It would appear a new language is developing on this blog post-bubble. From FB's to REIC, from homedebtors to ponzi scheme.
So here's a list - please add to it like a wiki and hopefully the newcomers and 2008 Harvard MBA class studying the housing collapse will have a nice and tidy list
FB: Fuc&ed borrower or buyer
REIC: Real Estate Industrial Complex
Homedebtor: Someone living in a home with a mortgage, usually thinks and says he "owns" a home ("homeowner") when all he's doing is renting the money from the bank.
Negative-am: A loan that'll kill you. You pay less than you owe every month (negative amortization). The shortfall is added to the principal (and reported as profit by the bank), so you owe more every month, culminating in your bankruptcy a few years down the road.
Realtwhore: Someone with a real estate license who will do anything, and I mean anything, for a commission.
NAR: National Association of Realtwhores, nuff said
Used homes: the correct (non-NAR) way to say "pre-existing homes"
Sh*tbox: Poor quality, usually wood-framed, stucco finished and built by illegal mexican immigrants, homes built 1999 - 2005 that will be torn down 2020 - 2030.
Soft Landing: NAR's way to describe an epic financial crash never before seen in the history of humanity
MSM: Mainstream media, made up of homedebtors who don't want to admit the truth because of their personal conflicts of interest, as well as the pressure being applied by their #1 advertising group - the REIC
HELOC: Commonly referred to as "Home Equity Line of Credit" but correctly referred to as personal loan enslavement (PLE) or Fake Equity Withdrawal that Needs to Be Paid Back One Day (FEWTNTBPBOD). Used by people to extract Phantom Home Equity.
Phantom Home Equity (PHE): See above.
Liar's Loan: A mortgage product used by con men, thieves and liars, pushed by corrupt mortgage bankers, where income numbers are made up and not verified. Correctly referred to as "What the F*ck Where They Thinking Loans" - WTFWTTL
Median Home Price: The bogus and inflated numbers provided by the NAR and government that do not take into account cash back at closing and incentives-galore
Paranoid Ben: A blogger who didn't want his readers to see a better bubble blog for fear of losing his audience
Homebuilder: An illegal immigrant from Mexico with a hammer and a willingness to work for significantly less than a legal American worker, while cheating the system, cutting in line in front of millions of better qualified potential American immigrants around the world
Housing Ponzi Scheme: The largest financial pyramid scheme ever concocted, with massive amounts of leverage and a record number of participants. Caused the Second Great Depression.
Retirement: The dream of millions that disappeared when the Housing Ponzi Scheme blew up, wiping away the Phantom Home Equity that made up potential retires' entire life savings
The Corrupt David Lereah: The Charles Ponzi of the Late, Great Housing Bubble
September 25, 2006
HousingPanic's post-housing-bubble new language and definitions
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Trolls - angry and unemployed realtwhores and REIC members who visit HP and flame because they have nothing better to do
Sheeple: Clueless masses of people who, like sheep, are led to their financial slaughter.
Snidely Whiplash: Mortgage Brokers.
JBR: Jealous Bitter Renters, who are actually just waiting, like buzzards over the dying carcass of FBs, for easy pickin's.
JBH: Jealous Bitter Homedebtor. A former McMansion dweller who now is the proud occupant of a dumpster behind WalMart.
McMansion: A particle-board, plastic box on a postage-stamp yard, which the sheeple believe they "own".
McMillionaire: A FB who BELEIVES he/she is "rich" because they are in debt up to their eyeballs.
HELOC: Hellacious, Egregious, Loan, Outrageously Concocted (to bankrupt the FB/Homedebtor!!!)
"Home Equity": A bogus concept used by Snidely Whiplash to shear the sheeple further of their wealth and, eventually, the McMansion.
Home Depot: Former religious gathering place for Sheeple/Homedebtors and Home Builders (lined up in the parking lot, looking for work). Soon-to-be gathering place for homeless, looking for large cardboard boxes in which to live. However, Home Depot itself will be shuttered.
MBS: Massive B. S. (securitization) a sadistic financial game of "pass the trash" that allows Wall Street to slice-and-dice debt, deal it off like baseball cards to unsuspecting banks, pension funds, money market funds and Asian central banks so that all the Snidely Whiplashes can avoid the risks of the mortgages they created for the sheeple.
