October 11, 2006
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the next President of the United States...
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
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I didn't vote for him the 1st time but if he would have won, the world would be a very differnet place.
1. He wouldn't have ordered the 9/11 attacks.
2. There would be no war in Afghan. and Iraq.
3. We would be more energy independent.
If he runs he has my vote this time. We need some changes made and for fucking him over in the first election he might just not stop Bush and Cheney from their war crimes trial.
Who's more delusional, the guy above or Al (I invented the internet) Gore? Besides Hillary is going to win, god help us all.
Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton?, Bush?
Triva question?
Who is responsible for more deaths of his own and other countries people while in power?
Bin Laden
Saddamm Hussein
George Bush
Ask any physisist or implosive specialist about the Towers collapse and they'll tell you it is scientifically impossible for the buildings to fall at the rate they did without explosives.
I'm not saying that Bush did it. Maybe it was "terrorists" but it WAS explosives that brought down the Towers.
Where's my tin foil hat? Damn you 9-11 conspiracy people are soooo focking STUPID. You poor, your stupid and you believe everthing you read on the internet. YOU'RE THE REAL SHEEPLE!
"Ask any physisist or implosive specialist about the Towers collapse and they'll tell you it is scientifically impossible for the buildings to fall at the rate they did without explosives. "
Good God! Get over it!
No -- it is NOT true that any physisist or implosive specialist will tell you that it is impossible. If you got your information from real facts instead of "Loose Change" you'd know that.
"1. He wouldn't have ordered the 9/11 attacks. "
Another left-wing nutcase!
Wake up assholes. Where are we fighting "terrorism"? In oil rich countries...
The gov't and the west understand that Peak Oil is a reality. To stay in power, we must control the oil- and especially the distribution of that oil.
We manufactured 9/11 and the "war on terror" so we could go in and set up military bases all over the middle east.
Wake up.
not even a chance. This and other posts just proves how much much of a moron you really are Keith. It is scary.
He will run, but he will lose.
I don't think Gore has a chance at all. I think the Democrat party does not want him to run and are going to put all of their resources behind a fresher face.
And to anon 11:30:30. The answer is Stalin. The others are not even close. If you are going to throw out a bold inuendo like this, you should get a real name and stop hiding behind your anonymous status. Wimp.
"We manufactured 9/11"
Do not forget Pol Pot....20 million dead.
I guess Amerika is not so bad after all. (:
He doesn't look anything like arnold...
Gore was also somehow involved in creating my favorite cable channel/website
Interactive cable channel where viewers send in video stories they've created to be aired on the network.
"Who's more delusional, the guy above or Al (I invented the internet) Gore? Besides Hillary is going to win, god help us all."
As much as I hate Bush, Al Gore is an idiot. He would also pander to the Mecha group and allow all illegals into the country.
Hillary is more interested in helping India acquire more American jobs than she is helping the American middle-class. She is on the India Cacaus.
The US populace is way too stupid to elect somebody competent like Al Gore.
No, the next President will probably be a spineless power hungry idiot like John McCain or Hillary Clinton.
"The US populace is way too stupid to elect somebody competent like Al Gore."
I'm not sure why you believe Al Gore is competent. He was pro-NAFTA (recall the debate with him and Ross Perot), against the wishes or labor groups in this country, and with the desires of every filthy billionaire and CEO.
note the unflattering photo I used folks
I'm just telling you how it's gonna be
9-11 was an inside job.
who do you get YOUR facts from? the goverment?
and i suppose you really believe jesus was concieved without sex. (fact is, he was an E.T. sent to begin the indoctrination of earths peoples).
hey the easter bunny is real too!
anyway, the towers were brought down by thermite, look at some pics of the core support columns, they have been cut at 45 degree angles. if the floors fell, the cores would have remained.
"anyway, the towers were brought down by thermite, look at some pics of the core support columns, they have been cut at 45 degree angles. if the floors fell, the cores would have remained. "
Shut up!
Oh no Keef the 9-11 thing escaped again.
What will u do Keef??
delete Keef - delete all then 9-11 conspiracy theorists post!!
delete I say - we must believe - we must -
honey - get me my flag - that 9-11 thing escaped again!!
