So, should HP be looking for a bodyguard right about now? Violence now part of the American housing corruption story
Remember, HP has a said absolutely, positively no violence against the REIC. However, my worry now is REIC (and irate neighbor) violence against HP'ers, and yours truly.
Oh, this is going to end so badly. Be careful out there HP'ers - some people don't like the harsh light of truth shined on them
If anything happens to me, it was Lereah.
September 07, 2006
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everybody was kung fu fighting
those cats were fast a lightening
it was a little bit frightening
ooooohhh kung fu fighting
are those scumbags illegal immigrants?
given their accents I wouldn't be surprised
build the wall now - enough is enough
Keith, You sure fired them Mericans up on that last article but don't worry...most mericans ..being a bunch of pussies won't hurt you
it's the arabs that you gotta watch out for
great video! poor reporter dude though, that was rough. so much fraud out there in real estate la la land tip of the iceberg
bloggers are definitely safer though than dudes who stick microphones in people's faces
Major Decline is Likely Ahead
He may not be important autofx in Phx, but you have to admit he is spot on!
Love the fact that the cameraman keeps filming when his correspondent is bloodied and beaten on the ground. Awesome!
oh and I want this to happen to me in public..i want it to ,knocking them both out in public, would have been well worth the trip to county in my book.
Sorry I have to, I just watched it again.
Is it me or does anyone else think that chick should be on a film backing up into a horse?
And him with a long over coat on saying...
"Hey man you want to buy a watch"
Keith - Haliburton has a "detention center" made just for people like you.
Absolutely SWEEEEEEET.
I'm telling you...people will go irrate when their overpriced sh$t box has dropped in price.
A friend of mine is on the edge right now, she is a FB who refied so many times, and is upside down without a way out for the money has all been spent...
Went out to dinner with my husband and his vendor last night - no Re talk-PERIOD. Said he owns a home in Stockton, and that is it.
there will be some ugly what happened to that reporter.
Get ready for some scarey times.
20 properties were involved with the fraud, all with zero down and 100% financing and rented out to collect rent without putting a single penny down. these 20 properties will be added to the ever growing foreclosure list in San Diego. Link
It's o.k., Sally said they could do this...
where are the cops who took down rodney king when you really need them?
too bad those cops didn't have some tasers on them - it would have totally sweet if that fraud slumlord and his skank wife would have given those three cops some latin attitude and Officer Kowalski gives them the business end of the old taser for 3-5 seconds.
Did you hear her threaten him?
She asked, "do you want to go to Ensanada?"
That's where the illegals take their victims to murder them.
This country has let 20mil of these scum bags in.
It's time to make it a felony to hire an illegal alien.
At least the Mexicans could send us some hot senioritas.....not that fat pig. She probably gives a mean one, however.......
Viva La Raza!!!
Sam "The Sham" is an Arab.
His rael name is "Assad."
Please don't insult the illegal aliens by comparing them to him and his beautiful wife.
She claimed "she had a gun."
What a gal!!!!
love those arabs!
god what a load of racists. They're Arab, not Mexican!! How much data do you dumbf**ks need. The guy's name is Sulemein! Jeez!! Look at them they don't even look Mexican.
Oh they have a tan they must be Mexican!!
god what a load of racists. They're Arab, not Mexican!! How much data do you dumbf**ks need. The guy's name is Sulemein! Jeez!! Look at them they don't even look Mexican.
Oops. My Bad. I thought Mexican at first too. Guess I was looking at the way they acted. Breaking our laws. Hmmmm, sounds pretty Illegal Alien to me.
Fuck those sandniggers! Beat their asses and deport them!
What the hell's wrong with our country that we first enable shit like this and then the fucking ACLU comes to their rescue?
Call it what you like, "racist" or otherwise.......
Simply, I'm tired of illegal aliens coming to the US and putting a burden on the system. Moreover, I detest the way they "demonstrate" and make demands for "rights" they have no entitlement to.
The wife is latin. Did you hear her accent? She mentions "Ensanada." That is in Mexico, genius. Yeah, she is real tan.
