Friday night politics: Anyone still dumb enough to believe the Republicans are the party of god?
Here's another great report from Olbermann on how Rove and the Republicans deviously (and yet so obviously) used the god-thing to come to power.
The party of the establishment, rich people, big business and big oil, the party of rich white men (yeah, christ would have loved that party), gets millions of suckers to vote against their own best interests by playing the god card (and the patriotism one too). Brilliant.
October 13, 2006
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Olbermann "gets it"
1. What does this remotely have to do with housing?
2. "The Party of God." I have never heard any republican, anywhere, ever say those words.
3. Wonder what God thinks when those partial birth abortions show up in heaven? Oh, those Godly democrats!
4. Democrats have been turning men into gays, daughters into whores and kicking God out of the public square for 50 years now...
nice to have the last poster make my point completely
Let's face facts. Both parties are crap. The whole system is crap.
Not that my vote matters, but I'm third parties all the way.
Stick to housing related topics.Too much more with the politics and the blog will be down the toilet.
sorry, my blog, and politics is a big part of how we got to the mess we're in today
remember the HP recommendation - vote against every single incumbent - democrat and republican
both parties suck and have played Americans for fools
time for new blood
Funny choice of words.
In Arabic, "party of god" is "Hezbollah".
I agree with Keith on this one. Politics and housing are pretty intimately related right now. And people voting against their interests (and they have been in a big way) disturbs markets which assume rationality in investors to function properly (I know, I know).
there's not much difference between the republicans and theocracies or religious terrorist groups who seek political power throughout the middle east
when you combine religion and government, you get disaster
thus that little thing called the constitution that worked for 200+ years, until the republicans figured out the way to ignore it, or change it if need be
Like they say, a poor/middle class person voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
"Democrats have been turning men into gays, daughters into whores and kicking God out of the public square for 50 years now... "
Crazy say what???? Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.....
Take it easy Pal, I consider myself a Republican and agree 100% with this housing mess but please don't think this is the work of one party. Both sides of the aisle are equally quilty when it comes to wheeling and dealing.
I report, you decide...
“ The Christian Coalition”
“Our hallmark work lies in voter education. Prior to the November election the Christian Coalition of America distributed a record 70 million voter guides throughout all 50 states. These non-partisan guides gave voters a clear understanding of where various candidates stood on the issues important to them. With this knowledge, millions of voters went to polls ready to make their voices heard.”
“The FoxFaith initiative came out of the Fox Home Entertainment division -- the DVD arm of the company. They recognized that the Christian market was underserved and determined to acquire and distribute DVDs designed to appeal to Christians.”
gary - perhaps I'm not making myself clear
Also responsible are the idiots who voted for these idiots. Many are now waking up to the mistakes they made in the ballot box, but there are some brainwashed folks still out there - especially the ones who are still buying this party of god BS
Vote 'em all out. All of 'em.
The republicans are the same as the islamists int he middle east? What?
Whose head have they cut off? Converting from Islam is punishable by death in SA...since when have republicans tried to institute such a policy? Freedom of religion doesn't mean that religious people are not free to be political. Or that politicians aren't allowed to be religious. It means the gov't can't make laws that discriminate for or against religions. So when was it that provision of the constitution was broken?
You can't be so brainless that you confuse "separation of church and state" with freedom of religion. "Separation of church and state" doesn't appear in teh constitution. And the idea that the constituion mandates that the gov't not mention relgion or stomp religion whenever it can is wrong. The constitution says no such thing. It implies no such thing. It actually states the opposite. YOu need to read it.
Religious people are allowed to be as political as anyone else, if you have a problem with it, then YOU are the one with the problem with the US constitution.
Maybe middle class people voting republican want slightly lower taxes for themselves even if it means lower taxes for rich people. What's the alternative? HIgher taxes for themselves and more government boondoggles? Yeah, they're voting against themselves alright.
How are the republicans for "big oil". Did they give them "permission" to raise oil prices? ARe you that much of a simpleton? They must have been against "big oil" back in the 80s when oil went from $40 a barrel to $10. Huh? What percentage of world oil is produced by big oil?
The dems would give them....what exactly? Gay marriage? Welfare for illegal aliens? government take over of health care so they could be on the equivalent of medicaid too? What exactly are dems promising the middle class?
The first thing congress did after the inauguration of Washington was have a 3 hour prayer session. YOu needed to tell them to stop that stuff!
