November 09, 2006

The Democrats now own the house and senate and wield subpoena power. Where should they start?

Here's my top five in each category. What are yours?

* Social Security / Medicare / Medicaid reform
* Immigration
* REIC regulation
* Iraq (withdraw by March 2007, period)
* Taxes (end homedebtor deduction, end Bush cuts on top 1%, pursue flat tax, abolish IRS)

* Iraq rush to war
* Iraq spending / corruption
* Cheney energy task force
* Housing bubble / REIC corruption
* Congressional / lobbyist corruption


Anonymous said...

Gay marriages X yes
Minimum Wage X yes
Steam Cells X yes
SS Tax increase X yes

Iraq withdraw, - No, No, No !!!
(americans needs oil)

Iraq corruptions - No, No, No !!!
(too much Haliburton stock holders)

REIC - No, No, No !!!
(everybody needs two houses, aren't they?)

Independent 9-11 Hearings - No, No, No!!!

So what is a bottom line??

Grim, very grim.....

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

They should start by placing The Constitution back into law and reverse the new 'Death to our Liberty” policy focus, Bush and Darth Chaney have ravenously used as their personal power grab (under the guise of National Security).

Next, do away with the Fed Bank free money spree and personal income taxes need to be addressed.

IMO, but I ain’t nobody.

blogger said...

I forgot "restore habeas corpus" - that'd be my #1

Anonymous said...

Let's start with what kicked all of this Iraq shit off in the first place.

The 9/11 Controlled Demolotion.

Let's get a detailed whereabouts of Dick Cheney on 9/11. Phone records, etc.

Let's investigate why Bush's brother was running security for the Towers and DC Airport leading up to the attacks.

Let's investigate why the 3rd tower fell (WTC 7) at 5:30 PM in just 7 seconds. All videos of the falling show it are obvious that the building was pulled.

Let's investigate why many of the supposed attackers are still alive in the Middle East.

Anonymous said...

How about investigating the manipulation in the metals..especially SILVER...

Anonymous said...

Where they should start and where they will start are two different things. Anybody that thinks that our government in whatever form will try to save the middle class is sadly mistaken. The war on your liberties continues. Why is it, do you suppose, that Bush doesn't seem all that concerned about the dems taking congress? I'll tell you why. They are the royalty, we are their stooges. Nothing will change that.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

The 9/11 Controlled Demolotion.

Richard's Flag got loose again!!!!
Richard, hurry, get your Flag!!!

Anonymous said...

Richard you forgot the chemtrails and climate change conspiracy stuff.

Anonymous said...

FMW, ahem, that was richtard who posted that. Fer sure. PS, how do you like my disguise?

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

You are so cute it makes me want to go back to my Wiz of OZ. Monkey with wings PIC, so I can have a piece of you.

Anonymous said...

Ha-ha -- there goes some of me again!

Anonymous said...

Immigration "reform", that means amnesty. The repubs who blocked it are GONE.

"But they wouldn't do that...people don't want that!". Right, 12M new democrat voters DO want that. Tough luck.

Anonymous said...

* Iraq rush to war

Hey Blogger, who the fu*k are you kidding ... for christ sake, the Democrats voted for this war too. Bill Clinton would have done the same exact thing after 9-11. I GUARENTEE IT!

I hate this effing monday morning quarterbacking more than anything.

Fu*king hypocrisy!

blogger said...

The dems (some of them) voted for the war based on false information provided by the administration.


Anonymous said...

This admistration will be known for FALSE INFORMATION

Anonymous said...




InfidelSix said...

* Social Security / Medicare / Medicaid reform
--- why? according to them it was just fine last year.

* Immigration
--- I guess they could abolish the border patrol. In what other ways could they facilitate illegal immigration?

* REIC regulation
--- How would this affect Harry Reid?

* Iraq (withdraw by March 2007, period)
--- It's never to late to embrace your inner paper tiger and secure the "Cut & Run" label.

* Taxes (end homedebtor deduction, end Bush cuts on top 1%, pursue flat tax, abolish IRS)
--- Flat tax? puh-leeze. That would mean po' people might have to pay some taxes instead of only the rich paying it for them.

* Iraq rush to war
* Iraq spending / corruption
* Cheney energy task force
* Housing bubble / REIC corruption
* Congressional / lobbyist corruption
--- Probably none since every investigation seem to blow up in their face. They've been sucessful in getting the media to look the other way when it comes to their scandals, but the media will take what they can get. Mostly depends whether the media's Liberal Jihad has been satiated.

