The hat-tip of the year to HP'er Nick for the really awful photoshop job. It's the thought that counts!
Who wants a T-shirt?
September 26, 2006
I flipping lost it when I got this one. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you David Lereah
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Right on nick!!!
I'm no crook, all is well, give em hell fellas.
Keith said
I am rooting a disastrous recession, the collapse of the stock market, a complete replacement of our current partisian leadership, a questioning of our country's current economic model, and a severe and historic financial meltdown.
Dow at 11,669, second-highest ever close. The stock market is being boosted by the drop in oil prices. The strength of the Dow is in sharp contrast to the weakness of commodities (eg Gold and Oil).
And the suit n tie was a match!
Hey good trying. I'm stil lmfao
"Dow at 11,669, second-highest ever close. The stock market is being boosted by the drop in oil prices. The strength of the Dow is in sharp contrast to the weakness of commodities (eg Gold and Oil)."
Gold is up 27% YOY. How much has the Dow gone up in a year? How about six years? And that's with dividends reinvested.
The so-called weakness in stuff that doesn't come off a printing press in the basement of the Fed (or off Helicopter Ben's laptop) will prove to be short-lived.
A Reading from the Book of Armaments, Chapter 4, Verses 16 to 20:
Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals ... Now did the Lord say, "First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."
David L is extremely attractive, I want him to father my children.
I want to father HIS children
(his soon to be cell mate)Bubba
Scared me ....I thought it was Al Gore!!
David L is extremely attractive, I want him to father my children.
The Only thing to 'hit bottom' is going to be his cell mate!!!!
Gold is up 27% YOY. How much has the Dow gone up in a year? How about six years? And that's with dividends reinvested.
Here's how crappy the Dow has been
"Gold is up 27% YOY. How much has the Dow gone up in a year? How about six years? And that's with dividends reinvested.
Here's how crappy the Dow has been"
It's not exactly legitimate to compare equities to cash (gold) over an 80 year stretch. Gold is for capital preservation, not growth. It has been going up because of problems facing the dollar (and all other fiats) and because it is undervalued. You can't print gold.
That's also an interesting time period, one in which the US grew from a power on par with the powers of "Old Europe" to become the dominant global superpower. Will the next 80 years be as wonderful as the last?
Oh yeah, the chart also shows that someone buying in the late 1920's would have had to wait a LONG time to break even, and an even longer time to break even in inflation adjusted terms. Kind of like someone buying a home right now.
Cramer had the CEO of Lennar Homes on tonight and I'll paraphrase. The CEO said,
"The housing market is soft, softer even than the official numbers are saying".
This is a housing CEO admitting this.
They are going into hibernation mode, hording cash, "being ready to reload" when conditions are better.
"...This is a housing CEO admitting this...."
Honesty is the best policy in this case. Think shareholder lawsuits and securities fraud prosecution.
Anon, Wednesday, September 27, 2006 3:01:35 AM
Dow/Gold chart for everyone's consumption:
Dow/Gold Chart
The Dow/Gold ratio topped out at a ratio of 45 in 2000, it's now at 25, it last bottomed out at 1.
You can draw your own conclusions from that.
After the election, you can forget about the house and everthing in it, He is coming for your Childern
And with that crazy son of a bitch in office, there will be a reason behind a draft for sure, and the american sheep will fall for it hook line and sinker.
nice dow/gold chart tabasco
Dow gives me 8% a year......I'll take it. A person who thinks he is a market timer is a person who is an idiot.
David Lereah is causing my rent to go up.
Oh borkafatty, just more ravings of a lunatic mind ravaged by syphilis from a flaming gay love affair with himself!
Anonymous said...
Gold is up 27% YOY. How much has the Dow gone up in a year? How about six years? And that's with dividends reinvested.
Here's how crappy the Dow has been
".... if you invest $10,000 in the DOW in 1936, you'd be a gzillionare by now!"
bob shiller said...
Dow gives me 8% a year......I'll take it. A person who thinks he is a market timer is a person who is an idiot.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006 5:18:17 AM
8% a year??!! Tell me, which precise stock will get me 8% / yr for the rest of my life?
I think he should have made the eyes really beady like those old Monty Python animations.
Oh borkafatty, just more ravings of a lunatic mind ravaged by syphilis from a flaming gay love affair with himself!
Gay love affair huh one question anonymous do you swallow?
you will eat those words douchbag when the guy in the green or blue dress uniform stops in the front of your house to pick up your son..or daughter for that matter...but I am the lunitic hahaha we shall see. A Draft resolution has already been flying around the state house for sometime.
Your lover Newt Gingrich, said just this morning on national news we need more troops..where the fuck do you think they are going to come from? Mars! My drival is your of luck to ya.
I love the moderate and polite discourse of American politics.....
Poli-ticks here are no longer American.
Gee borkafag.....cut the dose!
Hmm, political debate does seem to have a difficult time crawling out of the gutter....
Bork your right that we are going to have a lot more troops, but I don't think they will need the draft. The middle class is about to continue to take it's ass pounding, the ass pounding will go from 3rd to 5th gear as the effects of the biggg housing/debt bubble unwinds explodes sagflates.
Many many more then even now will look upon the army as a blessed opportunity for a better life... the common serf will serve the lords.
Gee borkafag.....cut the dose!
More fag jokes huh..Are you repressed? Anonopussy. What Values got ya down.
"When the Islamists are knocking at your door will you still be so arrogant as to believe yourself immune from their insatiable lust for blood and death?"
Only religious nuts knocking at my door are Jehova Witnesses and the local baptists.
You bedwetter "battle of civilization" types are truly out to lunch. Yes, I'm sure we'll be invaded by hordes of radical muslims any day now.
What you say is sad but true.
The hatred is directed at anyone not 'of the true faith'. And PC be damned, it's Nazism cloaked under religion. And we have no choice but to fight a battle we haven't sought.
Cut from Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis:
NAR chief economist David Lereah said an anticipated decline in prices compared with a year earlier has begun and is likely to continue until the end of the year, helping to support sales.
"With sales stabilizing, we should go back to positive price growth early next year," Lereah said.
Lereah "anticipated a decline in prices"? When?
What amazing spin from someone buying and recommending Florida condos right before the crash, and who has argued that fundamentals would never let a year over year decline happen. Click Here
"Yes, I'm sure we'll be invaded by hordes of radical muslims any day now."
The citizens of the Roman Empire probably didn't think their empire could be invaded either. We all know what happened to them. Well, at least those of us that passed History know.
Nice threadjack, I disagree. Our main concern should be the invasion of our government by the radical Zionist Jews that have their own foreign policy agenda. Click here for some of Harvard’s more reputable work.
hemorrhoidforhousing said...
Can't you find something to say that isn't tied around your little liberal mind?
hemorrhoidforhousing dont you sit here and fucking preach to me or label me, you have no idea who i am or what i stand for, I work hard for what i need in life and ask no one for nothing..this administration and congress as a whole are criminals at best. I do not blame bush for anything other than being an asshole so do me a favor dont label me, cause you dont have a fucking clue where i stand.
Your agenda does not fit with mine, so as long as we have that clear, have a nice fucking day.
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