Wow, Fox has a division that tries to make money off of Christians by giving them what they want?
OMG, that is proof of...what exactly? That Fox is a corporation and corporations try to make money?
The Christian coalition shouldn't be allowed to distribute anything political.
Christians shouldn't be allowed to vote. It says so in the constitution. Separation of Church and state means no church people are allowed to take part in politics. They are not allowed to vote either. How can it be Separation of church and State if church people are allowed to vote? It can't be.
Republicans ignored that part because they wanted the votes of the Christians.
Damn, ther are alot of STUPID people living. Too bad they have to be on the same planet.
I think GWBush believes in God, or well at least whenever Mark Foley gets down and makes sweet love to GWBush's mangina, W just keeps saying "O God O God" through his teeth as he is biting the pillow.
“Religious people are allowed to be as political as anyone else, if you have a problem with it, then YOU are the one with the problem with the US constitution.
"Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state' absolutely essential in a free society." - Thomas Jefferson
The word "God" does not appear within the text of the Constitution of the United States. After spending three-and-a-half months debating and negotiating about what should go into the document that would govern the land, the framers drafted a constitution that is secular. The U.S. Constitution is often confused with the Declaration of Independence, and it's important to understand the difference.
In Florida, felons cannot vote. Somehow people decided it was in society's best interest to exclude them. In a similar vein, christians shouldn't be allowed to vote either. Because anyone who is a christian by definition must be so stupid that allowing them to vote would be like letting retarded people adopt children.
"Whose head have they cut off? Converting from Islam is punishable by death in SA...since when have republicans tried to institute such a policy?"
I am not religious and I have noticed some pretty hateful stuff shouted from the more fundamental elements of the "religion of jesus" about those who differ in their view. The difference between the head chopping fundies over there and the fundies here in the US....the Constitution and law and order. Once you believe someone is condemned to eternal torture by their creator, isn't anything game?
Right, so how have the republicans not followed the wall between separation of church and state? Has Jerry Falwell been making laws again?
ARe you saying that laws should have no basis in any sort of "religious" morality? Is that in the constitution too?
I'm not confusing the Declaration of Independence with the Constitution. Other people are confusing "freedom of religion" with "separation of church and state" and "separation of church and state" with "gov't should be hostile to all religion".
The three don't equal each other. Gov't shouldn't try to establish a religion or give one preferences. That's all the constitution says. The fact that it doesn't mention "God", is meaningless. No one can point to an incidence where republicans did any such thing.
"I am not religious and I have noticed some pretty hateful stuff shouted from the more fundamental elements of the "religion of jesus" about those who differ in their view. The difference between the head chopping fundies over there and the fundies here in the US....the Constitution and law and order. Once you believe someone is condemned to eternal torture by their creator, isn't anything game?"
Differ in their view of what? Politics? So again, you're saying religious people can't have political opinions. Or can't voice them. You are against the constitution, not them.
They believe people are going to be tortured by their creator. Then you imply that everything must be "fair game" to them. So give me an example where a Christian group said "these people are going to hell anyway, let's kill them.". You can't. You created a straw man arguement of things no one said or did so you can rail against it. Your only logic is that they likely WOULD think that way.
Yeah, they're just like Islamic fundamentalists who cut peoples' heads off...except they don't. ANd you have no evidence that they would. And in fact, in their religion it specifically says that if they can't covert you that they should bid you good day. Love your brother, even if he is not of your religion. The good Samaritan was of a different race and religion than the person he helped.
So yeah, they're just like them, except they're not like them in any way shape or form. But they probably WOULD be. Right. You can read their minds.
I’m sorry, if you can’t connect the dots between the Republican party, the Christian coalition and what is happening with civil rights in this country then you have just challenged the concept of intelligent design.
The creation of the "Religeous Right" was brilliant.
Democrats controlled both houses of congress for a very long time by dropping their key issues and becoming a compilation of various special interest groups. Republicans had their key issues of lower taxes, smaller government, etc. but couldn't get it done. So... They create their own special interest group that wasn't being courted by the Democrats. Now, the Republicans have moved away from their key issues and pander to their own special interest groups.
Both parties are now just a compilation of special interest groups and neither party represents the majority of American voters. I won't be a part of either one of them.
Interesting that "Party of God" in Arabic is "hezbollah".
tom said...
I’m sorry, if you can’t connect the dots between the Republican party, the Christian coalition and what is happening with civil rights in this country then you have just challenged the concept of intelligent design.
