The "Armada". Man, I can't tell you how much even that name cracks me up. I guess "Hindenburg" was taken? Or how about "The Beast" - that'd be a good one. Note to GM.
With the housing ponzi scheme loot drying up by the second, the ATM shut and mass REIC layoffs, I would have thought Armada new car salesmen were as bored as condo salesmen today
But then again, it's almost election time and you know what that means - CHEAP GAS FOLKS!!! Are Americans so dumb and short-sighted that they'd rush right back out and start buying big SUV's because gas prices came down for a few weeks?
In the end, I'd bet there's starting to be as many Armadas with a For Sale sign stuck on them in driveways across America as there are houses with For Sale signs. Two words: Dead Inventory. Or Not Wanted. Or Raise Cash. Or four words: What Were They Thinking.
Hmmm... investment idea... buy the company who makes For Sale signs....
October 20, 2006
Seeing a bunch of "For Sale" signs stuck to these relics of the past?
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Do you *really* believe that gas is cheaper because of the elections?
How about this:
Gas is going down because the housing ATM is broken and Joe Blow has less money to spend. The Hummer eats a lot of gas and Joe has finally realized that he can't drive as much as he did last year. He has to pay the bills first and actually work for his money.
As the housing crash accelerates, the average Joes and Janes will have less and less 'free' money to spend and this will drive the demand down, which in turn will drive down the prices.
Yeah who cares about the price of new Hummer restored my manhood.
Cars have been the single largest loser for Americans. Most Americans have 2-3 cars and payments on 1-2. They finance a depreciating asset.
I don't buy the "election" conspiracy theory. There hasn't been any significant hurricanes to blame price increases on this year, nor has there been anything shocking coming out of the Middle East that isn't business as usual, and there has been so much backlash about gas prices that people have actually started changing their buying practices from getting Armada's (Japanese Galleon Warships) to ecomony cars they can operate cheaply. Outrageous fuel prices have been around for nearly a year, and cheap gas has been here how long? Maybe the oil companies and oil producing nations are starting to wake up and realize that greed can kill the cash cow if you're not careful. Call it the oil ponzi scheme...
And, more so than the housing ATM drying up is the affordability crisis. If five years ago people were spending $1000 on a mortgage to have a house, and now the new buyer is spending $1900 to have that exact same house, then there's a lot of businesses such as the oil companies, car manufacturers and everyone else that are not getting that disposable income that no longer exists. Maybe all those folks that thought the housing boom was good for them had rather short sighted greed too, because that disposable income is gonna be tied up for a lot of years...
It is very interesting how CRUDE vs Gasoline don't match.
Crude is gasoline in the end. Prices are way out of wack. There is no reason for GAS to come down. Alaska Pipeline down for major service. Venezuela Pres calls Bush Satan. Iran,Iraq and big war in Mid East. Gas is Way down in comparison to it's core which is crude.
Yup , must be an election coming up.
Amrada Shrarmada - click to see intrepid blogger who tracked down a whole fleet of Hummers a CA dealer hid in a hotel parking lot. This will blow your mind:
Hidden Hummer pics
Dont'cha get it?
Yes, finance the gas-guzzling beast with an ARM HELOC!!!
What could more fitting of a name?
All of those Hummers make me sick. I mean, there are Land Rover dealers nationwide. Have some class if your gunna burn all that gas…
Right after the election gas will sail back over $3 bucks maybe $4 a gallon in a heartbeat. The masses paid it once they'll pay it again.
Beware: More Fed hikes may be coming
Inflation is still worrisome enough that more rate increases, not cuts, could follow the Fed's 'pause.'
By Chris Isidore, senior writer
October 20 2006: 6:22 AM EDT
NEW YORK ( -- Inflation barely seems to be on the mind of investors any more.
Rates in the inflation-sensitive Treasury bond market indicate investors believe prices and wages are all but under control. The Dow industrials have been hitting record highs - and closed above 12,000 for the first time on Thursday - partly on the belief that inflation is tame enough to allow the Federal Reserve to start cutting interest rates soon after more than two years of rate hikes.
Cars have been the single largest loser for Americans. Most Americans have 2-3 cars and payments on 1-2. They finance a depreciating asset.
