November 06, 2006

Get ready America - the ruling party gets shown the door tomorrow

The GOP losing the house and senate will make news worldwide. Their era of corruption, cynicism, cronyism, incompetence and divisiveness will come to an end tomorrow.

Unfortunately for America, the Dems are not much better. And they'll be blamed in the end for the economic collapse of America even though it's the GOP who caused it.

But at least tomorrow's dramatic change is a start. Throw 'em all out I say - every one of 'em. Our system is broken, our prospects are bleak and our people are ignorant. But it's a start.


Rob Dawg said...

The Senate? And you know this how? Keep silent for 30 hours and look like a genius. Speak up now and look like something else.

Jip said...

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. The only thing that just MIGHT keep the House of Reps in Republican hands is the immigration issue. Remember, the House was the one who pushed the border fence and blocked last years amnesty acts. Plus the fact that people are sick and tired of paying for the invaders "free" benefits.

The Senate, however, is a different story

foxwoodlief said...

I agree, don't count the chickens....

I never believe polls, for one. Second, people tend to say one thing and vote another.

Third, people want change but I'm not sure the alternative is any better. People want a third choice. It is no different in many places in the world. I just read a palestinian say that Fatah, Hamas, what is the difference? Neither can bring peace or compromise and they wish they had a third option.

So, that being said, many may choose the known over the unknown at this point and there might not be as radical of a shift as predicted. Also, as I said to friends in 2004, why would the Republicans want to win? The next four years would be iffy with the war, the economy, and who ever is in power will loose in 2008. If the Dems win control now, guess who will get blamed for any crisis/stagnation/economic meltdown/terrorist attacks/failure in Iraq? You got it, the Dems and they probably can say goodbye to the White house in 2008. They should focus on the longer term goals of winning the house, senate, and White House in 2008 and let the Republicans continue hanging themselves.

Paige Turner said...

"Get ready America - the ruling party gets shown the door tomorrow"

Only another rigged election can keep the Republicans in control of Congress.

...................... said...

GOP accepted the loss of both because they see the economy collapsing inevitably. They leaked their own stories on their own people on purpose to lose and blame the forthcoming collapse on the democrats and that' how they hope history will remember it and eventually after the biggest nationwide problems since the great depression. Then eventually everyone will be negative on Dems and you will have another century filled with reps dominating.
You heard it here first from,

...................... said...

GOP accepted the loss of both because they see the economy collapsing inevitably. They leaked their own stories on their own people on purpose to lose and blame the forthcoming collapse on the democrats and that' how they hope history will remember it and eventually after the biggest nationwide problems since the great depression. Then eventually everyone will be negative on Dems and you will have another century filled with reps dominating.
You heard it here first from,

Anonymous said...

Regardless of what side you're on, quit complaining and make sure you get out and vote tomorrow!

Paul E. Math said...


Or not. But it doesn't really matter until you embark on some serious electoral reform. The very fact that Dems can argue that Bush stole the election should point to some inherent flaws.

Regardless of votes, special interests are the real winners here.

Benvolio Montague said...

I have to agree with Coconutz.

Pour gas on the floor, walk out throwing a match over your shoulder while the fireman is running in.

How about that gold inverted head and shoulders sitting there? Gotta love that chart...

AnonyRuss said...

I predict a GOP hold of the Senate, probably 50-50 with the VP as tie-breaker, or something close to that. Predicting House results is always perilous, but I'll go out on a limb and say the Republicans retain control with a slim majority of 5 seats.

On a more bubblicious note, Drudge has a NY Times article on the Phoenix housing bust linked up. While the article is a bit wishy-washy, plenty of folks will be making a mental note of Drudge's PHOENIX HOUSING BONANZA HAS TURNED BUST hyperlink.

Anyway, here's the article:

Anonymous said...

Gosh, you guys are painfully liberal. It must hurt a lot!

Anonymous said...











Anonymous said...

Gosh, you guys are painfully liberal. It must hurt a lot!

Cannot possibly be any more painful than being maimed or dying for your political convictions. Say isn't the army full of Southerners?

Anonymous said...


welcome to HP Gomer Pyle"

Would you prefer a gay liberal "gracious goodness me"?

Anonymous said...

No chance Keefer. Your liberal dim views aren't those of most Americans. You lose and the dims lose once again.

Republicans will maintain control of BOTH house and senate. There's your message. The MSM believes it's stupid polls too much. Republicans DON'T DO POLLS. Get it?

Bill said...

Yup and would love an old fashion Chimpy Mcflysuit impeechment, but it wont happen, to many pockets got stuffed.

Anonymous said...

If you are a queer, then you should vote for the repukes.

Anonymous said...

If you are a queer, then you should vote for the repukes.


And if you are a homo you can ask the above anono for a date he is obviously looking.

Anonymous said...

Has everyone filled their vehicle’s gas tank today?
Ha ha...

Anonymous said...

