't like Sadaam was going to live forever and had the country been more prosperous they currently wouldn't be falling into such chaos.

The Bush dynasty has never done anything for the citizens of the USA but for the oil companies and they royal family of Saudia Arabia. This is why American's are still being slaughtered in Iraq today and tomorrow, OIL.

Anonymous said... should change your handle to "dick"....but make sure you use all lowercase letters because that's what you are...a little dick.

Anonymous said...

We went into Iraq for one reason and one reason only: regime change. It sent a message to the Irans, Libyas, and N Koreas of the world: we will take you out if we have to. It was worth it. Period.