Friday night politics - Minuteman founder on Colbert on out of control illegal immigration
October 20, 2006
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Friday night politics - Minuteman founder on Colbert on out of control illegal immigration
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My rant about illegal immigration was published locally today. It poses some interesting questions if you are up for the read...
Nice work patch. I'm proud to have you as an HP'er
here's some highlights folks - but read the entire letter:
Reader's Letter: Illegal Immigration: The Other War
This Story Has Been Viewed 52 Times Since 10/20/2006
By 'Patch Tuesday'
I've been spending a lot of time lately pondering our illegal immigration problems and I keep getting stuck on some basic principles we've used to solve other problems in our society that seem to be getting ignored on this rather invasive issue.
Let's examine the the war on drugs for example. For years I've been listening to officials talk that our strategy for fighting the war on drugs is to go after the growers, the dealers, and the profits. If that's the case, why are we not going after the employers that hire illegal immigrants and the landlords that house them? Aren't they the equivalent of the drug dealers in this situation?
If no one will hire you and you can't live anywhere, then why would you come to one of the most expensive places in the world? And, what about the money? Again, in the war on drugs, we would be seizing the financial assets and profits of the drug dealers, but we completely ignore the financial aspect of this problem when it comes to illegal immigration.
For every reason that you can throw at me that illegal immigration is good for me and America, I can throw an even more evil reason back at you that it's not. We are a country of "LEGAL IMMIGRANTS" America, not illegal ones, and I hope you start waking up before it's too late, if it's not already.
Good to see you like Patch's letter. I hope you've learned from his letter that one can talk about illegal immigration (which is indeed a problem) intelligently without resorting to prejudical and borderline racist rantings about the immigrants who are just trying to improve their lives. If they weren't able to get jobs in the US, they wouldn't come. It's really that simple.
Obviously, telling them that they won't ever get to be legal has no bearing on their decision to come here. There are illegal immigrants who have been here for decades without becoming citizens. But would they stay here for decades if they couldn't get a job?
Money is the issue here, it always has been, and it always will be. Start monetarily punishing the companies who are giving the illegal immigrants the incentive of money, and you will go along way to improving the whole situation.
spot on patch.
But how can you even begin to reason w/ the Columbia U types who won't even let Jim Gilcrest speak and accuse him of Racism and torture (yes torture...seems like that word doesn't quite mean what it used to)? Since when does enforcing the law against those who are flagrantly breaking the law have anything to do with race?
Recently a discrimination lawsuit was filed against a couple of businesses for not hiring (assumed illegal immigrants) people who's names didn't match the SSN's they provided. Can you imagine? That flagrant audacity and stupidiy!?! Even my Mexican wife can't believe that.
This all comes from that same mental sickness shared among the ACLU types.
If people didn't make racist comments about illegal immigrants, then people would have a much tougher time throwing out charges of racism to protect the status quo.
The way to argue is not to demonize the immigrants, as is often done, but instead to point out that the allowablity of employers to hire illegal immigrants is hurting everyone because those employers pay them less and do not offer them any benefits, which helps cause wages to stagnate and social services costs to increase.
I agree that lawsuit you speak of is nonsense. Employers of any stripe should be mandated by law to document the legality of all of their employees. In Florida (and I'm sure other states as well), they can't even ask for a ss# from somebody applying for a real estate license. But until the debate shifts toward the middle and the unrealistic dreams of kicking all illegal immigrants out of the country are put on the backburner, the real heart of the problem will never be tackled.
Here in San Diego County last week a young woman was killed and three others injured in a car accident involving a suspected illegal immigrant. This man was driving a company truck DUI. He then ran from the scene to be arrested three hours later. Turns out this man (22) had 4 other DUI convictions. The tragedy of this episode is just mind boggling. It reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw last week. "If you are completely appalled, you have not been paying attention." In the words of the great Mogambo - "We are all freakin' doomed."
"If you are NOT completely appalled, you have not been paying attention."
Nice work patch. I'm proud to have you as an HP'er
sheesh! now I am Jealous
Selling out your country in order to make a profit should be recognized for what it is - economic treason. Importing cheap labor that you have no desire or intention to let get ahead economically should also be recognized for what it is - modern day slavery.
The problem is that discussing it or taking a stance against it makes you a racist...
okay here we go again..American hipocrycy again. Don't you get it. The "war on drugs targets growers because it gives US military an excuse to interfere in the domestic politics of small latin american countries and make sure that they stay ideaologically sound. illegal immigration is about stopping immigration, even while US and international governments insist that these poor countries follow economic policies that mean none of these immigrants would ever be able to better themselves. But like a good anglophile Keith says lets blame the victims.
Anonymous said: okay here we go again..American hipocrycy again. Don't you get it. The "war on drugs targets growers because it gives US military an excuse to interfere in the domestic politics of small latin american countries and make sure that they stay ideaologically sound.
Lets test your logic:
Afghanistan is known for poppy's and the heroin trade, so is that how we got the U.S military there?
Real estate agents have been caught selling houses to indoor pot growers in states such as California and Florida. Can we expect military intervention there as well? Should Jeb Bush be worried?
The Taliban were definitely no angels. They allow the production of opium for many years and positively profited from it. They only decided to ban its production when a severe drought caused the failure of the crop in '01. It was a message from god they claimed.
Well, maybe they should have been thinking about their god, when they were sentencing many people to death by producing this evil crop.
Throughout the history of modern civilization, individuals in power, and especially those who regard themselves as the "elite" have seen nothing wrong with using addiction to control the masses.
When you hear terms like "The War on Drugs", you just know the people in power are push out one message, while in the background they are still playing the same old game.
BTW, here is a nice link for those that want to check the facts about the upcoming elections. Outlandish claims are always a problem around election time, and the internet is such a good tool for checking the facts that are presented in “sound bites”.
the point was that in poorer latin american countries US intervention and washigton consensus economics gives US military a presence there.
Asia is not part of these power politics and the US is not in Afganistan as part of its war on drugs. That's a good thing because when Bush says that afghan economy growing, fails to mention that most of that growth is because poppy cultivation is huge. Where's the war on drugs there?
Yeah, that letter will fix everything. I'm sure Washington DC has closed for the day just so they can all read your wisdom.
Here in reality, where I dwell, I recognize an unstoppable trend when I see one. Gov't and industry have succeeded in bringing in so many illegals that we are past the point of no return, they breed like cockroaches and nothing you say will change that fact.
I cashed out of the U.S. economy two years ago, and live most of the time in Thailand, where even the coups are peaceful.
The smart money is fleeing the states. All that will be left are the elite, the illegals and their offspring, and a WHINING middle class that lacked the gumption to head for better places, and has finally figured out who the real suckers are.
The joke is on you, my friend.
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