Wake up Tom. Neither party gives a rats ass about civil rights. Both parties pander to the needs of the special interest groups that pay their bills. Both parties are actually running on platforms that involve disolving civil liberties. Republicans have the patriot act and the Democrats have the fairness doctine. Republicans want to monitor your library books to ensure "safety" and Democrats want to curb free speach by censoring differing political views in the interest of "fairness". Both are power grabs from the American people.
anonymous 10-13 11:10
So is the answer to your 4 points to establish a theocracy in the USA? If yes, let me know once it's established so that I can buy my plane tickets to Canada.
The problem with Christians like yourself is that you believe that we humans on earth are afforded the right to judge others in God's name, and that we must take action to make biblical prophecies and God's Word become a reality.
Let God take care of his own business. Let him be the judge of "partial birth abortions" and "homesexual behavior".
You probably also believe that God wants Jerusalem in the hands of Jews or Christians instead of Muslims too.
If God wills it, then it will be.
In the meantime, go to church, worship in freedom, live like Jesus, give to the poor and care of the sick, let he who is without sin throw the first stone, and most importantly - shut the fuck
Karl Rove said the f-word?
Hey Tom,I believe at the time of the founding fathers,12 of the 13 original colonies had official chuches.The separation of church and state every liberal loves to quote was to protect the churches from governmental interference.Let's all admit it,we were founded as a nation by Christians with Christian values.I love how these Liberals try to re-write history.Do you think if Jesus Christ came back to walk this earth today he'd sound like a liberal?
Keith Olbermann is getting a pretty organized push from the DNC, because he cannot survive on his own. Even libs cannot sit through his 1 hour show. At least O'Reily has Dems on.
Keith are you being paid to push Olbermann? Because he is a nut with a teleprompter and a thesaurus.
This site is a great example of what's wrong with this world. Too many people too blind to see the end times we're in. You think that the 200+ prophecies that have come true and others that are clearly coming true are adult fairy tales? Take some time to Google "bible prophecies" (until Google decides to filter out ALL Christian content from their search engines) and learn something before it's too late. See what the bible says about apostacy, Damascus and worsening weather patterns, etc. in the end times, and compare that with the news. You have to be blind AND retarded not to see it.
By the way, go ahead and denigrate what I've said. It bothers me not at all. It's only YOUR noose that you're tightening and remember some offenses are considered unpardonable sins despite what all the new-age Churches are saying.
politicians of any persuasion can be corrupt, that is plainly evident. In the end you're either a socialist or a capitalist. Both have their pro's and cons.
You have to ask yourself one question. Do you want your healthcare managed by the same people who run the DMV and FEMA?
The was no USPS until there was FedEx. And UPS took 1-2 weeks. All you have to do is look at where the innovation and invention happens ... and it's not in Communist countries. How would you like to own a business in France and not be able to fire a new employee? You'd be scared to hire anyone. Those socialist ways are self-defeating. Makes no sense.
wrap up: Liberal Democrats - corrupt with bad ideas. Conservative Republicans: corrupt with better ideas.
LOL. Watching Olberman will lower your IQ!
Kieth said "the party of rich white men " ...
This one always kills me too! Funny stuff.
As opposed to Harry Reid, Howard Dean, John Kerry, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, etc, etc, etc. Wow, you could work for the NAR!
How many minorities did Clinton have in his cabinet?
All that time in power and look how much they help minorities. Republicans freed the slaves and Democrats opposed integration. Robert Byrd was a Grand Wizard in the KKK, but hey as long as you keep pushing the entitlement programs you can be the "black party". Ooops guess which "first black President" signed the welfare reform (pissing off the NAACP)?
Good news for you though, there MAY soon be a position opening up at the NAR.
Large numbers of people want to think of themselves as good. They adopted the religion they grew up around, because they were taught that is what you do if you are good. They think God made everything, so he must be good, and if you like God, then you are good, and so on. In other words, they are well-meaning, but maybe not thinking very deeply - unquestioning. In a similar vein, they were last-in on the Housing Ponzi scheme, suckered by some infomercial. And suckered into voting for cynical politicians who knew just how to push their buttons. "Vote for me, or throngs of gay people will be banging down the church doors to get married!" Way to go, Ohio. Cornfed, goody-two-shoes patsies.
This story has everything to do with the housing bubble. Both are about unreal expectations and gullibility. It's as much as slam on manipulable people as on Repubs.