Appraiser: Shill who fills in "The Number" for realtwhores and Snidely Whiplashes.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Corrput, Frankenstien monsters, created by the Socialist government to ensure that the taxpayer will pay for all the mistakes of the FBs, the Realtwhores, the Snidely Whiplashes and the MBS holders.
"Cooling": Irritating propagandistic term for COLLAPSING real estate prices. (See also "softening"; "returning to normal")
Home "Value Appreciation": Another lie of the REIC that attempts to convince the sheeple that the shi*box McMansion that they are enslaved to via lifelong debt--and is falling down around them--is actually GAINING in price.
State taxing authorities: The REAL owner of the McMansion (in addition to the Snidely Whiplashes, until the mortgage is paid off!), who charges the serf-sheeple perpetual rent to dwell in the property that the sheeps BELEIVE they own.
Federal Reserve: Illegal Banking Cartel that destroys the value of the sheeple's money and aids the Snidely Whiplashes in extracting the remaining wealth from the poor, hapless sheeps.
I could come up with dozens more, but I'm in a bad mood today as I contemplate the fate of the sheeps and the U.S. economy.
HELOC - Home Equity Loan Of Credit, used by many to borrow against their house. House as ATM.
Greenscam - former leader of the Federal Reserve who lowered interest rates too low, for too long. Encourage people to take out adjustable rate mortgages. Bubble Blower in cheif. Claimed couldn't recognize an asset bubble until after it started collapsing.
Housing ATM - not like a normal ATM, where money comes out of a account holder's bank account.
No, this unique ATM when used simply adds to Sheeples' debt burden, whereas the Sheeple believe it's free money, to be used on fancy vacations, 4x4 trucks, and hookers.
Anonopuss/Anonymous: This typical Rodent can be found trolling various Bubble blogs for content that otherwise is not within their best interest. Part of the Rat family An Anonopuss is usually a stressed out Realtor or lender who has not made a sale or a closing in months, and shows agression if backed up aginst a wall.
Best to avoid, they Bite.
I'm startin to like this "butch" dude. Wheres he been all year?
Anonymous 2:00:20 PM wrote:
"I'm startin to like this "butch" dude. Wheres he been all year?"
(Reply) Through a series of bizarre consequences, I have been handed the opportunity to study--for the last five years, eight-to-ten-housr a day, virtually seven days a week--money, credit, banking, economics, geo-political events, bubbles, bust and the human psychology of financial manias.
At this juncture, I am saddend to report that we are VERY near an "End-Stage-Terminal-Event" whereby the geo-political shift from "Pax Americana" is underway.
The result will be financial pain and hardship for all involved (especially so for, but not limited to, homedebtors!).
As the fiat/fractional reserve/central banking/securitization/derivatives Ponzi scheme reaches its end-stages (As we are now seeing) you will witness what I have deemed my "Convulsions Theory" whereby waves of debt default and destruction are met by equal or greater waves of central bank and government "liquidity" (more debt and fiat) until the system breaks one way or the other--either with a complete deflationary collapse or hyperinflationary spiral, leading to complete deflationary collapse.
And forget all the usual, "Howard-Ruff-buy-gold-and-freeze-dried-food-and-guns" scenarios to try to save yourself and your family (Although I have done just that myself!).
Nope, sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news here gang, but we are so far beyond screwed that you will be facing a much greater threat than JUST the roving hordes of starving masses.
You will in fact be facing a much larger, more powerful enemy:
Now, without going into a long tirade, suffice it to say the while Joe Six Pack has been busy burying himself in debt, the feds have been even busier enacting legislation for indentured servititude (tne new bankruptcy laws) and outright police-state measures (Partirot Acts I and II).
And spare me the debate of how "This can't happen here" and "We are a free society". It's already game, set, match.
Don't believe me?
Just try to go to your bank and take out five grand in YOUR cash.
Or try to enter ANY store of any size without being caught on videotape.
Or drive through any intersection for that matter.
Try not paying the "property tax" on a home that the STATE owns (yet the REIC says is "yours") and see how long you will be allowed to live there.
Study the history of economics. See how EACH AND EVERY time that governments have chosen the fiat game, the populous has suffered.