Agree 100% If I lived in a big city and did not have to drive to get around I would not even own one.. waste of time and money.
Tommy said,
"All of those hummers make me sick."
Uhh, yeah dude. You really need to quit putting peoples balls in your mouth. This is probably a major contributing factor in your inability to think.
Right after the election gas will sail back over $3 bucks maybe $4 a gallon in a heartbeat. The masses paid it once they'll pay it again.
I have a bet with a co-worker that it will be over $3 before Dec 1.
The poor sweet deluded lady also thinks Bush was annointed by God.
panicearly - I haven't driven in almost a year, it's the best life you could ever imagine - or as you know
I take the trains and tubes everywhere, fly when I need to. I can get anywhere cheaper, faster and more relaxed than a car ever could
yesterday I was in Leeds, about 2 hour train. drove back home with a colleague and it took 4. meanwhile I couldn't work on my laptop, read the paper or watch the countryside go by while from the comfort of the dining car
cars suck. I hope to never have one again. Just need a town and a country who would make that possible.
Gas going down because of the election? Give me a break. You think that the arabs would try and protect the republicans, when its obvious that the Democrats are on the side of the terrorists?
Maybe the Saudi leaders fear the terrorists as much as we do...
You losers don't get it. There is no HP, there is no crisis. Money is flowing like water and people around here are spending it on houses, cars, boats, jet skis and snowmobiles.
Besides, if you drive a Hummer, you can park it in the fire lane at the grocery store (it doesn't fit in the parking places!).
So get off your doom and gloom asses and consume.
This is absolutely funny shiet. A few day ago, a flipper across my house listed the house and the Armada up for sale.
I don't blame people for believing the "Gas prices always fall around election time" theory. Because it's true! But the reason behind it has to do with the fact that the elections happen in November.
If you guys take a few minutes to do some simple research you would see that gas prices decline every fall. Why? Because the refineries are required by the EPA to change their blends of gasoline for summer which reduce the amount of gas that evaporates in your gas tank on hot summer days. This is done to help combat air pollution. The blends they use during the summer are more expensive.
On September 15th of every year they are allowed to start going back to cheaper blends thus gasoline gets cheaper. This happens every year election or not. It happened last year, it'll happen next year.
This year the drop was more pronounced due to the fall in crude prices. I accept the possibility that some organization decided to erode about $400 billion on the commodities market in order to win an election. It is "possible" but extremely unlikely. Don't forget that at the peak of the crude market there was a war in Lebanon, Iran had declared it's nuclear program, Nigerian rebels were causing major disruptions, and the hurricane forecasters were predicting that the Gulf of Mexico would get battered once again.
The war in Lebanon ended, the tensions in Nigeria have relaxed, the hurricanes never happened, and Iran has shut up and let N. Korea take the heat. All of this has spooked the speculators out of the crude market, but they'll be back once the refineries switch back to the expensive stuff and the summer driving season starts.
Australian Treasurer Seeks Orderly Withdrawal From U.S. Dollar
Central banks in China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong have channelled immense foreign reserves into American government bonds, helping to prop up the US dollar and hold down American interest rates.
Mr Costello said "the strategy had changed" and Chinese central bankers were now looking for alternative investments.
(more good news)
we are no doubt F@!ked!
Australian Treasurer Seeks Orderly Withdrawal From U.S. Dollar
And so it begins.
OPEC surprises with deeper oil cut
OPEC agreed on Friday to curb its output by 1.2 million barrels per day, its first cut for more than two years, to halt a precipitous fall in prices.
The reduction, amounting to 4.3 percent of OPEC's September production, was deeper than anticipated and the biggest since January 2002. It trims OPEC output to 26.3 million bpd from November 1.
"The credibility of OPEC is at stake," Algerian Energy and Mines Minister Chakib Khelil told Reuters before the meeting that began Thursday and ended in the early hours of Friday.
Some ministers said a further cut of 500,000 bpd could follow when OPEC next meets in Abuja in December, to address high fuel stocks in consumer countries, particularly the United States, and a projected drop in demand for OPEC oil in 2007.
