CNN is reporting on the realtor shake-out underway. Poor fellas, no matter how much they lied, no matter how much they spinned, and no matter how much they tried to discredit HP, the bubble blogs and the MSM for reporting the truth, the truth, as it always does, comes out.
And that truth is that the housing bubble was a blip, an investor-fueled, credit-fueled, greed-fueled blip.
And so was the blip in realtors. Goodbye. You're no longer needed. Go find some honest work for a change.
The legions of people who jumped into work as real estate brokers during the recent boom are seeing leaner times.
There wasn't just a boom in real estate over the past decade - there was also a big boom in real estate agents.
Floods of people across the country applied for real estate licenses, attracted by record sales volumes and seemingly non-stop price gains.
During the boom's peak from 2002 to 2004, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) saw memberships soar 26 percent. Today, over 1.2 million Americans call themselves Realtors.
But the exuberance couldn't last forever: the NAR forecasts existing home sales to fall 7.6 percent in 2006. Agents, who work on commission, are already beginning to feel the bite.
"We've seen a big softening in Florida - there are fewer sales to be spread around more sales people," Richard Fryer, President of IFREC Real Estate Schools, a Florida school that offers a variety of real estate courses including a class to get your license. "Obviously there are some people who are not generating a lot of income in this market."
Some realtors are beginning to look to other professions for an income to sustain them during the tightening. "Many agents in my local community are really crying the blues," said Geri DeWitt Ruby, a REMAX agent in upstate New York. "They're very pessimistic, and they're even talking about finding other employment."
October 04, 2006
Feast, then famine. Hundreds of thousands of realtors to lose their jobs - Will anyone miss 'em?
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33% of Realtors drop out every year, even in a boom year. A reduction in new members would correct the recent decade long imbalance.
1st year-10,000 agents
2nd year-6,600 agents
3rd year-4,350 agents
I still feel a depression is coming and that will effect everyone. Consumer debt overload is the cause, not a housing crash or loss of manufacturing. The housing bubble was a result of the consumer borrowing too much for a tangible asset.
Does anyone remember the days of seeing a Benz and thinking "that guy is rich"? Today, all I think is "I wonder what the payments are on that car". No debt is the answer for the coming depression. Got Debt?
Already used that picture Keith.
What are the RE agents going to do next? There may soon be some openings in the loan shark pool...
There have already been some news articles about predatory lenders who prey upon financially-distressed homedebtors. Under the guise of “let me work with you to save your home from foreclosure,” they sucker these people into signing away their homes, basically legally steal whatever equity is in the house, and then the homedebtor ends up getting foreclosed upon anyway.
The clueless homedebtors often finally wise up too late to keep from being forced out of their home. They would’ve been better off selling their house instead.
You will see more of this in the coming year.
they'll just go back to trying to be muscians, models and hollywood stars.
cramer is a F*&^%$g A&&Clown:
"Why do I think this baby got back? Because it just reported the single worst quarter of the year," said Cramer.
After reporting an abysmal quarter, this stock is down to next to nothing and sooner or later it should come up, so market players could make some money off of it over the long haul.
"The guys running WCI probably won't let the stock go any lower," Cramer added. "The bottom line is WCI is the place to be."
down 9.5% today
Boy those lame ass $18 dollar an hour Janitor Jobs are looking mighty tempting these days.
Sorry Not Hiring,jobs are already filled.
Ahh yes the life of a partime Janitor, and a safe with positive cash flow ...see you at the bread line.
Wait no I wont.
The Janitor
The real estate magazines here in SoCal have lots of mtg ads for "no doc", "stated income", 100%, investment or living. Don't worry they are still drinking the Koolaide.
Meanwhile houses are not moving in SoCal at all, even after drastic price cuts.
The last of the partyers are still loud but the crowd has t5hinned way out.
From the folks at
WARNING - very explicit language.
But, well deserved and well worth watching.
I especially like the part where he says:
"Mr. Greenspan, Mr. Greenspan, tell me which way the wind blows and tell me, why are all these people jumping out of their f**king windows?"
You think Georgy gets the picture, yet?
The company I work for just hired a real estate agent..... for an accounts payable position.
....Borkafatty and wife...........
Borkafatty and wife.
Your wife correct...
Na forget that to fat for me. And again the rash thing kinda turns me off.
Nice story - thanks!
Courage, honor & honesty still mean something to Japanese gangsters, but greed rules here in the USA.
No distressed homedebtor should expect any mercy from the “Just trust me and I will save you from foreclosure” sharks.
For woman Realtwhores: back to playing the skin flute for their new boyfriends with money.
For male Realtwhores: start of playing the skin flute..
male RE agent: "Hey Buddy, let me list your home for 1.5 comission"
client: "nahh theres a guy that will do it for 1.0 commision"
male RE agent: "what if I lower it to a a .75 commission"
cleint: "deal...if... you suck my cock?"
male RE agent: " hmmmm...well...Ok... Dont tell nobody!...gobble gobble gobble"
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Thursday, October 05, 2006 3:43:47 AM
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