Bush signed the "Military Commissions Act" of 2006 today legalizing torture and ending habeas corpus. Americans don't care.
'nuff said.
I'm going to Rome in a few weeks, and it'll be interesting to see the remains of another failed dynasty first-hand.
Don't get me wrong HP'ers, I love America. But what happened today, and over the past six years is wrong, deeply, deeply wrong.
Where is the resistance? Doesn't anyone care?
Same idiots who watch America's Top Model tonight, same idiots who thought housing only went up and up, are I'd bet the same idiots who wouldn't care if your right to trial went away.
Adolf Hitler would be pleased.
October 17, 2006
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1 – 200 of 201 Newer› Newest»linky to the act and highlight the habeas corpus suspension and torture legalization provisions please.
thank you.
Vote libertarian.
and tell me this news release is a "conspiracy" from us nut case lefties -
you people need to wake up.
Web could be terror training camp: Chertoff
Tue Oct 17, 1:08 AM ET
BOSTON (Reuters) - Disaffected people living in the United States may
develop radical ideologies and potentially violent skills over the
Internet and that could present the next major U.S. security threat,
U.S.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said on Monday.
"We now have a capability of someone to radicalize themselves over
the Internet," Chertoff said on the sidelines of a meeting of
International Association of the Chiefs of Police.
"They can train themselves over the Internet. They never have to
necessarily go to the training camp or speak with anybody else and
that diffusion of a combination of hatred and technical skills in
things like bomb-making is a dangerous combination, " Chertoff said.
"Those are the kind of terrorists that we may not be able to detect
with spies and satellites."
Chertoff pointed to the July 7, 2005 attacks on London's transit
system, which killed 56 people, as an example a home-grown threat.
To help gather intelligence on possible home-grown attackers,
Chertoff said Homeland Security would deploy 20 field agents this
fiscal year into "intelligence fusion centers," where they would work
with local police agencies.
By the end of the next fiscal year, he said the department aims to up
that to 35 staffers.
tell you what bubbleshanker, as of today, you've lost your right.
bush and cheney want to pick you off the street, put you in a secret prison, waterboard your ass, you're all theirs
now go back to America's Top Model
still waiting on linky.
read the act that 90% of congressmen likely didn't read, and 99.9999999999999999999% of Americans
you privledged few, the HP'ers
No Keith, noboby cares. They are too hypnotized by the talmudvision, the jewspapers, fake credit wealth, "anti-depressants" ect.
They have been indoctrinated with a kosher hatred of "the terrorists" and it does not matter who "the terrorists" may be. Sunday school teacher? Does'nt matter, if the local jewspaper writes an article saying she is sympathetic to "radical islamists", it's off to the gulags for her.
This is no different than what the jews did to white Russia after the jew communist revolution. They offed around 60,000,000 white Russian Christians there. What? You did'nt think they would stop with just outlawing prayer in schools or Chistmas displays at Chistmas.... did you? They are just quietly passing the enabling legislation to get the torture and mass-murder kicked off here. Americans are stupid enough to let them do it, so why go about it any other way?
and did you read the act keith?
habeas corpus was suspended by none other than the great emanicpator Abe Lincoln during the civil war gold was confiscated by new dealer Roosevelt during the depression whiskey rebellion over unfair federal taxation was put down by father of the country George Washington
If you're going to get into a tizzy over stuff, let's keep it in an historcal context limey
Old Two Quart
Just a friendly word to the wise....
Get enough firearms and ammo for yourself and several others now before the demojews outlaw them in 2008..... And no, I'm not kidding.
So what does all this mean? I dont understand what you all are talking about! PLEASE! Somebody tell me what does it mean!
And hurry up, Matlock is on in 15 minutes.
Arabs would be well advised to leave.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:56:32 PM
In more ways than one?
2nd warning for Muslims to leave U.S. before attack
'Because Allah's punishment would fall on America in the month of Ramadan'
Posted: October 16, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
WASHINGTON – Another Pakistani journalist is reporting receiving another threat – this one from a senior Taliban leader – warning all Muslims to leave the U.S. in anticipation of a major terrorist attack before the end of Ramadan.
oh and by the way, some of those old Scots / Irish hill billies who were the rabble rousers causing the whiskey rebellion were the same bunch that helped Washington defeat the Brits in the Revolution - how's that for a bitter irony limey?
Old Two Quart
So what does all this mean? I dont understand what you all are talking about! PLEASE! Somebody tell me what does it mean!
Get an HP identity.
It means that a blogger or anyone who speaks their mind against a Gov. entity could be classified as an enemy and imprisoned with out any due process, in secret prisons, for any length of time.
Watch V for Vendetta instead of Matlock and read HP archives.
Gold will be confiscated and out lawed after the guns are gone, I reckon.
I just read the act and to paraphrase:
The govt has sole discretion to decide if someone is an enemy combatant. Once so decided, the govt has sole discretion to imprison or execute said combatant. The judicial branch of govt may not question those decisions.
But I'm not worried, everyone in govt is good and has a good heart. They'll only use this power against the really really bad guys.
US is turning into nazi germany before our eyes. and in writing!
infidelwoman, let's give it a test:
* "HP declares Bush and Cheney should be waterboarded"
Now, if I'm not blogging in a few weeks, you know what happened
that this is even a possibility in reality should be disturbing
Step one
Register as “Independent” or change registration to “Independent”
Step two
Go to polls in November
Step three
Identify incumbents
Step four
Vote for incumbent’s opponent regardless of candidate’s party affiliation, how much pork incumbent has brought back to district, regardless of your own party affiliation or leanings, regardless of whether opponent is even human or not. Current climate looks like one of those career builder advertisements where there is one rational human being among a bunch of chimps in suits.
Step five
Convince four friends or relatives to do steps one through five
It’s a ponzi scheme for changing Congress!
The March of the Iron Heel!
They do not have jurisdiction over you across the pond, just the Bloggers inside US borders, I believe.
We need to make sure Richard is logging onto HP regularly though.
Richard, hope you post from many different ISP's and computer locations.
last anon - exactly. vote every incumbent out of office
then 2 years from now, do it again
and 2 years from then, do it again
get it?
zeig heil!
And our stock will rise high!
Don't you love Seinfeld?
by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.
from my reading of the act, it applies to "alien unlawful enemy combatants".
a military tribunal determines the "enemy combatant" status but that aint nothing new.
Anon 10/17/06 8:43:16,
No, we can only wish we were that lucky. If that were the case we would be a prospering nation with a represenative government.
You British scum bag if you don't like America's goverment then screw you. We need these kind of laws to deal with those crazy radicals. As you idiot Brits found out when you fought the Revolutionary War that lining up to battle was replaced by guerilla warfare tactics. So keep your stupid British ass on the other side of the pond.
Patriotard above........ You're a great American!!!!!!
