This pope thing is gonna spread out of control I feel unless he comes out with the biggest mea-culpa of all time. If they could go ballistic over some stupid cartoons, hate-speech from the leader of the christian religion? Oh, man, trouble...
Anger at Pope's remarks raises fears of violence
Pakistan's legislature unanimously condemned Pope Benedict XVI. Lebanon's top Shiite cleric demanded an apology. And in Turkey, the ruling party likened the pontiff to Hitler and Mussolini and accused him of reviving the mentality of the Crusades.
Across the Islamic world Friday, Benedict's remarks on Islam and jihad in a speech in Germany unleashed a torrent of rage that many fear could burst into violent protests like those that followed publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
September 16, 2006
Today's forecast: Mad muslims with matches
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already started
Two churches in the West Bank were hit by firebombs Saturday, and a group claiming responsibility said it was protesting Benedict's words.
What a bunch of retards. The Pope (quoting an historical observation) spoke the truth, which idiots can't abide. To a previous writer who likened Mohammed to Jesus and Moses, the later two are mythological characters, but Mohammed is an historical mass murderer. Several months ago, Muslims were posting cartoons showing the Virgin Mary in bed with Hitler, but no Christians ran out and torched mosques in protest. You are dealing with some of the dumbest, most superstitious and vicious cretins on Earth, and they certainly don't deserve an apology. They should be ones apologizing.
Okay foobeca that is true! But if we nuke them all who is gonna make my falafel?
Have you ever been to one of those Korean Falafel stands?
Man...they suck.
Yeah foobeca. Yo could also point out "no Liberal outrage" to everything mentioned. I consider myself pretty liberal, and I'm appalled not only at Islam and its lunatic followers, but at the entire Western world and is inability to recognize mass insanity and the astonishing danger Islam poses to the entire planet. In this country, so called Liberals bend over backwards to kiss the feet of Muslims and assure them they're loved. When they've bent over far enough, the Muslims will slit their throats.
Sadly, the Holy Fathers thesis during his speech concerns the incompatibility of violence and faith and is now lost amoungst the swirling masses of offended Muslims. By quoting an old emperor, he repeats a question that, though over 1000 years old, is just as relevant today. Islam believes in an absolutely transcendent god (not constrained by Human precepts of good and evil); thus, the God of Islam is not constrained by what Human beings would call objective truths of correct behavior. Christians, on the other hand, believe that God could not command them to do something that was objectively wrong, because to do so would violate their very identity as follows of Christ. This does not constrain God in the least, as His perfection would prohibit Him from directing His followers for committing Evil acts. In Islam, if God said to do such and such, the follows would do it because God said it, and if God is utterly transcendent, he would be free of any moral norms. I hope this distinction makes sense, as it is very important to what the Pope is trying to explain.
We saw that in Macedonia in 2001:
When I heard the Popes comment I took comfort in the new target far from home.
I think we should bomb Iran back to the stone-age!!!
Oh yeah! Their already there! :)
If we bomb them, who is going to be next in line to be a pain in the Ass?
Every other country?
Hillary? That's a given!
Demacraps? Doi !
Rosie and the Homo's? as always!
It is every freedom loving persons duty to ridicule, lambast and otherwise poke fun at these islamic dipshits. Do not allow their threats of violence cower us into a PC stupor! Mohammed is a child fucker, rapist and war mongering asshole! Pass it on.
South Park has Jesus as a recurring character and is ridiculed constantly along with jews and no uproar. They did an episode making fun of the mohammed cartoon incident and Comedy Central actually censored the image of Mohammed. People, the terrorists are winning, it's time to fight back!
How many muslims does it take to screw in a light bulb? 50,000. One to issue a fatwah against it an 49,000 to martyr themselves trying to screw it in.
Actually anon, most Iranians are way more educated than the average american, they are just prisoners to a tyrannical regime. Many Iranians have relatives in western countries and could give a fuck about amadinejihads islamic cult bullshit.
If the Iranians are so F--king well educated let's see them bring something else to the table besides aggression, protest and Beastiality!
anon, beastiality? you may want to look that big word up cause I think your confused.
Muslim leaders call jews evil and the ignorant masses that are influenced by what they say join along without ever stopping to think. Now christian leaders call muslims evil, and what happens? The exact same thing. The comments on this board are a shining example. Way to go folks, you are becoming closer and closer to becoming what you hate every day. Brilliant strategy.
You are being used because you are stupid.
Just like the muslims you hate so much.