'We' may Not be the party of God, but we sure know you Dems ain't either!
Democrats have been turning men into gays.
They say coming clean is part of therapy..
Good luck to ya Republican Scout Master.
And about the Daughter, Dont ask, Dont tell right.
And yes both parties are shit..plain and simple ..shit!
Isn't it funny how the Christian right kick and scream about embryos being "killed", but when a fully functioning (fully aware) human being is slaughtered... So much for the idea of a compassionate conservative.
Maybe if we promoted contraception, there wouldn't be a need. But nooo... It's ungodly (that's right, god wants us to over populate the world).
Besides I'm sure he wrote it down somewhere (quotes from the Bible/Koran/...etc. will not be accepted). Or better yet, maybe you've got some video footage of him/her at a press conference.
The problem with people from the religious right is they actually think they are god (not just doing gods work). That's why taking someone life is so easy for them.
But maybe that is what religion is all about. Having power over people.
Just think how different the world would be if they were ignored in the political discourse.
Maybe if we promoted contraception, there wouldn't be a need.
And no George Bush!!
Bush did 911. Check the very well done video: "911 Cover up" on google videos (with the help of BBC) already watched by 4 million people. If democrats win, they will reopen 911 investigations and Impeach Bush and his friends... Bush was the worst thing that has ever happened to the US. I hope the truth comes out and they gets what they deserve.
What's this all mean, Keith?
Does this mean it's safe to invest in real estate properties again with reckless abandon?
Geraldo says yes.
Bill O'Reilly says no.
Dammit, I'm confused.
Great! I learned that political speech writers are infiltrating religious, fraternal, ethnic, and occupational groups and learning their language and jargon so that they can code their speeches and get millions of votes from groups that identify. Why do our tax dollars pay for a speechwriter who affords a prospective or acting president the ability to be insincere and dishonest?
1.A betrayal of trust or confidence.
Religious people who voted for Bush because they though him to be a religious man are an even bigger bunch of suckers than all the folks out there who thought that real estate never goes down.
If only one single reporter ever got the damn balls to ask George W Bush in 1999-2000 how often he went to church. Just once, one time, one reporter could have asked him that, wouldnt ya think.
Anyone know the answer to how often Bush went to church before he was President?
Didn't think so. Because nobody ever asked him. What a country.
Do you think if Jesus Christ came back to walk this earth today he'd sound like a liberal?
let's see.......
(cue wavy screen & way back music)
"All we are saying, is give Peace a Chance" --- well known 1960's liberal
"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." --- Jesus
"Property is intended to serve life, and no matter how much we surround it with rights and respect, it has no personal being. It is part of the earth man walks on. It is not man." --- well known 1960's liberal
"Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth." --- Jesus
"If by a “liberal” they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a “liberal,” then I’m proud to say I’m a “liberal." --- well known 1960's liberal.
On the last day, Jesus will say to those on His right hand, "Come, enter the Kingdom. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was sick and you visited me." Then Jesus will turn to those on His left hand and say, "Depart from me because I was hungry and you did not feed me, I was thirsty and you did not give me to drink, I was sick and you did not visit me." These will ask Him, "When did we see You hungry, or thirsty or sick and did not come to Your help?" And Jesus will answer them, "Whatever you neglected to do unto one of these least of these, you neglected to do unto Me!" --- Jesus
Survey says?
DING! ** YES **
PS: who would Jesus bomb?
The Democrat party of queer liberal tax and spenders and the Repub party of the Jesus loving, war-mongering, pedophiles are at it again. Get yer tickets here!
"PS: who would Jesus bomb?"
I really think you need to go back and read your scriptures. The impression I got was that Jesus was trying to promote forgiveness, tolerance and peace.
But I guess people can interpret anything any way they like. War is Peace, Love is Hate, yada-yada-yada... I'm a War President, no hold on I'm a Peace President.
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to bring out the hand. Yes that's right... talk to the hand.
"PS: who would Jesus bomb?"
I really think you need to go back and read your scriptures. The impression I got was that Jesus was trying to promote forgiveness, tolerance and peace.
But I guess people can interpret anything any way they like. War is Peace, Love is Hate, yada-yada-yada... I'm a War President, no hold on I'm a Peace President.
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to bring out the hand. Yes that's right... talk to the hand.
Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:56:36 AM
It's called satire, Einstein. Get a clue.
