Housing Panic, World Panic, it all goes together. Ahmadinejad has to be loving this one - since the end of the world, final battle and return of the hidden mullah just got a bit closer in his book.
My only question is how do these twits reproduce? Damn those are some ugly scary dudes!
Criticism of Pope Benedict XVI grew Friday as religious and political leaders from Lebanon, Turkey and Pakistan condemned comments the Roman Catholic leader made earlier this week about Islam.
Members of Muslim League Jammu Kashmir (MLJK) shout slogans demanding an apology from the Pope at a demonstration in Srinagar, India, on Friday. (Rafiq Maqbool/Associated Press)
The remarks were "the result of pitiful ignorance," said Salih Kapusuz, a deputy leader of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's party, on Friday.
"He has a dark mentality that comes from the darkness of the Middle Ages. He is a poor thing that has not benefited from the spirit of reform in the Christian world," Kapusuz told the state news agency.
"It looks like an effort to revive the mentality of the Crusades."
Pope quotes ancient scholar
During a speech Tuesday at the University of Regensburg, in Bavaria, Germany, the Pope quoted 14th century Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus.
"He said, I quote, 'Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached,' " Benedict quoted the emperor as saying.
September 15, 2006
Who knew all these years later we'd be fighting the crusades again
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Mohammed, Prophet of Islam is known as the "Apostle of Peace" by Muslims. Nothing can be further from the truth.
This article is just one of a series that I will be publishing regarding sadistic cruel nature of Prophet Mohammed. In this article I will prove once again, that Mohammed was in fact a terrorist, criminal and murderer whose entire life was based on victimizing innocents and indulging in mindless violence, carnage and massacre. He was a man who destroyed peace wherever he went, and in its place brought terror, carnage and death.
When Mohammed first started screaming from the rooftops that he alone had the divine word of God, the people of Mecca ignored him. However, when he started insulting and defaming the religion of the peace loving Meccans, they couldn't take it anymore and tried persuading him to stop. Mohammed the coward was too scared of the growing hostility against him and instead of calling upon his Allah to strike down the Meccans, he crept out one night and fled for his life.
Ever since that incident, Mohammed was determined to take revenge on the Meccans. He escaped to Medinah, which had a sizeable Jewish population, and started plotting his revenge with a small gang of criminals. This was the beginning of Mohammed's trail of violence, hatred and bloodshed that would soon destroy the once flourishing culture of Arabia. The story has been documented in detail by his biographers, - surprise raids on trade caravans and tribal settlements, the use of plunder thus obtained for recruiting an ever growing army of greedy desperados, assassinations of opponents, blackmail, expulsion and massacre of the Jews of Medinah, attack and enslavement of the Jews of Khayber, rape of women and children, sale of these victims after rape, trickery, treachery and bribery employed to their fullest extent to grow the numbers of his religion Islam which ironically was supposed to mean "Peace"! He organised no less than 86 expeditions, 26 of which he led himself.
it's racist to call some dudes ugly? I think that's called opinion. Damn those dudes are mean looking and ugly!
Turkey's ruling Islamic-rooted party joined a wave of criticism of Pope Benedict XVI on Friday, accusing him of trying to revive the spirit of the Crusades with remarks he made about the Muslim faith. A Turkish lawmaker said the pontiff would go down in history "in the same category as leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini" for his words.
what a joke paintblot keth can call anyone he wants to ugly you PC freakazoid
First anon Friday, September 15, 2006 5:26:45 PM
You are obviosuly very well read in completely one-sided depictions of Islam. I am not a big fan of any of the big 3 organized religions, but in all fairness, Mohammed's life did not really defer that much from Moses or Jesus' lives.
Mohammed lived in the multi-theistic (many gods) tribal community of Mecca, where he and his followers were persecuted for rejecting the multi-theistic and tribal norms of the society in favor of a mono-theistic (one god) dogma that lessened the bonds of familial and tribal powers. After he was persecuted, he left Mecca, then returned and fought a war for control of the city where he and his followers proved victorious and he subsequently died.
Most of the dogma Mohammed preached during all this was very much the same as what Moses and Jesus preached. And, although he fought a war with the muti-theists of Mecca while he did this, one must not forget that Moses also fought a series of wars to return his people to the holy land.
All in all, Mohammed, Moses, and Jesus have far more similarities than differences. It has just been hundreds of years of power hungry adherents that have caused the major splits that exist today and have existed over the centuries.
Calling Mohammed a terrorist is just abject simplistic stupidity. If there is evil, it is in the people (like yourself) who have misrepresented and distorted the facts surrounding the formations of the major mono-theistic religion of the world to satisfy their own agendas. You are not alone, though. Millions of people from all 3 of these religions have done the same for hundreds of years and will probably continue to do so for a longer time than I can probably imagine.
