Cafferty on a roll - Bush pardons himself for war crimes this week
October 20, 2006
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
Caffery hit the nail on the head. That is what that whole Military Commissions bill was all about, protecting the Bush Administration from war crimes prosecution. But it's hard to say just how well it will protect them once it gets overturned for being unconstitutional. It probably just gives GW a little extra time so he can flee to Paraguay.
That idiot Bush needs to be impeached, pronto, and it should be done before his military commissions law is overturned so that he can be "interrogated" until he issues a full confession.
Bush and Cheney could be and should be tried and executed for war crimes. Can you imagine how that would be covered in the history books?
This idiot Bush has the audacity to break the Geneva Convention rules and then try and slip a provision through the house of rep's to not hold him or his cabinet accountable. I really think all this GOD talk has made him think that there is no one "higher" than him. Shame on America for putting this guy in office twice. He has gotten through life riding his fathers coat tails. He has never been successful in any business he has ever had the privilage to run. He was at best a "C or D" student in college (that his father got him in to) and he is a draft dodger. How the hell can he be our president. Don't let our great nation falter any longer. Let's hold him accountable for once in his life!!!!! VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!!! Do not let this bill pass. YOU HAVE THE POWER AND THE RIGHT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!
"If I was there, I'd be leading a protest outside the White House, and I wouldn't leave until "mission accomplished"
Well, then get your ass over here and walk the walk.
Hehe, My new PC wall Paper. Thanks Borka.
When does international law supercede the constitution or any law passed in this country?
Why do we have an army and nuclear weapons? So we don't have to put up with other countries' sh*t!
I think most of you guys feel that terrorist/war on terror/muslim extremism isn't that big of a deal
Read these Oct. threads if you have a chance, to see the overview of the HP Bloggers.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Bush signed the "Military Commissions Act" of 2006 today legalizing torture and ending habeas corpus. Americans don't care.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
America died a bit this week
The Geneva Convention rules for prisoners only apply to uniformed soldiers -- regulars in the armed services. It does not apply to spies, saboteurs, irregular "volunteers", or other half-assed armed militia types that might wander through a war zone. They can be summarily executed and there is NO WAR CRIME.
The America haters have so perverted the notions of warfare and the rules of engagement, we might as well send our soldiers in with unloaded weapons. What's truly funny is our enemies in this struggle will eagerly line all of the liberal assholes like Olberman up against a wall and shoot them dead. No writs of habeas corpus, no appeals, just dead, Sharia-f-ing-infidel dead.
Look - Bush is buying 100,000 acres of land in Paraguay for some reason:
When does international law supercede the constitution or any law passed in this country?
A treaty legitimately signed and ratified by the US has enforcable legal precedence over all other laws, other than the Constitution. This has been the case since the founding of the Republic.
The Geneva Conventions is a legally binding treaty upon all US people.
The Geneva Convention rules for prisoners only apply to uniformed soldiers -- regulars in the armed services. It does not apply to spies, saboteurs, irregular "volunteers", or other half-assed armed militia types that might wander through a war zone. They can be summarily executed and there is NO WAR CRIME.
This is not true. Protocol II, 12 August 1949. This is legally binding upon the US being a ratified treaty.
