Well, our incompetent Congress is getting closer at least to putting up a damn fence (even though they're still stupidly talking amnesty).
Kinda funny when you think about it, because I think millions of unemployed illegal hispanic homebuilders will actually be looking to head back home, since the work has dried up here big-time. But now will they have to jump a fence?
What set me off this morning is Mexico's presidente Fox taking a dig at the US because of the increasing crime rate. Guess what, el presidente, our crime rate is going up BECAUSE YOUR DAMN REFUGEES ARE NOW STUCK HERE WITHOUT JOBS AND THEY'RE COMMITTING CRIMES!
Yes, it's all connected folks - illegal immigration, housing, homebuilding, china, mortgage rates, a corrupted Congress and Wal-Mart. For starters.
Here's an update from my favorite non-corrupted Congressman, Ron Paul:
Last week I spoke about simple steps Congress should take to address the problem of illegal immigration. Simple, however, does not mean easy.
While the American people are demanding real immigration reform, many in Washington lack the political will to do what is required.
That’s why I’ve joined my colleagues in the House Immigration Reform caucus in demanding legislation this year that focuses on securing physical control of our borders while rejecting amnesty in any form.
Congress has taken notice, and took an important first step last week by passing the Secure Fence Act of 2006-- legislation that provides physical security by lengthening border walls and creating a virtual border fence that extends thousands of miles.
But many Senators, Representatives, and administration officials remain committed to pursuing amnesty in some form. The dictionary defines amnesty as a general pardon for offenders by a government, and most of the immigration reform proposals in both chambers of Congress certainly meet that definition.
Millions of people who broke the law by entering, staying, and working in our country will not be punished, but rather rewarded with a visa and ultimately citizenship. This is amnesty, plain and simple. Lawbreakers are given legal status, while those seeking to immigrate legally face years of paperwork and long waits for a visa.
What message does this send to the rest of the world? If we reward millions who came here illegally, surely millions more will follow suit. Ten years from now we will be in the same position, with a whole new generation of lawbreakers seeking amnesty.
September 24, 2006
Checking in on the illegal immigration issue now that the homebuilding jobs have dried up bigtime
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Keith will be deported from the UK, just as he wishes the "beaners". I hope they torture him before he makes it home.
I'd imagine the vast, vast, vast majority of crime is committed by whites first. then other non-hispanics
but, you put 20 million illegals into this country and then take away their jobs, something's gotta give. people have to feed their families.
deal with the reality of the situation
They will become the scapegoat and there will be a movement to send them back. I'll be the first with a shotgun helping out. America is tired of these guys undercutting and taking work away and when things get tight the illegals will truly become illegal.
Years ago unskilled labor was $15 to $20 a day Cash here in San diego
Now the same unskilled bunch are getting $100 to $125 A Day, and there getting job specific!
Example: One guy could form for concrete, pour, finish and clean-up. Now he will pick and choose which operation he will do! And still expect the higher wage for less work! Sounds like a Union worker!+
I know of more than one contractor who will no longer hire these laborers when he loses control of the job.
Or local contractors of all trades being undercut by cheap day labor who do a half-ass job then head home Across the border!
Keith- Thank you for keeping this subject on the front burner. Anybody that does not think that illegal aliens are a huge part of the problem is a fool or does'nt live in Calif.The prisons are full of illegals and are ruining the social services net in and out of prison.
Let me tell you a great story of the local Mexicans here in San Diego at Christmas time!
In the 80's at Holiday time the illegals would pack up all their loot, gifts, packages...whatever and go stand somewhere that they know they will be seen by the Border Patrol! They get picked up, and a 'Free' bus ride to the border for the Holidays!
My point is, your tax dollars hard at work playing Tijuana Taxi!
Yet another reason why the US government won't throw out illegals is that there won't be enough native-born Americans to buy the homes of the Baby Boom generation when they retire. move in to an assisted-living development, or die. As the boomers retire the market will get flooded with homes for sale, lowering prices due to the lack of buyers. Enter the immigrants who can use all kids of programs to purchase these homes. The government is committed to keeping the housing party going at all costs.
And Keith is still an asshole.
Why should the illegals have to leave?
We do have Welfare!
Land of the FREE....give away that is!
The majority of crimes may be committed by whites, though not the "vast, vast, vast" majority, and this is because whites are still a majority in this country. Non-whites commit
crimes in higher proportion to their demographic numbers.
It's difficult to get an accurate read on hispanic crime because stats are fuzzy, with hispanics being counted as white. We're getting the lowest class of Mexicans entering, and their crime rates were disproportionate before the economy slowed. Rape and drunk driving, high among hispanics, are not directly economy-related, such as theft to feed one's family. I agree that crimes by illegals will rise further as economy sours.
Here in SoCal, illegals use to be the guy who mowed the lawn. or the cleaning lady. They were nice, good hard workers.