There is one god, indeed, and we weren't created in his image, he was created in ours.
precisely. but let us not forget that jesus/yeshua is known as the "prince of peace", but his alleged teaching aroused the rabble and often violently disrupted the convenient "peace" the jewish establishment had forged with the roman authorities in judea.
and, during the crusades, the "christians", acting on the theory of "just war" and "saving jerusalem" from the muslim devils, raped, pillaged, and slaughtered their way to and from "the holy land".
and, of course, there is the israelites and the warrior king david who came to power via wiping out his neighbors, dispossessing them, and enslaving their wives and children, which the isrealite god commanded.
are we not yet utterly fed up with these violent, jealous, sociopathic, competitive tribal, desert sky gods of the "christians", "jews", and "muslims"? why do we tolerate this barbaric, backward thinking and behavior? none of these believers can claim moral or intellectual superiority; they're all perfectly self-delusional and insane.
the neocons know this (most are atheist jews/zionists), and they are using ingorance, fear, and stupidity to dupe christian-zionist morons (mostly southerners) into antagonizing, fearing, and hating arab muslims, most of whom themselves are perfectly ignorant and motivated by fear and hate themselves.
the more conflict, fear, and distrust between self-superior, paranoid "jews", moron christian-zionists, and furious, psychotic arab muslims, the more power and control the atheist, machiavellian, imperialist neocon fascists gain over all of us.
war on terror? how about a war on tribal desert sky gods? wipe those bastards off the face of the planet.
"war on tribal desert sky gods"....nice!
I love how the religion of peace (Islam) gets all riled up and violent everytime someone dare to criticize their religion (cartoons, theo van gogh who got his throat slit). It only proves the validity of what those that critisize Islam are saying.
Keith is a moron.
muslims are morons.
There is one god, indeed, and we weren't created in his image, he was created in ours.
that's rather poetic but incorrect. there are as many gods as there are human minds to conceive of a god or gods.
if human beings would dispense with the idea that there is a god and realize that, as you suggest, "man created god in man's image so that god could create man in god's image", we could start from scratch as human beings and try to figure out how we can make a better go of it. yes, some powerful ethnic/racial group might just decide that they should be the winners and wipe out everyone else, but could it be much worse than it is today? that one can ask the questions suggests that it certainly can be worse, but this is the primary motivation to compel us to try to make things better.
ah, bs! that's idealism and wishful thinking. we're frightened, violent animals who slaugther, humilate, and enslave other human beings sometimes for pleasure, which makes us in our current form UTTERLY IRREDEEMABLE.
thus, what god is worthy of worship for creating such hopeless violent creatures such as us? such a god that allegedly created human beings is an ugly, sadistic SOB.
but just when one presumes that this is all there is to this witheringly competitive, ruthless existence, there is this and this and one's faith in humanity is restored, if but for a brief and beautiful few minutes.
I side with Richard on this. Keith, you are a true moron.
meanwhile this christian/jew/muslim thing is gonna get worse before it gets better and that ain't good for the world economy
sky god idiots
I'm a moron for reporting that the pope is getting roasted for saying people shouldn't kill in the name of god?
If that's the case, I wear the term "moron" as a badge of honor
If I'm a moron for calling those ugly dudes ugly, again, a badge of honor.
Hey scholars, how about all the Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Manicheists, and Hindus who were slaughtered by Islamic govts during the religion's rise to power?
Why is it that all arguments center around Christianity and Judaism as oppose to what Islam has done to all those around them?
Sandniggers reproduce by facing Mecca, throwing a rag over their woman's face and giving her the big cumshot in the name of Allah, all the while wishing their woman was a virgin, the bitch!
Then they slap her around for being so unclean and have her scrub the floors.
Anon Friday, September 15, 2006 6:30:28 PM
What about all the Cherokees, Utes, Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, blah, blah, blah who were slaughtered by Christian governments?
The point is, it's all silly.
Let's just give Iran, Italy, and Israel their each college football team so everyone can argue about what's really important, then this picture of young islamic men taking to the streets will seem a little less threatening and just remind us all instead of what Austin, TX was like the night they beat USC in the national championship game.
Jews,Christian and Muslims all need to be destroyed by European paganism(ok, this is a really really bad word), Hindu's and Eastern religions of ancient thought.
Simply destroy whatever they have left and re-educate the kids of the true spirtuality of the races, a link we all share.
Matter of fact, the Nazi's final solution JUST wasn't euthanizing the Jew, but doing exactly as I saw above and they positioned themselves perfectly through corruption and propoganda by manuvering the Christian and Muslims into a war against the Jews, to destroy them, they would destroy themselves.
Muslim Internment Camps in America
lock 'em all up let 'em rot!
Ya he's a good looking kid, alright a good looking kid..
Now I know why Tigers eat their young!
Racist no I am afraid not, ugly, is not racist.
Fat, Dumb, & Stupid, now that is racist. IE: Definition of a typical american FB!
Can we go back to the housing bubble please?
Recent bumper stickers:
Islam Kills!
Nuke Mecca!
(USA Flag) Convert or leave!
Terrorists fight like little girls with their skirts covering their faces!
Racist? No, I think Islam is an equal opportunity killer!
Why is it that all arguments center around Christianity and Judaism as oppose to what Islam has done to all those around them?
not my argument. they're all violent, sociopathic lunatics.
and don't forget the mongols/moguls and their carnage.
Why aren't they demanding the Islamasists chanting "death to america" and "wipe Israel off the map" and "death to infidels" apologize to the west? They are violent ignorant hypocrites and should be ridiculed greatly.
Islam is a religion by and for criminals. One of their favorite places to recruit is prisons.
It is incompatible with any recognizable modern civilization.
Paintblot, you are an asshole and dhimmi.
Islam is a religion and not a race. Pull your head out of your ass before the jihadis slit your sissy throat.
