Aw, aren't they cute? Kinda a Thelma and Louise moment.
Man, Bush and Cheney must be itching to drop a load on these guys tonight. Watch the dynamics and fireworks on Tuesday when Ahmadinejad follows Bush at the UN....
Who knew WWIII could be so damn fun!
CARACAS, Venezuela -- Iran's president is making his first visit to Venezuela on Sunday, seeking to strengthen ties with a government that also opposes the United States and has become a leading defender of his country's nuclear ambitions.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said he and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez are like "brothers" in a great global struggle. Chavez has promised to argue for Iran's nuclear program if he wins a rotating seat on the UN Security Council in a vote next month.
Chavez has said Venezuela "will stand together with Iran at all times and under any conditions," accusing the United States of planning to invade Iran.
The two leaders are united by deep-seated opposition to Washington and to Iran's archenemy Israel, which Chavez accused of committing a new Holocaust in its bombardments in Lebanon.
September 18, 2006
They've got the oil - we've got stucco homes: Venezuela and Iran form anti-US alliance
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Just wait till Cuba and China are invited over for tea and crumpets.
Let'em form an alliance, come tomorrow they'll still be Wetbacks and Camel jockeys! :)
Viva la Revolucion!
Allahu Akbar! Americans keep gorging themselves at Wal-Mart, drive gas-guzzling junk made in the USA, fattening themselves with bad food with eyes glazed on bad TV and being in a state of perpetual debt.
my advice to you while overseas, is to look into on how to acquire dual citizenship for way to "saddle" your future life options
as this country evolves into a banana or even better, a fast food republic ruled by a tiny affluent elite class.
Anon 1:09:30,
You're trying to be funny, but your comment has no relevance at all whatsoever. It is a symbol of a very low intellectual capacity. It stands out to be the lowest form of idiocracy. Please keep those comment within your level.
U.S. and U.N. bashed at Cuba summit
"as Americans keep gorging themselves at Wal-Mart, drive gas-guzzling junk made in the USA, fattening themselves with bad food with eyes glazed on bad TV and being in a state of perpetual debt."
This has truth to it and some day we will have to pay the piper for it. Even the people that didnt take part in the mess will have to pay with losing their jobs or more taxes.
Unfortunately, no one is going to seriously tackle this problem until Feb 2009.
But a manhattan project is needed to devalue the need for oil.
Once other alternative are found, and they are plenty -these 2 wack jobs will go away slowly from starvation.
But 1st we need a real president, not some dumb ass texas idiot wannabe hick & his sociopathic heart attack ridden Dr.Evil sidekick.
"...acquire dual citizenship..."
I've read it somewhere, and it also has something to do with surviving the economic depression, should a 2nd one is to happen here in the U.S.
The suggestion was to have a dual citizenship as a "fall back," in case things are not going well in one's native country. Terrorism was also mentioned as one of the factors. That is, God forbid, if we get attacked again and worse than 9/11, one can easily flee to his/her adopted country.
Yo Keith how is this alliance any different than Israel/US/BK...??
Where is that post??
More and more Keith I am thinking you are a racist.
Dual citizenship is not that difficult to get, besides some manageable obstacles, and lawful under US statutes. In these uncertain globalized times, a good hedge position.
Many shrewd wealthy elite types have it, even though they wouldn't admit it.
(why do you think they're always traveling abroad?)
So why is the price of oil going down? Dick Cheney pulling in some favours prior to an invasion or is the war already over and the US economy and dollar are about to crash?
Who is going to fight the muslim?
All the retards and Mexicans already signed up for the US military?
The Christian Skin Head Evangelical KKKs would never join the military, to scared.
Our only hope is the legalize all the remaining illegal mexicans and offer citizenship to all those that go kill muslims for us...problem is the Mexicans have never won a war... they like to hit and run...hit and run...have you ever seen a western...Clint took on an entire division of Mexicans himself.
Just two more openly flamboyant Homo's in a loving embrace!
Hey, just be glad it's an embrace!!
These past few years oil has shot up like crazy but there hasn't been a surge in demand or a drop in supply. Oil was trading at a premium simply because of geopolitical instability, a "risk bubble" of sorts. But fortunately the oil bubble appears to be collapsing in tandem with the housing bubble.
I get the impression that some people on this site want to see oil go to $200 / barrel. That's pretty sick.