Maybe you should post her bail? Maybe you think she is hot? What a pig........actually, you can kiss my ass.
Poor Mexicans, they get blamed for everything.
Copper Leaf in PHX all sold out!
Copper Leaf in PHX all sold out!
I like the idea of people in prison pulling a train on her and putting that on Awesome idea. Stuff like this is common in RE at the moment and once all the bad idiots are worked out, RE will be normal at a less price. This is the start of the f'd buyers/scams we will see.
Anyone know what the RE fraud in question was? We should make sure prosecutors don't lose track of that.
"Call it what you like, 'racist' or otherwise..."
I'd say racist! This is the real problem with America that the terrorist loves to see. We tend to react and get carried away by our emotions, and they jus use it against us. Didn't you yahoo konws that they're recruiting "natural born" citizens to join them? It is the least that suspect - dimwit. Didn't you know that Tim McVeigh was not Mexican? Why can't we not judge by their actions instead of the color of their skin. You can be as white as snow white, but have an evil attitude. Evil people comes in different colors. That bitch on the video may have been born in 5 different states, but still capable of doing what she did, because she is a loser, and not because she is tan. If tan is your basis, then all white people who loves to get tan should be deemd BAD. Kapish!
P.S. I don't condone illegal aliens, but it is a different subject matter and I know the difference.
Why the hell didn't someone cold cock that bitch right in the mouth?
'Poor Mexicans'?
They have the jobs!
No taxes!
Free education!
Free Health care!
Poor mexicans?
I think the guy is Arab and his wife is Mexican. The guy's name is Sulieman. Thats sounds alot closer to Arabic than Mexican.
I honestly don't think anyone is racist toward Mexicans, who I think are, overall, the hardest working people I've ever seen, but enough is enough with all of them just waltzing into our country and getting that entitlement-minded attitude that Democrats look to infuse immigrants with.
Well that was uplifting, kind of like watching an old Jimmy Stewart movie. What do you get when you cross a sandnigger and a wetback? identity theft and real estate fraud. Was that "racist" enough for the self righteous types out there? For a long time after I came back from Kuwait I felt bad about pulling the trigger on those camel jockeys. After watching this clip I feel like climbing back into the turret and taking a drive along the border, I could stop by Achmed's house on the way and pay my respects.
total violent ahole but it actually looks like he knows how to fight. Sets up the first punch, gets behind him with a 'gable grip' and I cant tell if he took him down on purpose but when hes there he starts hooking the leg which leads to an eye gouge. Good skilz to have when youre doin stretch for assault :)
Arab or Mexican! Illegal or not! They were running a Scam!
There's the border!
Get the 'F' out!
the posts are clean evidence of Americans' just reacting(r) and emotions getting the best of them.
Ok, so Suleimon is an Arabic name. Tons of Spanish-origin names have their roots in Arabic, courtesy of Andalusiah, 800-900 years of Muslim (mostly Arab) ruling over Spain.
wiki it.
So, this guy - his origin of consequence, it seems - have many of you post about arabs. Ahem, I guess it makes sense, since Ken Lay, mercy on his soul, is dead (yeah .. you see, a sudden heart attack out of the sudden)
We should not speak ill of our dead, you see. neither of white collar crime involving billions of dollars.
Get the Stewarts, and go easy on the Lays.
Get a grip. Unbelievabable i say.
You libs also need to recgonize this is a side effect of illegal immirgrants thinking they can behave as they do at home and ignore the law.
White collar crime is not a crime in Mexico it is how people get things done on a daily basis and they are bringing it into the US every day from Mexico.
Europe has the same problem with immigrants from countries that have wildly different cultures.
They will be in Mexico the minute they are out on bail.
12 more taco houses on the San Diego repo list.
A glimpse into the future of how undocumented workers/illegal aliens/mexicans will behave.
U.S. citizens attacked by invaders from another country.
you are so full of shit. american and european cultures have just as much crime and corruption. i`d say even enough to export it.
if you think american and european cultures are some kind of paragons of virtue, you head is so far up your ass that your own shit must be starting to smell good.