Anonymous said...

Health care for all who need it.

Evaluate other countries’ health care systems; learn what actually works and what doesn’t, and then build a better system.

We have spent billions and billions of dollars trying to fix other countries’ problems. It’s time to put Americans first again...but this will never happen.


Roccman said...

May want to get an energy depletion protocol in place...or everthing else DOES NOT MATTER...

The Oil Depletion Protocol
The world is entering a period of change unlike any in history. This will be an inherently perilous time, because it will involve a forced and rapid transformation in the energy system on which our societies, and our very lives, depend. The global peak in oil production is likely to lead to economic chaos and extreme geopolitical tensions, raising the spectres of war, revolution, terrorism, and even famine, unless nations adopt some method of cooperatively reducing their reliance on oil. The Oil Depletion Protocol is one such method. Click on the link above for more information about this important initiative.

Power-down \ \ n 1: the energy famine that engulfed industrial nations in the early 21st century; 2: the deliberate process of contraction and conversion that enabled humanity to survive...

Anonymous said...

Job #1:

Uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Put Cheney into a windowless office in the Agriculture department. Revoke his security clearance. Revoke his phone code. Don't have anybody call him for two years. Leave one shotgun, one shell. No pacemaker battery.

Devote domestic priority to solving the next mother of all energy crises (Peak Oil) before it really hits.

This doesn't mean bombing swarthy people.

Address the budget like adults, not children.

Ignore everything related to "homosexual agenda".

Anonymous said...

Oh man, would it be nice if they pushed for a tax package that abolished the IRS and closed loopholes for corporations all at the same time. Cut govt spending and increase revenue in one big swoop.

That might be pie in the sky dreaming, though, what with corporate lobbyist influence still ascendant in DC.

So, I'd just settle for some investigations. Impeachment of a lame duck is unnecessary, but assigning some accountability would go along way toward the US regaining it's credibility throughout the world and working its way toward becoming that shining city on the hill again, instead of the torturing pre-emptive war fighting human rights violator we have become these last few years.

Anonymous said...

When we get Jimmy Carter II in the White House in '09, we'll have a nuclear 9/11 care of the Iranian government.

Wait until nuclear 9/11 to buy a house in a non-radioactive neighborhood. It's better to rent than own in that circumstance.

You want to find out what city the Iranians, or any other Muslims, want to target.

I would not live in Manhattan.

Anonymous said...

What we'll get?

1. Less of our money, ie. higher taxes.

2. Less freedom.

3. Amnesty for illegal aliens and having Mexico city dictate our domestic policies. Why do you think the Mexican government promotes dual citizenship?

Anonymous said...

Start with the bubble bastards inciting an economic depression with their bubble talk so they could generate some ad revenue. Follow up with how these un-american bubble turds have harmed more Americans than Osama BL. Finish up with Keith being deported to Diego Garcia for his crimes against real estate.

Anonymous said...


You got your wish and now you will regret it. You might as well change this blog to spanish as the dirty mexicans will be the new majority. What the hell is wrong with you liberal hippie terrorist? I mean we went from bad to worse here. The republican congress was the only thing stopping bush from ruining our country.

Anonymous said...

Bush listened to Cheney and the neocons. That is where he messed up. He thought we could us force to control oil and that way the supporters could keep their suv's. Just sacrifice a few soldiers and we don't have to conserve. Cheney is a patriot only to Halliburton and to oil companies. I view this administration as being disgusting and unpatriotic. Type in "oil,Bush,Iraq" into any search engine and start reading the articles.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Richard. If the Democrats have any balls, peak oil and climate change will be addressed with something other than lip service. The restoration of sound scientific principles, those not driven by corporate greed, is paramount to avoid extinction-THAT'S E-X-T-I-N-C-T-I-O-N!!! Somebody has to say something about REALITY or our children are screwed. Politics suck-Science rules. Let's start there...

bother the hell out of our newly elected officials.

Paige Turner said...

* Iraq (withdraw by March 2007, period)
* Iraq spending / corruption

Everything boils down to the war in Iraq.

Fiddle-dee-dee. War, war, war; this war talk's spoiling all the fun at every party this fall. I get so bored I could scream.

President Bush says that we must "stay the course in Iraq", whatever that means. Or is he now saying that this has never been the plan? Maybe he never had any plan at all. Maybe it really is all about the oil.

If there's a problem with other oil producing countries, our Saudi friends have assured us that they will step up production and deliver all the oil we need for our driving pleasure.

Anonymous said...