"a military tribunal determines the "enemy combatant" status but that aint nothing new."
the geneva convention states that if a prisoners "lawful enemy combatant" status is doubtful then a military tribunal should be envoked to make the determination. in the meantime that prisoner should be treated as a prisoner of war.
it is the bush administrations contention that the military tribunal is not necessary because the prisoner's status is not doubtfull for failure to meet other requirements as a "lawful enemy combatant" described in the treaty.
yall know whats cool about being an "anon" poster?
i can argue with myself. it can be very educational. lol.
No, you can't.
Vote out all incumbants? Jesus guys, these f#@%ers are guilty of constitution killing high treason, and all you want is to vote them out?
Yes, I can.
Luckily for us all, this law Bush just signed is completely unconstitutional and will be struck down by the Supreme Court in due time....unless Bush gets to appoint another Supreme Court Justice....then, as Turkish so eloquently put it in Snatch..."we're f_cked"
Bush signed the "Military Commissions Act" of 2006 today legalizing torture and ending habeas corpus. Americans don't care.
I personally believe that they should bury them alive wrapped in pig skins.
Terrorists deserve to be tortured anyway. What's the complaint?
Do you think civilian prisons in this country are any better? How about all the homosexual rapes, guards shaking prisoners down for sex and all the other things that go on inside prisons! And these are US citizens processed through the courts! What excuse is there for this?
Leftists don't care about this because it is not politically useful to them. There is no way to embarrass the United States, so nothing is said about it. Abu Graib, on the other hand, that was useful to the anti-American scumbags. Ever since the Soviet Union died, the left has been looking for an ideology as a replacement and anti-Americanism is the best that they can come up with.
Die leftist scumbags! Die!
We need these kind of laws to deal with those crazy radicals.
IMHO, B*ll Sh*T. EVERYONE deserves a fair trial and all that goes with it. In our country, everybody USED to be innocent until proven guilty. The Military Commissions Act effectively does away with those long-held legal procedures....
it is the bush administrations contention that the military tribunal is not necessary because the prisoner's status is not doubtfull for failure to meet other requirements as a "lawful enemy combatant" described in the treaty.
Right and 'between the lines' Bush and Co. decide and define who the enemy or traitor is, without any due process.
It is quite vague.
Tabasco, Do you really think any of the supreme court just-us's will strike this down? Have you been in a coma these past five years?
On another board, it was mentioned that when the US started holding people without trial it marked the end of the US being a free state. This latest bill is an extremely disturbing development. Even if there is not another attack on the US, people of arab descent should probably consider getting out before being labeled an enemy combatant.
When the credit bubble in the US collapses, there will be very many unhappy campers, and "somebody" will
be blamed - Arab terrorists, Jewish bankers, illegal Mexicans, Realtors - just about everyone but the "morans" who refi'd out every last dime out of their houses and bought consumer items with it.
Uh, yeah, the Supreme Court already ruled against most of the provisions of this law, see Hamdi vs Rumsfeld and Hamdan vs Rumsfeld. This law is really just an attempt to muddy the waters so that Bush can keep doing those things and not face prosecutions while he does it. Then the supreme court will strike this down, too, and then he'll have to get creative.
Of course, if he gets to appoint another justice, all bets are off.
Mort said...
The constitution is just an old piece of parchment, it's so 1787.
Didn't the shrub say it was just a "goddamn piece of paper" - go google it.
HHL: So true - look at the judges he's put in.
hold the phone!
the first step in this is to go back to Congress, hold their feet to the fire and do their duty and make a formal decleration of war. It states in the the Constitution - you can't just say that the Executive Branch has the power to take the country to a "war on terrorism" and shift the responsibility (and power) over to the Executive branch. The Executive branch has a responsibilty to prosecute the war as a war - not some half-assed police action with a never ending mission and bottomless budget and nation building agenda. Vote out incumbents in the Congressional election and be vocal with those elected to replace them for the next two years. Be a nagging pain in the ass, watch the news, pass on stuff to friends and family.
This is really and truly getting scary folks. I sure hope it all doesn't go down without a fight. Hey Patriots: GOT GUTS?
....same idiots who are gullible enough to believe that their vote actually counts. November 7th is just acedemic and already in the bank. Diebold will see to it. Here in Sacramento County we have been asked to return our Absentee Ballots (I thought was bullet proof) that were just mailed out because of a 'screw-up'. Why bother?
You know,one of the truly great things about America is when you forget about the ideals we were founded on and refuse to buy into the American way of life,there is no one who will stop you from going anywhere else in the world,say like England for instance!
Does one person on this blog personally know of anyone who has been "violated" by the Patriot Act???????????????????Yeah,I didn't think so
This situation reminds me of a line from a MIDNIGHT OIL song....
Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees....
Python sends.
"violated" by the Patriot Act???????????????????Yeah,I didn't think so.
Take off the rose colored glasses and get out of the Matrix dude.
Many people have been convicted when innocent with due process in place. Now the Act is too new and GOV. Black Ops to deep for us to know of victims, but it will get ugly. Will we the public always hear about it? Doubtful.
A Patroit's Daughter and Grand Daughter and Great Grand Daughter
Anon 10:19:15, Has the S officially HTF yet? No, when it does, and actual patriots do what our military is supposed to do (protect us from the enemy within, protect each state from invasion, you know) they will be labeled "terrorists" and sent to the gulag.
::Does one person on this blog personally know of anyone who has been "violated" by the Patriot Act?::
Yes, Jose Padilla, for one. 600 prisoners of war at GITMO have been held without trials. And they are being tortured.
You know what waterboarding is?
Do you want it to happen to your wife and child? No worries, if you talk, they promise they will stop.
You have nothing to fear, comrade. You are a loyal subject to the State.
Speaking of fair trials, Bush Sr.'s pal Ken Lay sure got off easy... Hot off the press:
No, I see what you're doing and what you stand for. I'm just stating my position for the sheeple. Perhaps we can enlighten one or two before it all comes down. After that, they're on their own as far as I'm concerned.
Yeah,and 2700+ in the World Trade Centers didn't get trials either!
It's all Clinton's fault!
The March of the Iron Heel!
I Read it. Lots of sick time today.
I'm telling you from experience: those people have an incredible amount of power. They always have, but in the good old days, they were on our side. Today, they are like Hitlers' SS. They are sadistic bastards who are anything but "AMERICAN" This stage is set. Let it begin. I'm tired of waiting. WE OWE IT TO OUR FOUNDING FATHERS to once again COME TO THE AID OF OUR COUNTRY. There, I said it. Homeland Security be damned. This is the land of the FREE, home of the BRAVE. Oh, and lest I forget.....DON'T TREAD ON ME!
Python sends.
Who cares. America has been gone for decades.
On January 20, 2000, George W. Bush stated teh following:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Where in that Statement does it explicitly say that he is to protect the citizens from terrorists and other evildoers? It doesn't. His primary duty is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Once again, he has violated this sacred OAth
Anon 10:46:48,
Are you referring to the roughly 3,000 jews who worked there every day, but were conveniently absent on 9/11?
I plan to vote against all dumbocrats. What a bunch of clowns!
Hey Hebrew House,
I guess the Jews who were killed didn't get the memo
Highly recommend Iron Heel on paper instead of the net. The footnotes are worth it! The footnotes serve as fictitious annotations of editors in the 23rd (?) century.
suspends habeas corpus for non US citizens.