Diversity is about to become chaos. Letting in mexicans was a big mistake.
moderate legal immigration is good - ellis island style. but letting people jump the border at night and letting them stay here is a mistake. There will consequences will be deadly for some. Is this treason?
Who is supposed to protect the american people? Who has the duty of garding the border and sets policies on border control? When U.S. citzens want to patrol their own border to protect themselves is calling them vigilantes and discouraging them very patriotic?
Anon 19:31
did someone jsut squeeze your head? You are diveristy loving one world supporting person who thinks all people are equal .
Northern people are are more civil than equitorial adjusted people. But when it comes to building power or waging war northerners are much more capable.
No group is pure or good but, each has unique attributes.
People of European descent made our modern automated world. African americans would still be living bruistish lives in Africa if it weren't for european merchants.
Granted there would be no Mexicans which are a mix of native and conquestador.
19:13 you are just a product of popular revised history. Our European forefathers were great. Still there is a lot of euro trash.
Look at
Fred is a journalist who rode along with police. he noticed blacks are inherently prone to violience.
Maybe cultures shouldn't mix with such vigor.
The moral of the whole thing is that reporter was a complete wus. DUDE come on, at least put your blocking are up. That arab was pulleming him with right jabs and that reporter just stood there and took it like a pinada. That black guy was a wus too, he couldn't even pull the arab off after a minute of rolling on the ground.
If you're going to do "investigative" reporting, at least command some self-defense skills. And stay away from bitchy mexican women with water bottles.
If I were that media guy, I would do a "Zidane" (head butt) on the Arab guy. It would be perfect since the aggressor is a bit taller. The thing is he is not bald.
It's funny. If a brown guy with an accent commits some crime, we make references to race.
How about Ken Lay, Jeff Schilling, John Karr and even the liar David Lereah, did we hear any references to a German, Irish or English?
Ha, you people are so full of shit.
modern automated world does not imply civility. all its does is create organized more efficient brutish behavior.
Northern nations are not more inherenty more civil if the last 300 years is any example.
they are just more organized in their violence. colonnialism and its brutal killlings as well as all the
mechanized wars fought amongst the northern nations just in the last 100 years, not to mention the mechanized destruction of vietnam, iraq etc.
your forefathers were no more greater than my forefathers. i grant your cultures organizational skills, but you no more civil then mine. infact modern organized civilazations take barbarity to a higer level through more efficient organization. as for human compassion its pretty equal in all cultures.
you are afraid of people other than you because of your own histories brutality towards them.
your , we are better because of our DNA logic, only serves your fear hate and arrogance.
you cannot take credit for brilliant people in the past just because you share a shallow attribute such as skin color.
you are living in the past, that you had no contribution to. your pride
will not serve you or your children in the future.
your country is slipping and you are looking to blame. if you are so much better why dont you make your life better instead of comparing with the
worst cases among us to make you feel superior.
elevate your game as an individual,
instead of living off others accomplisments of the past.
Ha, you people are so full of shit.
modern automated world does not imply civility. all its does is create organized more efficient brutish behavior.
Northern nations are not more inherenty more civil if the last 300 years is any example.
they are just more organized in their violence. colonnialism and its brutal killlings as well as all the
mechanized wars fought amongst the northern nations just in the last 100 years, not to mention the mechanized destruction of vietnam, iraq etc.
your forefathers were no more greater than my forefathers. i grant your cultures organizational skills, but you no more civil then mine. infact modern organized civilazations take barbarity to a higer level through more efficient organization. as for human compassion its pretty equal in all cultures.
you are afraid of people other than you because of your own histories brutality towards them.
your , we are better because of our DNA logic, only serves your fear hate and arrogance.
you cannot take credit for brilliant people in the past just because you share a shallow attribute such as skin color.
you are living in the past, that you had no contribution to. your pride
will not serve you or your children in the future.
your country is slipping and you are looking to blame. if you are so much better why dont you make your life better instead of comparing with the
worst cases among us to make you feel superior.
elevate your game as an individual,
instead of living off others accomplisments of the past.
Ha, you people are so full of shit.
modern automated world does not imply civility. all its does is create organized more efficient brutish behavior.