My number one priority for the Democrats--REPEAL the Millitary Commissions Act of 2006 in its entirety as soon as possible. It may be the most frightening piece of legislation ever passed by Congress in our country. IMHO, the Act basically eviscerates the Constitution and legislates the Bush dictatorship into law. IT MUST BE REPEALED!

Osman said...

Oh come now. The Dems aren't going to tackle the hard issues any more than the Republicans. The way our system works, we wait slow moving crises to strike before we'll do anything.

Yes, American want change. But we'll probably settle for the appearance of it and that's just what the Dems will give us.

Lip service, and nothing more. And not even good lip service at that.

Anonymous said...

Democrats will pass a bill giving amnesty to 30 million illegal immigrants and another 30 million of their family members and Bush will happily sign it into law. Say bye-bye to the Southwestern USA and hello to Northern Mexico.

Democrats won't touch Social Security or Medicare except to increase payroll taxes to double digits.

REIC regulation? Get real. Nancy Pelosi is in charge of the House now. California is ground zero of the bubble and flooded with tens of thousands of Realtors and mortgage brokers along with many large banks and mortgage companies.

Iraq withdrawal by 2007? Keep dreaming. We broke it and now we have to buy it.

Do you really think the Democrats will really install a flat tax or abolish the IRS? I need some of that shit you're smoking.

I'm glad to see the corrupt Republicans get kicked out by the corrupt Democrats. My only concern now is that the illegal immigration floodgates will by opened even wider.

Anonymous said...

Global warming consensus? I remember in the 1970's there was a global consensus that we were headed to a new ice age. The chicken littles are back again.

I'm all for reducing pollution and increasing conservation, but jumping to wild conclusions isn't going to help anyone or anything.

Anonymous said...

Constitutional Amendment to disallow Britney Spears from ever having children.

Anonymous said...

the one thing that scares me most is the prospect of amnesty as proposed by bush and the neocon-greed / hippy-multiculturalists alliance. that would mean the end of the USA.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats will do nothing. The next two years will the longest
presidential election their has ever been.

You can expect to see Hillary Clinton being photographed with the troops in Iraq. You will hear her being tough on Iran, North Korea and Sudan.
The democrats will introduce child friendly policies - tax breaks for child care anyone? - this will play very well with the female vote
Their is no chance of a flat tax , or anything else that the voting public will feel in their pocket book - the mortgage interest deduction will stay, more subsidies will be bought in for housing.
the debt will increase but who cares if some foreigner looses money.
Remember - the democrats are just as much in the pockets of corporations as the republicans - if you do not believe me remember how many voted on bankruptcy reform
Kieth, why no word of Lieberman's getting back in?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, lets spend more of my hard earned money to investigate. Why waste time fazing out SS and doing constructive things (like your list)?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

Their number one objective should be to group every last jew, from every last nation on the earth, into the false state of israel. Once that was acheived, they should drop the largest nuclear bomb we have on it.

Anonymous said...

heeeeeeere comes Tax increases....

Anonymous said...

That's a damn fine idea hanukkah!

Anonymous said...

My guess for the future is:

*The reinstating of the "assault" weapons ban.
*Another government sponsered "terror" attack on U.S. soil.
*A bunch of lies spouted about how The "terrorist" attack was sponsered by Iran.
*Even more strict gun regulations possibly even the banning of all firearms.
*The initiating of a police state.
*All dissidents rounded up and put in "detainment" centers.
*The continuance of the criminal mexican invasion.
*jews in israhell unleashing an atomic weapon on Iran/Syria/Lebanon/Jordan

foxwoodlief said...

Democrats in power? Al Qaida celebrating. Islamic fanatics celebrating. European's gloating. Chavez estatic.

Democrats need to clean up Washington and their own party first.

Then commit the resources to stablize Iraq, make peace with Iran and Syria. Chastise and cut off aid to Israel. Push for a united Palestine with two states, Israel and the West bank, united, democratic, non-ethnic or religous based. Europe needs to pay to rebuild the new state since they created the mess killing jews to begin with and creating this state.

Raise the minimum wage. Cut government spending. Limit terms in Congress and the Senate to two. End any benefit or retirement funds to ALL politicians. The President can still be provided Secret Service protection but that is it. Tax all income for SSI tax. Tax incomes over 3 million at 60% or more.

Reform immigration laws to favor those with money or skills we need and make it easier and quicker for them to get green cards and move here.

Stop taxing private property.

Anonymous said...