Problem is, they dominate the workforce here now. City workers, truck drivers, landscape companies. All good paying jobs! But they don't pay for insurance....you do!
Brother in law, a building contractor in N.W. Arkansas, said in the beginning, he liked the hard working 'Cheap' labor but they (in that area) were too small a group to be a problem!
Forward to Today, his opinion now is that they Have a Problem a Big One! They are taking All the construction jobs and increasing in numbers over night!
Emergency rooms full of non-insured, schools filled with kids whose parents don't pay taxes, babies born here....yada yada!
This Tolerance of illegal action is gonna drowned us all!
Beware the Trojan Horse of Tolerance!!
Tattoo'd piece of Mierta!
You did list China in this thread topic and I am telling you that Cuba just leased OIL drilling rights to China, 25 miles off of the coast of Key West Florida.
US law and Jeb Bush mandates oil rigs be a minimum of 125 miles from our Beautiful Florida Coastline. So, that left These sights available to Cuba, as our international boundry is 12 miles off shore.
What can I say, it is TRUE.
In Irving TX the police stopped enforcing auto insurance laws because LULAC filed complaints and accused the city of racism. One of my friends got his car totalled by a drunken illegal alien with no insurance. All of our rates go up thanks
Woman here in San Diego was killed by an illegal (no insurance)in an auto crash, he took off running!
Gee, i guess that explains my insurance rates!
>>>I'd imagine the vast, vast, vast majority of crime is committed by whites first. then other non-hispanics
Sorry, not to be racist here, but facts are facts, and 70% of the crime in the US (and the prison population) is *non-whites*, and it is also not hispanic. As a matter of fact, most demographers lump hispanics under "white" in order to keep the non-white crime statistic from going up to 80%.
Read the data. When you here the ACLU and other "rights groups" complain about 70% of their people being in prison, you can see what is happening.
Sure whites commit crimes to, but not in the majority.
Throughout the history, economies strived on slaves, i.e. people doing low-skilled jobs. Illegal immigrants are slaves of the 21st century. Why should this great country be motivated to get rid of them?
To all my fellow HP'ers preceeding my comment, I hear you all and I've heard these sad stories about relatives, friends killed by an illegal, no insurance, not paying taxes, on welfare, will continue to come if amnesty is given, etc. What the f'ck is the solution. We are all good in whining, but we're not creative enough to provide a realistic solution.
Keith, for a change, why don't you post a question; Given the illegal immigartion problem we have now, what realistic solution would you offer if you are a policy maker?
Let's debate that based on the premise.
Hearing from all of your whining is becoming boring. New creative ideas is what we want to hear. Border Security first is one great step. What's next.
It's simple. If you are illegal, you get deported
This is one of my favorite issues in the housing bubble. It's not just the Mexicans. The real bad guys screwing around with house prices are from damn near everywhere except the U.S. Wait until the shit really hits the fan and you see the big scams involving rings of people and hundreds of properties. I'm sure you'll be hard pressed to find an Anglo name at the defense table. My bet is heavy on places like Vietnam, Pakistan, Egypt, FSU (like that lying little twerp in Sacremento). I swear, in the past two years I was going postal on a daily basis reading these f***ing stories about the XYZChingchang family or some such who came to this country with nothing but an incipient case of HIV and now owns 25 houses which he rents out to Americans who can't or won't buy because he outbid them. The American Dream: worked great for those guys.
Why are ANY of them allowed to buy property in this country.
Let me be clear. Africoon Americoons are SEVENTY times more likely to murder than White Americans (excluding hispanics).
Mexicans are at least six times more likely to kill than European White Americans. Niggers are four times more likely to kill their children than White Americans.
There must be a chart out there somewhere showing the inverse correlation of declining home sales to a rise in contemptible racist commentary on blogs such as this.
There is no need to speculate on racial crime statistics. American Renaissance periodically publishes a report called The Color of Crime. According to the report, Blacks actually outnumber Whites in prisons.
It is not flattering to diversity folks.
Prison population 2003
White: 35%
Black: 44.1%
Hisp: 19%
other: 1.9%
"It's simple. If you are illegal, you get deported." We all know that, but HOW. How are we going to deport the 12 million?
Your comment is as simple as your brain.
Keith I'm glad you out it out there. Now is our chance to tell our representatives that we will not settle for a status quo or inaction. We want solution. We all know the problem and what it has caused.
Remember folks, for every day that our border is not secure, is another day that we are vulnerable to terrorists. For every day that we don't demand for solution so as to correct the problem, is another day that our kids would have to deal with the burden. For every day that we don't do nothing is another day of economic burden to our resources.
For cryin' out loud, let's have an intelligent debate and set aside racial slurs. We all know that majority of them are brown skin. So what, we can't change their color, can we? Unless you're Michael Jackson, maybe.
