“They claim to be supporting freedom but they support the most tyrannical governments in the world to pursue their own interests,” he said. “They talk about human rights while maintaining the most notorious prisons. Those powers that do not abide by God and follow evil are the main source of all the current problems of mankind.”
September 01, 2006
Bush talking about Ahmadinejad or Ahmadinejad talking about Bush? Wadda ya think?
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Easy. Ahmadinejad talking about Bush.
Ahmadinejad talking about Bush. Very obvious.
I think Ahmadinejad has shown a willingness to talk while bush maintains his "bring it on" rhetoric.
Bush MUST have a another war.
Order through Chaos.
GREATER POOP: Is Eris true?
MALACLYPSE THE YOUNGER: Everything is true.
GP: Even false things?
M2: Even false things are true.
GP: How can that be?
M2: I don't know man, I didn't do it
In Iraq under Hussian 1 out of 300 in prison. USA 1 out of 75 in prison isn't freedom great! Keep talking Bush, the more you talk the lower you go.
Maybe you missed this one on the duck dot thread (no no ANON not duck duck goose...sit down and wait for your turn)
....hey but that is characteristic ANON style here a HP - read what only fits into a small box.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is set to conclude its investigation of the World Trade Center complex by analyzing if bombs brought down WTC 7, the 47 story skyscraper that was not hit by a plane yet collapsed in a controlled demolition style in under seven seconds.
NIST today released a page on its website that is intended to answer skeptic's questions about why the towers and WTC 7 were the first and only three buildings to collapse from fire damage alone.
Though the vast majority of the NIST rebuttal seeks to reinforce the notion that the twin towers were brought down from nothing other than jetliner impacts and heavy fires, NIST makes the admission that investigation into WTC 7 has been insufficient and that they are now, "considering whether hypothetical blast events could have played a role in initiating the collapse."
This guy makes Bush look like a moron. It's really embarrassing to this country.
I make Bush look like a moron...or Ahmadinejad makes Bush look like a moron...or Bush makes Bush look like a moron...or the Anons make Bush look like a moron...or BUsh makes anons look like the morons...I think the last is applicable.
Everyone should watch the documentary Protocols Of Zion.
I think our beloved President is still thinking what he is gonna say; like his typical - uh uhhhh!
Bush collecting his thoughts (will some few minutes) and about to say - do not MISUNDERESTIMATE the power of the U.S.of A.
richard appears to be a bush lemming. So sorry to hear that. Bush, in his wildest dreams couldn't make anons look like morons. Common losers like you, yeah, he probably could.
Ah, Bush just give him a French kiss oh sorry I meant a freedom kiss. I see lust in his eyes, don't suppress your feelings.
I am not a Bush fan, but at least Bush means well, at least he has his heart in the right place.
Ahmadinejad is a nazi.
That picture gives me a good idea about next years Valentines card to Keith!
Thinker - huh?
BUsh is a member of skull and bones.
According to Bones members interviewed by Alexandra Robbins for her book Secrets of The Tomb [p. 5], members dine off a set of Hitler's silverware while in the tomb, consuming expensive gourmet meals with each other over the span of the year. Members are given new code names. The members call themselves "Knights," and simultaneously call everyone else in the world at large "barbarians". Another dissociation is that clocks in the Bones "tomb" run intentionally five minutes ahead of the rest of the world, to give the members an ongoing sense that the Bonesmen's space is a totally separate world — and a world just a bit ahead of the curve of the rest of the "barbarians" outside.
Richard said... "NIST today released a page on its website that is intended to answer skeptic's questions about why the towers and WTC 7 were the first and only three buildings to collapse from fire damage alone."
If you REALLY stretch your imagination, you can conceivably believe that World Trade Center 1 and 2 collapsed as a direct result of the impact and fire damage caused when airliners crashed into them. After all, these two buildings were of an entirely unique design: They were composed of central cores, surrounded by wide open space, with all other support beams surrounding the outer perimeters. Even though jet fuel does not burn hot enough to melt steel, we were told that jet fuel created fires intense enough to cause these two buildings to collapse into neat, tidy little piles of rubble -- as though they were taken down by controlled demolition.
Even if the official "impact and fire" story regarding the collapse of the North and South towers is true, it still doesn't explain how Building 7 managed to collapse later in the day, when it had only very minor fire damage. Unfortunately, the area was labeled a crime scene and all structural evidence was carted away and destroyed.