Explain to me WHY THE FU%$ Non citizens should have access to our legal system when detained outside the country?
They are lucky they aren't just shot on the spot.
and you though 9-11 was 19 guys and box cutters.
Here let me break it down.
9-11 + anthrax scare = patriot act
Patriot Act + foley sex scandal = miltary commissions act.
MCA + Peak Oil = your ass in a haliburton detention facility.
Anon 11:14:27,
Yeah, those two or three were not on "holiday" apparently.
A regime openly committed to wielding arbitrary power over the life and liberty of every person on earth is now equipping itself with intrusive technology beyond the wildest dreams of the most totalitarian states in history. And some of the nation's most respected educational institutions - proud bastions of civilization and enlightenment - are helping them do it. It is simply impossible that such a system will not be mightily abused.
http://www.truthout .org/docs_ 2006/101706A. shtml
Sentimental Education: Academia Signs Up to Track Down Dissent
By Chris Floyd, TO UK Correspondent
t r u t h o u t | Report
Tuesday 17 October 2006
Why is the United States government spending millions of dollars to track down critics of George W. Bush in the press? And why have major American universities agreed to put this technology of tyranny into the state's hands?
At the most basic level, of course, both questions are easily answered: 1) Power. 2) Money. The Bush administration wants to be able to root out - and counteract - any dissenting noises that might put a crimp in its ongoing crusade for "full spectrum dominance" of global affairs, while the august institutions of higher learning involved - the universities of Cornell, Pittsburgh and Utah - crave the federal green that keeps them in clover.
Hey Beebs,
Next Summer I may just try waterboarding!
http://www.bradblog .com/?p=3491
BLOGGED BY Brad ON 10/17/2006 7:35AM
Former Chair Says He 'Was Deceived', EAC and Federal Efforts for Election Reform 'A Charade', 'Travesty'!
In Stark Contrast to Current EAC Chair, Rev. DeForest Soaries Blasts White House, Congress in Transcript of Unaired Interview from Major Broadcast Network!
The BRAD BLOG has obtained an EXCLUSIVE partial transcript from a recent, unaired interview by a major broadcast network with former U.S. Elections Assistance Commission (EAC) chair Rev. DeForest Soaries.
I agree with the poster(s) above who plan to vote against all incumbents. That is exactly what I've been planning, and I'll hand a note, explaining that, to the poll watchers. My first choice will be a Libertarian candidate; otherwise it will be whomever is running against the incumbent. In races where there is no incumbent and no Libertarian running, I'll write in "Against All" if that is possible.
You sheeple are so niave it's pathetic. America has, practically speaking, a two-party system, and it's the Bush Administration--THE REPUBLICANS, DUH--who have been in power for the last six years and are outright destroying the country. If you DON'T vote for the Democrats in the coming election, THE REPUBLICANS WILL WIN AGAIN. Got it, Dummies? You and the sheeple who voted for Nader in the '2000 election really tick me off....
habeas corpus was suspended by none other than the great emanicpator Abe Lincoln during the civil war
It is legal, under the Constitution during times of "invasion" or "rebellion". Abraham Lincoln would never legalize torture and he exercised his Constitutional responsibilities with seriousness and deepest duty.
"I'll write in "Against All" if that is possible."
Actually some dude was trying to get his name legally changed and on the ballot as "None of the Above"
Anon 11:32:44,
If you really believe we still have a two party system, please, Don't have kids. If you already have kids, please, consider giving them up for adoption.
Abraham Lincoln would never legalize torture and he exercised his Constitutional responsibilities with seriousness and deepest duty.
And you think George Bush, with "seriousness" and "deepest duty," is preserving the Constitution as he promised to do at his Inauguration????
Might this be the same DeForest Soaries that said "India runs elections more efficiently than The United States of America"
Naw,it's probably the other DeForest Soaries
Europe Moves To Kill The Internet
New EU rules would prevent uploading video without a license
Steve Watson / Infowars.net | October 17 2006
The latest move to kill off online freedom and the spread of information comes in the form of proposed EU legislation that would prevent users from uploading any form of video, whether that be a hard hitting political documentary film or your friends goofing around with diet coke and Mentos.
A proposed EU directive could extend broadcasting regulations to the internet, hitting popular video-sharing websites such as YouTube., reports the London Times. This would mean that websites and mobile phone services that feature video images would have to conform to standards laid down in Brussels.
Personal websites would have to be licensed as a “television-like service”. Once again the reasoning behind such legislation is said to be in order to set minimum standards on areas such as hate speech and the protection of children.
Actually we have three,
Republican,Democrat, and Hebrew House Party
That does not surprise me a bit. Hell, in most of Europe, the will convict you of a thought crime if you say six million jews did not die in the German holiday camps.........Never mind the truth, it is no defense.
Funny how they also mention "hate speech".... Yeah, hate speech... it's anything jews hate to hear.
It is a form of interogating by torture.
Your nose is covered and water is poured over your face.
Hey Hebrew House,
Quote " There are two ways to go easily through life.Believe everything or believe nothing.Both ways prevent you from having to think"
Kind of like a Baptism?
there are two ways to post on this blog - with or without a handle.
without requires no thinking.
Terrorist got a good beating or my countrymen got blown up.
I vote beating terrorist in a heartbeat.
Is your nickname "Dick"?
There are alot of ANONs that like dick on this blog.
Someone in your family named Dick. Could be your dad or your dad's dad or the dad of your dad's dad. You trace back far enough, you'll find someone. Dick doesn't seem to be a problem.
No matter the season, keep your overcoat by the door.
So far we only have one "Dick"
Basically it's obvious that the people running the show are evil and only interested in their own gains in wealth and for their friends, and the people who are voting for them are morons who don't understand what's going on.
It's an extremely scary place to be.
Things are on the brink of complete economic collapse, and you have a ton of low income morons running around defending Bush and his policies while the people making money off of Bush's policies don't realize the financial impacts of the policies and the fact that things will likely get really bad very soon. (Or maybe they just don't care).
I’m with you in spirit Python, but in my opinion America is past the point of being fixable. If we were lucky enough to elect a third party that in it self would not begin to address the fact that Americans have been slowly replaced by socialist pod people. Yes, I am very pessimistic. Sometimes things are broken so severely that they may be beyond fixing. Just visit you local planning board to witness homeowners trying to defend their choice of window sizes for their proposed remodel. Pod people are the only possible explanation. I think it would be better for the few Libertarians to concentrate themselves in a state like New Hampshire or leave the decomposing mess altogether.
"coast guard is armed to the teeth on the great lakes!"
That's so when the Canadians attack us en masse with their huge freshwater fleet, we're ready.
"If you really believe we still have a two party system, please, Don't have kids. If you already have kids, please, consider giving them up for adoption."
Yep, it's one big party, and the rich folks are laughing all the way to the bank.
Well you don't like any lousy Coast Guard gunner, do you? Especially, he's responsible for shooting the new 7.62 mm weapons, which can blast as many as 650 rounds a minute and send fire more than 4,000 yards.
