Millions of newly unemployed ex-REIC and their multiplier effect.
Local governments paralyzed and on the brink of default due to rapidly shrinking property and sales tax revenues, right when the demand for handouts and services heats up.
Financial system in chaos as hedge funds and banks implode.
Half-finished bankrupt developments all across the nation.
Lawsuits, bankruptcies, defaults, fraud and systemic meltdown.
Arsons galore as increasingly desperate flippers and homedebtors do anything to get rid of their problems.
Yes, this will make New Orleans and Iraq look like childsplay.
For a great expose on Iraq and how we got to where we're at today, check out PBS's Frontline report here - The Lost Year.
Two words sum up our current leadership folks - corruption and incompetence. And the Dems taking over Congress in a few months will be too little too late, and it's not like they're any better.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. And get ready.
You're on your own.
October 21, 2006
Just think - the same incompetent muppets who mismanaged Iraq and NO will now mismanage the financial implosion caused by the housing meltdown
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I blame Clinton for degrading the office of President. Clinton was the worst president ever. BJ in the Oval office with an intern, come on. Most democrats are morons.
Yes, it's terrible what they've done. Unemployment out where I live is 3.4%, the economy is booming, people are buying houses at prices well over last year's numbers. The only "panic" I see is at the fast food places that can't hire workers at $8/hr since the Mexicans returned home for the Winter.
Yeah, a real bunch of incompetents -- running HP that is.
anon Saturday, October 21, 2006 6:26:18 PM
Blame whoever you want.... you can still kiss it all goodbye.
No one person from either side of the aisle caused the sprialing mess we're in. Year, after year, administration after administration... Americans are degrading, and devolving with each succesive generation, and patting ourselves on the back all the while.
Have you seen a modern teenager lately?... heard them speak?
America is solidly in decline. The ranks coming up are not being told the truth about anything, and therefore cannot make good decisions.
We're up to our necks in liars who are all convinced that the lies are for our own good.
You know what an FB is right.... we're FA's.
"Clinton was the worst president ever."
Just for a note: I am a conservative but I am not a card carrying member of the Republican party, and after giving Bush the benefits of doubt, I hate Bush for all of his lies, arrogance, incompetence and etc..
NOW, OK, Clinton was a low-life, a lier, a womenizer and a scum-bag. BUT, can you tell me why was he a bad president?
His fiscal disciplin and deficit control was good, our militery did not suffer much during his term. All over he was not a bad president. Again, in the absense of emotional bias, can you tell me why was Clinton a bad president?
This was a great site before it became the liberal anti-Bush site it is now. Man, give it a rest Keith, and get back to the real estate.
"Again, in the absense of emotional bias, can you tell me why was Clinton a bad president?"
Sure, Clinton was a consummate pol, not unlike FDR, and he could have used his unique talents to improve this country. Instead, he allowed inexperienced sycophants to run the country during his first term. In his second term he snapped thongs and trivialized the office of the President through banal acts that might have embarrassed even Caligula.
An analogy in RE would be a couple that buys an historic old home and then proceeds to put up vinyl siding and stick pink flamingos in the front yard. A lot of motion and trouble, but nothing much accomplised that can stand the test of time. And that also summarizes Clinton's two terms.
You know it's bad for the Republicans when we look back on the Clinton term as the good old days.
Clinton was the first white trash president, but Bush is the first small bus president.
For the life of me, I still don't know how one man took an entire country to war. I used to be a Republican, but I could see a strong case for impeaching Bush now.
The Democrats are vile slithering snakes as well, at least when they win congress that will hopefully bring govt to a standstill. Which is the best that we can hope for at this point, quit actively screwing things up. Just stop, drop and roll....put out some fires that are already burning.
The State of New Jersey has spent its unemployement compensation fund that all employers are required to pay into.
lol. Democrats.
Doesn't NJ have the highest tax rates in the USA?
I like how, for every small-minded conservative, it always comes down to one thing: that Clinton had sex in the Oval Office.
Nevermind that he was respected by every world leader and got the entire world to respect the US.
Nevermind his fiscal control, his negotiating skills, his ability to take and use good ideas from both sides of the aisle, his vision, his leadership and the fact that he worked night and day to make this country stronger, he got a BJ in the Oval office.
If you conservatives would just get laid by your frigid wives or get a hooker yourself, you'd see that maybe sex isn't such a big deal. IT'S JUST SEX YOU HOMOPHOBIC PURITAINS. Get over it.
The rest of the world forgot about Clinton's BJ almost overnight. But there are now 100s of millions, if not billions of people around the world that now HATE us because we allowed an oil man mis-lead this country into a war we cannot win.
We now reap what you've sown conservatives.
.....And Rome continues to burn.
P.S. Does Bush play the fiddle?
Korea counterfeit's US dollars since the 80's and is a finer quality than the real thing. Fake USD in Korea is sold through criminals to buy luxury goods for the elite.
