So I like to break up the housing bubble meltdown with some world meltdown every now and then. I think it all goes together, so stone me.
As a betting man, here's my WWIII odds to win:
Bible: 2 to 1
Qur'an: 3 to 1
Talmud: 20 to 1
The Bible has better weapons, even though the Qur'an has some crazy ass martyrs. Unfortunately the Talmud is just outgunned, and would need a miracle.
Place your bets!
(Aw, come on, you gotta love HP - it doesn't get more politically incorrect than this one does it?)
August 11, 2006
WWIII: The Bible vs. the Qur'an vs. the Talmud. Let's get it on!
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There will be no winners, but gained wisdom.
Matt 26: "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."
I like long shots
Talmud - I'll take action there
Remember what we said during the intervention, Keith. Post, then drink. Not drink, then post.
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you....
As oil and gas become ever more expensive and hard to get, all three will be great to burn for fuel.
Hey....if Keith is in Britain who can blame him for having a couple of pints. They have the best pubs and beer over there.
All we have over here is bear wiz beer and mostly stupid corporate owned restaurants/bars with no personality.
Can you believe that the the jews really do think they are the chosen ones and christian preachers agree... wow.
You forgot:
The Origin of Species
that is the first religious manual for the athiest.
oh...didn't you know, they can be dogmatic too. in fact most of them are of this stripe.
They profess to be well balanced, thinkers, etc......
gotta go with no winners.
8 in 10 gotz 2 go.
Overshoot, Catton - 1984
My money is on Jesus as well... he's alrady proven that he can't be killed!
J3 The Revenge!
From my first hand observations and study:
Allah or Jesus?
Muslims believe in something that is the polar opposite of Christianity.
Muslim works (good vs. bad deeds on the scale of life) to get to heaven vs. Christian grace to get to heaven.
Muslim conversion by man vs. Christian conversion by spirit (grace).
Muslim "moon god" vs. Christian "Son god."
Muslim "Allah's will" vs. Christian "free choice."
Mohammed himself was a cruel man who committed numerous atrocities and created a religion based not on love, but cruelty to non-believers (as per his own words in the Koran). And, that god will attract all that worship at the altar of depravity, cruelty, torture, and death to others.
Personally, I liked this distinction attributed to John Ashcroft:
Christians believe God sent his only son to die for you.
Allah demands Muslims send their only son to die for him.
It is also important to note the Western-Christian world view dealing with the issues of guilt and salvation, a concept that is completely unimportant in the East and to Muslims.
Instead, for Muslims, great importance is given to "honor." I consider that to be the huge crux of the differences and I believe it is extraordinarily underestimated how many Islamists consciously or unconsciously attempt to restore lost honor through violent methods.
It is critical to remember that in Islam you can’t simply ask Allah for forgiveness, he requires action not remorse. Mohammed was a prophet and not a savior so you can’t ask him for salvation either.
However the Koran does offer a path to salvation and redemption through jihad. Engaging in jihad is the only way to be forgiven for all your past sins and regain "lost honor." And it is also interesting to note that for most women, this is unattainable.
Marky Mark
6.6 bilion in the world. About 1.3 billion retard or extreme mythology beleiver of all 3 books are holding back human progress.
Just like it happens to the "retarded" neanthedal. I expect this 1.3 billion retard to dissapear.
I expect the greater middle east to go under a mushroom cloud. Yep, the economy will be bad - $10 a gallon of gas.
But then will transition into the post oil world. Humans have always adapt and will always adapt, because of computer #1 -the brain. So I actually expect abright and shiny future once the retards are thinned out.
Very good post Marky Mark!
Thank you!
My money is on Madonna....and that old bitch still has a fine ass.
I'd hate to be her kid. All his pals will come by and want to pull a Stifler's mom on her.
Don't want no black Messiah
To come and set the world on fire
The Kinks
Hmmm, Stalin was an atheist, yet he managed to kill upwards of 30 million. HItler too was an atheist - how many did he kill? What about Mao and Pol Pot?
Seems like the most prolific killers of the past 100 years were all atheists.
Yet the brainwashed retards of the left haven't figured this out.
The Muzzies have a chance to catch up with the atheists this century though. They wouldn't want their moon-god to come in second place in any contest.
