A bunch of you have asked for this, so I'm thinking of having some housing bubble t-shirts and bumper stickers done up to put on the site.
So post here some funny taglines, funny ideas or suggestions and hopefully you'll see some of them (and be able to wear some of them) soon. And what else do you want besides t-shirts and bumper stickers to rub your rightness into the dumbness of your fellow man?
Here's a few of mine for starters - fire away
* Sold House Bought Gold
* HousingPanic Sold My House
* Bubblesitter and Proud
* Condo Flipper 2004 (picture of wealth) Condo Flipper 2006 (picture of desperation)
* (Image of MasterCard): Are You a Debt Whore?
* There is no housing bubble (anymore)
* David Lereah for President 2008 (Not!)
* But Suzanne researched this! (with screenshot of the ad wife)
* This listing is special John, you guys can do this!
* How's that pre-construction condo investment looking now?
* No-down, no-doc, interest-only, negative-am what?
* Housing Bubble RIP (gravestone) 2000 - 2006
* Greenspan Knew (Nasdaq chart, Toll Brothers chart)
* Bob Toll image next to PT Barnum image and "Yes, there is a sucker born every minute"
* Who's worth more (picture of realtor, picture of street hooker)
September 09, 2006
HP'ers: Need your help with housing bubble t-shirt and bumper sticker taglines
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"Riddle me this batman...US Housing Crash 2006 - Bone Crushing Thud??"
Those are cool!
If you wear one the entire world will how ignorant and pessimistic you are.
Hoping and or reveling in someone else's pain is a serious psychological disorder. Good idea! Buy one and show off your intelligence everyone...
Use the same font that the Realtors(TM) use and then make a shirt that say
Shouldn't the bubble house guy be saying "Now That I've Popped"
Have you hugged your chop shop mortgage broker today?
My wife got a HELOC and all I got was this lousy foreclosure
Bagdad Bob in front of a row of houses with for sale signs out front and quote bubble saying "No, I tell you there is absolutely no housing bubble here! Things are different here, I tell you this! No housing bubble"
david lereah's face on baghdad bob saying "there is positively, absolutely no housing bubble in america"
they said it was different this time
dotcom, dotcondo, dotscrewed
It never is different this time
Tulip bulbs, Pets.com, Miami condos... Ugh!
Your mom is a RealtwhoreTM
My home is in pre-foreclosure - suzanne researched it
Psst.. hey buddy.. wanna buy a condo?
6% (with the line through it) - Can you say disintermediation?
The National Association of Realtors - We're Here to Fu*k You
The NAR: The Unethical Lying Pimps of Overpriced Real Estate
I'm gonna kill that byatch suzanne!
Sounds like a bunch of would be Realtors who couldn't make it in the industry left with nothing but your whine...Need some cheese?
Renting Is For Geniuses
Robert Shiller Is My Dad
Alan Greenspan Hates America
I Bought A Miami Condo For No Money Down And All I was Left With Was This Lousy T-Shirt
Hoping and or reveling in someone else's pain is a serious psychological disorder. Good idea! Buy one and show off your intelligence everyone...
As opposed to all the home "owners" who have been gloating about their new found wealth and extracting the temporary equity to pretend they are rich. Do the letter F and U mean anything to you??
Bumper snicker for a realtors car:
What me Worry?
Realtor holding sign next to road:
Will do Anything for Ego gratification!
Beach house; 10 million
luxury Condo; 4.5 million
Vacation Rental;1.75 million
Multitudes of unemployed realtors: 'Priceless'
Let the Crash Begin!!!
Build More Houses!
"As opposed to all the home "owners" who have been gloating about their new found wealth and extracting the temporary equity to pretend they are rich. Do the letter F and U mean anything to you??"
Only if I reduce my IQ. Let's all cater to the lowest common denominator. Maybe you should try to be successful rather than hoping the entire real estate commumity fails to some degree, which in turn would be a blow to the country's economy. But I guess when you're a loser all you have left is hoping others lose too. Sad.
Arm $ Hammer Mortgage Lenders
The better the ARM the more you get Hammerd
"But I guess when you're a loser all you have left is hoping others lose too. Sad."
uh, nope, we're winners, we see (and saw) what was going on, and we're working to protect ourselves, our friends and our families, even though this depression will hurt us too
everyone else who chose to ignore the warnings, who called us losers for renting, who got wrapped up in greed and the idea of getting rich without working, well, they're on their own. they were warned.
That's not the sentiment of your little minions. There's nothing wrong with renting. There's nothing wrong with owning. But the majority of your followers and yourself are reveling in the idea of a market correction that suits you own simple (and greedy in their own rights) needs and opinions. Anyone who got greedy with HELOCS and seconds, and ARMS (with re-financing at the right time) can only blame themselves.
"But I guess when you're a loser all you have left is hoping others lose too. Sad."
An ode to the conformist way of thinking.
Sorry, but the bulls don't rule the mental plane anymore. You've had your time in the sun.
:There's nothing wrong with owning.