Palestinian area churches attacked
Palestinians wielding guns, firebombs attack five churches in West Bank and Gaza following remarks by Pope Benedict XVI; no injuries reported. Islamic merchant: Palestinians must not fight among themselves
Associated Press
Published: 09.16.06, 19:24
Suck it hard Muslims. wheres the muslim outrage?
Tabasco, Do you not hate nazis? Do you not hate child molesters? Do you not hate fascists and dictators? Do you not hate bagged spinach full of ecoli? hate is a normal human emotion, suppressing it allows it to fester into irrational behaivior such as protesting cartoons and criticism with violence. Muslims have to suppress their hatred of Islam that keeps them in the stone age so it gets directed at societies that have freedom to choose their own stupid belief systems.
Tabasco, saying christian leaders are calling muslims evil (which is not what happened if you've been reading the stories) and then calling everyone who disagrees with you stupid is a disconnect you need to look at. Thrice I forgive thee.
Moderate infidel,
I don't hate people for believing in things that I disagree with. However, I do hate people who do bad things.
For example, I don't agree with what the Iranian president believes in, nor do I agree with what you believe in, nor do I believe in what the Pope believes in. However, none of them/you have actually done anything that I feel worthy of hating them/you for.
However, people like Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and George Bush have actually done a number of things that have directly caused the violent deaths of thousands of innocent people, so consequently, I judge their actions to be very bad and worthy of hatred.
Moderate infidel,
Evil and stupid are two very different things. Something you obviously don't understand because you are indeed very, very stupid.
But, I don't think you're evil...see the difference?
And yes, Christain leaders like George Bush and now the Pope have indeed called muslims can parse their words however you like, but if you choose to parse the words of muslim leaders who call jews evil, you could also do that (they would say it is only zionists that are actually evil, etc) but the true meaning of what they said doesn't escape their supporters nor does it escape those it is directed at.
Now, grow a brain, please. You disappoint me.
Moderate infidel,
"By citing an obscure Medieval text that characterizes some of the teachings of Islam's founder as "evil and inhuman," "
Parse that all you want, but that is what a Christian leader calling muslims evil looks like. Muslims see Mohammed as their Prophet, and Benedict just said that Mohammed's teachings were evil and inhuman. Therefore, people who believe that Mohammed is the Prophet become evil as well.
Take a look at the comments on this post and the thoughts running through your little lizard brain and you should be able to see just how those comments are interpreted.
Tobasco, show me the quotes where they called muslims evil and I will agree that I am stupid. If you cannot, then you are stupid, agreed? You don't have to parse the words of muslim leaders who have called jews evil, they do it everyday in very clear terms and it need no reading between the lines and you could find many quotes in many places. calling me stupid because you disagree with me isn't very intelligent, it's the easy way out of a debate. I feel the desire not to forgive you this time for being rude but nonetheless, I forgive you.
Tabasco, calling the teachings of Mohammed evil and inhuman and calling muslims evil are two very distinct and different things. you must admit that or there is no use debating with you anymore.
Moderate infidel,
I call you stupid because you say things like this:
" Mohammed is a child fucker, rapist and war mongering asshole! Pass it on. "
Do you know any muslims personally? I do. And that is an extremely insensitive stupid fucking thing to say.
Ipso facto, you are an idiot.
Case closed.
Moderate infidel,
There is no debate between the two of us. You are too stupid to engage in debate.
Anonymous said...
Okay foobeca that is true! But if we nuke them all who is gonna make my falafel?
Have you ever been to one of those Korean Falafel stands?
Man...they suck.
Saturday, September 16, 2006 2:57:45 PM "
What about the other great products and medicines they give the world?
Oh yeah, just Falafel.
Tabasco, I want my posts to be interpreted just as I present them. I think Islam is a disgusting cult that is a cancer on society just as neo cons, evengelical christians, naziism, patriotism, aryan brotherhood, gangbanging, racisicm, rabid consumerism and any other ism is. there, just to clear up any ambiguity, I don't care how anyone wants to interpret that, thats their problem.
Tabasco, you lack subtelty and intelligence. If you actually read my posts you would realize why I called Mohammed (not muslims) a child fucker. The Koran (if you could read) says Mohammed married aisha and consummated the marriage when she was 9 years old. Thats a child fucker. He raped a women after killing her entire family - thats rape. He killed off many who oppsed him - thats war mongering. Calling names is the lazy and stupid way to try to win an argument.
