We deserve better as a country. 300 Million people, and we're run by monkeys.
People who are asked a direct question then respond with blather. People who look and sound like computer programs run by polling data. People who talk in sound bites, versus constructed, well thought out sentences. And one word, especially in regards to Allen, comes to mind.
Well, I'm sick of it. I'm disgusted by it. And because of these boobs, these corrupt, incompetent "leaders", and their brain-dead followers, we're in the mess we're in today.
So what do we do? What can we do?
Well, beyond moving out of the country, the key is to get rid of the idiots in office today. In November, I strongly encourage you to vote against every single incumbent - Democrat or Republican. Get rid of the bought-and-paid-for House and Senate. Get new blood in there. It's a start.
September 24, 2006
Just suffered through the Jim Webb vs. George Allen Senate debate on NBC. Good god folks, is this the best we got?
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What's wrong with Allen, Keith? He's a hypocritical racist, just like you. That's why he gets so many votes. There's alot of hypocritical racists out there. You should know this very well as you always see your traffic spike when you post something deragotory towards muslims or hispanics.
I hate that guy
Anyone who doesn't agree with me is a racist and bigot. blah blah blah
Mr Racepimp
We know why they did, we know they were afraid - who wouldn't be? But truth be told, if you're looking for someone to blame, all you have to do is look in a mirror.
In certain situations, you have to choose between being a racist and being wrong.
"Get rid of the bought-and-paid-for House and Senate."
It's impossible. After they leave office, they'll bring their contact list to the highest bidder and instantly start corrupting the next generation.
I was just reading the Independent, from England, and the politicians are promising to "restore trust." Ho Hum.... I can't believe that they get a salary for trying to make themselves look good-- supposedly, they are in office because "they are good."
Of course this is not the best we have. Why would the best and brightest subject themselves to the public rectal exam that politicians and their families must endure. Our public figures are greedy power hungry whores who will endure any embarrassment for power. They just have to pay back the real power that put them there. Gasoline goes from a buck to over 3 bucks during a presidency bought and paid for by big oil??? I am shocked. SHOCKED! I tell you
If our government was bought by $3 gas, then what about Western Europe where gas is $7? Gas is much cheaper in Mexico, so their government must be free of corruption.
No, I want to see the Republicans stay in office. They're taking the war on terror to the terrorists, they believe in God and protecting unborn children, and they support gun rights and the death penalty.
What the hell is wrong with you people? Get with the program!
And there's alot of dumb racist too. They can't caryy an intelligent conversation. They allow anger to overcome them and all they do is cuss. When they start to use all caps, I bet you they're already throwing stuff in front of them.
Two of the many failures America is facing are illegal immigration and these dumb racist. Little did they know that they are part of the failure.
I just wonder why allen is such a racist when he is jewish. He should be more sympathetic.
Oh yeah Kieth, macaca
The same pointy-head intellectuals and "progressives" who now promote diversity, tolerance, and inclusion, will be pushing the lower classes into labor camps and gas chambers in ten years.
Why? Because they have no basis for morality beyond the lint in their navels. The secular humanist crowd will pervert morality and justice just as the Naziz did. It won't be called the "Final Solution" but the outcome will be the same.
((((The same pointy-head intellectuals and "progressives" who now promote diversity, tolerance, and inclusion, will be pushing the lower classes into labor camps and gas chambers in ten years.
Why? Because they have no basis for morality beyond the lint in their navels. The secular humanist crowd will pervert morality and justice just as the Naziz did. It won't be called the "Final Solution" but the outcome will be the same. ))))
How do you function with such a tiny intellect. First, how do secular humanists go from people being tolerant to being the "nazis" of our age. In fact Right Wing Authoritarian personalities like yours are borne out of religious fervor and fanatacism.
According to John Dean's book Cionservatives Without Conscience
the secular humanists are not the ones to fear but whack job crazy jesus freaks who believe kill all non believers is the true way. Republicans attract this type of personality, which I am assuming is what you are. I bet you even believe Catholics are evil.
Just keep sending your kids to "Jesus Camp" to create haters.
m reynolds
"First, how do secular humanists go from people being tolerant to being the "nazis" of our age.[?]"
Through moral relativism. In fact the American Humanist Association (AHA) proudly proclaims that "morals need not have any objective basis at all". Concepts of proper behavior are (aka right and wrong) are determined by the "smart" people who make rules for the rest. That famous oceanographer, Jacques Cousteau, was a devoted humanist. Here is what he had to say about his fellow human beings in 1997:
"Our society is turning toward more and more needless consumption. It is a vicious circle that I compare to cancer . . . . Should we eliminate suffering, diseases? The idea is beautiful, but perhaps not a benefit for the long term. We should not allow our dread of diseases to endanger the future of our species.
This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it. "
Wow, doesn't sound very tolerant to me, but at least it's not racist, right? Need more concrete proof of genocidal tendencies inherent with humanist ideologies? OK: Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot. No "red" state christians were involved in those 150+ million deaths.
"...why allen is such a racist when he is jewish."
have you wondered why michael jackson is white when he is actually black?
because they're oreos.
you are retarded comparing humanists to stalin, lenin, mao or pol pot.
As for AHA, I don't know why you would think I subscribe to their literature. It is not a whack job religion. As for Cousteau's discussion on eliminating 350k people a day, well that is his opinion not mine.
Do you advocate assasinating the president of Venezuala like Pat Robertson has because he is opposed to bush because you are a right wing christian? I would hope not because that is wrong.
m reynolds
m reynolds said: "you are retarded comparing humanists to stalin, lenin, mao or pol pot."
Really? They didn't belive in unalienable rights, and humanists disavow unalienable rights, so I see a clear similarity in their thinking. You may not agree with Jacques Cousteau, but what if someone of his mind were the ruler of a government dominated by humanist ideology? That is exactly what happened with the examples I provided -- hundreds of millions killed because they no longer served the needs of the state.
You're inability to make a meaningful argument and your childish name calling proves once again that secular humanists have feet of clay. They believe in nothing, yet they want to control the levers of power. The results are all too predictable.
My arguments are meaningful. You are the one making ad-hominem attacks. Look it up retard, oh and go suck Ann Coulter's weenie.
Oh and speaking of moral relativism,
-robertson advocates assasination
-bush lies to start a war, lies to justify it
-frist diagnoses by video for schiavo, and gets it wrong BTW
-gingrich divorces two wives, one on her death bed
-bennett (mr virtues) is a gambler
Moralist are the ones who have aproblem with morals.
BTW, we don't necessarily want to control the levers of power, we just don't want wackjobs like you having control of them over us.
i've watched the video footage carefully when he called the guy macaca and i think, even if he claims that he didn't know that the word was offensive and derogatory, he has malice in the way he addressed the guy. he said something like..."this guy macaca...whatever his name is..." come on, with his stature as a senator, he should know better. the "whatever his name is" is in itself lack of respect to the dignity of the person. why can't he ask, in a polite way, about his name and address him accordingly with that name? what a hypocrite.
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