Hmmm. Some leftist retard thinks the religious are going to 'disappear'. Said leftist retard hasn't checked the demographics.
The religious have higher birth rates than retard atheists.
Can leftist retard figure out what that means?
I put my money on the Mormons. . .they will just sit in their nuke-proof Utah mountains with their 1 year supply of food and water, and wait all the rest of the world out. . .hmmm. . .in answer to the previous "next bubble" question - maybe Land in Utah???
as we know, the literacy rate in America is going down, so it doesn't matter what the odds are, because number of readers will be so small that nobody, essentially, reads any of them.
Hmmm. Some leftist retard thinks the religious are going to 'disappear'. Said leftist retard hasn't checked the demographics.
The religious have higher birth rates than retard atheists.
Can leftist retard figure out what that means?
"--YEAP -- As you call us "lefty - atheist,etc" -Have figured it out. That is why you 1.3 billion mythological/magical believer are causing this mess - If it is not a jesus freak, is an allah head, or an moses head all saying they are right and everybody is wrong. -- You mythological believers need to be thin out. And thru out history, faith based - non-reality folks are usually thin out very well while they wait for their chosen one to reveal itself.
You are holding back human progress, with your "honor", "redemptiom","sin" issues. Instead of focusing on how to be a compassionate person and be you brother's keeper.
Religion: Kills Folks Dead
The Great and Powerful Humungous requires your gazoline!
The problem w/ the chinese are that they killed all their baby girls and are left w/ a bunch of dudes. A high population "sword fighters" will impload @ least those crazy muzzies can get those 72 virgins to look forward to. Or was that 72 raisens? You forgot to mention the millions of Hindus. They have an army of reincarnated animals that can fight for them. Cows, rats, monkeys how do you fight against that? My vote is for option D, Hindus.
This thread shares the same deep existential dilemma as the age-old question"
"Daddy? Or Chips?"
the winners of this "race" will be the dead. The losers will be the ones left in a world of shit.
"Christians believe God sent his only son to die for you."
Hmmm, didnt god leave us earthlings hangin' by bringing his only son HOME?
isnt god supposed to be "perfect"? how come he is jealous and vengeful against us stupid humans. sounds like he has issues:^)
hitler was not an atheist but a vegetarian (a scary religion). also, italian "peace" activist (pro palestinian) killed in east jerusalem by arab knifeman (in the back of course). way to go islam you cowardly retarted fucks.
I'll bet on the holy bibble - it's got those wierd davey and goliath cartoons on it's side. also, can you think of anything more awe inspiring or twisted as nailing a dude to a cross? oh yeah, and bingo and weak coffee.
Jesus comes back. converts to Islam. Leads the earth under peace and justice. God takes away all good people and leaves the worst. then the world ends. Winner: Islam.
It is difficult to be rational under these circumstances. It is all emotions and non sense.
It seems to me that the JEWS are always the winners. If history is any guide they have always used other people to do the fighting for them.
It was the muslims who saved their asses from the Crusading Europeans in Spain and Jerusalem. Now they are using the Christian fundamentalists to do the fighting for them against the Muslims.
The Jews will be the last ones left standing and laughing. There is some truth to what Mel Gibson said. They do really rule this country. One can't say anything negative against Jew or even the truth but it is ok to mock Christians and Muslims. We should listen to Pat Buchanan and think once in a while.
How did we lose our country to the zionist movement ?
the jews can fight their own battles and are actually fighting ours for us against islamo-nazis. you are another blame the jew racist fuck. pat buchanan? you are an idiot aren't you.
It seems to me you're the fucking lefty idiot. Pat Buchanan is not a racist, he just says it like it is. Straight shooter. No spinning and BS correctness. It's people like you fucking lefties responsible for this mess. Face the truth like it or nor.
well you said it - think for yourself - not like pat buchanan. looks like thinking for yourself is easy to say but when you have to actually do it you can only quote a dipshit like pat buchanan. i'm not a lefty, just someone who can think for himself.
Israel has U.S. on its side, so there's no contest. U.S. and Israel will win.
ohh lookout, theres a JEW! run befor he makes you fight a war for him, or eats your baby or steals your money. DUMBASS!