See the most recent examples of Russia, Argentina, and Asian countries that have suffered complete economic collapse--then went right back to the same fraudulent monetary scheme, all with the ignorant consent of the sheeple.
You may state that you are beginning to like me, but trust me, most people HATE me because I can only speak the truth and have a clear vision of what is to come.
For confirmation of what I have written and pontificated on above, one need only to check the following "Mainstream" Websites:
1. This blog. (Not mainstream, but certainly spot on!)
2. (for info. on the derivatives nightmare)
3. (check out the latest "Z1" report which carefully documents the amount of ruinous debt the U.S. is running up)
4. (an even better site than the Fed for checking out the debt--see the "Quarterly Review")
5. (which is Nouriel Roubini and Brad Setser's site on Macro-economics).
6. (a Washington think-tank that carefully documents the shenanigans at Fannie/Freddie/FHLB
I could add a dozen or so other sites that I read day-in-and-out, but there is no need. You get the point.
In any event, please allow me to stat that I will not last long on this board. Even here, I will be derided as a heretic; a Cassandra, and worse before I decide to go quietly away...
A banker: is a fellow who lends his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain.
Hey Butch thank you great insites: Just try to go to your bank and take out five grand in YOUR cash.
I went the other day to do just that, and was asked what i need the money for? I was shocked at first, but then said i am buying a car..which i was not..but had to say something..I am keeping no money in the bank..non..for what 1.5% interest please..ill keep it close thank you..withdrawls every week here on in.
Nice to have you "on board" Butch.
Hey bork, Are Butch's links legit or is he blowin hot air up our asses? I'm headin to the bank to see if I can pull 5k out.
re getting your money out of the bank...
Same here. When I ask for 5k withdrawal I get wierd looks, and was asked many a time what i needed the money for.. funny thing, I too would say to buy a car.
It has become my policy to leave no money at the bank except enough to get the checks cleared for monthly bills etc.
Another strange thing I can't understand about banks. I make a check deposit... I know for a fact the check writer has the money in the ir account... but the check takes 10 business day to clear nad have the fund avail in my account? meanwhile, when i write a check to pay bills, they're cleared electronically... 2 days after i've mailed the check. what the hell? what gives?
Not fair to pick on Ben. Furthermore, it makes you sound bitter.
I'm headin to the bank to see if I can pull 5k out.
Try it and see the look you get.
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens a mortgage loan account.
What this means to you: when you open a mortgage loan account we will ask you for your name, address, date of birth and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver's license or other identifying documents.
10 business day to clear nad have the fund avail in my account?
yes yes yes..I did this the other day also, i did a hardwood floor install for a women and she paid me by check..of course i went to my bank which i have an account at, and she said she could only give me x when i wanted all of it..and she said we hold personal checks for 10 days..what i i said give me the check and went to her bank and cashed it no problem just an ID of course..screwed up. O in the bank just for bills the rest in the safe at home..albit small safe that is hahaha!
butch - welcome to the blog, you are truly an asset. Please email me privately, I'd like to talk to you about doing some guest posting if you'd like
"Not fair to pick on Ben. Furthermore, it makes you sound bitter"
-Ben, I'm sorry you feel that way. Welcome to the board - I think you'll find HP must more enjoyable than your snooze-fest
Did someone say that they are only getting 1.5% interest from the bank? That is way low, rates have been going up and will continue upwards. I've been amazed every month when I get my statement from the bank on how much I made.
I just came back from the bank and I pulled out 5k with no problems, But, I think I'm going to put 20k in the basement just in case. It's not worth the worry for the little bit of interest, at least for now.
Housing Ponzi Carnival is more descriptive than Housing Ponzi Scheme.
What is the COP that folks have been talking about as a hedge investment? Is that just short for Copper?
Liar Loans: Stated income loans. The lying to the bank part is probably the smallest part of the fraud. The biggest part is lying to ones self... the setup for PERSONAL FINANCIAL RUIN!
Jackass Loans: Pick-a-pay Loans, Freedom Loans, any other negative amoritization loan.
"...only getting 1.5% from the bank?"
I think the bank is now bracing for massice loan defaults, that's why they needed some reserve and part of it is the interest on your money.