U.S. oil rose 73 cents to $59.23 on the news, but later pared gains and was trading only 15 cents higher at $58.65 a barrel by 1027 GMT.
In a statement issued after the meeting, OPEC expressed concern oil supplies were far outstripping demand.
"The over-supply situation and imbalance in supply/demand fundamentals have destabilized the market," it said.
Khelil said all 10 OPEC members subject to quotas would participate in the cut. Only Iraq, struggling to get its oil industry back on its feet after war and sanctions, was exempt. Continued...
Mind the gap.
... and the islamofascist homicide bombers.
Anybody out there wondering why the Central Banks are pulling out of the dollar?
A) Because they know it is a falling currency that will depreciate 10-15% next year.
Since the founding of the inflation-happy Federal Reserve, in 1913, the U.S. dollar has lost over 95% of its purchasing power. Heck, during the reign of Alan Greenspan, the dollar’s value depreciated by over 40%. But you are on the money Forclose you for sure
read this you might find it interesting, you may have to start Hiring you are going to be very busy for sure next year.
InfidelSix said...
Mind the gap.
What does that mean?
Gas prices won't come back up until after the first of the year. After the election you have Christmas don't forget. Got to keep all those merchants happpy as well. If the sheeple don't have to spend so much for gas they will use that 'saved' money for christmas. ...spend or the terrorists win...
Great read here!
Striking the US where it hurts
" make an excellent point about China. They are pegging their currency to the dollar,which is bad news for us. They are not a passive society. Don't believe me? Just study their history of wars. They are 100X the threat Japan was economically and also a nuclear power."
I concur. China is a spider in the middle of its web and the US is a trapped fly (thanks to our corrupt and incompetent "leadership"). We have been anesthetized by the cheap crap at ChinaMart and our lifeblood is being sucked away while we sleep. The Chinese wrote the book on how to get one's enemy to beat himself. How expensive does that "free trade" look now?
"'The Chinese wrote the book on how to get one's enemy to beat himself.'"
"What book is that I want to read it?"
The Art of War
the only way we can beat china is to stop buying their crap. But it is to late for that Clinton sold the house, and bush is running it to the get use to bowing as you great your guest's.
Hey Bork,
Just remeber they are a third world country with an inferiority complex, all is not over yet.
Hey Bork,
Just remeber they are a third world country with an inferiority complex, all is not over yet.
I agree we have them by the short hairs also, but, they are growing economically, while we are a debting nation..we need to have a national buy nothing day/week..but the sheep are resting.,,sad but true.
"the only way we can beat china is to stop buying their crap. But it is to late for that Clinton sold the house, and bush is running it to the get use to bowing as you great your guest's."
That's right. The whole insanity of giving the Chinese the keys to the kingdom (in exchange for a temporary discount on mediocre-quality manufactured crap) started under Clinton, and continued (and got worse) under Bush2. Both "political parties" are guilty as they have been listening to free-trade ideologues and short-sighted and greedy corporate interests. Unfortunately, we are pretty far along our self-destruct sequence. Maybe Chinese language lessons are a good investment? How do you say "shine your shoes sir?" in Mandarin?
"...they are a third world country with an inferiority complex"
Hmm... sarcasm perhaps?
If serious, I would have to disagree. My cell phone... made in China. Computer... made in China. They may not "own" the intellectual property, but that's not stopping them from using it as they see fit. Once you've given them the technology, they are not going to "give it back." What's made in the USA these days? Crappy overpriced houses built by unskilled illegal immigrant labor? Which is the Third World country again?
What's made in the USA these days?
There in lies the problem when clinton gave the keys away.. our manufacturing base went with it..BUT!
We here in the United States have clean air, and no smoke stacks, no factory fumes,that all you do gooders and tree huggers complained about...and the trade off.. less jobs.
China is pollution capital of the world..quite the trade off hmm?
You are correct. China is the polluted hell hole of the earth. Most days the sun can not even be seen. It is not as most people think, the majority of Chinese are filthy poor. Just take a walk around any of their cities. Prostitution is everywhere. We can still kick their ass. We are the haves they are the have nots. Except for you idiots who are in debt past your eye-balls. But you deserve the bed you made for yourself, don't ask the American public to bail you out.