Clinton's fatal flaw was not that he disgraced the Presidency of the U.S. by comitting adultry. Though this ia a horrible thing it is no greater of an indiscretion than many other Presidents. His downfall was that he lied to the nation looking everyone in the eye under oath and during this turmoil was distracted from his duty to protect this country.
Remember whose administration first failed to go after Osama. Remember whose administration sent a nuclear reactor to Korea--great leadership, brilliant thinker. Tell me, who do you think is acting in the best interest of the US: the President who is hated by other nations of the world or the one who is loved by other nations. Just maybe the world loved Clinton because he sold us out. Do you really think that if you or I as an average American citizen lied to a grand jury under oath we wouldn't be doing prison time? Shouldn't our leaders be held to the same standards --- in fact a higher standard. This war crime trial hype about President Bush is all about political payback. Yet unlike Clinton who deserved to be impeached Bush merely is leading by making some very hard unpopular decisions. Maybe they are good decisions, maybe they are bad but they are certainly not traitorous. I am glad the world hates him. I pity any countries or leaders that are on good terms with Iran, Korea, Russia, and France. Face it other nations are not looking out for the US they are only concerned about themselves.
Seriously, you are an idiot!
Stay on point jerk-off. It's not a Bush vs. Clinton debate. If you want to support your awful president, then do so. The problem is there's nothing good to point out. So all you red-neck religious fanatics can do is say "at least Bush didn't have sex in the Oval Office and lie about." As if that makes history's worst presidency seem any better.
Screw Bush, and screw you for your childish debate tactics.
funny that the fox news crowd thinks I'm a liberal because I insult their witch
note to the fox news idiots - I think the democrats may be even worse than the republicans.
tough to tell though, since they've been the party out of power for so long.
what we do know, however, is that your party screwed up royally.
they'll be shown the door in just a few more days, and it'll take another 60 years until you regain power, if ever
The Republicans - the minority fringe party for the next 100 years
Why is my post being withheld? Is the truth so damaging to your position?
"Again, in the absense of emotional bias, can you tell me why was Clinton a bad president?"
He sold missle targeting technology to Red China so that they can now pinpoint U.S. cities with their 100 megaton warheads. He gave nuclear technology to North Korea for "peaceful purposes". He makes Benedict Arnold look almost patriot.
You're going to have to come up with a better strategy than trying to scare people by the thought of Speaker Pelosi. A recent poll found that half the country had either never heard of her or had not formed any opinion about her. Only 1/4 of respondents had an unfavorable opinion of Pelosi. Not exactly an election turner.
I do not understand the Clinton-bashers- it was what, 8 years ago? Get over it. So he lied about getting a BJ. BFD. In fact, he should never have ever been asked- what exactly did a BJ have to do with Whitewater?
"But he lied. But he lied." Wake up assh*les, all politicians lie-especially that assclown we have in office now.
Hey, what was the deficit last year? What is the national debt? What did they raise the debt ceiling to?
Seen any WMD's?
Mission accomplished!
W's a bumbling f*cking idiot and I cannot figure out who is worse, him or all the f*cking fools who voted for him.
My dad used to say voting was about picking the lesser of two evils. How true ... he's a smart one.
It really comes down to ideas.
You're either a believer in the UN or not.
You either want to stop massive illegal immigration or you don't.
You either care more about freedom of speech or not offending violent people.
You either want to buckle under intimidation of death threats and Jihadist intolerance for fear of safety or you find it unacceptable.
You either want to fight islamofascism or not.
If Republicans have screwed up, and some things they have, I don't see how Democrats would be anything but far worse.
Come now. "The Republicans - the minority fringe party for the next 100 years." The republicans will probably lose the next election -- maybe even very badly because of their corruption and stupidity but they can hardly be called a fringe party let alone for the next 100 years. Wishful thinking on your part.
Power corrupts. Rest assured we don't want any party in power for too long. It makes no difference what's their title of the day.
Don't you think labeling the republicans as the fringe party for the next 100 years maybe is little bias for someone who is so party neutral.
"u red-neck religious fanatics "
God, I wish I could post a pic of Clinton getting on a helicopter with the Bible in his had.
Our black (or white-trash) president is from Arkansas after-all.
"funny that the fox news crowd thinks I'm a liberal because I insult their witch"
I think you're more like Jerry Springer. You're a sensationalist above all else. You know how to push buttons to raise ratings.
Bill Clinton hasn't been President for 6 years. Jesus Christ, get over it and get yourself a life while you're at it. You Limbaugh/Drudge robots are just pathetic. If you had an original thought, your head would probably explode.
Yea, well Bush Won the Election!
You Liberal piece's of Crap need to get over that!
C'mon Tabasco,
Are telling me one of those totally-planned "here Mr. President hold this Bible as you're getting on the chopper - it'll make you more sympathetic .." totally planned pics of Clinton would've have a been perfect hp response to the "redneck bible-thumper" generalization?
LOL. Irony can be so .... ironic.
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