Northern nations are not more inherenty more civil if the last 300 years is any example.
they are just more organized in their violence. colonnialism and its brutal killlings as well as all the
mechanized wars fought amongst the northern nations just in the last 100 years, not to mention the mechanized destruction of vietnam, iraq etc.
your forefathers were no more greater than my forefathers. i grant your cultures organizational skills, but you no more civil then mine. infact modern organized civilazations take barbarity to a higer level through more efficient organization. as for human compassion its pretty equal in all cultures.
you are afraid of people other than you because of your own histories brutality towards them.
your , we are better because of our DNA logic, only serves your fear hate and arrogance.
you cannot take credit for brilliant people in the past just because you share a shallow attribute such as skin color.
you are living in the past, that you had no contribution to. your pride
will not serve you or your children in the future.
your country is slipping and you are looking to blame. if you are so much better why dont you make your life better instead of comparing with the
worst cases among us to make you feel superior.
elevate your game as an individual,
instead of living off others accomplisments of the past.
that tripple post was unintended.
sorry keith. please delete 2of them.
You don’t represent “your people very well”
Anon 32:06
Skin deep? Genetic traits are far more then skin deep. Skin color is associated with deeper structural characteristics. The environment that a given people develop in determines many things including skin color.
Just as an example: African people tend to have denser bones, noses with more cartilage, every trait s subtle is correlated with skin color.
Race isn’t even a very good distinction. Tribe is better. But, we must remember there are compound groups of people - where there is and under and over class.
I’m not going to waste time to elaborate. I’m just putting out the alternative view for people who see gaping holes in the popular beliefs.
Like was said before yes Europeans are horrible and organized if you are at war with them. On average they make better neighbors though.
Technology advancement allows use to argue right now over the internet versus getting sleep so we can get up early to pull weeds or hunt tomorrow. Every luxury you enjoy would not exist without Europeans, Asians also did contribute greatly - actually it is a matter of latitude. People form the equator have contributed little except for slave labor. Also note that Europeans have been slaves to their own kind too.
Slavery is actually the thing that automation eliminates. Automation satisfies basic needs and allows us a chance of equitable society.
Yes, European and derivative countries are slipping. They are caught in a stupor of depression and guilt - a common trait of the intelligent. Pride is the only thing that will save them and their children.
As for me as a person, I am mixed, I’m no pure bred but, I recognize where the better parts of me come from.
F'kin Arabs and Sand Sheiks need to all be eliminated. Turn them and their sand havens to oil and then we can run our cars on them.
Profile and eliminate them from the USA.
My .02 cents.
HP'ers - I'm tempted to delete about half of the posts here - not for what you're saying but because THERE IS NO SWEARING ON HP
If you reallllly feel you have to swear, go ahead, but you have to mask the f&*king spelling! Get it?
I have a simple proposal to make to all my fellow HP'ers. In the observance of the 9/11 anniversary, would it be possible to CONTAIN, RESTRAIN and REFRAIN ourselves from the following?
1.) Swearing and trash talk
2.) Racial slur
I hope just for one day, we can all do that. After all, we are all big boys & girls now, so I think that wouldn't be difficult to do.
After that day, we can go back to the Arabs, Mexican illegals and what have you.
Did I miss them, or were there some posts about actual Real Estate and Market Effects in this long string of racial profiling non-sense?
Like many, I come to this blog for RE info.
I don't want to waste time reading garbage like these.
Oh, and for those that want to ridicule my comments, I'm a WASP.
and away we go...
Wow, I can't believe everyone wants to make racist generalizations based on the behavior of two criminals. What about the 36 million (virtually all white) Bu$hco voters in the US in 2004? Bu$hco didn't beat up a reporter, but it does kill dozens or hundreds of innocent people daily (and creates a huge amount of antiamerican sentiment). Should I assume all white southerners like mass killing based on that voting behavior? I think I'm going to de-favorite this blog. I used to get some good info on the housing crash here, but now it just seems like a venue for racists and talk radio listeners.