Stucco Suburb. . .kind of like Sh#tbox, but 10,000 of them - my favorite is Temecula CA. . .used to be a nice wine growing region, but now full of sh#tboxes. . .50 miles from anywhere, hot in summer (read lots of AC) colder in winter (more heat). . .but it was a great place to buy that McMansion!
MMRE- Sheepie's talk show run on WLS - AM radio : Making Money in Real Estate with Joe Aldeguer
The last quote : " Is now a good time to buy real estate? Yes, if you buy correctly. Currently in a majority of the real estate markets, we are still seeing home appreciation. There is a demand to own and that is the driving force behind the purchase market. "
You either work as an academic or for a hedge fund by my reckoning. Regardless, your insight and views are very welcome by me. I see the same vision you do. I don't like this fact but the hand we have been dealt seems to play out the way you say.
I look forward to your input.
oh and checkout my definition blog
Butch - if you had $100,000 cash to invest or protect, what would you do with it today?
metro - so that it's all in one place I'm posting some from your collection - nice work:
Patrick's Bubble Glossary
Housing Bubble Glossary
There have often been requests for defining acronyms and RE jargon that not all readers are familiar with. There have also been quite a few gems made up along the way by bloggers. Here are some of the most frequently requested or re-used terms, along with their anti-spin translations. Perhaps you have a few of your own? Discuss, enjoy…
“Homedebtor” (a.k.a. “recent homebuyer”): Perpetual debtor/serf who will probably never own the home outright, thanks to cyclical refinancing (used to fund conspicuous consumption) and property taxes.
“FB/AFB” (“Another F@cked Borrower”): Colorful synonym for homedebtor, coined by “SoCalMtgGuy”.
“Serial Refinancer”: A Homedebtor/FB who is as addicted to mortgage refinancing, as a street addict is to crack. This type of FB typically refinances several times a year, almost always for the purpose of “liberating” more equity gains to purchase such life essentials as European vacations, plasma TVs, HumVees, and bling.
“Jealous Bitter Renter/JBR”: Originally a term used by housing bulls to disparage bearish non-homedebtors. Has since been co-opted by bears and is now used ironically. Technical definition: Someone who pays a homedebtor for the right to live in his home, at a huge discount and with no downside risk of falling property prices, rising property taxes or maintenance nightmares.
“Sheeple/Sheople”: Derogatory term for the vast, clueless, herd-following mass of homedebtors, who are unaware of the Bubble’s existence, believe what MSM tells them, and have no idea of the ass-pounding they’re about to receive.
“I/O” (Interest-Only): Exotic mortgage loan product designed to attract more homedebtors by keeping initial payments marginally lower, while ensuring the homedebtor never builds any equity (except by perpetual appreciation).
“Neg-Am” (Negative Amortization, a.k.a. “Option ARMS”): Exotic mortgage loan product even more toxic than an I/O, in that the homedebtor falls even further into debt each month. Ending up upside-down is virtually guaranteed unless prices appreciate very quickly.
“No-Doc” (aka “Stated Income”, “NINA”): Exotic mortgage loan product designed to get around federal/state lending requirements with regard to LTV ratio and borrower credit-worthiness, by allowing the borrower to declare “stated income/assets” without proof.
“Stated-Outcome” (aka “Liar-Loan”): A No-Doc loan where the lender deliberately inflates the buyer’s income to whatever level is needed to “qualify” them for the loan amount.
“NINA” (No Income, No Assets): See “No-Doc” and “Stated Outcome”.
“NAAVLP™” (Negative Amortization Anal-Voodoo Loan Product): Term coined by the legendary Surfer-X to satirically encapsulate all exotic loans varieties (above). He is a “old-timer” who’s acerbic, anti-Boomer rants added much color to the early threads.
“ARM” (Adjustable-Rate Mortgage): Designed to keep the lender covered while interest rates shoot back up. Often used in conjunction with the “exotic” loan products above.
“MEW” (Mortgage Equity Withdrawal): Any form of additional debt/leverage on top of your original mortgage, using your house as collateral. Typically refers to cash-out refinancing, HELOCs and home equity loans (second mortgages), the use of which has skyrocketed in recent years. Designed to bury homedebtors even deeper and further fuel spending on frivolous bling and other nonessential consumption. Also see “Serial Refinancer” and “Equity Liberation”.