" NH_renter said: These past few years oil has shot up like crazy but there hasn't been a surge in demand or a drop in supply."
Yeah right. Ten years ago there was surplus capacity equivalent to ten million barrles a day. That's why OPEC tried to impose production caps.
Today that excess capacity is less than two million barrles a day. India and China are using more oil every day, and in a year or two there will be no surplus capacity at all. OPEC will be pumping flat out, and prices for crude will steadily increase.
Of course it's much easier to blame it all on Dick Cheney than to see what's really happening in the world. What are the libtards going to do when Cheney is retired, blame his ghost for $150/bbl oil?
Hugo Chaves went public last week about 9-11 being an inside job by the US Gov. It's funny that many Americans still don't know. Video at
"...hit and run...hit and run..."
You may never know, that could be a good strategy for against a guerilla type warfare. If they both do the same thing, there will be less casualties.LOL.
Not good for us that other countries will start to reveal the truth of 9/11.
yep, they've got the iol that has come off $13+ in the last month. They blinked. They wont do jack sh&t, and the market is figuring it out.
other countries will start to reveal the truth of 9/11.
It is called PROPAGANDA and you are falling for it. It is also called divide and conquer. Remember we are at war and they see a country split.
"...divide and conquer."
I'd been saying that for the last several weeks or months in this blog. Our enemies are laughing at us, because they've found a loophole and they know where and what button to push. For one, they know that it is hard to unify a highly diverse society. When people of different ethnic background and races are living side by side, it's hard to get along, even with best intentions. For example, a petty or even a heinous crime committed by a Mexican, we all then single out all Mexicans and without reservation, label them illegals. Our enemies knew that it is easy for them to get us "going" and fall into their trap, because of (some not all) our narrow minded mentality.
We have to be smarter than that. I believe that yes, and by all means, we must criticize illegality. However, let's just focus on that issue without stereotyping. We are a strong nation, but we could even be stronger if we unify, especially against foreign enemies.
They're friends until America is defeated and then it's time for Venezualans to convert to Islam, then Iran sends in the suicide bombers. Actually, 9/11 was a black ops job by the secret police of the Inuits who are pissed that were melting all their permafrost - no really, some fat bald white pride dude with a web site says so so it must be true.
September 1, 2006, Intermountain Jewish News
Will members of the European Union take a stand against Iran ’s nuclear program—a stand strong enough to stop the program? NO
Will Russia or China ? NO
Will Venezuela , which of late likes to fancy herself a world leader and want to join the UN Security Council? NO
Will the UN itself? NO
Will Saudia Arabia , Jordan and other Arab nations who fear Iran (and also fear a “ Shiite Crescent ” stretching from Iran to Iraq to Syria )? NO
Will India and Pakistan , already nuclear powers? NO
Will the US or Britain ? NOT LIKELY
European nations did not have the will to fight for their own survival in WW II, and don’t now. Russia and China like trading with Iran . The UN is bereft, of principle, let alone power. The Arab nations would prefer someone else to do their dirty work (while criticizing whomever does it). India and Pakistan don’t feel threatened. The US and Britain are paralyzed by failure in Iraq .
Which leaves whom? Israel .
Israel, in fact, has the highest motivation to act – and also bears the highest risk. On the side of risk, we refer not to the inevitable barrage of criticism that would veritably gush from Europe and the Arab nations. We refer to the possibility of Iranian retaliation.
On the risk/benefit ratio, however, Iran intends to destroy Israel , no less than Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt in the 1950s and 1960s.
Did Israel preemptively attack Egypt and Syria in 1967? YES
Did Israel respond to Egyptian and Syrian attacks of 1973? YES
Did Israel take out the Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981? YES
Which of these Israeli actions provides the model for now? Not 1973. Were Iran armed with nuclear weapons, an Israeli response would be impossible. Israel might or might not be victorious in a nuclear war with Iran , but either way, Israel would largely be destroyed.
The only model is preemption. Iran is about SIX MONTHS away from distributing her nuclear centrifuges to TUNNELS THROUGOUT THE COUNTRY. Israel COULDN’T EVEN FIND MOST OF HIZBOLLAH’S TUNNELS, close b and free of nuclear arms. The only time to attack Iran is before her nuclear material is distributed.
