I heard the croc guy bit it - very poetically however. I heard 10,000+ bit it at Intel. I heard Bill Ford FINALLY bit it. I heard Iran bit the hand of Kofi. And I heard many more keep biting it during the Iraq Civil War.
What else did I miss? Lereah, Bush or Toll say anything corrupt/stupid/crazy/laughable?
September 06, 2006
Been running around England for a couple of days. Haven't kept up with the news. What'd I miss?
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Keith, This should catch you up on the HB News..
Here's the link again, thats first post will get you everytime..
We Americans could care less about a tax evading limy like yourself.
I've reported you to the IRS as I believe that your are not paying taxes (both in Britian and USA) on the advertising revenue recevied fom this blog.
We love you Keith! Welcome back!
Bubble Meter Blog
It's not going to fall. Everybody who is out is hoping for a big fall so they can buy cheap, but it's just not going to happen.
The guy who bought my house bit it. HeHe.
This is obviously not big news compaired to the crock guy getting killed but here goes anyway..Another small swipe at the dollar.
Argentina and Brazil Plan to Junk Dollar
Another small swipe at the dollar.
This week, Brazil and Argentina have taken the first effective step since the foundation of Mercosur in 1991, towards the creation of a common currency, they have decided to act on a project aimed at not using the US dollar as a bilateral interchange currency.
Starting 2007 their bilateral interchange will be compensated in pesos and reales.
Ministers Felisa Miceli (Economy Minister, Argentina) and Guido Mantega (Internal Economy – Hacienda -, Brazil) both stand behind the projcet.
"Five or six years ago there were no conditions for this", emphasized Miceli, while Mantega explained the project was impelled by the two biggest Mercosur partners in a specialized ministerial meeting celebrated in Rio de Janeiro, because together they concentrate the greatest regional interchange parcel.
"We are looking at a volume of commerce of about 20,000 million dollars per year", mentioned Mantega.
We Americans could care less about a tax evading limy like yourself.
I've reported you to the IRS as I believe that your are not paying taxes (both in Britian and USA) on the advertising revenue recevied fom this blog.
careful anonopuss when you say we..you dont represent me,,and do me a favor tell the IRS I said___off! you fill in the blank.
Welcome back baby! :^}
Keith wants America to fail. Why? He is the #3 man in Al-Qaeda. Recently, he went to England to assess the recent failing terrorist attempts.
Someone, pls call RUMfelsz!
Some guy bought a corndog for $500 after Britney Spears bit it.
Anon September 06, 2006 1:48:59 AM
Sorry - hope you're not one of the last suckers in. But who exactly do you think is going to buy all of the $700K shacks out there? Prices will fall because investors are no longer sweeping up excess inventory and driving up prices. The smart ones have already gotten out. The market cannot sustain housing that is beyond the reach of most workers and investors cannot charge more for rental than the average worker can pay. My roommate from college got her realtor license 13 months ago and hasn't sold a thing. She's basically working for free. It's on baby!
My boss's daughter, just out of high school is in real estate school now! She never was too brite!
She may do well, no personality at all.......but what a set!
Keith is a whiny jackass who has nothing going for him other than delighting in the misfortunes of others. I'll stick to Ben's boring blog.
Ford bit it for supporting the gay agenda and losing major market share to GM and Chrysler as a result. He can still find comfort on the Left Coast.
Listen to this one.
Paying Cash for a Home Carries Risks
Q DEAR BOB: I plan on paying cash for my next residence. Are there any hidden dangers in paying cash? -- Mark N.
A DEAR MARK: Please don't do that unless you are (1) very wealthy, (2) will be spending cash you never need to see again and (3) can afford to tie up a large amount of cash in one asset.
A better alternative is to pay a 20 percent or 25 percent cash down payment and obtain a fixed-rate 15- or 30-year mortgage for the balance of the purchase price. Then, just in case you have purchased a bad house or a bad condo, you won't have all your nest egg tied up. After a few years of owning and living in the home, if all turns out well, then you can pay off the mortgage. (Of course, be sure it doesn't have a prepayment penalty.)
I still recall a nightmare letter I received a few years ago from a retiree who bought her retirement condo for all cash. Only after moving in did she discover that the complex was badly managed and occupied by about 50 percent renters, who caused many problems.
When she tried to sell her condo, she discovered that mortgage lenders either refused to loan to new buyers or charged high interest rates because of the high risk with so many renters. The only way she could get her cash out was to sell to another all-cash sucker.
Nothing wrong with his three statements.
(1) very wealthy,
(2) will be spending cash you never need to see again and
(3) can afford to tie up a large amount of cash in one asset.
This following statement almost suggest it better to do a SHORT SELL then to stay in a bad investment.
"Then, just in case you have purchased a bad house or a bad condo, you won't have all your nest egg tied up."
Does that sound ethnical?
But then he gives an example story relate to a cash deal.
"I still recall a nightmare letter I received a few years ago..."
How does the story relates to a cash deal?
It was a simple case of buying in a bad location and has nothing to do with paying cash for a house.
Isn't the first rule of buying a house.
Keith is a whiny jackass who has nothing going for him other than delighting in the misfortunes of others. I'll stick to Ben's boring blog.
What is that old saying ...hmm wait i know
"Then Screw" and stop posting no one cares what you think.
You missed all the unsold, unbuild inventory increasing even further. Have a look at the "progess" web cam on this site:
Please keep in mind, they broke ground over 1 year ago, and so far all I see is a bunch of weeds where there should be townhomes.
With an average salary of $36,000 in Tampa Bay, most cannot afford townhomes "from the high 500's". Sounds simple enough, yet these idiots don't get it.
>>Ford bit it for supporting the gay agenda and losing major market share to GM and Chrysler as a result. He can still find comfort on the Left Coast.<<
Not really, since most of the people out here drive Toyotas (Lexus), Hondas, and Nissan. American made, mind you since a lot of the US carmakers moved to Mexico
I can't help but wonder if Bill Ford stepped down now because he doesn't want his legacy to be that he was the Ford in charge when the company his grandfather founded and made so successful went down the Chapter 11 tubes. BTW, I hate their "Bold Moves" bullshit ads that focus on some stupid scenario rather than their product. (Yeah right, like any man with his nutsack intact would go on a picnic at the beach with his ex-wife??) just tell me about the damned car already.
It's not going to fall. Everybody who is out is hoping for a big fall so they can buy cheap, but it's just not going to happen.
It's already happening, sweetcheeks.
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