October 28, 2006

Someone had to build all those houses we didn't need...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Which way to the unemployment office?

Anonymous said...

Which way to the Welfare office?

Anonymous said...

Just joking!

I'm an illegal, I already know the way!

Anonymous said...

your all a bunch of racists.All of you whiners are Fox News Republicans (Keith is a closet Fox news republican who doesn't realize it yet)

Stop blaming the poor mexican schmoe -semi-homeless and sleeping in a Cherry field or contruction site.

Blame the illegal's employers or Mexico's failed politics.

I don't blame the little guy for wanting to survive and have a good life

Keith and the rest of you bashing illegal immigrantion are brainwashed shills who play right into the pocket of the elite inflationist exploiters. These same exploiters robbed the middle class and cause this "bubble" to begin with

your all pathetic dog vomit

Anonymous said...

If the "bubble" truly DOES burst and all of you hill billy skinheads are left out of work in the next great depression which Keith suggests is imminent, woudln't you migrate around looking for better work? Wouldnt you go to Canada if the pay is better and your family is living in a shanty town ghetto starving? Wouldnt YOU then send money back so they may have a better life?

Put yourselves in THEIR shoes for once.

America is pathetic. A bunch of fat, lazy. indebted immigrant ancestors (who can all afford an internet connection here) bitching about other immigrants coming for a better life

Anonymous said...

The SPP is a nightmare. We are so screwed.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! Get over it. It's only a memorandum of understanding. It doesn't actually bind us to anything. That piece is of media misinformation is purely political.

Anonymous said...

poor Canada....

Anonymous said...

your all pathetic dog vomit

Oh, well said. It's You're

Anonymous said...

as if canada would ever merge with the U.S. What possible benefit would canada get out of that deal LOL!!!!!

blogger said...

Why should Mexicans get first dibbs on America when there are plenty of Chinese, Polish, Russian, Canadian etc who would love to come to America?

Get in line. "Illegal" is the problem, not who they are. It's how they broke in.

Anonymous said...

"Why should Mexicans get first dibbs on America when there are plenty of Chinese, Polish, Russian, Canadian etc who would love to come to America?

Get in line. "Illegal" is the problem, not who they are. It's how they broke in."

this statement is a non-sequitor Keith. Rumsfeld/Cheney would be impressed with your abilities. You have been directly and indirectly blaming some poor Mexican shmoe for the larger economic problems of the world.

That "illegal" immigrant worker is probably some poor SAP who has a family living in a Shanty town in Mexico. He has very little education and is desperate to give his famliy the best possible life not unlike you or I.

There is desperation on this earth and there are CAUSES for this depseration. Illegal immigration are the SYMPTOMS of a larger problem. Mexican farmworkers and Mexican construction workers are a SYMPTOM -they are NOT THE ROOT CAUSE.

So why don't you stop blaming the little guy for once and focus on what really is going on. You might find that the causes and the housing bubble are linked in some way.

Stop blaming the little guy. He is a human just like you and if USA collapses and your poor and out of work someday you might end up doing the same as he.

blogger said...

I don't blame the little guys. I don't blame the Mexicans. If I was living in Mexico and I could make more breaking into the US and taking someone's job there, I'd probably do it.

I blame the government, who allowed businesses to hire illegals with no penalty, and didn't enforce our immigration laws or our border.

Meanwhile, millions around the world want to come to America. Why should those people who are going through the legitimate process to come to America suffer and wait, while millions of Mexicans are allowed to cheat the system?


That should be our immigration policy, not


Anonymous said...

What would make any of you think Canada would have you? They're already inundated with illegal immigrants - only there, they tax the social system and have a greater impact on the overall economy. The idea that Americans might go to Canada seeking a better life keeps me up at night.

Anonymous said...

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - a common document between government agencies and are in fact agreements on how to proceed in an agreed to fashion.

However when countries agree to do certain things, those are the subject of Treaties and approved by congress. MOU's are subverting the Treaty process and are defacto treaties.