Repeat, Islam is a religion and not a race.
To call someone a racist is just an ad hominem attack that indicates the intellectual bankruptcy of your position.
Repeat, Islam is a religion and not a race.
Islamists regard anyone who is not islamic as sub-human.
Mohammed was a murderer, theif, liar and part-time pedophile who married a 6 year old, Aisha, and then consummated the marriage when she was 9!
He boned her while she was still playing with dolls. A pedophile in any era.
moderate infidel,
You're engaging in a game of which came first, the chicken or the egg?
You are angry at the muslims because of what they say about america and israel, the muslims are angry at the pope because of what he says about mohammed and islam, the pope is angry at the muslims about what they say and do about america and israel, the muslims were upset at america and israel because they felt they were attacked by both, the americans attacked muslims because they felt they were attacked by muslims, muslims attacked americans because they felt they were being attacked by israelites that were helped by americans, israelites attacked muslims because they were attacked by muslims, muslims attacked the israelites because they were attacked by the israelites, israelites go to muslim land because they were attacked by christians, christians attacked jews because they felt the jews were attacking them, muslims attacked christians because they were attacked by christians, christians go to muslim land to attack muslims because they were attacked by muslims, etc, etc, etc
It gets tiring trying to make sense of it all, doesn't it? Just easier to be lazy and pick a side and go with it, I guess.
Congrats on being lazy.
Now who's ready for some football!
Why are you an apologist for this crimianal creed?
Muslims lie about their religion all the time. They do it in Muslim lands as well, since belonging to the wrong sect can get you murdered. Look at modern-day Iraq.
Jesus was unlike both Moses and Mohammed. He was a religious leader, not political, who never had anyone murdered, never participated in any battles and stressed understanding of your enemies.
You long for the automatic morality of animals.
Humans have to choose between rationality, good, and evil, irrationality. Animals don't have to make this choice, so many people see them as morally pure.
If you want to know about morality without god or resorting to faith, then read Ayn Rand's fiction and non-fiction. When I first read it, it was like TRUTH REVEALED.
There is no comparison b/w Islam and Cristianity.
There is no comparison b/w Jesus and Mohammed.
There is no comparison b/w the levels of tolerance and compassion of Jews & Christians vs. Muslims or the West vs. Islamic countries.
There is no comparison b/w the personal freedom of the two societies.
Please limit your arguments to the last century as Western Society has evolved and Cristianity has reformed. I'm not so sure Islam CAN reform, because Jihad is mandated and violence is not eschewed. The radical Imams could stand to chill though.
But if you think any comparions do hold, please state the contemporary Cristian equivalent for:
1. the death sentence (fatwas) issued against Salman Rushdie for "insulting Islam"
2. the cartoon riots
3. "honor killings"
4. killing of Christian schoolgirls
5. slavery of Christians in Sudan
6. ban on women driving, voting, getting an education
7. lack of fatwas (and popularity) of OBL, Zarqawi
Truth is there is none and that's not going to change no matter how much you hate George Bush, Jews, the U.S., or Isreal.
Jihad the Pope!
Let's start a religious war!
Here comes the housing crash! There is no bubble except WW3!
You Non_theists are frankly the ones to watch. History has shown it is YOUR kind who have butchered the most.
Humanist Panic!!!!
Keith, your wish for housing crash is coming! It's nothing to do with bubble. It's WW3! After US populations get cut by half... all houses are onsale:
median house price $35,000
are you happy now! you better hope you live thru WW3... u brits sissy!
Anon Friday, September 15, 2006 7:43:32 PM
Yes, some muslims lie about their religion, some muslims kill for their religion, some muslims do all sorts of evil stupid shit because of their religion.
So have some christians and some jews.
I am not an apologist for any of them. I think all people who use religion as an excuse for hateful behavior are equally terrible.
I also believe though, that first and foremost people are people, and this labeling and smearing of entire religions due to the actions of some members of the religion is stupid and lazy. The religion didn't do any of the horrible stuff that has been done in it's name, the people did.
Holy crap, how hard of a concept is that? Did the Prophet Mohammed fly planes into the WTC? No, he's been dead for 1300 years. Some other stupid evil crazy bastards did.
Give the guy that's been dead for 1300 years a damn break, give the guy that's been dead for 2000 years a damn break, and give the guy that's been dead for 3500 years a damn break, and let's all argue over who has a better football team instead.
"You Non_theists are frankly the ones to watch. History has shown it is YOUR kind who have butchered the most."
"Mohammed's life did not really defer that much from Moses or Jesus' lives."
False. What an inane comment.
while europeans were living "nasty, burtish, and short" lives in mud and thatched huts, islam rose to be a formidable and, yes, powerful and advanced civilization for its time. but, like all empires, the muslim leaders became self-satisfied, insular, and corrupt (not to mention overstretch and the like).
rather than wipe out all those who resisted, they made the mistake of enslaving or forcing conversion and conscripting conquered peoples. they needed slave labor and slave warriors to sustain empire.
similarly, the spanish, dutch, british, and now we americans are doing the same bloody thing, and we can't expect any different outcome in the decades ahead.
"Humans have to choose between rationality, good, and evil, irrationality."
True, but you can keep your Ayn Rand - I'll stick with Thomas Aquinas.
boring and annoying... I am not visiting this blog again. Have fun guys!