9/11 threadjackers are bores
if this was a dinner party there wouldn't be a second invitation if ya know what I mean
"and i suppose you really believe jesus was concieved without sex. (fact is, he was an E.T. sent to begin the indoctrination of earths peoples)."
Nice try on the strawman argument, dummy! Actually it's the same abscence of critical thinking abilities that causes one to believe that some mean man with dynamite snuck into the Twin towers to bring them down. It's bases on belief without evidence.
I don't think it matters who the next president of the U.S. is. Who ever does end up there will have to do what the jews say anyway (or get killed). Either way, the next election has probably already been decided (Do you not believe that vote fraud is real?)
The EXACT same horsepockey about "controlled implosions" came out after OK City bombing. 'Experts' quoted on how that much fertilizer could never create the explosion of OK City. And the FBI had explosives in the building. Horse pockey I tell you!!
ahhhh-- the gov't indoctrinated believe the tale tales of the 911 commission... now what can we make them believe... hmmm....
if we keep telling them we wwent to the moon, they will believe, better lets put it on TV! yeah....
if we show them the towers falling... they will believe a hydro carbon fire melted the steel... yeah..
if we parade greenspan about town telling everyone the housing bubble was really caused by the BERLIN WALL 20 years ago, they will believe...
It amazes me to watch how Americans keep going back and forth about "THE BUILDINGS WERE BLOWN UP!" to "NO THEY WEREN'T!"
The fact is that if a building was to fall down on it's own - it would create ALOT more devastation than even in a semi-controlled demolition. Could you imagine the devastation that would have happened if the Twin Towers were allowed to fall where they wanted? Buildings kilometers away would be damaged and would need to eventually be torn down as well.
Another fact is... ALL tall buildings in the North America are mined and it is some city bureacrat's job to "pull" them down if they are ever in any danger of toppling due to earthqukes, tsunamis, terrorist incidents or whatever else.
These explosives are also probably continuously monitored and changed - as dynamite gets old, it tends to "sweat" nitro-glycerine which is very unstable. So you probably have a team of engineers which goes from building to building making sure the explosives are dry, stable and safe.
Believe me - this is much better in saving property and lives in the long run.
The reason WHY the governemnt is covering this up is because... - how many people who work in high-rises would continue to work there knowing they pass explosives in the elevator ride every day?
And then there would be the questions... 1) WHO was responsible for pushing the button? 2) WHO was responsible for deciding the buildings were in danger of imminently collapsing? And of course the people responsible would need to be put in the witness protection program because New Yorkers would want to kill them.
And if you look at it - the building which was hit by the second plane actually came down first. This was then quickly followed by the demolition of the first building hit. (In the confusion - they probably pressed the wrong button.)
Afterwards, they also decided that building 7 (accross the street) was also in danger of collapsing - so they decided to pull that one as well.
As they say... the only difference between men and boys...
But for crying out loud - stop yelling at each other. The local authorities were responsible for bringing those buildings down with the minimum loss of life possible (with the information they had at the time). It was the federal government which started to wildly blame Ossama... (and I'm still waiting for the evidence btw).
Everyone in the US knows what 911 means. It's the number to call in an emergency - and someone sent that message loud and clear on September 11. The people who did this knew the US much better than some Taliban in the deserts of Afghanistan.
I'd like to know why those israeli "art students" seen celebrating as they watched the towers burn were simply.... let go.... Would it not have been a more appropriate response to detain them, find out what they knew, then lynch them in public? What about all the other mossad agents that were found to be operating in the area at the time, why were they given free passage back to israel by our government? And why did the jewsmedia covering all this (you do remember, right?) suddenly stop and never mention it again?
"It amazes me to watch how Americans keep going back and forth about "THE BUILDINGS WERE BLOWN UP!" to "NO THEY WEREN'T!""
No. The "Loose Change" crowd claims that they were blown up. It is incumbant upon them to prove that claim, not upon us to prove otherwise. That is all I'm saying.
I have never said that I'm 100% sure of anything, but it takes EVIDENCE to say something is more likely than not. The "Loose Change" crowd has not scientific or engineering background and has no business saying whether or not a building collapse is likely.
"The fact is that if a building was to fall down on it's own - it would create ALOT more devastation than even in a semi-controlled demolition. Could you imagine the devastation that would have happened if the Twin Towers were allowed to fall where they wanted? Buildings kilometers away would be damaged and would need to eventually be torn down as well.