Also, if you were paying attention, I am purposely vilifing Islam in the open to make a point about free speech, I would do the same to christianity but it's allready being done to death and no christians are blowing themselves up or slashing the throats of filmmakers who dare criticise them. I hope you this clarifies my position for you as I am being overly crude and insensitive to Islam to make a point which I feel is vital to combat the tyranny that radical Islam wants to impose on non believers. Giving in to their threats and not speaking out against Islam is exactly what they want.
It takes incredible ignorance to imply that over one billion people are “evil”. It actually scares me how many fools from all three major religions are so full of blind hatred for each other. This hatred in itself is the closest thing to evil humanity has ever produced. Moderate idiot and foobecca are two shining examples of this stupidity. Waah, waah, waaah no Muslim outrage, we are good and they are bad. No, not all of those one billion people are slanderous like you two, although they are human just like you and therefore many of them suffer from the same ignorant hatred. They write their own lists of examples to justify their position just like you, and their lists are just as asinine.
Tabasco said:
Moderate infidel,
There is no debate between the two of us. You are too stupid to engage in debate.
O.K. Tabasco, sorry I wasted your time, you should go back to writing your novel or whatever highly intellectual pursuit you were ingaged in before you started calling people stupid on housing blogs.
Tom Said: It takes incredible ignorance to imply that over one billion people are “evil”.
Do you people actually read the posts before you say something?
Sowing more hatred is not making a point. It's fairly obvious, you are the one who lacks subtlety.
Tom, as usual you blindly rail against my posts without actually reading them. I am against Islam, not muslims. Muslims are people not ideas and most muslims could give a fuck about Islam they just happen to be born into it or are coerced into it (if you would have read my previous posts). Again, you call people stupid without reading what is actually being said - either that or you also lack subtley and intelligence.
Is ridiculing Naziism and racism sowing more hatred? You ridicule me with impunity, aren't you guilty of the same thing then, or is insulting one person okay but not a group of people? I call hypocricy.
Wheres all the outrage at all the realtor jokes and mortgage broker vilification? These people have a right to practice their real estate religion too without harrassment or ridicule. Just because a few are radical and sucker people into houses they can't afford is no reason to pick on them, right?
Islam was spread through Jihad, that was in the Koran. The Pope need not apologize. The Islamic showed their own violent nature by torching churches because someone said they had a history of violence.
Great link anonopus, the march to war by the extremists full of hatred has begun. I must disagee with the statement “assuming we can maintain all of our Political Correctness, and all of our civil rights during this conflict and have a clean, lawful, honorable war” You’re dam straight we WILL maintain our civil rights and principals of decency. Last time I checked the things that are unlawful in war are things like murdering innocent civilians and “we” included fifty states, Israel is a separate country and should deal with their own mess. The fact that this cry for war is being pushed by the “Jeruselum News Network” is repulsive.
"South Park has Jesus as a recurring character and is ridiculed constantly along with jews and no uproar."
I guess you didn't hear about the uproar about the "Bloody Mary" episode. The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights condemned this episode for its treatment of the Virgin Mary. They demanded an apology to Roman Catholics and that the episode "be permanently retired and not be made available on DVD."
"Sadly, the Holy Fathers thesis during his speech concerns the incompatibility of violence and faith and is now lost amoungst the swirling masses of offended Muslims..."
Great post, anon 3:32:46
"I guess you didn't hear about the uproar about the "Bloody Mary" episode. The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights condemned this episode for its treatment of the Virgin Mary. They demanded an apology to Roman Catholics..."
Yeah, so Bill Donoghue sends out press releases and makes rounds on talking heads shows. Did you really expect RC's to riot, rampage and start car-BQs?
'most Iranians are way more educated than the average american'
Ok, then ask them why Zoroastrianism, an ancient pre-Islamic monotheistic Persian faith, was wiped out of their homeland? And why are the survivors still persecuted even today? It'll silence a whole lot of them.
Hint: The largest Zoroastrian diaspora lives in India, not Iran because of this cultural genocide. That's the true face of Islam.
"They did an episode making fun of the mohammed cartoon incident and Comedy Central actually censored the image of Mohammed."
Yep, and the Simpsons get away with portraying Indian Hindus as a bunch of silly darkies and get away with it but they'd never try to portray a Muslim as a Sand *gger because they know that they'd get targeted for harassment.
Great point, the history of an ancient religion in the 7th century is so relevant in 2006 for making a point about the evils of Islam, even though the greatest concentrations of Zoroastrians are currently in 2006 found in India and Iran. So again, what an enlightened point of view.
tom said...