Its less about religion and more about the use of power. America better watch out and treat other nations more nicely or more of their big buildings are going to be islammed.
and I thought Bush was a throw back to the last century this new Pope Dude is a throw back to the middle ages.
Bush will be visiting the Pope soon, prior to election, mark my words just as Hitler did to get Gods support in burning the Jews.
" "You Non_theists are frankly the ones to watch. History has shown it is YOUR kind who have butchered the most."
"Mohammed's life did not really defer that much from Moses or Jesus' lives."
False. What an inane comment. "
Well, then, I guess that is all settled, because Anonymous says so. Thanks for proving my point about your laziness.
Mohammed fought against multi-theists in the name of mono-theism, just as Moses and Jesus did. All 3 of them drew on concepts first introduced by Abraham. That is why Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are referred to as the Abrahamic religions. It's pointless to argue this point with somebody who has developed too many preconceived notions.
The main point, though, is that religion should not be used as an excuse to commit crimes. Agree?
Well, it's a 2 way street. Religion should also not be blamed for somebody who commits crimes. You can't have one without the other or else you get a logical fallacy. How do you tell somebody they shouldn't be doing something because of their religious beliefs if you then turn around and say it is because of their religious beliefs? The only way you can do that is if you throw both concepts out the window and instead just try to tell everybody what they should believe in. Good luck with that.
Not being able to use religion as an excuse and not blaming religion for the acts of people are central tenets of what this country was founded upon. It's sad that so many people in this country are so stupid and lazy that they don't understand that simple fact.
the religion of the butchers you are talking about was absolute power, i.e., they perceived themselves as gods on this planet and superior over the people they enslaved, tortured, and killed.
no, humanism is not viable either, as it relies on we frightened, violent human beings as its basis.
i am not an atheist, which implies "believing" that there is no god. but there are gods everywhere there are human beings' minds, and "belief" is accepting something as real that cannot be proven or disproven, such as children believing in the tooth fairy, santa claus, or the easter bunny. once accepted as "real", tell a child these things are not real, and you have an emotional disaster on your hands.
thus, clearly there "are gods", and i do not worship them as the vast majority of humanity does, thinking the other person's god to be an imposter, evil, etc.
non-theism is generally a philosophical position arrived via logical negation of the need for gods; it is a neutral position. it is not atheism, which requires believing there is no god; it recognizes theism and and atheism as unncessary.
non-theism, when tested, yields very little to "believe" or reject or disprove. one cannot believe in "non-theism", as "it" does not exist as in opposition to theism or atheism. it exists only in so far as it does not exist to oppose belief or non-belief in god or gods.
"Who knew all these years later we'd be fighting the crusades again?"
Hilaire Belloc
"... visiting the Pope soon,...just as Hitler did to get Gods support in burning the Jews."
Where do you get this nonsense, from a Jack Chick tract?
Come on, American Christianity is the one true religion, and them dark skinned people in the Middle East best not forget it, or they better like to learn to like the flavor of depleted uranium. Or maybe America can use nukular weapons on 'em. Whatever works. It might make it a bit tricky to get the oil outta the ground, dressed in radiation suits and all. I'm sure they hate us for our freedom, so we gotta take that freedom away from Americans, that oughta make 'em happy. And them Muslims have all kinds of rules 'ginst usury - don't they know that debt is the greatest thing since slavery?
Keith is just as ignorant of Islamic history as is the doddering, drooling Pope. 'Nuff said. Cased closed.
It is a crusade and it's number ten if we are still counting. We have to win this one.
Full-out religious war? Bring it on. Let all of the fundie religious idiots kill each other. The sooner the better.
1. the death sentence (fatwas) issued against Salman Rushdie for "insulting Islam"
2. the cartoon riots
3. "honor killings"
4. killing of Christian schoolgirls
5. slavery of Christians in Sudan
6. ban on women driving, voting, getting an education
7. lack of fatwas (and popularity) of OBL, Zarqawi
1. Call for Hugo Chavez to be Assassinated by Pat Robertson (equally harmless)
2. Westboro Baptist Church protests at US soldier funerals
3. KKK lynchings ("the darkie looked at my white wife, he needs to die to protect my honor")
4. Kosovo/Albanian muslim genocide
5. slavery of African Muslims throughout Africa in the 20th century as well as throughout America in the centuries preceding.
6. ban on women driving, voting, getting an education (see early 20th century America)
7. lack of fatwas (and popularity) of abortion clinic bombers
There, that wasn't so hard. Religious zealots who commit crimes and use religious superiority/justification as an excuse for their criminal actions come in all shapes and sizes, my friend.
They are all bad, and it isn't religion's fault, it's their own fault.
Tabasco Jenkins, I am not playing chicken and egg, I am criticising what is happening with Islam and radical islamists in the present. Because I critisize one religion does not mean I support or approve of another, as a matter of fact I am an agnostic and agree with you that all religions are stupid and dangerous as well as most belief systems in general. I criticise Islam because it is fighting a desperate last attempt at world domination because it is doomed to failure just like all the others are and as christianity and judaism finally realized viiolence is the only way to keep a ridiculous belief system viable because most people just want to live their lives in peace. I forgive you for calling me lazy.