Fox, For the last time, Europeans did'nt kill jews during WW2 just like they did'nt kill jews during WW1. jews did kill about 50,000,000 Europeans after the jew communist revolution in the Soviet Union however. But, you are right, it's not the Palistinians fault that WW2 happened, they should'nt have to suffer through being occupied by a tyranical race of demons in shoe leather. The north or south pole would be a good place to relocate ALL jews to.

foxwoodlief said...

Sorry Hannuka but I lived in Germany for three years. My neighbors told me a lot about the war. The old lady next door's husband was the chief engineer building Germany's autobahns and the Nuremburg ring. She and her sister tol me they were in the Hitler youth and part of the party. Showed me pictures of them in uniforms and the marches etc. Most of the german (older) took me to show me what was once synagogues, cementaries, how their neighbors were picked up and sent to camps, shot dead in the street in front of their eyes and how germans who would try to help jews or take them food would be punished or sent to a camp as well.

No jew was killed in gas chambers on German soil. They were deported to death camps outside Germany. I visited Dauchau and again, no jews were cremated or gassed there, it is just a prisoner of war camp.

Six million jews died, maybe not six million gased to death, but starved to death, worked to death, disease, that took its toll. Something like twelve million non-jews also died. Communists, political prisioners, gypsies, homosexuals, poles. That doesn't include the tens of millions of civilians all across Europe that died as casualties of war from the German, British, French, Russian, American bombs and soldiers.

Then there are all those jews that died because other countries wouldn't accept them as refugees (America) so German's were not the only ones guilty. As for muslims? Jews were safe in Muslim countries during the war.

As for the creation of the State of Isael? Hagganah was as bloody a terrorist gang as the PLO. Where was democracy in 1948? Why did the west out of guilt punish the arab palestinians? Why two states? Why not one Palestine with jew and christian and muslim living side by side with equal rights?

Yes, Israel practiced a form of ethnic cleansing in 1948/49 as did Arab countries, though I can accept that arabs did so in retaliation for the expulsion of arabs from Palestine.

Jews innocent? Many are, many are not. Everyone has blood on their hands. Did the Jews kill Jesus? Who cares? Christians believe it was "God's will" that Jesus die. The Sanhedrin may have offered Jesus up to the Romans but even the NT says they did so believeing it would "save the nation" as the Romans didn't take rebellion lightly. Why should the Jews be guilty of "God's Passion play?"

Don't forget 1492. Spain expelled Jews and Muslims. They mourned the "second exile" as they felt Spain was their "new Jerusalem". Offer Jews a chance to return to Germany and Spain or join their six million brothers in the USA if they don't want to live with arabs.

Still, not all Jews are demons. Some of the best and brightest minds in America are jews. Some of the best doctors are Jews as they have been for centuries. The only Jews I've known that I've disliked (but don't hate) are the self-righteous ULTRA-ORTHODOX and those who don't want to join the modern world, like I would any fanatical religous group with the same mentalities.

The worst Jews in Israel beside Zionists are Orthodox who make a living in the black market, currency exchanges, diamonds, selling russian women into prostitution (odd the most religous would feel that such behavior is righteous when practiced against unbelievers) or leech off the State without working and sitting around all day studying Torah and having kids while normal jews work their asses off to create a modern state.

Not all jews are "demons in leather shoes" just as all muslims are not ready to chop your head off if you don't worship Allah.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for parroting all the jew lies again fox, I'll refute all of these later.

foxwoodlief said...

hanukkah jooinski said...
Thanks for parroting all the jew lies again fox, I'll refute all of these later.

Are you related to Mahmoud AhMADinejad? Your philosopy sounds the same and based on the same falsehoods.

I'm not here to defend Jews, Christians, or Muslims. I am here to fight racism, hatred, and lies. As long as the enemy is percieved as "inhuman" it makes it easy to kill them. None of us are that much different in our desires, our wants, our needs. Hate and lies will not lead to resolutions to conflicts. Not acknowledging the errors of Jews in Palestine will never lead to peace. Not accepting the crimes of Palestinians will not lead to peace. Not recognizing the influence of history will never solve anything.

Why do you hate Jews so much? Even the prophet said Jews and Christians were brothers and people of the book and worshippers of the one god.

I imagine by your name you may be Polish? Do you not recall that Germans once considered your people to be no better than Jews and gypsies? Should your people be hated just so another group can feel superior?

Remember the saying, "What starts with the jews rarely ends with the Jews." Persecution and intolerance spreads like a plague. Lets not lump all races, religions, ideologists into the same camp.

Anonymous said...

payback's a bitch

Smug Bastard