"We here in the United States have clean air, and no smoke stacks, no factory fumes,that all you do gooders and tree huggers complained about...and the trade off.. less jobs."
"China is pollution capital of the world..quite the trade off hmm?"
It's possible to manufacture stuff (relatively) cleanly, or at least far more cleanly than the Chinese do. They don't really have much in the way of environmental protection compared even to the US under Bush2, and a lot of their power plants are coal fired. The pollution is part of their cost advantage but not nearly as big a part as the extremely manipulated currency.
Actually it's possible for manufacturing activity to reduce pollution. Think of a factory that makes solar panels or wind turbines so fewer coal fired power plants are needed. Wind and solar are a lot cheaper than fossil fuels once you factor in the cost of global warming.
The loss of our industrial base is the result of government cowardice, corruption, and incompetence, as well as Chinese currency manipulation, not the result of our meager environmental protection laws.
But you deserve the bed you made for yourself, don't ask the American public to bail you out.
Cheers Anonymous! I tip my beer!.And the amazing thing is, is that the sheeple are still bying into this game..what was that terminology I herd?? Oh wait I know,
The Dumbing of America.
And it sickins me that it is so Obvious.
here is a very good read on the actual china..
Anon at 1:20,
I agree that the standard of living for the average Chinese citizen is still pretty crappy, but even that is getting better. The Americans on the other hand, are living well, for the moment, on borrowed time/money. This is true of many individuals, as well as local and state governments, the federal government (the one with the multi-trillion dollar debt) and the nation as a whole (that's what the trade deficit is).
At some point, perhaps soon, the party will be over and the head-splitting hangover will begin. For most, it will be a long and painful period of readjustment to a sharply lower standard of living.
When the rest of the world (especially China) decides it's had enough of accepting our IOUs in exchange for actual goods and services, the party will be over. They don't "need" to sell us their stuff. Once they've fully gutted our industrial/scientific base it'll be all over.
When the rest of the world (especially China) decides it's had enough of accepting our IOUs in exchange for actual goods and services, the party will be over. They don't "need" to sell us their stuff. Once they've fully gutted our industrial/scientific base it'll be all over.
But alas this could be counter productive..china is a growing manufacturing base..The United States Has an Existing manufacturing base..dead in the water yes..At the moment.
When they cash in their IOU's and we say screw you, thanks for the goodtime, our manufacturing base starts a new, as Butch so eliquently put it above..Please push Restart Button.
"But alas this could be counter productive..china is a growing manufacturing base..The United States Has an Existing manufacturing base..dead in the water yes..At the moment."
"When they cash in their IOU's and we say screw you, thanks for the goodtime, our manufacturing base starts a new, as Butch so eliquently put it above..Please push Restart Button."
Our factories are old, theirs are new (thanks to American, Japanese, European, Taiwanese, and S. Korean corporations). They have lots of motivated scientists and engineers, we have fewer, mostly aging, demoralized, disgruntled, and underemployed. It takes time to rebuild a scientific and industrial base and by the time the Chinese pull the plug they will have a huge head start. WE had a huge head start before all this MFN (Most Favored Nation) trade status crap started in the Clinton years but that has now been squandered. The keys to the kingdom exchanged for temporarily higher corporate profits and temporarily lower ChinaMart prices. How pathetically sad and idiotic.
They've already been letting the yuan appreciate, but only a little bit. Once the US economy has been fully reduced to a dessicated husk, they'll let it appreciate a LOT, which is the equivalent of no longer accepting our IOUs in exchange for actual goods and services. It will make all kinds of natural resources, of which they are HUGE importer, much cheaper for them.
thus the inflationary downfall of the Kingdom....such as Rome.
Can americans really be that dumb not to see this coming? "Sigh"
"thus the inflationary downfall of the Kingdom....such as Rome."
"Can americans really be that dumb not to see this coming? "Sigh""
I am afraid we are almost certainly in the minority, the types that get accused of being "gloom and doomers."
It's not just inflation, the outsourcing is a HUGE problem... The late Roman Empire outsourced their soldiering to the Germanic barbarians. Now that's brilliant... It didn't work out too well for the Romans.