"or shoot people trying to escape to canada?"
Okay, stop scaring me. This is worse than Saw III.
"WASHINGTON – Another Pakistani journalist is reporting receiving another threat – this one from a senior Taliban leader – warning all Muslims to leave the U.S. in anticipation of a major terrorist attack before the end of Ramadan."
If only the Muslims would leave ... it would be worth a few terror attacks so we don't have to deal with their B.S. like Europe does.
When you vote, just write in your own name. I'm told it really causes a lot of extra work in tabulating the results, and your name will be listed in the final tally.
I wrote in Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden in the stolen '04 election, this time I'll write in Josef Goebbels and Reinhard Heydrich, the ancestors of the current neo-com scum infesting Washington.
Anybody else remember William S. Burroughs who predicted that the drug war would be used to eliminate freedoms such as 4th amendment rights?
Did he ever say anything about terrorism being used to eliminate all rights?
So you are calling people morons people you're not agree with.
Interesting family of yours. You, your dad, your dad's dad, the dad of your dad's dad never disagree on anything eh.
The wall you build
To keep Them out
Will someday keep you in
" So you are calling people morons people you're not agree with."
No, I'm calling people morons who obviously have no capacity for critical thinking or logical analysis.
So you're calling the dad of your dad's dad moron because he was born earlier and did not have as much education nor make as much money as you do.
Quoting is what they teach kids in 3rd grade. I'm glad that you could quote as well as your son do. Your son must be proud of you.
"So you're calling the dad of your dad's dad moron because he was born earlier and did not have as much education nor make as much money as you do."
No, it doesn't take any education to have critical thinking skills and logical analysis. My dad's dad was no moron. My mom's dad was no moron.
Sadly, both of my parents are morons.
My mom actually said the following the last time I talked to her. "Before you were born, I ate a lot of yogurt and bananas because they said that eating yogurt and bananas would make your child smarter. In your case it seemed to work too well, so I didn't do it for your brother and sister."
That pretty much sums up how stupid my parents are.
In continuation of the parents.
Basically my parents eschew education, eschew modern society, believe that the Republicans are great and can do no wrong because they are Christian, think other races are evil, that Jews are evil, that Christ is coming back soon, that the Devil actually exists ... etc. etc.
In short, they are Republican morons.
At least you inherited your parrents traits. Not many people would call parrents morons. Imagine your sone would call you such thing.
Example of conversation with Republican parents.
"Have you noticed that humans are wiping out a lot of species. That probably isn't going to be good for the planet because the lack of biodiversity could cause an environmental catastrophe."
Republican parents.
"There's plenty of space. Just look at all the land between Sacramento and Reno. Christ is coming back in a few years anyway and the Rapture will take all the true Christians to heaven so we don't need to worry about the environment."
Talking about politics.
"George Bush has been attacking Iraq needlessly because the terrorists were never training in Iraq. By making the Muslim community angry at the United States we are only inviting more violence. We'd be better off eliminating poverty so that the extremists would have more to live for, and give them a better life. If we did that they likely would not want to commit suicide."
Republican Parents:
"Muslims are evil. Jews are evil. George Bush is a Godfearing man and is saving this great nation. How dare you speak against the President. You are going to hell."
Seriously ... is this the type of person you want VOTING???
"At least you inherited your parrents traits. Not many people would call parrents morons. Imagine your sone would call you such thing."
My mom has said even worse things to me, such as wishing I wasn't born because I wasn't a Christian, that I'm going to hell because I'm not a Christian, etc. etc.
I finally decided to disown them last year and never talk to them again.
You're one great american. Nobody perfect: you wouldn't accept your parrents, President Clinton couldn't resist Monica, President Bush couldn't listen without hearing aid, I couldn't spell, Dr. Housing Bubble couldn't stop rationalizing ...
Hey Keefer - the ANONs threadjacked severely!!!
Waltons Mountains and shit...
night jimbo, night ANON, night forest gump.
Holy christ!!!
Lincoln did the same think you jerk...!
Seriously american hating american
i'd rather give up my rights and keep my head attached to my body...call my crazy, but what honest person really cares...unless of course you are a part of the aclu....
...i hate socialist...!
Dang up till this thread I reigned in number of comments.
127 vs 129
Guess I gotta post more on "my" thread vis a vi ANON!!!!
The reasons could be traced back to two thousand years history
I couldn't agree with you more. All "WE' need is a little corner of God's green earth (New Hampshire- God bless them: "Live Free or Die") and then let the sheeple and their masters have the rest. But I insist on the right to blow their freaking brains to the four corners of the earth if they step foot into a small parcel of what used to be called AMERICA.
Alright folks, I know most people here probably think I'm some sort of "anti-semite" or something. But, the fact is, I only say what I say to try and make you think about what is happening here in America today.
Do you think our government makes the decisions it makes with our best interests in mind?
Or does our foriegn policy seem to be more about fighting wars for israel?
Why do they feel the need to monitor our every move?
Why are our rights being slowly eroded away?
Why do they bend over backwards to aid and abbet criminal invaders?
Are they looking to replace the white tax payer with an even more dumbed down one?( I'm not sure this is possible, but mexicans do have a much lower average IQ, so I guess in theory they may be even better sheep)
Try to ask yourselves these questions with an open mind, and come to your own conclusions.
America needs foreigners because it is such a messed up country that people living here longer have a flat to negative birth rate.
If there were no foreigners the economy would stagnate and the entire system would fail because it needs continuous positive growth.
So they WANT the illegals. They WANT the foreigners. Because without them the U.S. would stagnate and Europe would become more powerful.
Hey Hebrew - 99.99 % of the people don't listen to anything you, me infidelwoman, bork, shak, tabasco, P Blot have to say....
We are the wackos -
Only thing we can do is do what we are doing - ram it down thier throats - watch them puke it up - them ram it right back.
Eventually - someone watching this "may" get it.
For the puking bastards - well they will probably just die in thier own puke.
It's Democracy, and you get as much vote here as you have money for special interests.
The Jews in the U.S. have a ton of money, by some estimates paying as much as 20% of the entire taxes in the U.S., so they get a huge vote, the biggest vote next to the Christian right.
Both the Jews and the Christian right want Israel to continue as a state because the Jews believe Israel is their promised land, and the Christians believe that if the Jews are in Israel again, Christ will come back.
So bottom line is this is why Israel with a pathetically small population and 3 million Palestinians get more press than India and China combined.
As for why they're doing this, why they're doing that, it is because they're a bunch of insane right-wing lunatics. You can't analyze a bunch of insane people.
Now we can really F*CK with them.
Next up a law that alows us to begin carpet bombing any country that even talks about the overthrow of the USA : )
Neocons are scary people. By definition they are converted leftists, so by definition they are insane ...
Insanity combined with conservative values is a much scarier combination than insanity combined with leftist values.
With the latter you get people running around doing drugs, doing rock concerts, running off to Sedona, open homosexuals flaunting their sexuality.