Are you all mad? Are you so blind longing to embrace anything anti- republican/Bush that you don't realize that the true fanatical Muslims will slit everyone of our throats republican and democrats alike in a heart beat if they could gain enough power. It amazes me that there are seemingly so many people who would love to try our President for war crimes and who have no interest in hanging the CNN traitorous reporter who accompanied enemy snipers as they killed one of our troops. Where is your moral outrage for the reporter? Answer: You don't have any because you would be perfectly willing to accompany the snipers too if it could hurt George Bush --- its not that you are not a little sad over the death of our soldier but that is a small price to pay to add fodder for your political rantings. You love your hate America, hate Israel bandwagon. You are all sick. I long for the day when I will see the CNN reporter come up on trial along with the CNN editor in front of a jury made up of parents of US soldiers who had been killed in the war by snipers. Our big mistake in America is not that we are too hard on the terrorist ununiformed enemy combatents but that we are too compassionate--bestowing rights on those who are not soldiers but cowardly murders who follow a religion predicated on conversion or death by a sword. Our mistake is that we should have flattened any Iraqi city that had a revolt (just like the Romans did) but because of the ignorant masses of people, brainwashed by a distorted psychopathic liberal media, intoxicated by a phony indignation propogated by political fools who lust for their power back more than sanity and the survival of the US, we have chosen the more politically correct path. If liberals are already crying for a war crime trial then just imagine what they would have to say if we did what really should be done. The mistake is not the US is too cruel nor that Israel is too harsh but that we both treat others with kindness and compassion to our detriment--- for that we get snipers bullets in our soldiers, suicide bombs blowing up truely innocent children, twin towers collapsing and leaving many families without a mom or a dad. May the media be put on trial for always trying to side with the terrorists but that is not a surprise since such a large part of a national "independently minded free media" is owned by foreigners. Yet, there is hope for America. It is a reality that there is a silent majority whose voice the media never airs which knows the truth, believes the truth, and will die for the truth. Something that liberal
America haters/all the rest of the world is loving and innocent will never understand. One day they will find out there is a higher truth and every man will give an account. Woe unto those who call evil good and good evil.
It doesn't matter whether or not "terrorists" are unfair, target civilians and are inhumane---which they are.
It is important that the USA never does so, because those are principles of the USA, and adhering to this notion consistently resulted in its respect, admiration and power.
The USA never committed such crimes against prisoners of Fascist Germany or Japan, despite those armies having done unspeakable horrors---far worse in total magnitude than Osama bin Laden.
It was never imagined, by all political parties, that anything else was acceptable. Ever. Nobody questioned whether FDR was "soft on fascism" since he didn't torture Nazis, no matter how deserving the scum of the SS were of such.
And now? What has turned noble Americans, who aspire to being better in word and deed (and legitimately so, for a while) than the sad and vile examples from history, into such nasty vengeful and scared creatures?
Will we lose because we didn't waterboard enough? Baloney.
We will win when we actively and decisively show---by deeds---the world the superiority of Enlightenment civilization over medieval barbarism.
You love your hate America, hate Israel bandwagon. You are all sick
lies, lies lies and more lies! That's the only response to the truth of the criticism? "you must hate America". Baloney.
It is because people like America, the principles for which it (once) stood.
Why do people not understand? Are they too scared to understand? Too guilty? Or are they sick themselves like the Osama types and have bloodlust in their hearts?
Why does Bush hate the principles of the USA? Of Jefferson, of FDR, and of Washington?
Are you so blind longing to embrace anything anti- republican/Bush that you don't realize that the true fanatical Muslims will slit everyone of our throats republican and democrats alike in a heart beat if they could gain enough power.
No! Not at all. Another lying insinuation.
Obviously the radical Muslims would slit everybody's throat. This is precisely why Bush must be stopped, because his attitudes and actions is resulting in fanatical Muslims continuing to gain power and support. You can't torture enough to stop this. But you can show how America's way is better than Osama's way.
There is nothing as deceptive as one's own heart. Are people really arguing about this issue because of a firm belief in the high moral ground of not torturing prisoners or rather for a far more not so suttle reason? They hate Bush. They love talking about anything that is negative toward the President and his policies. I would wager that ninety-five percent of those who are oh so passionate about this issue right now would be dead silent if a Democrat had been in office. This whole debate for most people is not about principle and moral right but about harming and belittling the President of the United States and of even greater importance the Republican party right before an election. Now I will be the first to admit that republicans are corrupt and unworthy of the power they have recieved but I can not say any more so than any other party. They deserve to be kicked out for not stopping the illegal aleins but I have little hope that the democrats will step up to the plate and take care of this lawlessness.