We are outsourcing our science and industry to China and India. If China's plan is to become the dominant global power, they are certainly making great progress. In today's age, technological superiority is power. The US is losing it; China is gaining it.
The US is losing it; China is gaining it.
And Russia is breaking bread with China as we speak, Albit SHTOKMAN GAS FIELD. Doom and Gloom? Maybe
Reality? for sure.
The US is losing it; China is gaining it.
And Russia is breaking bread with China as we speak, Albit SHTOKMAN GAS FIELD. Doom and Gloom? Maybe
Reality? for sure.
The ignorant masses have their spectator sports and music and film celebs to keep them distracted and entertained.
they just don't get it, do they.
I am looking for a new used Tahoe for my wife. I am waiting for a gas price spike and for things to get really ugly.
Gas prices don't bother me. Paying $52,000 for a new Tahoe so that the UAW can pay 5,000 people not to work at GM does.
From Tom:
>>>All of those Hummers make me sick. I mean, there are Land Rover dealers nationwide. Have some class if your gunna burn all that gas…
Don't you know that the Land Rover today is basically built on a Ford Explorer chassis now?
I guess "style" matters. Hey, at least now they are built with Ford parts they will be 20 times more reliable. This is not saying Fords are very reliable, just that Land Rovers are awful.
I figure cars like this are bought by people who like to say "I am so rich I don't care about reliability". Well, I'm rich and care about my time. My Mercedes is starting to bug me with trips to the dealer. Makes want to get a Lexus again, but they are so boooooring....
>> Visited the Hummer expose site..
This is pretty old news from 2005.
That said, the H3 is basically a chick car. It's got a sorry 5 cylinder weird engine that is not enough to haul around its almost 5,000 lbs.
Other misinformation on the link:
Some people think that an H2 has anything to do with the military derived H1. It has *nothing in common*. It's basically a Chevy Tahoe with fancy trimmings. Nothing wrong with that, I have a Tahoe and its a great truck.
Some people think that an H2 gets 4-8 MPG. No, it gets about 13, same as a Tahoe. My Dually Pickup gets a real 7.8333 MPG around town, but 12 MPG on the highway with a camper at 80MPH. Go figure...
I was thinking of an H2 for myself, but don't want my wife to drive one. There are enough liberal wacko's out there I don't want her to have to deal with them. I can, so I don't mind.
I'm a gearhead and can appreciate fine machinary but,
All of you homosexual metrosexuals need to give up your sport futility vehicles. You faggots are burning up gas in 4X4's that never see rough terrain.
Save the fuel for us gearheads who like buiding different engines for different cars and putting them to use.
Drive an big SUV = pay for a terrorist to take flight lessons
"Drive an big SUV = pay for a terrorist to take flight lessons"
It's 'a' big SUV (or PU truck for that matter), but otherwise that pretty much hits the nail right on the head. Not to mention the global warming problem, or just plain running out of oil (which can be used for all sorts of useful stuff besides just burning it).
Anon said: "Actually it's possible for manufacturing activity to reduce pollution. Think of a factory that makes solar panels or wind turbines so fewer coal fired power plants are needed. Wind and solar are a lot cheaper than fossil fuels once you factor in the cost of global warming".
If this country can start to manufacture solar generators, panels, and turbines we could once again create jobs in this country. The only problem is that large companies dont want to pay American workers full benefits and higher play than china pays it's factory slave labor. Ultimately, that will be a tough hurdle for American companies to overcome.
If this country can start to manufacture solar generators, panels, and turbines we could once again create jobs in this country.
All of these product are petrolium based and already in existance.
Consumers will not buy solar generators.
I know I have had exclusive access to a solar Generator Product and tried to market it for five years.
We have finally gotten a nibble IN A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY. What more can I say. Even the infomercial world did a study and found that consumers do not want to think about disaster prepardness, until it is too late, so nothing sells.
Sorry to tell you this.
In my town of Stepford (Provo) Utah, there are lots of gas guzzling SUVs and trucks with For Sale signs.
Land Rover = Class?????????
I thought Land Rover equaled pretentious prick within.
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