With the former you get repressed closet homosexuals, attacking countries without due cause, presidents eliminating basic freedoms, and an out of control financial system like we have today.
we're f'd, so I have:
gold on hand
gold in safe deposit
gold in swiss vault
plus a safe, tropical, agrarian destination in mind
Anyone have a link to the laws concerning taking gold across borders/planes, etc?
It really is time to restrict your blog to identified posts. I like your leads, and it starts an intelligent thread, but then the IDIOTS take over. We can't lead, We can't learn, We can't even step aside because of these (fill in the blank). PLEASE. Save your site from this mass ignorance. PLEASE Keith, do something soon......
Very warm regards
Python sends
Some of what you say rings half true. Here are the conclusions I have come to.
On America needing foriegners because of a flat birth rate:
The flat birth rate among the people of white European decent here in America, is primarily due to the jew created "feminist" movement. It indoctrinates white Women to believe that the career should be number one, not the rearing and raising of children. In its beginnings many of the two income families were just bumped into the next tax bracket, and really, only broke even after paying uncle sam, and paying for child care...So who really benifitted here????? And would we be better off without the so-called growth economy?
On voting being relevent to how much money you have as a group:
I'm not following you here. If you are talking about who funds, and by doing so, effectivly decides who is allowed to run for office, then it is completey verifiable that the jewish lobbies in washington are the only superpower in that regard. See that essay by the two harvard proffessors, Walt and Mershiemer (yes, one is actually a jew)
On israel getting more press:
I disagree, the press completely ignores the genocide of Palastinian/Lebonese at the hands of the jews. If you mean the reporting on israel is in general, in a more positive tone than it should be if it were to be accurately reported. Than yes, and the reason why is very, very simple. Every last bit, of every single part, of ALL mass media, is either owned, or managed by jews. And again, this is completely verifiable.
Oh, and nobody,
It is widely known that neocon is merely a kosher code word for a jew repulican ie: perle, wolfowitz, bolton, wurmser, chertoff, and many, many more. This is a relatively new deal for the "republicans" or "conservatives", the "democrates" or "liberals" on the other hand, have been widely known as being complete tools of the jew for many years now. This is why there is no real differance in the two parties today, they are both infiltrated with people working for an identical end, through similar means.
I don't get it. You're right on here, and you see through these economic charlatans. However you're totally wrong on 911. It's all one piece, a cloth woven from a single thread. Our Republican leaders are all economic and political gangsters. (The Democratic Mini-me's are little better.) 911 and "Terrorism" are government frauds designed to get us to herd ourselves into subservience. Endless war means endless profits. Perfect slaves believe they are free.
I'm glad to see you haven't totally banished Richard, though you usually delete my entries.
Everyone, see V for Vendetta.
Regarding "Hebrew House Lender":
Even as our resident nutjob you could remember to take your medication in the morning and then you would spare us all the Mel Gibson impersonation.
HHL, you're really sick. Get some help!
Honestly if the Jews took over the world, I'd applaud it.
Unfortunately it will likely be the Muslims.
"I'm glad to see you haven't totally banished Richard,"
Screw that - low and hard under the radar...Keff knows I post articles spot on and on time - he uses my material to keep his house of cards going.
Has nothing to do with Keefer being gracious to me.
Someday Keef will "get it" with 9/11 -
It may be in a cold hard cell laying in his own vomit, but he'll get it.
Citizens of the US have good reason to be worried, the suspension of important civil rights are a precursor to a total fascist state, not that the US wasn't mostly there already. Like the last fresh fruit of the year, perhaps the last of the bubble is a thing to be savored, as freedom and wealth become relics of a remembered past. Or not.
my fellow americans, we need to begin to internalize the notion that the country was taken over via a coup by militarist, imperialist neo-fascists, using "salami tactique" and a "reichstag fire" as the nazis did to marginalize dissent and divide and conquer. bush might not be hitler II, but he is preparing the way for future hitlers.
this is serious, friends. alas, at this point, i doubt that anything constructive can now be done via the ballot box or diebold voting machine. vote dem and hand control of the house and senate over to nancy, teddie, charlie, barbara and diane. heaven help us.
running off to the middle of england today.. so have a good chat
on 9/11 - arabs with box cutters. start there. planes hit buildings. verified fact.
now give me a credible conspiracy theory - but start with the facts. no bombs in wtc bs.
hmmm... that patriot act sure was in place and ready to go... like it was already written...
"You're a bleating sheep. You are too cowardly to hold on to your power as an individual so you just give it away to first guy that comes along and spooks you with the islamobogeyman jive."
Ummm ... what power? Individuals have no power.
Politics is like the weather.
How far will you get trying to stand alone against society? I dare you to go downtown and tell everybody you want to take over the town. We'll see how long until you get locked up.
As an individual against society you have NO power at all.
I'm waiting to see you on the news, taking over the country. Moron.
I won't respond to the demented, ugly ravings in many of the comments here. I rarely read them anymore. Too much racist filth and offensive, childish BS about 911 "truth."
I do enjoy your own blog posts even when I disgaree. I must respond today because this particular post is way off base re the habeas provisions of the detainee treatment act.
You should re-read the specific habeas provisions. They are expressly limited to "aliens" who are captured as enemy combatants. Nothing in this act changes anything in the habeas rights of US citizens.
Let's make it simple. If you are a US citizen you can still file all the usual habeas lawsuits in federal district court in the odd, unlikely event that you should happen to be captured, detained, and classified as an "alien" enemy combatant. Nothing has changed for you. The habeas provision of this statute applies only to "aliens" who are also classified as enemy combatants. That is hardly radical or unusual.
In the unlikely event that a US citizen is erroneously classified as an "alien" enemy combatant this statute preserves his traditional rights under the Great Writ. He can file a federal habeas lawsuit in US District Court to challenge his detention.
The ACLU argument OTH is in fact radical and and bizarre. Our troops capture enemy foreign soldiers fighting against us in wartime and those foreign enemy soldiers are then guaranteed every constitutional right and remedy reserved for US citizens including habeas lawsuits? It's not just bizarre and radical it's insane.
To illustrate, suppose that German and Japanese soldiers captured and held as enemy POW could have filed habeas lawsuits against the War Department challenging all the facts and conditions of their detention. While the government is trying to fight a war against foreigners who are literally killing US citizens it also has to stop to defend the lawsuits filed by the ACLU on behalf of these foreign soldiers in US District Court? Wrong. It doesn't work that way and it never has. It never will. The detainee treatment act has changed nothing in this regard.
The fundamental mistake people make in analyzing this statute relates to judicial review and the question of who decides. For US citizens the detainee treatment act preserves your right to file a federal habeas lawsuit to assess the conditions of your detention. If the DOD should mistakenly mis-classify a US citizen as an "alien" combatant this statute does nothing to change that citizen's right to file the lawsuit and ask the court to correct the error and review the conditions of detention. The district court must still, today, entertain a habeas petition from a US citizen who sues to challenge his detention.
Thanks for listening. I hope this helps.