"Yes, some muslims lie about their religion, some muslims kill for their religion, some muslims do all sorts of evil stupid shit because of their religion.
So have some christians and some jews."
Most lumpen PC-ites have absolutely no concept of degree and statistics.
Muslims are FAR more likely to do that stuff than Jews and most definitely Christians are.
You're just like those idiots who don't want to live in a black neighborhood because of the crime, but then when somebody points out to them that a lot of blacks are criminals, they blurt out, "but there are white criminals too".
But blacks are much more likely than whites to be criminals. Duh.
PC is eroding the IQ of this country as we speak, I'd swear to God.
I'd swear at god too if there was one!
anon, poor people are much more likely to be criminals and black people are generally poorer than whites. it's not race it's class.
all manner of religion, people, groups etc. throughout history have commited atrocities. please keep to the present when making comparisons. comparing christian atrocities that happened hundreds of years ago to radical islam atrocities that happen in the present is useless. the reason there is a difference is that it shows that other religions have been assimilated into the modern era (with the exception of a few cranks like pat robertson and his ilke) but Islam is now coming to grips with modern society and is in crisis mode.
moderate infidel,
Thank you for your forgiveness.
Personally, i am just tired of all this vitriol attacking a religion. Religion is a concept. Some people are doing bad things. Attack them because of the bad things they are doing, not because of their religion. It's alot more direct and alot more effective of a way to go about things.
Instead of saying "muslims are doing this", name some names, say "Ahmanedijad is doing this" or "Osama Bin Laden is doing this". Blaming the religion instead of the people only exacerbates the problem and doesn't solve anything except to make people hate each other because of what they believe, which is a hatred not easily doused. Talk about acts, not beliefs.
And as far as Islam making a last ditch effor at world domination, yeah, and the Chicago Cubs are busy making a last ditch effort at winning the pennant, but I wouldn't be too afraid if I were a Cardinals fan.
Ignorance never gets old
housing please
Bush will be visiting the Pope soon mark my words. Prior to the election if he can get in..Hitler visited the Vatican right prior to his quest to burn as many
Jews as possible in the name of the Christian Soldiers.
Watch for ovens being build in the Iraq green zone.
When are we all going to grow up and let these fantasies die. If humanity does not have the capacity for good without the control of thousands year old fear tactics then what is the point anyway? We are all spoon fed this dogma while world leaders grasp at tiny amounts of power in this forgetful blip of time. It is so shortsighted it is just silly.
I saw Mohammed in Palo Alto last week, he has given up on the God crap and is starting a software company.
Friday, September 15, 2006 9:26:24 PM
It's PC to separate people from labels? Okay, you're right. Well, in that case, I am going to lump all anons in the same boat as mouth breathing pond dwelling racoons feces, then. Is that fair, all you anons? Oops, sorry, mouth breathing pond dwelling racoon feces?
Separating people and their actions from labels has been proven over and over again to be one thing: the most effective way to solve the problem that has engendered the labels in the first place.
Judge people by their actions and you have a much better chance of getting them to change their actions for the better. Judge people by their labels, and what incentive do they ever have to change their actions? They're always going to be judged by their label no matter what they do, so why should they bother changing?
Religion only exists in men's minds to fill the empty space left there by ignorance.
Wow...this is good...I should be poet.
are we perhaps looking at the perfect storm, where the president of iran, the president of the US and the pope are all looking to the end of the world and the reappearance of their religious hero?
I dedicate this to the trio:
It's beginning to look a lot like Armageddon
soon the bells will start, And the thing that will make them ring, is the hatred that they sing, right within their heart.
>>>>comparing christian atrocities that happened hundreds of years ago to radical islam atrocities that happen in the present is useless.
Not true, Christian were a poor, under class cult group. A laughing stock. There we not allowed into the cities, they we uneducated morons, yelling "God Is Great", ...
...the during a major economic collapse the gained supporters and started killing thier masters...2000 years later we are the decendents of a Christian cult that went on a terrorist killing spree... sound familiar?
If you'd stop your ranting against the muslims and focus on the RE buble(afterall, that's the ostensible reason for your blog, isn't it?), you could really be good. Your posts are very entertaining and you have a gift for writing enjoyable prose. However, every time I visit your site and find another diatribe against Muslims, I regret having added another visit to your site, as it puffs up its importance.
Keith said: "It looks like an effort to revive the mentality of the Crusades".
It looks like most of us are already there. I don’t think we ever lost that mentality; we’ve just been running low on brilliant religious leaders for a few years.
In the end, everybody just wants to be part of a winning team....so let's just give everyone a football team to root for...best plan anyone's come up with yet, if you ask me
PaintBlot Inspired this response from me before I got just half way finished reading the thread.
First of all any Infidel that speaks of such things is probably put on some kind of hit list. Therefore, Keith has great courage to let us talk of this SOMEWHERE!
It is the most important political topic of the day, next to the economy. But, hear me, there will be no economy to analyze if these people are successful in their anti American, Israeli, and European efforts.
PC will be the end of us.
Tabasco Jenkins I cannot get through this thread without writing. I am moved TJ by your misplaced tolerance. Muslims are responsible for the Jihad. Jihad, translated, means HOLY OF WARS.
