Oh, man, we got ourselves a hum-dinger. Let's get ready to rumble! I wouldn't imagine they'd sit down for tea and cookies at the end of the day would they?
Ahmadinejad is going to say some truly wacky crazy stuff in just four more days. Oh dear god how do I get tickets? And isn't there just a chance, just a teensy weensy chance, that the CIA pops the guy on his way into Manhattan that day?
Sorry folks, the housing bubble bust takes a backstage every now and then as the run-up to WWIII is really getting interesting now. Even though as some HP'ers point out consumer spending and housing prices wouldn't fare to well during an all-out global conflict.
Here's what the Iranian nut-case had to say on his last UN preso:
Its most remarkable manifestation came with Mr Ahmadinejad's international debut, his speech to the United Nations.
World leaders had expected a conciliatory proposal to defuse the nuclear crisis after Teheran had restarted another part of its nuclear programme in August.
Instead, they heard the president speak in apocalyptic terms of Iran struggling against an evil West that sought to promote "state terrorism", impose "the logic of the dark ages" and divide the world into "light and dark countries".
The speech ended with the messianic appeal to God to "hasten the emergence of your last repository, the Promised One, that perfect and pure human being, the one that will fill this world with justice and peace".
In a video distributed by an Iranian web site in November, Mr Ahmadinejad described how one of his Iranian colleagues had claimed to have seen a glow of light around the president as he began his speech to the UN.
"I felt it myself too," Mr Ahmadinejad recounts. "I felt that all of a sudden the atmosphere changed there. And for 27-28 minutes all the leaders did not blink…It's not an exaggeration, because I was looking.
"They were astonished, as if a hand held them there and made them sit. It had opened their eyes and ears for the message of the Islamic Republic."
Western officials said the real reason for any open-eyed stares from delegates was that "they couldn't believe what they were hearing from Ahmadinejad".
September 15, 2006
Circle next Tuesday the 19th in your calendar - the day Bush and Ahmadinejad give UN speeches
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i would love to hear from some muslims from here or anywhere denouncing this asshole! It's awfull quiet!
Is he really any different than Dubya Weed?
Change the flavor and look of the settings and the facial look, and you have the exact same person. Why do you think they hate each other so much? Because they are almost exactly the same.
Tabasco, you and I agree on everything, we just don't realize it yet :-)
"Circle next Tuesday the 19th in your calendar - the day Bush and Ahmadinejad give UN speeches"
I previously circled August 22, 2006 (Rajab 28), thinking that Iran would begin WW III on that date.
Wasn't there also speculation about that date on this website?
Arrest Him for holding American hostages in 1979. Bomb all Iranian Nuclear Plants now and stop Tiny Tim Tipping Through the Tulips. All this Ivory Tower Intellectualism at the UN. Nevile Chamberlain anyone.
gene guinney associate broker wrote:
"Pop the guy." Gene, sometimes we say it out of anger and yes, I'd like to join you resoundingly. The problem is that if it was that easy, then Saddam would have been gone long time ago without having to spend billions of dollars everyday. So is Bin Laden.
Bush is a failure without these nut jobs, no nut jobs = no fear = no Bush.
I agree pop all of them including Congress.
The best thing you could do for your country is vote the GOP out in November and then these nut-jobs will magically disapear.
I would go for voting them (GOP) out. We are a civil society. The pen is mightier than the sword.
Paintblot, If you and Richard are so bored by Keiths posts and think he's a moron, why do you keep reading them? If you need a housing bubble fix you have many other choices.
Bush has a good strategery to deal with this showdown.
Paintblot: Don't let that dog bite you on the ass on your way out.
Report: Majority Of Americans Unprepared For Apocalypse
September 13, 2006 | Issue 42•37
WASHINGTON, DC—Over 87 percent of Americans are unprepared to protect themselves from even the most basic world-ending scenarios, according to a study released Monday by the nonpartisan doomsday think-tank The Malthusian Institute.
Despite "more than ample warning" for the most likely means of worldwide destruction, less than one million American households have taken even the simplest precautions against nuclear shockwaves, asteroid impact, or a host of angels bearing swords of fire, the study concluded. The Onion News
Senor Blot,
you forgot to end your post with "Death to Isreal, Death to America".
You hate Bush, we get it already. But has he denied the holocaust lately? Or looked the other way during a genocide (hat tip to Clinton/Rwanda)? Aure appeasement is good for your poll #'s, but how do you sleep at night?
Make me wonder who your other heros are. Pol Pot? Hitler? Stalin?
Appeasement and genocide? Glad you asked, click here.
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