Hmm... property taxes on an overassessed unit, depreciating structures, vanishing equity, and let's not forget, difficulty in re-locating once one's company changes locale.
So if the place wasn't bought before 2000 then one's in an illiquid position when career circumstances change.
Anons - quit threadjacking.
Hey Keith do something about this.
Threadjacking is poor form... right??
psst...you catch the latest on 9-11??
I don't have a line, but an image of "reverse-Beverly Hilbillies", leaving CA for TX, ripped-out granite and stainless steel strapped on to the Hummer's roof.
It's a new paradigm, and everybody who doesn't buy, now, will be priced out forever. Anybody who does buy will be rewarded with a lifetime of riches, as their property will continue its 30% yearly price increase.
Renters, and anybody born in a future generation, will not be able to afford a $10,000,000 starter home in 15 years. They will live in tent cities, and Hondas.
This asset bubble is different than all of the others - it will never slow down, or pop. The gains are permanent.
(accompanied by a yuppie family with cartoonish his&hers hummers and jetskis)
Use this guy for inspiration:
There was an old lady who lived in a shoe, with prices so high you will be too!
If you build it...they will come!
David Lereah face with a pinata body hanging from a for sale sign.
HURRY, HURRY! Step right up and witness the Greatest Side Show on Earth!
Witness nature's cruelest joke 'The Freak!'
See Pinhead, who purchased a Florida pre-construction condo in early 2006!
See Deepthroat, the ex-realtor who can swallow anything....not a big surprise, remember she was a realtor in '05
Meet Joe Joe the Dogface boy!
And LiL David Lereah the world famous ventriloquist....known for talking out of both sides of his mouth!
Finally see 'Bobby the Juggler!' Famous world wide for flipping more properties than anyone before!
I like these:
"My wife got a HELOC and all I got was this lousy foreclosure"
"No-down, no-doc, interest-only, negative-am what?"
(or "No-down, no-doc, interest-only, negative-am, teaser rate huh?")
Those were GREAT.
p.s. Nobody (outside of our little clique) knows who Suzanne or David Lereah is... Stick to generic slogans for a t-shirt.
Of course it's safe, it's only Kool-aid! Jim Jones
"Maybe you should try to be successful rather than hoping the entire real estate commumity fails to some degree, which in turn would be a blow to the country's economy. But I guess when you're a loser all you have left is hoping others lose too. Sad."
No, what is sad is that while I was careful enough not to mortgage my family's future on an obviously overpriced asset, people like my new secratary (who makes about $30K/yr and is not what I would consider to be very "sucessful") gloats to me that her house is worth $500K. Yet she has no equity and is in preforeclosure.
When the laws of economics and finance cease to become reality and only those who are ignorant and/or greedy enough to take enormous financial risk are rewarded, all of us who chose not to follow the uneducated herd are entitled to cheer the arrival (finally) of econmic sanity and the fact that all of those who thought they were financial geniuses are being cut down to size.
Forgive us for feeling satisfied that we are ultimately being rewarded for our caution and patience.
Greed and Stupidity and piss-poor timing will cripple many!
Got Debt?
Got ARM?
Got Mc? (Mc for McMansion)
Got HEL? (for HELOC)
Got Screwed?
I'm gonna invest in whatever company manufacture's Preparation-H
This housing market will be a Gold mine for ROIDS, Chaffed Anus and Puckered Bungholes aplenty!
For whom the Bell Toll (bros.)
Just bought some Florida Real Estate! I've taken it up the Rump so many times, I'm thinking of going into Porn!
"Put the pen down, step away from the loan docs and nobody will get hurt."
Good One
As the doctor snaps the rubber glove up to his elbow, liberally applies the lube and say's those all to familiar words, 'Bend over and spread em, this will only take a second!'
Oh wait, that was signing my loan doc's!
And many more areas aren't experiencing increases!
Individual suffering markets don't affect the entire country!
Well when they are major markets they do!
"The way it works is, prices climb, plateau, stay there and then climb again."
Gee, thanks for the hot tip! I am going out now to snap up some properties as they will continue to go up in value! Because Genie said so. NOT. Get lost you REALTWHORE troll.
Pic of Bag Dad Bob With your favorite quote, "There was no Housing Bubble". This was one of your Keith.
I want one.
I Bought A Miami Condo For No Money Down And All I was Left With Was This Lousy T-Shirt.
Funny, put Vegas or Phonix, Boston...
any bubble town.
I handed over my signature on 8/2005 and got handed my azz on 8/2006.
"Debt is slavery. That makes you a....?"
Let them eat Debt
Oh! Da Camp town ladiz sing dis song..do dah, do dah.....
South Florida is working off of a totally new economic model than any of us have ever experienced in the past
Greenspan lied, dreams died!
VISA (Virutal Income Sans Affluence)
I think credit cards started Americans on the road to rags more than anything else. The credit bubbles just get bigger and bigger. Anybody know what's next so I could get in now???
Schadenfreude is the most superb kind of joy (since it comes directly from the heart)
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