"How about Ken Lay, Jeff Schilling, John Karr and even the liar David Lereah, did we hear any references to a German, Irish or English? "
There's not an Irishman in that bunch.
awaiting bubble rubble wrote:
"Wow, I can't believe everyone wants to make racist generalizations based on the behavior of two criminals. What about the 36 million (virtually all white) Bu$hco voters in the US in 2004? Bu$hco didn't beat up a reporter, but it does kill dozens or hundreds of innocent people daily (and creates a huge amount of antiamerican sentiment)."
You forgot to mention that Bush also lets in all these immigrants from third-world countries (against the will of the people) who commit crimes like the one shown here.
Why is it that you want to justify the actions of a man who commits identity theft and then kicks the crap out of the reporter who exposed him? Are you sick?
As for the people who voted for him... maybe if there had been a better alternative, they would not have voted for him. As bad as the Republicans are, you seem to forget that the Democrats have nothing to offer either.
"Oh, and for those that want to ridicule my comments, I'm a WASP."
Meaning what? Because you're white that somehow gives your statement more credibility?
It's amazing how many goody-two-shoes type people we have posting here that want to justify the actions of the guy in the video just becaue he is an Arab.
I saw a video of two criminals beat up a reporter becuase he was uncovering their real estate related crimes - what the f- does that have to do with race??? I guess when your sitting in your upside down house after your 3rd or 4th refi you have to get pissed off at somebody (w3tb4cks, s4ndn1ggers, etc...)becuase your too stupid to vent at the true source of your problems.
mexican, arab...very low vibrating creatures.
What a bunch of beaners, try that crap with me and you will end up in the Pacific Ocean with a engine block around your neck. I bet there are a hugh group of illegals pulling the same scam.
I don't think you should hire a bodyguard, just a cameraman.
Anon 11:53:48,
I agree, those losers are quick to always put the blame on some elses race. In fact all they have to do is look at the mirror and ask why they were so insecure. Perhaps they don't have a higher education and yes - they screwed up in these housing mania, because they're dumb and stupid. And because they dumb, they refuse to confront the problem rather make it a race issue.
P.S. I don't condone illegal immigration either.
I don't think you should hire a bodyguard, just a cameraman.
LOL, thats a good idea Keith!!!
But only if the camera keeps rolling ie: Steve Irwin.
Could not help myself. ):
"Oh, and for those that want to ridicule my comments, I'm a WASP."
""Meaning what? Because you're white that somehow gives your statement more credibility?""
No, it means that in a thread that seems to have NOTHING to do with Real Estate... but attacking people / cultures... I wanted to eliminate speculation as to my background so those who wanted to further the discussion AWAY from Real Estate, which is why I "used" to come to this blog 2 - 3 times per day, could continue with the smearing non-sense... directed toward WASPs.
Does that clear that up for you?
Yet another reason to pack a gun. Thanks to the AZ conceal and carry permits. If you are a US CITIZEN AND NOT A FELON with a day of course work on gun safety you can have a .38 on you and when the scumbags jumps yo, well it would be time for a little lead fest.
illegally yours,
you say the white guy gets' the shit kicked out of him....why don't you take a look at world is obvious who does the shit kicking.clue, it is not blacks or mexicans.
Far out - eveyone see this as about race. The point is the incredible irony of assault and battery on top of the white collar crime. It's the very definition of chutzpah! Also - DIY enforcer. At least organized crime delegates this sort of thing. Also - doing it on live television. D'Oh!
No one but no one has asked the interesting psychological question. Besides a clearly excitable nature on the part of both assailants, where does this indignation originate? Could it be a sense of "why did you single us out, so many people are running real estate scams?" (Please - I am not sympathizing or baiting; it's an attempt at a joke on the overall level of corruption!)
"why don't you take a look at world is obvious who does the shit kicking"
The Spaniards! WHat do I win?
They speak Espanol also. ooooooohhhh.
Mexican or Arab? She threatens to have him sent across the border to TJ or elsewhere in Mexico....
and then....a gun?
Geeeze...what justice is there for these low-lifes?
And where exactly is that in SD? It looks like LJ or somewhere...are those the quality of people moving in?
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