Any wonder why the bush administration has not secured the border. And before someone says,
hey he signed the fence bill. Yeah he signed it a week before a big election, but they forgot to fund the construction of that same fence. By the time the election is over, they won't be able to "come up" with the funding for a fence, but will still have funds for a stupid war.

God help us.

Anonymous said...

I think in the long run immigrants are going to save us. Here's why.

When we all get old enough for social security, we are going to need someone to tax HEAVILY.

It's perfect. We let anyone come here, and tax the hell out of them to pay for our retirements.

Please, please, I know I'm a genius but save the applause for later.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

Dear Keith,
How does the UK look upon American Imigration?
Are you on a Blog work visa?
Do they like you and Americans over there?
Just Askin.

Anonymous said...

Dobbs is a bit of a windbag.

After the dollar collapses, we are going to need a North American Union (in about 5-10 years) -- especially a monetary union, if we ever want the rest of the world to trade or invest in us.

Look at the EU; economic union hasn't "destroyed" those countries (in fact the EU looks quite strong economically compared to the US). And now even the Arab states and ASEAN countries are talking about their own economic unions; the US will have to join or die.

People still don't get the gravity of all this. The formation of the EU created a bigger trade and investment bloc than the US, instantly creating an alternative to the US in most respects.

Anonymous said...

Well, well. That's the thanks we get for defending those people from the Russians during the cold war, a competing currency.

Well damn it. I'm hopping mad and I don't think we should take it anymore. I propose that we take all our tactical nuclear missiles out of Europe immediately.

And those Saudis! After defending them from Saddam, now they are jacking up our oil? How ungrateful. We need to get outta there and let the chips fall where they may.

blogger said...

flying - on the UK thing - if you're from the EU it's come on in

Our Mexicans are their Polish. The UK government expected 15,000 of them to come for work after EU and instead they got hundreds of thousands. Every labor job is now done by a Pole - bar staff, roofers, maids, etc. Just like Mexicans in America. But that's the EU and it's legal, unlike the US where it is not. So it's mainly above board and the Poles are paying taxes.

For me, I had to get a UK visa and UK work permit by petitioning the government and having a UK company sponsor, and also a lawyer of course. It's a very very hard thing for a yank to get, but can be done.

Funniest thing is my 2 cats have EU passports and can stay for 2 years, and live anywhere in the EU. Me? I get 3 months in any EU nation if I leave the UK

Anonymous said...

"I think in the long run immigrants are going to save us. Here's why.

When we all get old enough for social security, we are going to need someone to tax HEAVILY.

It's perfect. We let anyone come here, and tax the hell out of them to pay for our retirements.

Please, please, I know I'm a genius but save the applause for later."

Yes, those are excellent conclusions, but I suspect the means to that end will be different. The U.S. needs Mexico's young demographic to breed and pay taxes, and we also need Canada's vast resources. The obvious answer for a superpower is to annex our neighbors to the North and South and turn them into tax-paying territories.

Can't/will never happen you say? Just read history and see that it has in fact happened dozens of times when powerful countries faced similar circumstances. China will likely follow the same path as it outgrows it's current boundaries.

Anonymous said...

flying - on the UK thing - if you're from the EU it's come on in
Do the British like legal American Imigrants?

Anonymous said...

As for Global competition of the USD and the Euro, all I can say is NAFTA, CAFTA and the Amero.
Imigration Problem Solved.

Anonymous said...

Aaron wrote:
"After the dollar collapses, we are going to need a North American Union (in about 5-10 years) -- especially a monetary union, if we ever want the rest of the world to trade or invest in us."

Another idiot Bush-bot who does not understand economics but acts like he does.

By the way, Europe is being ruined by all the filthy, uncivilized muslims who are inundating them since the EU was formed. The middle class is being destroyed there too and no common person would argue that cheap labor has helped them, you moron!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon (October 29, 2006 12:36:35 AM),

Do us all a favor and shut the f*ck up!