Keep buying those cheap Chinese exports materialistic Americans with your ever-weakening dollar. You're shopping your way straight to the unemployment line. And you no longer have a soul.
Anyone displaying an American flag and Bush/Cheney 2004 bumper sticker on their pickup truck while shopping at Wal-Mart is not only a hypocrite and a fool, they're also the root cause of the problem, caring only about themselves, and an America-hater.
Deal with that. Recognize the error of your ways. Then be part of the solution.
November 27, 2006
Any HP'ers old enough remember when Americans gave a damn?
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Didn't Lenin say the capitalist will sell him the rope to hang them with???
seems like Lenin was quite the visionary.....
I can't figure China out. A communist country who beat the world's greatest capitalist country at their own game?
Made in America? That's so 1970's! We've moved on, now it's F AMERICA - GET ME CHEAP CRAP!
I can't figure China out. A communist country who beat the world's greatest capitalist country at their own game?
Answer's simple, and it's one Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin would agree with.
Rich and powerful people in the US don't care about the welfare of the US as a whole, as long as they can get rich. If you're loaded, you can bail on the US and live in luxury.
The plutocrats have a common class interest with the plutocrats in China. The plutocrats in China have a common interest with the government, which is to promote its power at the expense of the West's, and most specifically the US.
They all win from the intentional strategic destruction of US industrial capacity. Chinese are pursuing mercantilism, not capitalism.
Plutocrats of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your measly capital gains tax! And we're working on that too.
In the big picture, maybe the Communists were right.
Wal-mart, China and the American Consumer are screwed if the dollar keeps dropping
That's why the US Trade Agreements Act should be made permanent for all federal government purchases not just those supplies/services classified as commercial items and no waivers/exceptions should be given. Goods made in China would be off limits and our tax dollars should be spend to increase US jobs and decrease the balance of trade deficit.
China is crap outside their export sectors. A lot of government sponsored outdated factories that the communist elite cannot afford to close down.
Environmental pollution and especially erosion out of control and 90 percent of water sources at least somewhat polluted. Massive group of 200+ million people coming to working age within next 5-6 years, mostly poor peasants which can barely read.
China will collapse along with the US. US because of economic reasons, China because of environmental reasons. Last man standing will be EU for now.
Sending some manufacturing jobs overseas is not exactly a problem. In fact, it is the more efficient allocation of capital to produce the same or greater outputs for cheaper inputs. Importing goods from other countries, shockingly enough, generally helps an economy by allowing its workers to concentrate on higher margin activities.
It's the same logic that I use to outsource the cleaning of my apartment. I mean, I could easily do it myself, but given the differential in hourly rates between the two sources of labour---myself and the cleaner---it just doesn't make sense for me to do it rather than work. Granted, I may end up being unable to clean my apartment one day...
Ben's Blog = Boring
Housing Panic = Out of Control, Makes Us Think
I always try to buy American, but I think I will be buying a few German made firearms here real soon. Those old P38 pistols are pretty cool. And some of the WW1 rifles survived a real holocaust after the war. Glocks are counted on by many who must trust their life to their sidearm. German = quality
Chinese "communists" are really Stalinists. Karl Marx wouldnt claim them
Isn't it in our national interest to maximize the likelihood that that superpower will have a representative government presiding over a prosperous, open, and free society....
You mean like how our free trade and massive outsourcing to help them economically has paid off with their transition to democracy, liberty, free, uncensored speech, peace treaty with Taiwan and active alliance with the USA in its world interests?
Wasn't that the argument that we got 25 years ago about how it would be a good thing to open up trade to Communist China (somehow the theory is reversed with Cuba)?
China has no problem in pursuing its long term economic and strategic interests. I think the USA ought to do the same.
Trade has improved our overall standard of living. If we did put in place the "fortress america" you envision we would be stuck paying lots more for lots less.
And only through trade can we hope to improve the rest of the world's lot --if the rest of the world can also get rich the risks to us from terror, war, migration and disease diminish.
Extrapolation is predicting the future based on current trends. Its done all the time with only limited success. Extrapolation told us in the 70s that if we did not buy American articles of manufacture we would not see the 80s. Well it has been a long time since we have been making anything and we are still the most successful nation in the world.
In the 80s most Americans were worried about Japan chewing us up and spitting us out. They felt that because the Japanese were making articles of manufacture better and cheaper, we were as good as gone.
Don't get me wrong, our days as the dominant nation on this planet are numbered, but not for the reasons most people believe. We are not screwed because we don't have enough cheap labor to churn out cheap crap for Walmart, we are screwed because American's have no math and science skills.