I just wish people would quit playing these phony games of principle when in reality the true game being played is all about power. Lust for power. CNN runs the clip not to be objective but to be damaging. My experience is that when everyone is trash talking someone then that person more likely than not is probably in the right and when everyone is praising someone they are probably in the wrong.
Strange that there has been no response on the blog about what should be done with the CNN reporter who accompanied enemy snipers as they killed one of our soldiers. Oh, I guess this discussion would not really be about morality would it? Stop posturing and admit it. This CNN report is all about power and hurting republicans and not about moral outrage. I also find it interesting that people are so convinced that torture has even been committed---no trial, no evidence, no support. What I have heard and seen so far does not even come close to support it.
Anon 3:27:11AM: Let me clarify & restate: ...that I think you guys don't understand the threat of fundamental Islam. Nor do I think Bush knows the full extent. He does us all a diservice by labeling them terrorist instead of fundamental islamists. The scary part is they are not the minority as he lets us believe.
"looks like america has killed more innocents in this iraq war more than all the "terrorists"in all of modern history combined."
I'm not trying to be patronizing, but I have seen you post before and you are smart guy. Please go check out the Armenian Genocide, 1915 (1.5mil dead!). Then when your done go check out what the Muslims are curently doing in Darfur, Sudan. Lastly go look up the definition of "moral relativism".
veritas_faust: (philosophy is fascinating; the field of economics strangely originates from philosophy)
I have heard that quote before and it is a good one. I would be naive to think there wasn't that risk. However I look back at American history and see us getting dirty in WWII, WWI, Civil War, etc. Remember during WWII certain nazis & japanese were put on military tribunals before they were either sentenced or executed. Plus when the threat subsides and we get too crazy then there will hopefully be liberals/peaceniks to bring us back down to reality. IMO I think the democrats/media/whatever cries wolf too much and gets some of you folks stirred up making a mountain out of a mole hill.
I'm going long on burkahs
slit everyone of our throats republican and democrats alike in a heart beat if they could gain enough power.
Na, they just want all of us to convert to Islam. Then we would be safe.
Your right--if we convert to Islam we would have our lives spared at least temporarily. Albeit we would probably be made into slaves and of course the world would enter a dark age for another 1000 years --- no big deal. I am sure blogs like this would be allowed as long as they trumpeted the morality and holy accolades of Muslim suicide bombers and other "holy" martyrs of the faith who set off bombs targeting the maximum number of civilians or the morality of armies who lob missles from afar into cities at civilian non-military targets at random. Rest assurred that CNN, National Public Radio, and the likes would continue to be well funded as they "objectively" present what is really occurring in our world.
Unfortunatey, for some of us we would rather die than bow to the false god of the muslims (and for that matter the false god of this age which leads around the mainstream media by its nose). Its looking more and more like losing ones life for the sake of the Gospel wasn't written for the ancient past or for a distant third world nation but very well may be written for us in America and will be coming to our door oh too soon---thanks to those who would divert america off its course of confronting evil. The storm of Islam is arising and widespread ignorance believes it will be defeated by leaving it alone. WRONG!!! Evil must always be confronted. Now is our hour to fight. Is it fair that we in the US must fight this battle somewhat alone? No, but I would far rather be in a fight on the right side and be unpopular than to be heralded by the world media as great and be on the side of evil. Anyone who thinks morality is relative is seriusly deluded. There is right and wrong despite what our schools often teach and what is aired on news shows. Evil exists--in varying degrees of magnitude.
America is not out there slicing off heads of civilains or torturing civilians if they will not convert. No doubt the Muslims think they are offering a service to god when they conduct such behavior but they are gravely mistaken. Sometimes one must stand up for truth and what is right when the world is going down the path to its own destruction. May the true God help us and in his mercy guide this nation.
CNN traitorous reporter
Hanoi Jane
Toyoko Rose
So far I've discussed this with 5 people in depth.
3 don't care
1 agrees with it
1 understands the problem, but "what are we going to do about it?"
You think Paraguay is a random fluke? Exit plans people. Exit plans.
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