Israeli generals say they cannot destroy Iran ’s nuclear facilities alone. This has ALWAYS seemed to us to be a ploy to geth others to do her own dirty work. Message to Israeli generals: No one else is going to do it.
As we write, the UN deadline for Iran to renounce her military nuclear ambitions is one day away. Should Iran cooperate, or should the UN impose tough sanctions, well and good. We could test their effectiveness for a few months. If neither happens, return to the checklists. There is only one option against a madman SCARIER THAN HITLER (because stronger than Hitler): major Israeli strikes against Iran ’s nuclear facilities.
Keith, I'm sick of your thrist for war. It's disgusting.
Why can't you just admit that you are just a frustrated conservative. (I think I know the reason you are frustrated. Do you?)
And now the Pope has upset these radicals. Where again is the moderate Muslim voices? Hmmm, the Pope says violence and conversion by the sword is not the way of a rational god? Muslim radicals go out and kill a nun, shooting her in the back because they are offended they are called violent? They burn five Palestinian churches? Hello? Palestinian arab christians here? And they are offended because they call their prophet an "Apostle of Peace?" So they incite hate and violence?
And now Al Queda says they will conquer the whole world, impose a tax on anyone in their conquered lands that do not convert and then cut off the heads of infidels and unbelievers? And that doesn't confirm the quote of the 14th century Byzantine Ruler's assesment of the teaching of Islam?
moderate infidel said...
They're friends until America is defeated and then it's time for Venezualans to convert to Islam...
There is much truth in jest. LOL..Good One MI.
Hey foxwoodleif where have ya been, we missed u.
Chaves and Ahmedinajad are definitely cuter than Bush and Cheney.
That's a pretty short trip!
'terrorist sandwich'
How True, How True!
Their definitely cuter than Rosey O'dumbs--t and Ellen Degenerate!
I don't think we have any idea how gas prices work. Gas prices have went down 50 cents here in Pittsburgh the last 3 weeks. Is there any reason why? Sure, changing to cheaper blends and whatever else the government/media wants to tell us. Bush will still be saying two years from now we are addicted to oil and he still won't have done anything about it.
Foxwood, didn't you see all the muslims marching in Paris, Cairo, New York denouncing Al Quaeda and all radical Islamasists? It was awesome, it showed the world Islam that there really are ratiional muslims willing to stand up to these tyrants and take their religion back. Oh wait, that was just a dream I had last night, never mind, I forgot there is no such thing as a moderate muslim. my bad.
No such thing as a moderate Muslim to a murdering Zionist. The proof is right here. Check the body count , yes the Zionists are way ahead, I hope they’re proud. Now go back to your temples and pray to God while you study his commandments.
Hey Tom, look up the statistics for dead Palestinian children sent by Palestinian parents to blow up innocent jews with suicide belts. Jews love their children and life itself, the Palestinians are caught up in a cult of death and violence. They reap what they sow.
Anonoymous, I was on a 5,000 mile journey from Austin up through the rockies into Montana, southern BC, Vancouver, down the pacific coast, back through Phoenix to Austin.
Wanted to get the pulse on the ground first hand. So far, not much new. Every where was more expensive than Austin for half the house. People were still out spending and you'd never know WWIII might be around the cornor.
Also noticed Inflation is much higher than reported. Everything was expensive on this trip. Gas, food, houses, even stopped in at thrift stores and Goodwill to see if I could find some cheap treasures and the prices made one feel like they were in Walmart ten years ago! Prices were not a bargain in my opinion. In fact if one shopped wisely at Dillards when they have their 75% off sales you'd pay less than what they wanted for used at Goodwill.
Glad to be back in Austin. Still like Phoenix but think they have become the "new California". Prices haven't collapsed there yet and I saw lots of sold signs. Also no major bargains yet from the home builders since even with discounts prices are higher than in 2002.
I think our government is going the inflate our way out of debt rather than see prices come down significantly, at least is most markets.
Fellows, why aren't Arab nations like Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon granting citizenship to the Palestinians living along their boundaries? Why do they insist on maintaining multi-generational refugee camps whereas a 3rd world former communist country like Romania has made citizens of the gypsies of eastern Europe after WWII.
I believe that this Palestinian problem is a part of the pan-Arab/pan-Islamic proxy war againts both Israel and the presence of American forces in and around the middle east.
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