Thanks to the last ANON poster for some good analysis. All the left wing ACLU whackos on this blog (yes, this blog is 98% left) care about protecting terrorist's rights while they abort babies. Ironic. Typical liberals...bend the rules to fit their lifestyle and benefit. You are all human POS.
Nothing has changed for American citizens. Habeous Corpus wasn't intended for terroists.
Don't be so soft.
The political ranting in this blog is its real shortcoming.
"on 9/11 - arabs with box cutters. start there. planes hit buildings. verified fact."
Hey Keith - this discussion is over. The evidence is clear and the jury has weighed in with a guilty as charged verdict. Just because the MSM does not report the truth does not make it so.
The discussuion now is what is the next "pearl harbor" - and how can the criminals be exposed before more die.
Read the PNAC
According to the new New York Times/CBS News poll, only 16% of Americans think the government is telling the truth about 9/11 and the intelligence prior to the attacks:
"Do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?
Telling the truth 16%
Hiding something 53%
Mostly lying 28%
Not sure 3%"
The 84% figure mirrors other recent polls on the same issue. A Canadian Poll put the figure at 85%. A CNN poll had the figure at 89%. Over 80% supported the stance of Charlie Sheen when he went public with his opinions on 9/11 as an inside job.
A recent CNN poll found that the percentage of Americans who blame the Bush administration for the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington rose from almost a third to almost half over the past four years. This latest poll shows that that figure has again risen exponentially and now stands at well over three quarters of the population.
"This latest poll shows that that figure has again risen exponentially and now stands at well over three quarters of the population"
and u wonder why the MCA was signed into law.
Read Doonesbury this week. It's great, about the GOP message of FEAR. Start Monday at:
Then click 'Next' at the top of the strip.
>> Anyone have a link to the laws concerning taking gold across borders/planes, etc?
You don't need a link, just the facts "your" gold will be confiscated and you will be executed on the spot for treason.
"They are here because we are there"
they are here because the jews are there too.
This may come as a surprise to you, but I have never read mein kampf. Maybe I'll make that the next book I read though, that is, if it is not in that huge group of banned books here in the U.S.
As far as hating jews goes, I don't hate THEM per say, more like I hate what they have done to my country.
Oh, and for those who are worried about my mental health, thanks, but I'm in good hands. My wife is a psychiatrist, and no, I don't do prescription drugs (or any other kind). If you do, please consider de-toxing and coming back down to reality, then, take of your diapers and try to deal with it.
I 100% agree. They're all just a bunch of whiny ass titty babies. It would be so refreshing if a national figure of some sort just laid that out there for everyone to chew on.
Yes tabasco, it would. But we both know that will not happen. The differance between us though, is that I acknowledge why it won't...... the jew controlled media has an agenda afterall.
America has been and is being severely weakened by the Liberal agenda,
It amazes me how they want abortion on demand (killing of the most innocent)
but will stand outside a prison during an execution and cry and chant at the killing of the worst society has to offer!
Freedom of religion....Yeah, free to worship as long as it ain't anything close to Christianity!
Go hug a tree, look within yourself, twist yourself into a pretzel and meditate!
Freedom of speech my Ass! As long as it is something you believe in then it's O.K., but if it's contrary, then my freedom of speech is over!
You Lost souls crack me up! You go down evey avenue to try to find whatever it is your looking for, and you want to drag everyone else along with you!
I hope you enjoy whatever is left of this world you have created?
As for me, Rapture baby, bring it on!
America has been and is being severely weakened by the Liberal agenda,
Anon said..
"Yep, it's one big party, and the rich folks are laughing all the way to the bank."
- true dat.
Anon said..
"If only the Muslims would leave ... it would be worth a few terror attacks so we don't have to deal with their B.S. like Europe does."
- OMG that's f*ing hilarious! +1
Garth Farkley - +100. Thank you for the SANE analysis. I'm guessing you're a lawyer. The moonbats are apparently in heat. When Clinton monitored them with E it was no problem, but when Bush wants to listen to calls from Al Queda, they have a spaz attack and start speaking in tongues about Nazi Genrmany. Their hysteria is hilarious.
Richard said ...
"The Bush administration wants to be able to root out - and counteract - any dissenting noises that might put a crimp in its ongoing crusade for "full spectrum dominance" of global affairs"
-Again, the irony is overwhelming. How come what I'm hearing the loudest are the screechy leftists then? Shouldn't you all have been "disappeared" by now? In fact, if the CIA wanted you dead, you'd already be dead you braindead doorknob.
-But I guess if all you hyperventilating posters are correct, it'll still work out ok for me. I'll probably be the Commandant of your internment camp. Make sure to say hi and I'll get you an extra ration of bread. LOL!
Government Targets American Bloggers As Enemy Propagandists
Military, Homeland Security, Bush White House strategy sharpen knives against anyone critical of the "war on terror"
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | October 17 2006
The White House has made it perfectly clear that it will target American citizens for propagating information harmful to the interests of the U.S. government and classify them as enemy combatants. This is codified in sub-section 27 of section 950v. of the Military Commissions Act of 2006.
Bush's own strategy document for "winning the war on terror" identifies "conspiracy theorists," meaning anyone who exposes government corruption and lies about major domestic and world events, as "terrorists recruiters," and vows to eliminate their influence in society.
confirming the fact that support for the war in Iraq is at an all time low have led the Bush administration to sharpen their knives against the new breed of perceived "enemy propagandists," bloggers, journalists and online activists who dissent against the "war on terror."
As Raw Story reports, CENTCOM announced earlier this year that a team of employees would be "[engaging] bloggers who are posting inaccurate or untrue information, as well as bloggers who are posting incomplete information."
So when you're wasting your time arguing the finer points of the collapse of Building 7 or the quagmire in Iraq with someone who seems unable to grasp basic principles, your foe could well be sat behind a plush U.S. government desk in a uniform.
CENTCOM is infiltrating blogs and message boards to ensure people, "have the opportunity to read positive stories,"presumably about how Iraq is a wonderful liberated democracy and the war on terror really is about protecting Americans.
The CENTCOM website features a useful section, "What Extremists Are Saying," which provides a full catalogue and showcases the diatribes of US government agents Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi, Ayman al-Zawahiri and their sympathizers - rhetoric that CENTCOM hopes surfers will seek out in order for them to grasp a true understanding for the necessity of bombing the shit out of another broken backed defenseless country in the name of "freedom."
The jaw-dropping hypocrisy of a regime and its military attack arm that has engaged in the most gargantuan of deceit and propaganda purges against the American people then pointing the finger at inquisitive bloggers for "aiding the enemy," is alarming to behold.
WOW ... don't get nasty. Somebody must not have bought into the housing market and is feeling bad about not making such huge gains as the rest of us have over the past 5 years.
WOW! You bloggers are all so inteligent, you can run the world, to bad you can't find something else to do with your time!
Hey Hebrew House (AKA Jew Hater)
Too bad your wife isn't a proofreader "Per say" is spelled per se. Wake up jackass!
H-H-Hey, ya learn something new everyday (well, at least I do).
"WOW! You bloggers are all so inteligent, you can run the world, to bad you can't find something else to do with your time! "
Unfortunately idiot morons don't let the intelligent people run the world.