“Liberated Equity”: An Orwellian industry-friendly euphemsim for MEW originally coined by CAR Vice President and Chief Economist, Leslie Appleton-Young.
“Monopoly Money” (aka “funny money”): The anti-spin term for MEW or NAAVLP-derived debt. Used to counter RE industry Orwellian terminology like “liberated equity”.
“Appreciation”: Debt & speculation-fueled inflation of real estate prices.
“CPI”: Government price index that only tracks goods and services that consumers don’t actually use or need, such as Chinese-made plastic lawn furniture.
“Credit Score”: Easily manipulated number allowing lenders to underwrite “exotic” loans to anyone with a pulse. Scratch “with a pulse” –made to ANYONE, period.
“Real Estate Appraiser”: A person who lies for a fee.
“Unemployed Real Estate Appraiser”: A person who refuses to lie for a fee.
“Realtor™” (aka “Realt-Whore”): On either coast, a person who just recently used to be an Internet VC “entrepreneur” or a tech stock day-trader.
“Speculator/Flipper”: See “Realtor™”. Popular variants include “Specuvestor” and “Investulator”, coined by OC Renter and Marinite.
“Heli-Ben” (aka “B52-Ben”, “Helicopter Ben”): Nickname for incoming Fed chief Benjamin Bernanke. Specifically lampoons a speech where he said the Fed could, as a last resort, drop cash from helicopters in order to fight deflation.
“MIRAGE” (Moneyed Immigrants, Rich Ancestors, Generous Expatriates): Acronym coined by HARM to lampoon the bulls’ argument that housing demand is being supported by cash-rich immigrants, wealthy parents and transplants from other states.
“ILLUSION” (Irrational Lending Lax Underwriting Speculative Investing Ownership Nonsense) Acronym coined by Dipanjan to describe what bears believe is really driving housing demand.
“CHUMPS” (Cunning Hard-eyed Ultra-savvy Market ProfessionalS): Acronym coined by HARM to lampoon the bulls’ argument that most recent buyers who used exotic loan products are market-savvy professionals who fully understand the downside risks and are financially prepared for them.
“Chewbacca” (short for “Chewbacca defense”): A legal strategy first used by the fictionalized Johnny Cochran during a South Park episode. A favorite of Praetorian’s, it refers to any argument based on non-sequiturs and/or circular logic for the purpose of confusing one’s opponent into submission.
“Pergraniteel™”: Pergo fake wood floors, granite countertops, and steel appliances. Coined by SJ_Jim, an amalgamation of today’s most popular home “improvements”, which supposedly allows sellers to command a 200% premium above what they paid for the place.
“ASSHOLES” (Arrogant Self-Serving Highly Over-Leveraged Egotistical Speculators): Not-so-subtle acronym coined by motorcityjim. Self explanatory.
Piece of Sh!t, Piece of Crap. Used commonly to describe a sh!tshack property.
Top Ramen lifestyle
Came in from MARINPOS blog. After you mortgage your life away it is all you will afford to eat. Mac N Cheese (blue box maybe) will be sunday supper.
screw you porkafatty
Well it was not directed at you personally Anonopuss, but thank you in return there is nothing like a good screwing.
Cool Kieth,
I just started it for people new to the bubble blog scene. so I could give them a quick reference.
borkafatty re checks clearing in 10 days... I have no way of making a trip to the issuing bank of the checks i get from clients, as they are in other states. anywho.
The proper way to say HELOC is HELL-LOCK. At least according to my sister. My parents NEVER heard of the term "Equity" until now (they thought it was just how much less they owe on the mortgage they would burn someday).
Another way to define Dead Cat Bounce is the JBH celebrating when the market went up by a few tickmarks in some markets to justify their denial of the bubble.
"whereby waves of debt default and destruction are met by equal or greater waves of central bank and government "liquidity" (more debt and fiat) until the system breaks one way or the other--either with a complete deflationary collapse or hyperinflationary spiral, leading to complete deflationary collapse."
What about the situation where the new money created equals the money destroyed upon debt liquidiation?
