February 11, 2007

Oh, we've so been here before...


Anonymous said...

Keith, what's your fascination with racisting looking Iran video and news?

As you know, the world believes that Bush is a much bigger treat than anyone else on the planet.

And, as Putin said, "the political solution" is becoming impossible.

Iran sees with the US and Israel do and it seems practical, to say the least, to protect its assets.

Anonymous said...

oh my lord. That was hilarious. Even if you don't agree with Bush or his politics it is worth pointing out that you cannot appease or trust a madman!

Anonymous said...

Which madman, Bush or Cheney?

Anonymous said...

I have a better video for you, it’s called Planet of the Arabs from the Sundance Film Festival 2005.

“Out of 1000 films that have Arab & Muslim characters (from the year 1896 to 2000)
12 were positive depictions, 52 were even handed and the rest of the 900 were negative.”
Click Here

Anonymous said...

Awsome point!

Anonymous said...

Iran? You mean the place where the centrifuges keep blowing up? That place that drew with Iraq in the 1980s war?

I think comparing Iran to Nazi Germany is a sick joke. In 2003, if you'll recall, it was Iraq that was the new Nazi Germany. Instead, it was more like the US blitzkrieged Iraq just like the Germans did to Poland, France, Belgium, etc.

Anonymous said...

Israel is trying to drag the US into yet another war in the Middle East. First Iraq, then we supplied the weapons for their little war with Lebanon this summer and now Iran. People wake up as the tail is wagging the dog and we are paying for it in with our money and blood!

Anonymous said...

What gave you the idea that Iran is run by a madman? That's a lie to convince the public we need to attack. Bush, Cheney and Isreal are the madmen.

Here's what the president of Iran has to say:

Does he sound like a madman?

Anonymous said...

Bush and Cheney have brainwashed Keith already. In a little while he'll be saying that there's no housing bubble. Keith, are you another disinformation agent?

Anonymous said...

I guess going to war in Iran is the Bushies way of distracting us from the mess in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Hi Keith, sorry, the joke is on you. For someone who likes to debunk popular myths, you sure buy into this one big time.