Another fact is... ALL tall buildings in the North America are mined and it is some city bureacrat's job to "pull" them down if they are ever in any danger of toppling due to earthqukes, tsunamis, terrorist incidents or whatever else."
Again, someone with no scientific background trying to give "expert" testimony on that which he knows nothing about.
good god enough of the 9/11 crap
I'd suggest a 9/11 blog perhaps for you wankers?
No, if poli-ticks start off with some principles, they loose them when they feel the hand of the israeli lobby (or are killed outright if they don't go along with the jews).
Did any of you even read that essay written by the those two Harvard proffessors a few months back?
Bush, for all his failings, is a better, more stable man than Al Gore. Gore is a head case. Like some DC version of Frankenstein his alcoholic father built him to run for President, and poor little Al is still trying to live up to those expectations.
Just think back to those three television debates in '00. Gore appeared as three different men -- which was the "real" Al Gore? He is a chimera, pushed and pulled by internal demons and the handlers around him.
I want every far left extreme politico on the planet to be elected into positions of power.
And put the ACLU in charge of communications too.
Then after about a year, the country will be in complete chaos and disfunction with terror attacks in every city, borders overrun by illegals, $40 per hour for minimum wages, jail time for saying God in public, etc., etc.,
Then, feeling greatly unappreciated, the far left will completely overreact and operate with something resembling "horse sense" (this of course being an extreme over correction on their part).
I say let the Michael Moores and Cindy Sheehans of the world be in charge for a while.
Simple solutions for complex problems.
> Gore TRIED to steal the election AND FAILED.
true dat. He wanted a recount, but only in the heavily democratic counties.
And to the 9/11 conspriracists: It's implausible that Bush blew up the towers, but it's plausible that Gore did. He had years to plan it - during which time the 9/11 terrorists entered the US. Let OBL get away time and again. Prevented ABLE Danger from alerting FBI of the presence of the terror cell. Had all the CIA/FBI connections, including George Tenet. Etc, etc, etc.
To the lib crowd, Bush lied about WMD, but and is smart enough to pull of the biggest conspiracy in U.S. history, but is too dumb to make sure (read: PLANT) WMD's are found. You guys have serious phych issues.
"If you got your information from real facts instead of "Loose Change" you'd know that."
Well, I saw the editor of "Popular Mechanics" try to "debunk the myths" on DemocracyNow's Loose Change Debate With Popular Mechanics.
The Popular Mechanics editor kept going back to governmental reports and sounded much like Bush who says "everyone believed Saddam had weapons of mass destruction."
My point: he always went back to governmental sources but wasn't the wee bit curious about their accuracy and motivations...
Because of their good will, many people believed Bush at face value but the 9/11 skeptics don't keep their hand at the level of their eyes.
"if this was a dinner party there wouldn't be a second invitation if ya know what I mean"
and because of 9-11 you will not get that chance.
Hey but you will just acquiesce.
You are truely a spinless twit.
Kieth, I think your description of the "haves" is spot-on, however your description of the "have-nots" is extremely biased and flat wrong.
Look at California - probably the biggest bubble area - from San Fran/Marin down to San Diego, this is a Starbucks drinking Blue state. The worst FB's are going to be the poor, stupid, uneducated minorities (democrats) who could only afford the option ARM. And the hollywood/image is everything/live for today types? Probably not big fans of the FOX. I'm going to guess that the flyover states are going to be just fine in the upcoming crash. They'll hurt if they lose their jobs, but they're not the ones buying Benz's on HELOC's to impress the neighbors.
BTW, for a guy so tuned into the REIC as giant colluding and manipulating force, it seems ironic that you demonize the ONE conservative CABLE news channel among a sea of overwhelming Liberally biased channels? Is that one, lone, dissenting view that much of a threat?
Hey all you Bush fans- W was a draft dodger and a cheerleader.
Take that and smoke it- or did W beat you to it? Oh, that's right, he prefers the coke.
Prescott, H, and W are also Nazi's
Bush, for all his failings, is a better, more stable man than Al Gore.
You're out of your mind. Dubya is NUTS. Day after day, he proves just as out of touch and dangerous he and his cronies are to America....