We in the receiving end of these attacks did NOT make it a Holy War against Infidels and "The UNCLEAN" and The GREAT SATIN" (USA, THEY made it about religion. PLEASE GET A GRIP ON REALITY.
Not all Muslims are Terrorists.
But all Terrorists are Muslims.
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -- The Muslim world's scathing reaction to Pope Benedict's comments on Islam is the biggest challenge to face the pontiff yet and raises concerns over his security, diplomatic and Church sources said on Friday.
"My personal reaction was: 'This is a striking statement. Was it a rare slip-up?'" one source said about the pope's speech in Germany last Tuesday.
"One has to wonder why the pope, who is normally so careful about what he says or writes, and has a reputation for extreme care, did not realize the reaction that this could cause," the source added.
'We' are going to fight the crusades? We can't even keep the mexicans from pouring across the border!
tabasco jenkins: well said! Free speech is a death sentence in many middle eastern countries! Not to mention the way women are treated as servile property!
Name 'One' thing, just one! That that band of muslim rable has offered to society or the world!
You can't!
Tabasco, you misunderstood again. I do not care if they excersise their free speech, I support it, my point is they are hypocrites denouncing others for excersising their free speech. they can rail all they want and so can those that oppose them, I just find it comical since their islamic society does not allow free speech that goes against their dogma. I am not your enemy and I am plenty smart. I forgive you again.
also, the middle eastern "governments" that do not allow free speech are conservative muslim states, not really "governments" as that word implys some sort of audience participation. but I think we all agree on this don't we?
Tabsaco, to clarify. When I said if you don't believe in free speech then shut the hell up I was being sarcastic, meaning how can you participate in free speech when you don't allow others to.
Roman Catholics are not Christians, don't be fooled by the papacy. The antichrist (the papacy) has lies and the blood of the saints on its hands.
They make the Word of God to none effect by traditions.
seriously, I want some woman on this site to look at the dude in the middle of that picture and say "yup, I'd do him"
that's the ugliest mofo I've ever seen
It's too bad they don't have to wear veils!
>Not true, Christians were a poor, >under class cult group. A laughing >stock. There we not allowed into >the cities, they we uneducated >morons, yelling "God Is Great", ...
>...the during a major economic >collapse the gained supporters and >started killing thier >masters...2000 years later we are >the decendents of a Christian cult >that went on a terrorist killing >spree... sound familiar?
That's the dumbest argument I've heard in a long time. So ... yes, there coming to kill us but it's ok so we shouldn't give them any grief? 1st push into Spain wasn't good enough, so let's give 'em another shot at establishing the Caliphate? That's fackin stoopid.
The problem with Islam is that it isn't just a weird cult it's also a political sytem/cult/society all rolled into one sick package. Women all covered up walking behind men, petty thiefs getting their hands cut off, anyone daring to believe another religion seeing the business end of a sword, fatwahs against those that dare to criticise. I can think of no other religion at present this fucked up. If I'm wrong, prove it using examples from the present.
1. the death sentence (fatwas) issued against Salman Rushdie for "insulting Islam"
2. the cartoon riots
3. "honor killings"
4. killing of Christian schoolgirls
5. slavery of Christians in Sudan
6. ban on women driving, voting, getting an education
7. lack of fatwas (and popularity) of OBL, Zarqawi
<1. Call for Hugo Chavez to be Assassinated by Pat Robertson (equally harmless)
You comparison is weak. That fatwa was an instruction to dutifully kill, almost unanimously supported by Clerics of the highest order and Islamic states. But your "comparable act" is one guy, Robertson, "suggesting" killing Chavez? That's a 10,000 to 1 ratio give or take. I think you have an issue of scale here. BTW Robertson apologized. Weak sauce
<2. Westboro Baptist Church protests at US soldier funerals
This one's more like 200,000 to 1. Again Weak sauce
<3. KKK lynchings ("the darkie looked at my white wife, he needs to die to protect my honor")
So the KKK dudes lynched there own women? BS argument. And what does that have to do with religion? Answer: nothing
4. Kosovo/Albanian muslim genocide
That was ethnic cleansing as part of a civil war after Tito dies and left a pwer vaccuum and all side committed atrocities. A far cry from indescriminate religious killings in Indonesia.
5. slavery of African Muslims throughout Africa in the 20th century as well as throughout America in the centuries preceding.
And yet Muslims are the only one who held up this time honored tradition. Whay do you suppose?
6. ban on women driving, voting, getting an education (see early 20th century America)
Gee I don't remember a time when it was illegal for women to get an education or drive a car. When was that. I guess it's just more convenient to make $hit up. Meanwhile here's some thoughts from Saudi:
senior Islamic scholars in the Kingdom had already issued fatwas (religious edicts) saying that women driving cars was sinful and not permissible in Islam.
7. lack of fatwas (and popularity) of abortion clinic bombers
cite? OBL is 50/50 in Saudi (he's gone down a bit) BTW, guess how many people have been killed by abortion clinic bombers in the last decade. Answer: 7
vs. # killed by muslim terrorists ... thousands. again, you seem to have a problem of scale.
There, that wasn't so hard. Religious zealots who commit crimes and use religious superiority/justification as an excuse for their criminal actions come in all shapes and sizes, my friend.