We are screwed because the though of math makes most American's squirm. Moreover, most American's at least tacitly accept the Neocon's War on Science.
Math and science education has been pathetic for a long time now and the chickens are just now starting to come home to roost.
How on Earth can our kids compete against the kids in India and China? I don't think that we stand a chance. But I don't want to extrapolate, so here's hoping we can fix our broken education system before it is too late.
It's easy to beat the US at its own game when you can pay people $0.50 per hour. Who can compete with that except drug dealers?
When they ship my job to China, can I go emmigrate so I can pay Chinese prices for housing, food, clothing and energy?
Problem is China came to the capitalism table a little late. The planet can not afford all the Indians and Chinese living like Europeans and Americans. We worry about our future well the future to worry about is a planet devoid of resources and most major wars are fought over resources.
It IS a civil war.
Wake up stupid American masses!
"We are not that reach to buy cheap items". I'm trying to follow this wise proverb. In a long rung buying quality saves you money. All my appliances are made in Germany and I have no single issue with them so far.
Only the stupids shop at Wal-Mart....but...but... that's a lot of Ameri-cuns.
Man, this country is screwed big time.
The scum..the scum..the horror, the horror.
Honica said: "Glocks are counted on by many who must trust their life to their sidearm. German = quality"
Glocks are Austrian. Of course, so was Adolf, if it matters.
My favorite is the american flag magnet on the Nissan/Honda/Toyata extra large pickup truck.
"we are screwed because American's have no math and science skills."
File that one away with "illegals only do the jobs that Americans don't want," as it is simply untrue.
There are perhaps thousands of underemployed mathemeticians, scientists mechanical and industrial engineers all over this country- the jobs are simply not there.
This is the best fu@@ing blog on the whole darn Internet.
NBC news recently reported that roughly 33 percent of all large screen Plasma tv's were in need of service within 18 months after being put into service. Display boards were the number one failure.
2k for a half decent plasma and a third of them don't even last a year and a half !
MADE IN CHINA (as cheap as possible.)
"we are screwed because American's have no math and science skills."
Not true, a bright American engineer opts for an MBA, to get out of tech and into management, not vice versa because they are fewer long-term viable careers outside of the business (sales/consulting) of technology vs making the tech itself. Those jobs are moving to China, SE Asia, and eastern Europe in droves.
Right now, high end LCD display are still made in Korea and Japan over China. The higher end components are still made in higher labour cost east Asian regions but not America.
talking of Glocks, a semi-auto 40 caliber costs $500 odd now.
about what I paid for one ( with ammunition thrown in) in 1997..
Whatever happened to inflation? Or even price appreciation to reflect global and domestic instablity. Perhaps we've had product substitution ? I wonder what fun the hedonics crowd that fiddle the CPI would have with this product.
I know the answer - its now made in China :-)
Still its mightly strange that it hasn't gone up.
China is happy to lend us the money do we can buy 1 million American flags from them every year and wave them around like commies used to wave thier flags around.
Math and science education has been pathetic for a long time now and the chickens are just now starting to come home to roost.
On the average high-school level, yes.
On the level necessary for science and engineering production and R&D? No way.
Realistically the thing that matters
In high-level graduate education, the USA is very good. The problem is that there is no good career path, especially in private industry.
The 'anti-elitists' don't want to admit the truth, which is that it is the educationally and intellectually elite who carry most of the burden. This is most especially true in science & engineering. The only ones that matter are the top 20% of their undergraduate class at high-level universities.
Why should these students and workers bust their balls for years and years only to be downsourced and outsized? Screw that. They'll get an MBA.
How do I know? I'm a 38 year old PhD physicist, top education research etc, unemployed. I'm gonna try to get a Wall Street job, or maybe part of the stupid military-indsutrial complex. Why? Nothing else left with a career path.
"Granted, I may end up being unable to clean my apartment one day..."...agreed.
"Problem is China came to the capitalism table a little late. The planet can not afford all the Indians and Chinese living like Europeans and Americans. We worry about our future well the future to worry about is a planet devoid of resources and most major wars are fought over resources."...agreed.
"There are perhaps thousands of underemployed mathemeticians, scientists mechanical and industrial engineers all over this country- the jobs are simply not there."...agreed.
"When the dollar crashes in a race to the bottom ,China will be even more phukked than us."..agreed, because there will be nobody to buy the massive amounts of crap they churn out. What's a peasant to do with the hi-tech wave controlled vacuum cleaner? Try to vacuum his farm?