The thing is, you don't have to like Bush to know that liberal's are stupid, emotionally driven, 1st amendment threating, terrorist sympathizing, baby-killin, commie-loving, no-logic, no-solution, hypocritical fools who'd love to sink the ship to spite the Captain.
I'll second that, he is either clinicly insane or he sustained severe brain damage from all the coke. Believe me, we would all be MUCH better off if he were a mere "nazi".
"we would all be MUCH better off if he were a mere "nazi".
liberal's are stupid, emotionally driven, 1st amendment threating, terrorist sympathizing, baby-killin, commie-loving, no-logic, no-solution, hypocritical fools who'd love to sink the ship to spite the Captain...
Err, just replace the word 'liberal' with 'right-wingnut' and you're spot on.
All you need to do to get wingnuts riled up is show a picture of a baby waving a flag and use the word 'terrorist' and 'family values' and they turn into lactating zombies. You've got to engage in complete suspension of disbelief and throw all logic out the window to believe such fairy tales that some palestinian jew 2000 years could levitate, walk on water, was impervious to krytonite...Not exactly known for their critical thinking skills those nutty right wing jesus freaks.
I would really consider killing this SOB, but it would depend on who the Vice-President was.
Seems like "family values" gets you lactating, Anon.
Oh yeah, I forgot "Jesus-hating". Hey, maybe AL will give N Korea some MORE Nuke technology if they promise to not be bad (Add "gullible" and "naive" to the list). Way to go, your strategy of APPEASEMENT is going swimmingly (add "enemy-appeasing").
This message has been approved by me.
a plane hit a residential tower in NYC today- lets see if that building falls
"You're out of your mind. Dubya is NUTS. Day after day, he proves just as out of touch and dangerous he and his cronies are to America...."
Cute knee-jerk reaction, but where is the instability? You might not like his decisions but GWB is pretty much the same guy today as in '01.
As for Gore, again I refer you back to those televised debates in '00. Gore was three completely different personalities (my fav was the rosy-cheeked Reagan imitation), and which one were we supposed to belive? Gore is a head case.
"a plane hit a residential tower in NYC today- lets see if that building falls"
steel in nyc is much much weaker - 3 fell in one day - so the tale goes.
What? I thought Mayor Bloomberg just had to pick up the phone, call the commish of Public Demolisions (after clearing it with Cheney) and tell him to pull the switch. Aren't all the tall buildings in NYC pre-wired with explosive charges?
Richard, you guys are just too funny.
Just as long as someone can kidnap Nader this time around -- or, if that fraudulent asshole can't be kidnapped, then the other assholes won't vote for him.
For a real housing blog see: http://thehousingbubbleblog.com/
"Seems like "family values" gets you lactating, Anon."
Infidel, you really are a Jesus Freak DUMMY. You Dum-Dum, I said it gives wingnut Jesus Freaks like you, boners. You lactating, zombie Rapture clown. Hallelujah, Jesus is coming. The Rapture, the Rapture. The easter bunny and tooth fairy are also gonna come take you to a place where you can eat unlimited ice cream and you never have to do homework and you can sit on your cloud porch and listen to Jesus play the banjo.
"Oh yeah, I forgot "Jesus-hating"."
Yeah, I hate leprechauns and santa claus too. Boo hoo.
"Hey, maybe AL will give N Korea some MORE Nuke technology if they promise to not be bad (Add "gullible" and "naive" to the list). "
Wingnuts only have 2 words in their vocabulary:
Liberal, liberal, liberal, commie,
commie, commie, liberal, liberal, liberal, commie, commie. Oh, I forgot, 'rapture', make that 3.
"Way to go, your strategy of APPEASEMENT is going swimmingly (add "enemy-appeasing")."
Oh, dummy, who said that's my strategy, what on earth are you talking about? Dippy wingnut. Go back to talking in tongues and listening to Rush 'Hillbilly Heroin' Limbaugh. Hallelujah!
"Richard, you guys are just too funny. "
We'll see how hard you are laughing in 5 years - no job - foreclosed - and on your way to a "detention" facility.
How is this country EVER going to start working on solutions for problems when EVERYONE HATES SOMEONE!?
Some hate Clinton, some hate Bush, some hate Gore...no body EVER talks about real problems and how to solve them. It's ALL about hating someone.