What the F**K! You suckers still curse each other out eh. Why don't you oppressive impotent suckers say something about smoking? Where do you stupid suckers smoke these days? Can't smoke in public. Oh wait, you stupid suckers can smoke up each other ass ... ha ha ... where are your rights to smoke?
Section 948c says the act applies to: "alien enemy combatants"
but. and this is a BIG but:
Section 948d part (c) says that the Jurisdiction of the act also includes anyone considered an "Unlawful Enemy Combatant". That designation is determined by the military and says nothing about being or not being a citizen.
This act can be applied to ANYONE.
Anonymous said...
Section 948c says the act applies to: "alien enemy combatants"
but. and this is a BIG but:
Section 948d part (c) says that the Jurisdiction of the act also includes anyone considered an "Unlawful Enemy Combatant". That designation is determined by the military and says nothing about being or not being a citizen.
This act can be applied to ANYONE.
Thanks Anon, This is the point I was trying to make, way earlier. Before the troll attack.
"This act can be applied to ANYONE."
Finally, after a gazillion idiotic posts, someone gets it. Thank you.
Translating for the rest of you, it's the military who gets to determine who the "unlawful combatants" are and the military tribunal isn't subject to the habeus corpus provisions of the civilian courts. In other words, they can throw you in a secret prison until you rot while they decide whether to present you to the tribunal to determine whether or not your rights have been violated "unjustly." How convenient for them, and don't worry they can only detain you in this manner until the "War on Terror" is over, which of course should be any day now. The American Gulag is here, we've become the Evil Empire.
Yea, well, this gem is so far down the threads that I doubt anyone will get it anyway.
But, is the the Point, isn't it.
Bloggers Beware.
got it ;)
I believe the specific language reads "any person".
Anon above has it right, the American gulag IS here....thanks jews.
Infidel Woman,
A fundamental rule of statutory construction is that specific provisions trump more general ones. Even if the general provisions of the detainee treatment act have a broader scope, the restrictions on habeas lawsuits are striclty and specifically limited to "aliens" who have been detained and classified as enemy combatants.
The military has no control over the habeas provisions of the act. The courts have the final word on this. In practice, the courts will decide whether they have jurisdiction over habeas writs filed by a citizen who might be detained as an enemy combatant.
Don't take my word for it. Watch and see. Our federal judges jealously guard their Separate but Equal constitutional powers. I guarantee you that the federal courts will find -- as they must under under the clear, specific terms of the statute itself -- that US citizens retain their right to file habeas writs to challenge any imprisonment under the act. No federal court will dismiss a habeas lawsuit filed by a US citizen based on this specific habeas provision because it clearly and expressly doesn't apply to any detainee who is a US citizen.
I really hope you are right.
I'm guessing garth is a lawyer, but I'm also guessing garth can't read.
JURISDICTION of the act - Sec 948d (c):
"Determination of Unlawful Enemy Combatant Status Dispositive- A finding, whether before, on, or after the date of the enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, by a Combatant Status Review Tribunal or another competent tribunal established under the authority of the President or the Secretary of Defense that a person is an unlawful enemy combatant is dispositive for purposes of jurisdiction for trial by military commission under this chapter."
Nothing in there about alien or non-alien. Do you want me to post the definition of "unlawful enemy combatant" too?
"a person who has engaged in hostilities or who has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States"
f'n broad ass definition of ANYONE the President-elect wants it to be.
I won't argue with the inchoate ghost-legion named "anonymous." Pick a name, any name will do. Then claim your work. Then I'll explain it to you.
""Any person subject to this chapter who, in breach of an allegiance or duty to the United States, knowingly and intentionally aids an enemy of the United States, or one of the co-belligerents of the enemy, shall be punished as a military commission under this chapter may direct."
Subsection 4(b) (26) of section 950v. of HR 6166 "
ONLY a US Citizen could
"breach of an allegiance"
My point is simple, and simply a response to Keith's misplaced fear that the Great Writ will be denied to US citizens. It can't be and won't be. And this statute doesn't purport to do so.
The specific provision that limits habeas writs applies expressly and specifically to "aliens." By exclusion, it does not apply to US citizens. (My legal latin is rough but the rule of statutory construction is "expresio unius exclusio alterius est").
Bottom line, our federal courts can intervene in and immediately thwart any unconstitutional or illegal actions taken against US citizens during the pendency of tribunal proceedings. A habeas lawsuit is an independent collateral legal action, not an appeal that must wait for a final judgment by the tribunal.
I won't address the legality of the substantive provisions of the act, as opposed to the procedural habeas provisions. I don't have the energy right now. Suffice to say that the federal courts have shown no reluctance to superimpose their judgment and exercise their independent judicial review as a "co-equal" branch of government. The Supreme Court has eagerly substituted its judgments about our constitution, laws and treaties when it disagrees with the Secretary of Defense and President about how to handle the jihadists we already have in custody. (That's primarily what this is about, remember?)
Anyway, US citizens retain the right to stop the tribunals in their tracks for an indepedent review in federal court. The courts will certainly review whether a citizen's right to a trial by a jury of his peers is being denied.
It is a legal proverb that the law is a "seamless web." You can't grab an isolated provision of any single law and interpret or understand it without reference to a whole host of other inter-connected statutes, constitutional law, legal traditions and rules of interpretation.
I'll just say again, watch and see. The federal courts will continue to exercise the Supremacy that they assumed for themselves in Marbury v. Madison. They certainly will never subordinate themselves to a tribunal of mere soldiers.
Federal judges are the only US officials who are appointed for life. That's a heady form of power, and they are notoriously intoxicated by it. They guard it jealously.
while sitting in a military jail I'll be sure to ask for that phone call to my lawyer.
thanks garth
i've talked to 3 people in depth about it today.
2 - don't care
1 - "i think it's a good thing"
is the bush bros new paraguay 198,000 acre ranch bonanza, former home of the fleeing nazi of ww2 germany, being surrounded by hugo chavez and his cuban soldiers, in his effort to unite 5 more countries of south america, in the lands of the drug war lord barrons iron, oil, cattle, lands of the free and independent persons!,like of times of yore, and property rights, goneby
forgot to conotate , drug lords and war lords properties and rights, gone by
to bad the majority of us are peasants, or will be, soon enough!!!
Garth - I like your approach - the positive one - the one that suggests the courts will do what there were meant to do.
While I agree that hundreds of cases are already inthe pipeline, here is the kicker...
When gas is $25.00 a gallon - NO ONE - not even lawyers - will care.
The law will be the law -
and just like Cheney took over NORAD for the first time since its existence on 9.11.01...so too will the executive branch take over enforcement of the law.
You see Garth - in your scenario you assume a republic government - for and by the people...
In the scenario that the MCA was designed for it is nothing short of fascism.
Riddle me this batman?? - with all the fail safes in place to keep the president in line with the law - he has signed 800 - let me say that again 800 signing statements - in his 6 years. That is 200 more than ALL THE OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINE!! Why - if the law is the law.