The United States imported $7.9 million worth of American flags in 2002, according to the Census Bureau. Some of those flags have left consumers baffled.
"We've actually gotten questions from people who had 53-star flags ... and they wondered if there was a special significance to that," says Joyce Doody, director of membership services at the National Flag Foundation, a patriotic education association in Pittsburgh. "We presume that they were made in another country."
Most imported flags come from China - about $5 million worth last year - but Taiwan and Korea have also made hundreds of thousands in recent years, according to data from the US Department of Commerce, the US Treasury, and the US International Trade Commission.
Shanghai Flag & Tent Works, for example, exported about $1 million worth of merchandise to the United States last year, with American flags accounting for about 80 percent of the total, says Zheng Banglin, general manager for the firm, which claims to control about one-third of the Chinese-made flag market in the US.
"Sending some manufacturing jobs overseas is not exactly a problem. In fact, it is the more efficient allocation of capital to produce the same or greater outputs for cheaper inputs."
That could also be achieved by bringing back slavery, eliminating min wage, getting rid of work safty laws and child labor laws. Your argument by itself does not mean anything.
"Trade has improved our overall standard of living. If we did put in place the "fortress america" you envision we would be stuck paying lots more for lots less. "
Trade and labor arbitrage are not the same thing. You Bush-bot, free-market, knuckle heads never seem to grasp that difference, do you?
To all those who refuted the "Americans don't like math" lie, thanks. Your response were spot on. As a person who majored in computer science, I regrret that I did, due to lack of job prospects, and I am now trying to decide on a new career. If I had gone to trade school to become a plumber or an electrician, I'd be far beter off today and this is what most Americans do not understand.
I read recently that 25% of China's economy is based on counterfeit crap (like Fendi and Prada knockoffs), which they sell (mostly) to Americans.
Shame on us!
"computer science, I regrret that I did, due to lack of job prospects, and I am now trying to decide on a new career."
I do "computer science" and I get "job opportunities weekly". Currently, my wage is in the top 10% in my state.
I've seen many programmers without curiosity and/or the desire to read much-- so they're worthless.
IMO, it's not the "math or science" that's important but the overall literacy.
More specifically, my boss pays me what he does because he knows how illiterate most "software engineers" are.
Focus on literacy, build it up and you'll do well.
China's economy is like a tighrope act on bicycles juggling chainsaws in the middle of a hurricane. Fascinating to watch, but if it comes crashing down, the results will be ugly.
Their government, like all other Marxist cabals thinks it's so smart because they put together a decade of phenomenal "growth". But the changes they allowed have transformed China into a country that cannot even feed itself anymore. Their ace in the hole is Taiwan - they can always use it to stir up nationalistic fervor should things go bad economically.
Yes they are....... It takes a white European society way, way too long to wake up to the jew.
Honica, you are living proof of those described by the comment above yours.
The engineers I know are leaving for MBA, patent law, or health care and here's why...
after the age of 40, there's rampant age discrimination in tech where even highly qualified 45 year olds are shunned for a younger person because of both the power play (authority on a project design or initiative) and the fact that a younger person can't command the highest salary relative to a seasoned veteran.
What's Wrong with Kansas should be retitled What's Wrong with America. The RepubliCONs have just bamboozled millions. Meanwhile looting the economy and selling out the future. A level playing field will wipe out the middle class. The American way of life is in the Republiscum cross hairs.
The Republican free market types have convinced the public that by outsourcing, Americans can focus on higher end work like nanotechnology but we're now discovering that even nano research can be outsourced so the end result is non-tradeable services which is the same as a third world nation and hence, you've been republi-conned.
"The Republican free market types have convinced the public that by outsourcing, Americans can focus on higher end work like nanotechnology but we're now discovering that even nano research can be outsourced so the end result is non-tradeable services which is the same as a third world nation and hence, you've been republi-conned."
That's bullsh_t with a capital B. The whole deal with China started back in 1996 when Alan Greenspan and Robert Rubin cooked up this scheme to import cheap Chinese goods in exchange for them buying all the treasury debt we issused. It was payback for all the money the Chinese agreed to dump into Clinton's '96 reelection campaign.
This kept inflation low (we were importing deflation in the form of cheap consumer crappola) as the Fed cranked out money like nobody's business. I'll grant that the Republican Congress went along, but it was Clinton, Greenspan, and Rubin who made this deal with the devil. Ditto NAFTA, another Clinton initiative.
::I'll grant that the Republican Congress went along, but it was Clinton, Greenspan, and Rubin who made this deal with the devil.
So it's a bipartisan screwing of the middle class and America's hi-tech.
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