The people who rail against "fiat currency" are ill-informed.
They think it's an economic policy issue:
A gold standard caused many gyrations and problems in the 19th century---and in the 19th century the USA certainly did have "fiat currency", in fact money was created by local banks. It was worse without the Federal Reserve. Recessions---then called "panics" in those plain-talking pre-euphemism days---were brutal and ruined lives.
They think it's a moral issue: it is not.
The "value of the dollar" is not like a Saudi Arabian princess' virginity. What matters is the real world of economics, people working and producing.
A gold standard chains the financial world to the physical production of something, giving arbitrary wealth to Canada, South Africa, Australia, Russia and China; places with large unexplored gold reserves. Gold mining is environmentally toxic and generally pointless. Consider that in the 16th century, enormous Spanish capital (then the Western superpower) was devoted to exploiting silver mines in the Americas, under the obvious (but incorrect) notion that because silver is money and money is power, having more silver gives more power. It didn't. Because the extraction of silver, even with slave labor, produces nothing of permanent or even transient value.
Because money is something intended to be arbitrary, the best thing is to devote little time to its actual production (which today is tapping on the Fed's computer) and the most to creating useful products and services to trade, using money. Money is like the lubrication oil in the engine: essential but not the point of it, and best if it's cheap to use and create for the engine's operation.
An oil standard would be more suitable for the modern age but the shift in power would make things worse since oil holding regimes are nasty. Perhaps a uranium standard?
But best is still computer created fiat money along with strict regulation of central banking.
"Suzanne" --- codename for any commission-greedy Realtwhore accomplice of the passive-aggressive vipers who guilt-trip their spouses into fucked borrowerhood.
Wanker Keith - A bitter paranoid ex-patriot racist blogger who whines about not being as popular as other bloggers, thinks this has to do with a jealous conspiracy against him, and fulfills his need to feel superior by making public his racist prejudices.
I like that definition.
Jump the Shark Moment according to HP.
The publishing of the TIME mag cover Americas Love affair with Real Estate
Someone with the courage to express his views.
Has had the foresight to predict the Real Estate Bubble.
Has devoted his time to a site that has saved people money and educated the public.
Someone who sees the defects of others so they don’t have to see their own.
tabasco jenkins:
you know keith's site would have been popular if he is not biases. he bitches about the use of the F word, but tolerates and turns the other way when others uses the N word. he needs to be impartial.
Housing Panic: A shitty housing blog.
Housing Panic: A shitty housing blog.
Now, Now. There is no cursing allowed on Keith's blog.
Tisk, Tisk.
Butch said:
(Reply) Through a series of bizarre consequences, I have been handed the opportunity to study--for the last five years, eight-to-ten-housr a day, virtually seven days a week--money, credit, banking, economics, geo-political events, bubbles, bust and the human psychology of financial manias.
Translation: I'm unemployed and sit at home all day.
I like "condoslave". And I don't mean Condi Rice. (Or do I?)
I like "condoslave". And I don't mean Condi Rice. (Or do I?)
Word: F--ked
Definition: Anyone who purchased real estate within the last 18 mos.
I quit focusing after the princess virginity thing.
My my, while I certainly agree with the coming housing crash and upside down homedebtors being crushed - some of you chaps are really out there.
Taking all of your money out of the bank and stashing it in your mattress? What next, using it to buy 1000 acres and starting your own paramilitary survival colony?
I have taken out sums like $7K, $9K, $6K to buy gold and silver coins. Not a problem but the last time they had me sign a statement that warned about fraud schemes and made me state that I was not coereced. I tell them I am buying a high gas milage used car when they ask.
And the coin dealer takes my cash, gives me coins, and doesn't even know my name.
Taking all of your money out of the bank and stashing it in your mattress? What next, using it to buy 1000 acres and starting your own paramilitary survival colony?
Now that I think of it....
I bet Butch works at a proprietary trading desk, possibly bonds or derivatives, such as CDS.
speaking of survival colony, I found an advertisement for just such a community in Downtown Orlando. Lots of rules, worse than the HOA or Code Enforcement (no Beer, no Music, etc.), Very tight screening process. Nice, for them maybe.
Gimme an old fashion abode any day. Just do not want to loose my shirt in the process.
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