I'll give you my first comment regarding the premise that "if we give them amnesty, they will be more that will follow." When you initiate reform, you're trying to correct the PAST. You want to have an air tight policy so that the mistakes of the past will not be repeated. Therefore, if we have a reform now that will curtail future illegal migration, then perhaps there will be a lot less that would be able to come in. In manufacturing, you call it continuous improvement. Your goal is to reduce the incidence of failure to ZERO and that's what we need.
How are we going to deport 12 million?
One at a time if we have to!
"One at a time if we have to!"
Why not! After all, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - right.
You know that there's an opportunity for you to ask a different question that seeks solution to the problem, but instead, you're trying to put more fuel to the fire. Common, you know better than that.
"Ten years from now, we would still be in the same position..."
Yes we will if we embrace a status quo (do nothing) attitude.
The illegal immigrants that you hate so much, Keith, have probably all worked harder in their lives than you ever will and contribute more to their new country than you do in England.
Illegal immigration should be dealt with, but not in the terms you write about it.
Deal with the reality of your racist prejudices.
You know that there's an opportunity for you to ask a different question that seeks solution to the problem,
Yes, that question is " what do we do with the american traitors who defend foreign criminals, immediate death or a life of slavery in the lettuce fields?" Tough question, I don't think we're going to need very much lettuce so let's go with that mass execution idea. Just think, free pet food and fertilizer for all americans and many new jobs at the processing plants.
New creative ideas is what we want to hear. Border Security first is one great step. What's next.
Was that creative enough for you? I have many others.
There are alot of white folks in Russia and that country would probably have no problem doing what you propose. I suggest you move there.
"Deal with the reality of your racist prejudices. "
Tabasco, you're so quick to label as "racist" anyone with a differing view.
This flood of illegals affects poor blacks and whites the most, then middle class working Americans. The elites just gain a steady supply of housekeepers, nannies & gardeners, and needn't live among them. Many middle class have fled close-in neighborhoods and taken on long commutes due to deteriorating quality of life due to illegals. Illegals have also contributed to the housing bubble by paying the outlandish prices for SFH and converting to multi-family dwellings. These are some "realities" and they transcend race and affect a wide swath of Americans.
What do you have against native-born, working class Americans, and why do you think they should suffer displacement and declining quality of life because of illegals?
Canada has guest worker program for its Ag. business.
We don't want that because Businesses in te US WANT illegals because they can USE them.
And the gov. wants what business wants.
Everybody knows this right?
Business wants a steady stream of people who are trapped into low-paying jobs.
They can't get proper documentation so can't do things that would help them to "get ahead".
As someone above said,they are the slaves of modern America.
Big business has always wanted slaves. Slavery is now illegl in the US but "illegal" immigration is not illegal. Yet.
The only way for it to stop is through an outcry of citizens.
The gov. wants what business wants and business wants undocumented workers who are trapped in low paying jobs.
The gov. is happy to have the American taxpayer foot the bill for their health care- much better than business having to chip in!
All I hear is anger and real anger, but know intelligent ideas to solve the problem. Anger alone is not going to do squat. Need to hear intelligent solutions in order to have an exciting debate.
Up yours TaBimbo Jenkins. You're the one trying to preserve the status quo. Deal with your racism first. Put your money where your mouth is and pay the bills these illegals cause instead of coming here and spewing out your verbal masturbations on why we shouldn't enforce our own laws. You have a bright future as a spokesman for MS-13.
What I hate most is how illegal Mexicans FORCE builders to hire them over whites for less money and then pocket the difference as profit instead of passing on the savings to buyers.
How they FORCE homeowners not to ask questions about the legal status of their gardener/maid/nanny.
How they FORCE stores not to charge them any taxes when making any purchase.
How they FORCE schools to teach their children counterproductive and useless to society things - like reading.
How they FORCE hospitals to not let them die in emergency rooms from communicable disease which they can easily spread to the rest of us if left untreated.
How they FORCE multinational corporations to dump low-cost goods and subsidized agriculture on their country to the point that it's either walk north or starve.
Man it's great being an illegal immigrant!!!
anon 1:00:06
i agree except the the taxes part when the illegals make purchases. i think you're a bit overboard there. are you telling me that an illegal buys 7% less than what i would pay for - say a pack of cigarettes?
anon 1:00:06 >>> Are you telling me that an illegal buys 7% less than what i would pay for - say a pack of cigarettes?
I think he's saying that even though everyone always say's illegals don't pay taxes, they actually have to pay the same exact taxes everyone else does. I don't see a line at Walmart that say's "Tax-Free Line - Illegals ONLY" And how exactly do they tell their low-wage paying employer "Hey don't withhold taxes from my paycheck - I'm an illegal" and the employer then says' "Oh OK - no taxes deducted from you".
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