SUPPRESSION. Three among the more significant are a Time magazine
piece entitled "Election Day: Get Ready for the Glitches," a New
York Times editorial, "Protecting the Right to Vote," and the
leaking of a previously suppressed 197-page report on the 75,000
susceptiblities of the widely used Diebold AccuVote-TS electronic
voting machine.
Many of the print reports and websites make mention of the
National Campaign for Fair Elections, which has a voters' hot
line. Anyone who has problems voting is urged to call toll free
1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).
Time notes that while nearly 40% of all voters will be
compelled to vote on electronic machines, many without paper
trails, the numbers of voters requesting absentee ballots have
skyrocketed, presumably because they suspect problems with their
votes being counted. More than 50% of the turnout in Washington
State and Nevada will be by absentee ballot. About 44% in
California. Generally, the counting of absentee ballots does not
begin until polls are closed. Because of the switch to new
machines that voters and poll workers are not familiar with, and
new identification requirements in many states, Time makes the
obvious point that voters should expect delays at the polls, a
tactic that was developed to fraudulent perfection in Ohio in
2004, where some voters stood in line for hours to cast ballots,
while others who could not wait had to leave, voteless.
"THE PENTAGON PAPERS OF E-VOTING" was finally leaked to the
public in its nearly unredacted 197-page form. The report written
for the state of Maryland in 2003, has previously only been
available in a censored 38-page version. The report, available in
full at Arianna Huffington's website, was written by Scientific
Applications International (SAIC), and provided to State
Election Administrator Linda Lamone. But reportedly neither all
members of the state's Board of Elections nor the governor have
seen the full report. There is no word on whether Diebold
implemented any of the 180 recommendations to make the machines
less vulnerable.
Several other extensive reports have documented how easily
the Diebold machines can be hacked. One report was even produced
by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Computer Emergency
Readiness Team--before the 2004 elections.
Of the SAIC report, Steve Spoonamore, the CEO of the
computer security firm Cyberinth LLC, said, "It's clear that even
SAIC was not allowed to review the source code or the computer
interfaces" for the complete Diebold AccuVote-TS (Touch Screen)
voting system.
In the introduction to the SAIC report, the Brad Blog quotes
Lawrence Livermore National Lab computer scientist David
Jefferson, describing the problems with electronic voting as "a
matter of national security.... The legitimacy of government
depends on getting elections right."
The NEW YORK TIMES editorial, which notes the already widely
known "glitches" as well as the voter suppression tactics, and
wrongful purging of voters lists, concludes, "These flaws point
to the need to continue to push a reluctant Congress, as well as
state legislatures for meaningful election reform. Tomorrow,
though, voters should just focus on getting their votes counted
within our current, deeply flawed system." To make those votes of
any worth to the republic, as Lyndon LaRouche has stressed,
voters must make sure that the Bush/Cheneyacs are dealt an
overwhelming veto-proof and fraud-proof defeat.

Bill said...

Has everyone filled their vehicle’s gas tank today?
Ha ha...


Yup still $2.08 in my neck of the woods, that is why i topped off, tomorrow is another day.

Anonymous said...

Democrats will raise your taxes and make it harder for you to make your monthly mortgage payments!!!! If you really want to create wealth then support free-markets, low taxes, property rights... vote GOP!!!

Anonymous said...

Democrats will raise your taxes and make it harder for you to make your monthly mortgage payments!!!! If you really want to create wealth then support free-markets, low taxes, property rights... vote GOP!!!

Anonymous said...

Democraps new election slogan:

'We Won or they cheated'!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, you guys are painfully liberal. It must hurt a lot!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006 8:24:40 AM

Hey, it's Ted Haggard, Pastor Ted. Welcome Ted, sorry no meth transactions are allowed to be conducted through this board.

Anonymous said...

Democrats will raise your taxes and make it harder for you to make your monthly mortgage payments!!!! If you really want to create wealth then support free-markets, low taxes, property rights... vote GOP!!!
"Free markets", chuckle, chuckle chukle. There is no such thing, only rigged market. Check with God, he'll tell you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lmfao! "David Lereah" has three friends on his myspace account......... The first one is SATAN!

Anonymous said...

The iowa electronic markets have the dems winning the house and repubs holding the senate.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the Democrats offer NOTHING but whining and cynacism.

Anonymous said...

"anon said:too bad the Democrats offer NOTHING but whining and cynacism.'

Too bad Republicans can't spell and govern.

Paige Turner said...

"Get ready America - the ruling party gets shown the door tomorrow"

I certainly hope so. My fear is that the usual election fraud will retain the Republican congressional majority. Rigging a few key states is all it will take.

Are president Bush's election predictions reliable?

Here's the Bush prophesy for 2006: "We will win this election because Republicans understand the values and priorities of the American people. We will win this election because our priorities and our values do not shift with the latest political opinion poll or focus group. We will win this election because we got a good record to run on."

Bush's political prediction for 2004 was fulfilled: ''I'm going to come out strong after my swearing in,'' Bush said, ''with fundamental tax reform, tort reform, privatizing of Social Security."

Bush's prophesy of 2000 was also fulfilled: "You know something, we are gonna win Florida. Mark my words. You can write it down."

President Bush has predicted another Republican win for 2006 and he has a good track record. Take it for what it's worth. What does he know that we don't? It's too scary to think about.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to vote GOP just to piss off the liberals one more time. I love to see them whine about being losers! It's hillarious!

Anonymous said...

My understanding from watching Fox News is that if the Democrats win today, Bin Laden's face will be put on a US postage stamp, taxes will be raised to pay for stem cell research to cure illegal immigrants, gay marriage will undermine the families of normal folk like Ted Haggard, our children will be forced to convert to Islam, and good-looking blondes will continue to disappear with alarming frequency! Please vote!

InfidelSix said...


you're an idiot.


Anonymous said...

Maybe if the Retardlicans passed legislation that benefits the American people instead of things like the Border Security "backdoor amnesty" bulldung, the people might stop calling them names and consider voting for neo-tards again.