I credit cable news and Rush Limbaugh/talk radio (types). They are all about hating and blaming.
This country is in deep shit.
but keep hating..it'll keep you from having to actually think about anything substantive..and you get to feel superior as a bonus
"How is this country EVER going to start working on solutions for problems when EVERYONE HATES SOMEONE!?"
So not voting for a politician means I "hate" that person? I think you have some other issues that need tending to. Seek counseling.
You stupid pedophile-loving liberals should just drop dead!
God, if there was ever a civil war in this country, I would not hesitate to shoot you muzzy-loving nihilists. Go move to Saudi Arabia or Europe you filthy, limp-wristed bums.
God made AIDS to kill the liberals, not the gays, since gays were never more than 2% of the population anyway. Gay men sleep with liberal women and infect them with the AIDS virus or the HPV virus so they die of cervical cancer if AIDS does not kill them. Liberals have no sexual mores anyway. Promiscuous c*nts!
Liberals stopped having children when Roe vs. Wade was passed, so they'll die out in a few generations.
F U liberals!
"You stupid pedophile-loving liberals should just drop dead! "
so much anger ....
hey keefer I think you should block all ANON posts...they are bringing down your blog.
The Biggest BUFOON walking the planet!
That dumb S.O.B. is smart enough to know that he is lucky not to be president!
We had EIGHT years of him and that low-life piece of SHIT Clinton!
And I'll be Damned, we still have poor, violence, Aids, Globalwarming, Global cooling....make up your frickin minds you idiots!
After eight years back to business as usual!
He is 'one' of the major contributing factors for our Divided nation!
I don't understand why the anons don't just select other and make up a name, it takes no more time to do so.
Geez Al, Add some fiber to your diet !
That photo's painful!
The "hate" person is right-on. The entire country hates somebody. More and more I meet people who say "I hate people".
It's divide and conquer at the individual level. No community, no family, just isolated mini-gods with plasmas and new suvs.
And to the anon 12:00:03, I've got a solution to the biggest problems that face this nation, and it has nothing to do with "hate". WE HAVE TO EXPELL ALL JEWS FROM OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND ANY LOBBIES IN WASHINGTON BEFORE THEY GET US ALL KILLED.
You see, if we could actually open up our minds and THINK FOR OURSELVES, we might find it beneficial to look at what nations/empires have discoverd in the past. About eighty (80) of them (some more than once throughout history) had come to the conclusion that the jews were bringing their nation/empire down. It did'nt take them long to remedy the problem by expelling the jews from their nation. Were they ALL wrong? Or has history simply been repeating itself?
Maybe a better question than "Were THEY all wrong" would be...... Were the JEWS all IN the wrong? Which one is the common denominator?
Hey Bush haters,
when you show me your Yale degrees
maybe I'll listen to you when you scream how "stupid" Bush is.You remind me of an old quote,"the less people know of something,the more sure they are of it".Where do you find the time to study conspiracy theories with so many Star Trek re-runs to get through.I used to think you types were on drugs,now I'm more afraid that your refusing to take them.GROW THE FUCK UP!
house lender is ranting again!
Hey house lender!
Next time you have a thought, keep it to yourself!
This site used to have "normal" people on it, and maybe it's just a reflection of how society has changed, but my god, I can't believe all the tin foil hat people on this site.
The more I see around me and on the net, the more I realize how prophetically true the bible is. Folks, WE ARE in THE END TIMES!!!
Hebrew - you may have already seen this. Off the charts!
Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land
"bible "
any post with the bible mentioned is truely scary ...with or without a tin hat.
"when you show me your Yale degrees"
yo bro are you skull and bones too...cool we should hook up and eat of Hitler's china in the tomb!!
Now now ...we have kids reading AND posting to this blog.
well said!!
Shakster -
Let me be very clear-
I believe 9-11 was an inside job and I believe it was to continue the PNAC vision of world domination and the great oil grab in the ME and Caspian Region.
Keefer deletes all my post if I even mentioned 9-11. He is in denial along with a vast majority of posters here.
By Richard Walker
http://www.american freepress. net/html/ bloody_past. html
As more U.S. soldiers die in Iraq, and President Bush tells Americans he will “stay the course” even if his only supporters are his wife and their dog, Barney, reports have come out that Bush is getting advice from a man who knows all about failure.