Does anyone even watch Olberman? I mean his viewers are like 1/8th the size of Orielly. All you bitter Dems suck. And Keith says he's NOT left??? Get real bro.
The word “Liberal” is derived from the Latin root liber, meaning “free”. What is missing with you people that are so full of hatred for freedom and those who defend “freedom” in America? What is it about freedom that rubs you the wrong way? Is it the freedom from your religious indoctrination that you so despise? I think so.
Stop being focusing on what the manipulative leaders want you to focus on....the "us vs. them" mentality. It's time that we as Americans question everything. Whether you are repub or dem you should be questioning what our leaders are doing...the is the point of a democracy to think and choose for yourself based on information available to all if you would just learn. When you open your mind and open your eyes you see that everyone has an agenda and thus you should question everyone. If you are a republican right now, you should be questioning what this administration is doing. If you are not concerned and if you are not upset than you are simply uninformed. You are uninformed... The main stream media's message will always be. "All is well, our country is strong, now go to work!" until the day that they can no longer do so...whether financially or politically. It is in their best interest to tell you that everything in under control. The fact simply is not.
I'm with's time to vote everyone out. If you care about your children you will vote and in my opinion vote everyone out. It's time to "clean house". Wake up America you are being manipulated by the media, by your leaders and yes by your real estate agent and the NAR. Yes, they all have an agenda. Question their recommendations...if you do not you will lose. We as a country will not thrive and we will be lucky from the looks of the direction we are heading if we even survive. Read. Read. Read...learn. Choose not based on the past, but on the present....for the promise of our future.
One more could anyone as a Christian support a global unsupported war, killing innocents with absolutely no reason except to aquire wealth? As a Christian, I could never support a leader or a Congress that would support Bush. Never...we invaded Iraq for their oil. All of Iraq's oil was promised to other countries, they were not going to sell us any of their oil. France was one of the countries that had dibs on the oil, that is why they did not support us from the beginning. Keith's post, although you may not like the way he went about correct. If you voted for Bush for religious purposes, you were manipulated and you were fooled. What has he done for Christians, in the name of peace and love for humankind to honor God?
Yes, he has banned third trimester abortions and for this I applaude him. What else? And whatever else he has done that you approve of, was it worth the sacrifice of human lives? It's not about repub or's about having a decent man lead our country...with decent men supporting him. Bush is greedy and his administration is manipulative and greedy and should not be using the words evil to describe others unless they include themselves in that lot.
If you kill people to aquire wealth on earth, you are an evil, evil, evil being. And before anyone gets in a hissy about 911. Iraq had nothing to do with 911, nothing...Bush has admitted in public this fact. It is no longer debatable. Rebub or Dem, it does not matter...good is good and bad is bad. Wake up!!!!!!!
"It's called satire, Einstein. Get a clue."
Sorry buddy. When people start quoting scripture, my eyes glaze over and my mind goes into meltdown. I skipped to the bottom line and made an assumption
But maybe my previous statement explains why.
And liberals are always called the Polyannas. "If only a decent, Christ-loving, flag-envoloped, rotary club kind of guy would be President, then everything would be good and wonderful." How many times do we have to say it: they're politicians first? And the minute the dream of monolithic Christian rule comes to pass, that's the end of America. I want my separation of church and state, please.
I spent enough time going to church to suspect it is not very Christian to impose Christianity as the official state religion.
And where does this form of group think originate: "most of us speak English, so let's make it official...most of us are Christians and love to put a tree and lights up every year, so let's make that official, too"? What is this urge to codify the obvious? And separation of church and state has strong advantages for religious people - why would they want to do away with it?
Man, I can't wait for the second coming!
The first time he came as a lamb. The second time will be as a lion.
You people who don't understand apostacy and everything else that was predicted that is happening now (e.g. most liberals and some repubs) are in for a huge shock and very soon!
Man, I can't wait for the second coming!
The first time he came as a lamb. The second time will be as a lion.
Dude, didn't I see you last week in town? Were you the one with the unkempt hair and the sign around your neck saying, "THE END IS NEAR!!!" ??
"Dude, didn't I see you last week in town? Were you the one with the unkempt hair and the sign around your neck saying, "THE END IS NEAR!!!" ?? "
No - that is the wacky left after 6 years of Bush...
good god!!! my house lost 80% of its value!! and i still think its to high priced, to high taxed!
South Park got it right when Kyle noted that 1/4 of Americans are retarded. This thread proves it beyond any doubt.
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