TT no argument here. You are correct.
So why did they blow up WTC 7 if it would raise suspicions? Did they really need that one to go up too? Weren't WTC1 and 2 enough?
Or were the exposed wires just too much to have to explain later?
But why'd they wire it in the first place if they knew planes wouldn't crash into it?
Something doesn't make sense.
Steel doesn't have to melt to fail. Not even close.
Thinker, it isn't really very thoughtful to judge people by whether there "heart is in the right place", wouldn't you say?
Please anon, do not apply logic to the WTC buildings collapse, that only muddies up the conspiracy. Just let go of the logic side of your brain and you will see the light.
Anon said "So why did they blow up WTC 7 if it would raise suspicions? Did they really need that one to go up too? Weren't WTC1 and 2 enough?"
Don't go asking questions that the tinfoil hat club can't answer. It puts them in a tizzy.
"Steel doesn't have to melt to fail. Not even close."
Stop the presses!! - we have a genius amongst us.
But why'd they wire it in the first place if they knew planes wouldn't crash into it?
remember,one of those planes didn't make it.a good hit man always removes all witnesses,in this case a wired building?????
Richard - I have to ask you (again) to not threadjack every single HP thread with 9/11 conspiracy. OK, we got it. You're boring the blog and not adding value.
And Keith you are boring me with your repeated posts regarding Iran and Bush.
I get it... now move on keith.
I read it. Cff the charts scary.
Most people on this blog have no idea of the behind the scenes work...only thing they can say is "conspiracy theorist" or "bleeding heart liberals" ...and when facts get in the way they resort to name calling.
This group includes our moderator Keith as well.
Richard: I so agree.
Bushco 'has his heart in the right place'? The mind boggles!
The time has long since passed where reasonable people could disagree about W being a sniggering fratboy frontman for a heinous, unlawful cabal of warmongers and greedhead worldkillers.
So the fickle frontrunning Sheeple have turned on BushCo. ONLY TOOK MANY YEARS OF SPYING, LYING AND DYING, A CLEANED-OUT TREASURY, AND MULTIPLE STOLEN ELECTIONS. Am I supposed to be PROUD of you 'conservatives' for abandoning ship?
As long as the Sheeple keep calling Ahmadinejad an 'Islamofascist,' I'll know the One Party Kleptocracy has control of the 'framing' situation...
"Fascism is a radical totalitarian political philosophy that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism." -- Wiki
Well garsh, that doesn't sound like any countries I know. But as Frank Luntz would tell me to say, '9-11 changed everything.'
The Sheeple: Who's Frank Luntz?
BushCo: Perrrrrfect.
Richard- What is your full name ,Be honest,and what is your current address.TRy to ignore this request Richard,it's a trick question.Anyway Richard,I am glad you are commenting at this blog.
The inner columns were undamaged above,and below the impact.The collapse if possible,and if natural would have been of a partial nature.Building 7 which is said to have come down do to debris from the north and south towers had a similar building between itself and the towers,yet that particular building did not fall.This points to the lack of damage done to neighboring buildings,or the neatness,and identical nature of the collapses of the two towers.This brings up more questions.The two impacts varied widely from trajectory,remaining fuel,speed,placement,etc.Yet these two buildings came down to their roots without assistance,falling at freefall rates.These were extraordinay buildings with 600 times redundency.I watched a high level fire on the First Interatate building in Los Angeles burn for a day at 16 floors.It still stands.The fire was much hotter,on more levels.100 of those jets couldn't cause those towers to colappse in that fashion.Not even 747s.
"The two impacts varied widely from trajectory, remaining fuel, speed, placement, etc.Yet these two buildings came down to their roots without assistance, falling at freefall rates."
Yes, the impacts. Now there's another interesting topic: The Mohamed Atta Flying Circus. These guys couldn't even fly a Cessna, yet they flew hijacked jet airliners for hundreds of miles -- with minimal instrument training -- through the clouds and hit their targets. And all of this took place without intervention from the US air force.
What's next? Will Pussy Galore fly over Fort Knox, releasing nerve gas from canisters mounted under the wings of her plane? This sounds more probable than what we are supposed to believe regarding the nine-eleven event.
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