That man is Henry Kissinger, 88, who served as national security advisor and secretary of state under Richard Nixon and then Gerald Ford.
According to Washington Post editor, Bob Woodward whose new book State of Denial is giving the White House a political headache, Kissinger has been advising Bush behind the scenes for some time during his regular visits to the White House.
The presence of Kissinger within the Bush White House should be no surprise to those who have studied his political career, including his influence on the neo-conservative movement and his membership in the shadowy group known as Bilderberg. His role as advisor to this president may help explain some of the president’s view about the war in Iraq and also some of his language.
One of Kissinger’s favorite sayings is, “the absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously.” In other words, never seek alternatives, or as he told some of the most notorious regimes during his stint as a national security advisor, “succeed and get the job done quickly.”
According to Woodward, Kissinger thinks he is fighting the war in Vietnam all over again, except that this time he intends to win it. Likewise, Bush has made it clear that he will seek victory in Iraq—whatever that may mean—no matter how many American soldiers lose their lives.
Kissinger has emerged from the background this year to make a series of statements furthering the neo-conservative agenda about rebuilding the Middle East and creating a new world order. He has been especially active in articulating views that dovetail with Israel’s perceptions of how America should develop its Middle East strategy.
Born a German, of Jewish origin, Kissinger has made no secret of his support for Zionism and his close links to Israel. On Sept. 3, he publicly declared that European nations should put aside their differences with the United States because both sides were facing a possible “war of civilizations” that “dwarfed transatlantic mistrust left over from the war in Iraq.”
Mankind was facing a “global catastrophe,” he warned, and that meant America and its allies had to start constructing a “new world order.”
If Kissinger’s past teaches anything about his “new world order” it is that he will get into bed with dictators and the cost of his policies in human lives lost will not mean too much to his sensibilities. A brief examination of his days as national security advisor and secretary of state under Nixon and Ford, confirm his taste for dirty, clandestine wars, as well as an ability to hide the truth from Congress and the American people.
In 1969, he advocated the secret “carpet” bombing of neutral Cambodia that led to the killing of half a million innocent lives and is believed to have contributed to the subsequent rise of the dictator, Pol Pot whose Khmer Rouge militias massacred millions in what became known as “the killing fields.” In 1973, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace for negotiating a ceasefire with North Vietnam, even though the war in Vietnam continued for another two years.
If Cambodia was an example of his ability to operate in the shadows so was his support for the invasion of East Timor by the corrupt Indonesian regime of General Suharto. Documents have now surfaced showing that a day before the invasion on December 7, 1975, Kissinger told the dictator:
“It is important whatever you do, do succeed quickly.” Kissinger was concerned American public opinion would not favor a brutal or prolonged occupation of East Timor that nine days earlier had declared independence from Portugal. The invasion led to the death of almost a quarter of a million Timorese and a subsequent occupation killed almost a third of the population in what Amnesty International called genocide.
"Again, someone with no scientific background trying to give "expert" testimony on that which he knows nothing about."
Nice job mole... no rebuttal to what was actually said. Just a stupid comment from another idiot dismissing anyone else's claims.
Hey Keith,
Great blog,sorry for the profane at anon 2:54.15.Let's try to keep the focus on RE,not politics
"No. The "Loose Change" crowd claims that they were blown up. It is incumbant upon them to prove that claim, not upon us to prove otherwise. That is all I'm saying."
What are you talking about? If the steel from the columns wasn't shipped out to China immediately after the collapse, maybe they would have found the evidence - explosive residue, perfectly cut beams, etc.
Don't you find this act a little puzzling - considering it's one of the biggest terrorist incidents to ever happen on US soil?
"I have never said that I'm 100% sure of anything, but it takes EVIDENCE to say something is more likely than not. The "Loose Change" crowd has not scientific or engineering background and has no business saying whether or not a building collapse is likely."
There IS evidence - scientific evidence brought forth by scientists which is not being satisfactorily explained. This is the biggest reason WHY this controversy wont go away - no matter how much most people would like to bury it.
By far, the evidence supporting explosives is much greater than any showing Ossama did it... but you started two wars over the flimsy excuses given by the government.
Eight years of that blow-hard were enough!
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