"Great point, the history of an ancient religion in the 7th century is so relevant in 2006 for making a point about the evils of Islam, even though the greatest concentrations of Zoroastrians are currently in 2006 found in India and Iran. So again, what an enlightened point of view."
What's your point? Muslims routinely kill Buddhists and Hindus to this day. They videotape themselves beheading them, and post the videos on the Internet. They're always killing somebody. Their clerics are now calling for the worldwide extermination of hundreds of millions of homosexuals by beheading, burning, and dismembermemt. They are as primitive now as they were in the seventh century, and everything unpleasant said about them then still applies. Enlightment means becoming aware and the ability to see something. Denying the evil of Islam is not enlightment; it's blindness. If ANY Chrisitian leader did what Muslim leaders do, the entire world would be up in arms, but when Muslim clerics trample women,incite riots, beheadings, and mass murders, the so called enlightened say nothing, or drag up the Inquisition or something equally unrelated. Even N.O.W. won't criticize Islam, though it treats women like dirt, because the members of N.O.W. want to appear liberal and "enlightened." Ha. What pride and vanity among those least deserving of either.
"the so called enlightened say nothing, or drag up the Inquisition or something equally unrelated."
The so-called enlightened don't know what to do.
On one shoe, they want to respect other's culture and are afraid that by opposing Muslims, that they're opposing people of colour or something like that.
So what thinking Christians need to do is to find a way of separating from the KKK-types and focus on joining forces with Buddhists and Hindus instead of calling them brown pagan trash just to give some ammo to the Muslims once again. Once this unified but moderate western front which now includes Indians, Filipinos, Africans, etc against the spread of Islamic ideas develops, then we can see a better dealing with the psychosis of the faith of Islam.
Failure of Christians, only brown or slanted eye people follow Buddhism or Hinduism.
Face it, deep down inside, that's what missionaries really believe.
With that in the back of one's mind, the Muslims have an advantage.
Approx. 250,000 Iraqi Muslims killed by Coalition forces. No Christian outrage or apology.
Approx. 250,000 Iraqi Muslims killed by Coalition forces. No Christian outrage or apology.
The fact that this cry for war is being pushed by the “Jeruselum News Network” is repulsive.
It is only one American Military man's opinion and there are parts of this article that ring true.
Readers must discern information for themselves. The source is an important factor, as you point out.
I agree with you and Tom, I do not just post articles to boost my view.
For example, I do not like Howard Stern, but I went to his movie to get all angles. I wanted to know why there are so many Americans that enjoyed his (IMO) anti social "entertainment". I was surprised when I really enjoyed his movie, and now I think he is a good guy, but I still do not like his show.
Hp is information sharing as well as debating, debasing and laughing, not necessarily in that order.
We readers want and need to see ALL sides of economic and political views, IMHO.
Then we can really insult each other! (:
Ain't Free Speach Grande.
Anonymous said...
"Approx. 250,000 Iraqi Muslims killed by Coalition forces. No Christian outrage or apology."
This is a fabricated statistic, but in any case, many Iraqi citizens are not Muslims. Many are Christians, many are Atheists.
More than a million Iraqis, including tens of thousands of children, were tortured and murdered by their previous government, but not a peep from the Left on their behalf. Hum.
Muslims have murdered countless innocents, and continue to do so, but where are the so called moderate Muslims who disapprove? They're rooting and cheering behind closed doors.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the last pope condemn americas war in Iraq?
foobeca, that was an excellent post.
You have illustrated with perfect clarity the overwhelming level of intolerance of Islam. It is staggering how a few people here want to ignore it an change the subject (paintblot) or make excuses (tabasco).
There is no equivalent comparison to this level of intolerance and absolute danger in the last century except for Communism under Stalin/Pol Pot or the Facism in Nazi Germany under Hitler.
in•tol•er•ant- Not tolerant, especially: a. Unwilling to tolerate differences in opinions, practices, or beliefs, especially religious beliefs. b. Opposed to the inclusion or participation of those different from oneself, especially those of a different racial, ethnic, or social background. c. Unable or unwilling to endure or support:
"but where are the so called moderate Muslims who disapprove? They're rooting and cheering behind closed doors."
I think some are scared shitless like Megawatti's govt in Indonesia. They couldn't authentically raise a finger against clerics like Bashir or the Jemaah Islamiyah organization that's behind the scenes over there. So, for their own personal safety, they turn a blind eye and hope that it goes away. Pretty lame esp considering that they're not even a part of the whole middle eastern scene.
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