Your arguments were very weak here, and your point about extremism is only valid when applied to individuals. Unfortunately, we are talking about a religion that preaches hatred, brainwashes its youth into "martyring" themselves for Allah and actively supports extremism. It's prevalent and widespread. And worst of all, it's tolerated by the "moderates". That
doesn't exist in Christianity, so sorry, it's not about a few bad apples, it's about the religion.
>They are all bad, and it isn't religion's fault, it's their own fault.
Who do you think runs the Madrasses, funds Hamas & Hezbollah, runs Iran? The Mullahs!!!
< Religion is a concept
No it's much more than that. It's a practice and it's a collection of people. What about Nazism/Facism/Communsim? Only concepts? That would be ignorant to ignore the reality of what these belief systems actually were in practice. Religion is no different.
>smearing of entire religions due to the actions of some members of the religion is stupid and lazy. The religion didn't do any of the horrible stuff that has been done in
When you look at the message & goals (establish the Caliphate and Sharia law, kaffir/Infidels either convert/dhimmi/death) it's pretty easy to conclude the message is f'ed up. It's a very dangerous belief system. It's the belief system that says we need to kill you. Extremists are possible in any belief system but that doesn't mean belief systems are created equal. What if our position was "Cripples are subhuman and shouldn't exist"? Would it be resonable to suggest that our religion is f'ed up? You bet it would.
You only have to look at the scale of what's going on. Open your eyes.
"Roman Catholics are not Christians"
Right, I suppose we got the Canon from some goober bible thumpers in an Arkansas trailer park.
The Pope was speaking to an audience at a Catholic University, and need not answer to Muslims or anyone else when speaking on Catholic doctrine. He is the successor to St. Peter, not a corporate spokesman or press secretary. If you prefer kumbaya, go listen to a Unitarian.
And YES, those guys are so ugly, even a blind man wouldn't be happy to see them.
Let's remember the Crusades had two sides.
What else would you call the war of Islam on Eastern Christendom?
"while europeans were living "nasty, burtish, and short" lives in mud and thatched huts, islam rose to be a formidable and, yes, powerful and advanced civilization for its time"
Complete and utter bollox!!
Islam has only been in existance since the 7th century AD.
Care to point out anything that was an original thought of any muslim that hadn't already been done to death by Greeks, Romans, Medo-Persians (they weren't muslim btw) or Sumarians 1000s of years prior to mohammed even existing?
PC will be the end of us?
I think stupidity might be a better candidate, so let’s go and get "these people". Yeah, the stupid hateful ones. If you don't know who I'm talking about you might just be one of them. I thought that this thread was about a stupid hateful comment from the pope. It has turned into a bunch of stupid and hateful comments by many. So there you have it. The enemy is stupidity and there is no shortage of that. So buy gold because we are all doomed!!(and stupid)
Yes, there have been nominal Christians who have terrorized & killed. Some misguided soulds have done so in the name of religion (IRA is a bad example- a class war divided along sectarian lines. McVeigh, a cradle Christian, espoused no religious motives that I recall)
In any case, the risk of human misinterpretation is unavoidable. Nowhere in the NT will you find advocacy of killing and slavery or conversion by force. The same cannot be said of the Koran nor its illiterate author, Mo the "Prophet". Violent, fundamentalist Islamists are not misinterpreting or "hijacking" Islam, they're following its spirit and letter to a tee.
The Pope speaks the truth; Islam is an a la carte mix of Judaism, Christianity & assorted pagan desert tribal beliefs-- the only unique, new feature of Islam was violence. That's how it started, that's how it spread : the bloody borders of Islam.
BTW, I'm no Bush-bot spouting "Islamofascist" crap-- FAR from it -- and have opposed
Iraq war from start. I do read history, though.
(I read history, but don't proof read- or type- well)
"anon, poor people are much more likely to be criminals and black people are generally poorer than whites. it's not race it's class."
In that case, why does West Virginia (with its very high concentration of poor whites and very low concentration of blacks of any sort) have one of the lowest crime rates in the country?
Paintblot, anons right, your examples are pathetic. Those are political acts by screwed up individuals acting alone or in small groups as opposed to radical Islam acting under the teachings of thousands of Imams and Mullahs across the middle east espousing their vitriol. the other anon is right, they are following Islam to a tee as the Koran (you should read it) is a violent hate filled jihad manual for assasins writen by a psychopathic rapist and child molester named Mohammed.
anon, west virginia has a lower crime rate because its sparsly populated and everybody is related to each other by inbreeding. Didn't you see deliverance? their too retarted to commit crimes.
Who's religion is based on terror?
Numbers 31
Under God's direction, Moses' army defeats the Midianites. They kill all the adult males, but take the women and children captive. When Moses learns that they left some live, he angrily says: "Have you saved all the women alive? Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." So they went back and did as instructed, killing everyone except for the virgins. The booty included 32,000 virgins and 16,000 persons, of which God got 32.
moderate infidel:
I guess that would explain all those hilarious "dumb criminal" anecdotes that everybody hears about, not to mention all of those mentally retarded people on death row.