These signing statements say essentially - "thanks congress and judges for the law", but here is my interpretation of it have a nice day.
The White House Warden
BRUCE ACKERMAN, professor of law and political science at Yale
“BURIED IN THE complex Senate compromise on detainee treatment is a real shocker, reaching far beyond the legal struggles about foreign terrorist suspects in the Guantanamo Bay fortress. The compromise legislation, which is racing toward the White House, authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants, even if they have never left the United States. And once thrown into military prison, they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights.”
"Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say, 'What should be the reward of such sacrifices?' Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, supplicate the friendship, and plough, and sow, and reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth? If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"
Samuel Adams
I Hereby Declare Myself an Enemy Combatant
by Bill Losapio
Let's get this straight. US citizens who give aid and comfort to our enemies in wartime are in fact traitors. That doesn't bother me too much. I kind of like it here.
I personally include in that category people who spread obvious vicious lies in favor of our enemies and detrimental to our nation. But, hey, that's just me.
How you can get a court hearing when you're detained by the military? It didn't slow down Hamdin and the ACLU a bit.
Don't worry, PE, Lynne Stewart and her fellow travelers will keep us safe, right? Unless I missed something the islamic terrorists are still killing Americans every chance they get.
Funny how in economic crises the liberals are quick to impose temporary wage and price controls. And yet in wartime they can't imagine that any single one of our customary and historical freedoms may be just a teensy bit constrained as our enemies are still blowing us up.
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
this ain't no fooling around
"who give aid and comfort to our enemies"
so Garth - posting on this blog is or is not giving aid and comfort.
see garth - when we are deep in Orwellian doublespeak - there is not truth...just whatever the prez says goes - and that changes from hour to hour.
"obvious vicious lies in favor of our enemies "
so what lies would that be Garth ??- just make a short list - like 5 maybe
Hey, How do you like my handle?
sweet IW!!!!
Cool no more ANONS allowed
way to go keith!!!!!!
Garth - on lies
Historical Lies as an instrument of domination
by Adrian Salbuchi
“Whoever controls the past, controls the present;
whoever controls the present, controls the future”
George Orwell – “1984”
“History is not merely the “past”. It is usually the shape of the
torments and struggles of the present That is why
with history there are – and there must be – different
historical interpretations… The task of an independently
minded person lies in analyzing the connections that exist
among historical and social processes. This needs to be protected
from the criticism of those persons who always want to confront
“absolute evil” with “absolute good”.
Norberto R. Ceresole - “La falsificación de la realidad”
“Reality is the sole Truth that there is”
Juan D. Perón
To know its own past – its History – is as important for a Nation, as it is important for an individual to know who he is, where he comes from and where his roots lie. A person suffering from amnesia is defenseless and risks being fooled and taken advantage of by any rogue who makes believe that he is a “friend”, or a “brother”, or a “relative”.
What happens to such people can also occur to entire nations should they forget, confuse or become unacquainted with their own past. Today, considering the modern technologies available, this can even happen on a worldwide scale.
At present, there are immensely powerful and select groups of people who wield the necessary resources to literally control our vision of the past – i.e., mankind’s History - and the present, thus derailing Reality, which can then be suitably substituted by a sort of “virtual reality”, fully aligned with their own - often shameful - objectives and interests.
With this insinuating title, American historian Norman Finkelstein, professor of Political Theory at City University of New York at Hunter College, published in 2000 a very thought-provoking book: “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering”, in which he criticizes the powerful financial and geopolitical interests behind certain groups promoting, in an exaggerated manner, the so-called Jewish “Holocaust”. Their aim being, amongst many others, to extract huge sums of money for the State of Israel from groups of “wealthy victims”: i.e., Swiss banks, the US and German governments, major German corporations and other present and future victims.
Buenos Aires, Argentina - No. 1 - 18th October 2006
Published by MSRA - Movimiento por la Segunda República Argentina (Argentine Second Republic Movement),
a Political Action Group geared on recovering Argentina's Political Sovereignty, Economic Independence and Social Justice.
Editor and Secretary: Adrian Salbuchi
www.eltraductorradi al.com.ar - asalbuchi@.. .
Glad u like it. The bald guy is Keith. His pets r us. Well, some of us anyway.
And Garth - more on lies...
The Bush-View of the World, quoted:
"...the world is divided between the good guys and the bad guys, and the good guys should have their nuclear weapon, and the bad guys shouldn't."
It's the decline and coming fall, for sure.
The New York Times
October 19, 2006
Japan Assures Rice That It Has No Nuclear Intentions
http://www.nytimes. com/2006/ 10/19/world/ asia/19rice. html
In my heart of hearts you will always be IW to me!!!
Shhh. It is a secret.
lol lol
Special Comment: Beginning of the end
Oct. 18: Keith Olbermann addresses the signing of the Military
Commission Act into law in a special comment.
Keith Olbermann
Anchor, 'Countdown'
We have lived as if in a trance.
We have lived as people in fear.
And now-our rights and our freedoms in peril-we slowly awake to learn
that we have been afraid of the wrong thing.
Therefore, tonight have we truly become the inheritors of our American
Here is the Entire Transcript of the Interview.
Keith Olbermann & Constitutional
Law Prof Jonathan Turley
On Military Commissions Act
To assess what this law will truly mean for us all, I'm joined by Jonathan Turley, professor of constitutional law at George Washington University.
As always, sir, great thanks for your time.
OLBERMANN: I want to start by asking you about a specific part of this act that lists one of the definitions of an unlawful enemy combatant as, quote, "a person who, before, on, or after the date of the enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, has been determined to be an unlawful enemy combatant by a combatant status review tribunal or another competent tribunal established under the authority of the president or the secretary of defense."
Does that not basically mean that if Mr. Bush or Mr. Rumsfeld say so, anybody in this country, citizen or not, innocent or not, can end up being an unlawful enemy combatant?
TURLEY: It certainly does. In fact, later on, it says that if you even give material support to an organization that the president deems connected to one of these groups, you too can be an enemy combatant.
And the fact that he appoints this tribunal is meaningless. You know, standing behind him at the signing ceremony was his attorney general, who signed a memo that said that you could torture people, that you could do harm to them to the point of organ failure or death.
So if he appoints someone like that to be attorney general, you can imagine who he's going be putting on this board.
OLBERMANN: Does this mean that under this law, ultimately the only thing keeping you, I, or the viewer out of Gitmo is the sanity and honesty of the president of the United States?
TURLEY: It does. And it's a huge sea change for our democracy. The framers created a system where we did not have to rely on the good graces or good mood of the president. In fact, Madison said that he created a system essentially to be run by devils, where they could not do harm, because we didn't rely on their good motivations.
Now we must. And people have no idea how significant this is. What, really, a time of shame this is for the American system. What the Congress did and what the president signed today essentially revokes over 200 years of American principles and values.
Maybe Good news...constitution says that President had to sign CMA with 10 DAYS while in session.
It has been around two and 1/2 weeks.
This may be a pocket VETO!!!!
Stay tuned!!
You are the only one (1) that would have figured this out, Richard.
Well Done.
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