And HP calls for the assassination of Mamhoud Ahmadinejad and immediate bombing of all Iranian government and nuclear facilities.
If a head of government calls for your destruction, you are well within your right to pre-emptively go destroy that government. Period. Picture Canada building nuclear weapons and calling for our destruction. That's what Israel is dealing with today.
Israel should launch a devastating attack tonight, supported by United States airpower.
IRANIAN President Mamhoud Ahmadinejad said Israel was doomed "to destruction" and would soon disappear, in his latest verbal attack on the Jewish state, local news agencies reported.
“The great powers created the Zionist regime to extend their domination in the region. Every day this regime is massacring Palestinians,” Mr Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying late yesterday in a meeting with ministers.
“As this regime goes against the path of life, we will soon see its disappearance and its destruction.”
His comments coincide with a visit to Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert who was to hold White House talks with President George W. Bush expected to focus on Iran's controversial nuclear program.
November 13, 2006
Iranian President declares war on Israel, calls for its destruction
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 210 of 210"It is easy for civilians such as yourself to beat the drums of war but the situation is a little different when you are the one that actually has to go off and do the fighting.
Are you ready to pick up a rifle and go fight?"
I agree.
Keith, YOU go and fight in the war, defending the glorious Israel. If the army doesn't take you in, don't despair. You can always volunteer to be part of human shield. I'm sure you don't mind. Do you?
Honica, communism did kill more people than the nazis killed collectively, again if you the side-effects of civilians killed in war are taken out and we purely talk about concentration camps.
Stalin and Mao were mass murderers. Neither was jewish. A jew may have created the ideology of communism but it was the implementation of that ideology by non-jews that murdered millions. In reality, pure communism and pure democracy are one and the same, both are about the community, sharing equally, protecting the weak from the strong. Mao and Stalin both tried to take a short cut to creating a communist state, one that I believe is far off in the future when mankind can learn to give up his greed and thirst for power. Marx taught that the path to communism was through the struggle, through the evolution of society, through the elimination of want, not imposed by dictatorship. Marx's ideology is based on the bible, community, the christian concept of having "all things in common" each to his need. Blaming jews for Mao and Stalin is like blaming Christ for the actions of the inquisition or Muhammed for the actions of Osama Bin Laden.
Jesus said, "If thy enemy smite thee on the right cheek turn the left" that didn't mean submit, or be a pacifist, it meant showing your enemy that you are equal, not less-than. Most people are right handed and to smite a servant with your right hand was to show him you were his master.
Honica where is the "love your neighbor as thyself?" Do you really hate yourself that much? John wrote, "If a man says he lovs god but hates his neighbor then the truth is not in him."
I have christian friends, atheist friends, pagan friends, jewish friends, muslim friends and each and everyone is a beautiful person. What makes them so wonderful as friends is that they respect the right for each of us to believe as we choose, to accept each other as equals, to not claim a monopoly on truth, and to recognize and respect what we love about each other. Religion is one small part of who each of us are, as is our sexual preferences, our jobs, our ideologies, our politics. Every man has his pet dogma but let the dogma not become the master.
Religion is the salt of the earth, but like in all things, too much salt becomes poison.
Islam, Judaism, Christianity all believe god created man and all are descended from the first man Adam and that Eve was the mother of all the living. Religously or biologically we are all related, all from the first humans that graced this planet, asian, european, african, doesn't matter, we are all one people and our destinies are linked for better or worse. To hate any group for the color of their skin, their religion, their gender, sexual orientation, or any other reason is to hate ones own self, one's own family since we are all members of the human family.
As usual, when the U.S. military confronts and adversary, that adversary quickly collapses like a punctured souffle.
Iran, as usual, is delusory. Threatening a nuclear armed country (Israel) is either suicide or transparent puffery.
Yeah, as a matter of fact one did. We still can't figure out how he survived going in and out of the "chamber" so many times without proper the ventilating of it.
You must enjoy getting a rise from posters. Why would you want to insult everyone here about the Holocaust?
It only makes you look like a fool Honica.
Knock it off.
Israel can tell their own kids to die for its cause....leave American kids alone!!!
The UN created Israel with Resolution 181 and is not a legitimate state.
He may try it....But it will turn out very badly for Iran!!!!!!!!
privatise the people. They have no right thinking that theyre citizens, created in the living image of God. Just privatise these ass holes lock stock and barrel.
Palestine has an out of control birthrate, soaring poverty rates as the population grew faster than the infrastructure that supported it, and an unjust need to blame it all on Israel. There was a lack of leadership to family planning and production growth to produce sustainable living and a higher income level. Needs self-control instead of the lust of ravaging population growth and violence that threatened production of the means to live.
As for Iran, their President was like a barking dog alot of the time. There is no need to go in there and wipe out the good and the bad. Give mercy in order for the good to escape murderous battle and rage. God will sort it on the judgement day. People who went to battle died in battle
Palestine has an out of control birthrate, soaring poverty rates as the population grew faster than the infrastructure that supported it, and an unjust need to blame it all on Israel. There was a lack of leadership to family planning and production growth to produce sustainable living and a higher income level. Needs self-control instead of the lust of ravaging population growth and violence that threatened production of the means to live.
Let's leave Adam Smith dead and buried. Build more infrastructure to accomodate the growing population. If you dont agree then youre not human.
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