Any idiot knows that it takes less brainpower to commit crime than to get a real job.
anon, first of all it's called sarcasm which takes a certain amount of intellect to understand. second, the point that it is sparsly populated is the reason for lower crime. you would find the same statistics on any sparsly populated region no matter what the racial make up of that region is. if you have some real data proving me wrong rather than something you pulled out of your ass then show it to us.
anon, now are'nt you glad you got to criticise chriastianity and there is no rioting in the streets by christians? thats the point - whats taking place in the present, not thousands of years ago. all societies and religions have violence in their past (and present). the point about Mohammed spreading Islam through violence is in contrast to the teachings of jesus. that is the point a christian would make (I am agnostic). quoting excerpts from the bible is not a valid way to make a point, since very few christians view the bible as the literal word of god but Islam teaches that Mohammed is the only true prophet and the Koran is the true indisputable word of god.
"violence is in contrast to the teachings of jesus"
so obviously no christian would participate in or even approve of any war.
"very few christians view the bible as the literal word of god"
But what do the leaders of the christian faith teach? As I've heard it, the bible is the word of God. So I can only assume God did not mean what he said.
All religions say one thing and then do another.
I think you have sleeper cells reading your blog keith. Where in the world are they? Europe? UK? US? Canada?
anon, the bible is a collection from many sources and prophets, not just one prophet (Mohammed) like the Koran. Yes there are christians who take the bible literally, but unlike the Koran, the bible doesn't instruct it's followers to engage in Jihad, at worst it inspires people to put on white shirts and blue pants and go door to door annoying people. hardly a comparison as they tend to be smiling calm people and go away when you ask them to.
Read Chaucer to see how even the English language has evolved-- and he's far more recent than earliest Christian (NT) books, in Hebrew & Greek. The Latin Vulgate was translated at the end of the 16th c. The OT was compiled within 9 centuries B.C.-- now that's old!
One really needs some background-if not ancient languages- and historical perspective to begin to grasp the Bible in its fullness. One OT passage, out of context only confuses.
That's the problem with so many autodidacts with mail order "divinity degrees" leading their unsophisticated flocks.
The more disconnected from tradition, the more confusing it gets. So many individual interpretations and divisions only obfuscate. American influence has dumbed-down and lent truly odd takes on trad Christianity, and spawned some oddball non-Christian sects: Mormon, Seventh Day Adventist, Christian Science, and the wackiest of 'em all, Scientology.
"One OT passage, out of context only confuses."
I assume you are talking about the anon post about Numbers 31. Your right, it does confuse. Would you please clarify what is meant in Numbers 31?
Yo Keith, this blog is just awesome. A one-stop shop to vent with the masses about all the stupidity of the way things are, and to root for things to move in the direction of sanity. Not only can I read about the absurdity that is the U.S./world economy, I can also engage in venting about the absurdity that is the U.S. political leadership and now the humorous absurdity that is religious faith in the 21st century. It is fabulous to see what a wasp's nest you can stir up by pointing out the obvious fact that those guys in that picture look incredibly crazy/delusional/frightening and ugly. Keep it up buddy! I love this blog.
dude, there is a house next door that is NOT SELLING!!!!!
Can you believe that?
The realtor is real nice and said that we have a housing BOOM.
Something is not adding up!
"One OT passage, out of context only confuses."
I meant that it confuses many, maybe most here, with limited religious ed., who don't know the distinction between Christian sects, let alone the differnce between OT & NT. There is shared heritage and connection, but the NT is a new covenant. There was plenty of violence (& sex and gore) in the OT, in stark, contrast to the teachings of Christ, who spoke of forgiveness, brotherhood, selflessness, turning the other cheek and above all, charity, or love.
"There was plenty of violence (& sex and gore) in the OT, in stark, contrast to the teachings of Christ"
If most christians don't believe entirely in the bible (OT or NT - you decide). Then perhaps most muslims don't believe entirely in the koran. For most muslims and most christians there is a lot of common ground. There would be a lot more benefit in discussing the similarities rather than talking down about the other.
anon 12:28:22,
You are probably right that many Muslims don't believe the Koran, but there are
sufficient numbers that do, and social structures keep the secularists from dissenting, out of fear. Islamist fundamentalists are winning more elections.
Islamic tradition is unified, not dissipated and fractured as Christendom; Islam never had a Reformation. In general, there are far more believers (sure, most not fanatic) among cradle-Moslems than cradle-Christians. Islam has the lowest attrition rate of any religion, and is the fastest-growing.
The Pope addressed Catholic students in Germany, where mosque attendance grows as church attendance shrinks-- same in most of Europe. The Pope's message dealt with the senselessness of violence and rightly criticized the bloodthirsty themes of the Koran. His obligation is to preach the truth to his flock, even if it offends Muslims.
Concilliatory political speak, like Bush's "religion of peace" line hasn't exactly won Islamic hearts & minds.
"if you have some real data proving me wrong rather than something you pulled out of your ass then show it to us."
Here's Flint, Mich. vs. Springfield Mo. Both have roughly the same per capita income (~$16,000), and roughly similar populations, but Flint is mainly black and Springfield is mostly white.
paintblot said...
I vote this as the most irrelevant, off-topic, hate-filled, bigoted thread on blogger.com
How dare you attacked other people as hate-filled bigots! There is no room here for hate speech such as yours you hating hater. Maybe you can take your hate-filled hate-speech to one of your liberal hate-sites like dailykos or somewhere where all you haters can hate together. Good riddance.
It does not matter what you believe once you are in Islam. Born, bread or converted, if you leave the religion you are legally put to dealth in Islam Governments. So the point is mute.
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