Mel Gibson & Pat Buchanan huh? Wow what an intellectual powerhouse to rally behind. i repeat - DUMBASS!
How's this for straight shooting - your a DUMBASS!
I'm sorry, since I'm a lefty I just realized how unfair and unloving I've just been. Please accept my humble apology as I did not mean to offend you or Mel Gibson or Pat Buchanan, I'm sure that if I can just negotiate with you and give you concessions you will love me. Oh, by the way - DUMBASS!
can't stop blogging...must resist temptation...must be strong...taking over my fingers...resorting to namecalling...DUMBASS! opps, that just slipped out, I'll stop now, promise.
Jews will be defeated. There will come a day when Muslims will fight them in the land of Palestine. True Jews are aware of the Muslim prophet Muhammad's saying that the day will come when even rocks will tell the Muslim fighter there is a Jew hiding behind me, except Boxthorn (a plant). Boxthorn will not tell the Muslim there is a Jew hiding behind it. There are millions of boxthorn plants in Israel, and Israel is constantly planting more. Only a true Jew knows this. Good luck.
someones been boxthorning you upside the head. holy shit retard, if thats a preview of islamic critical thinking then the wars over for you allready. Lookout! Jew masquerading as boxthorn, put on your tinfoil hat and blow your ass up!
you heard it here first folks, boxthorn the kryptonite of muslims - we win!
Newsflash! Israeli scientists come up with secret weapon in the war against Islam: Invisibility suits made out of boxthorn. Now we can finish our conquest of the world - bwahahahaha!
will we forget all this crap once most of us die in an exchange of nukes?
what the quran forgets to mention is that when you get to heaven the 72 virgins you've been promised all look like phyllis diller. also, virgins are notoriously bad lays.
thats the best posting very funny. I picked up a copy of the sun super intersting topic about armagedon . to make a long story short. president of iran is suppose to be invited to isreal for peace talk in august 18,2006 instead of peace talk he states that he is antichrist! sent by satan to destroy christin and jews. anyone know anything about investing in gold.
Hitler wasn't actually a vegetarian, that was some Goebbels PR to make it seem as if if Hitler was austere & stoic.
If the Jews can take care of themselves & fight their own battles, why are we giving them billions in aid/weapons? Israelis are merely "playing country", and couldn't exist without the US. If the middle east isn't reduced to radioactive rubble, the ragheads will win the womb warfare-- Israelis, save for the minority Orthodox, are not having children at replacement rates.
Why has this country gone spiralling down? The meddlesome tribe /Frankfurt school bunch has culturally polluted this country and the neocons are just the latest
Hitler wasn't actually a vegetarian, that was some Goebbels PR to make it seem as if if Hitler was austere & stoic.
If the Jews can take care of themselves & fight their own battles, why are we giving them billions in aid/weapons? Israelis are merely "playing country", and couldn't exist without the US. If the middle east isn't reduced to radioactive rubble, the ragheads will win the womb warfare-- Israelis, save for the minority Orthodox, are not having children at replacement rates.
Why has this country gone spiralling down? The meddlesome tribe /Frankfurt school bunch has culturally polluted this country and the neocons are just the latest
we give the arabs aid by buying their oil when we could be energy independant by investing the one trillion dollars we spent on iraq on alternative energy resources. we give the jews aid because they are the only "democracy" in the area and help us protect our oil lifeline. also, the jews are a little pissed at the world trying to kill them all so now they are ready and willing to kick major arab ass if need be and any other motherfucker calling for their elimination.
The JEWS can take care of themselves ??
Give me a break
They couldn't even defeat the HIZbulaah with all the US made weapons and advanced artillary.
We had to rush a plain load of Bombs and bunker busting stuff and they still can't finish off the job. And now they want even more military gear. Shit, we give these guys more gear than we even give to our own troops in Irak.
if 4 weeks of targeted airstrikes with the gloves on so as to limit civilian casualties is your idea of failure then the american military in iraq is the biggest failure in all of history. the israelis could have wiped them out a lot sooner if they would have gone in full bore. they cant fight like the americans or anyone else for that matter because all the antisemites in the world would be up in arms if civilians get killed on the same level as the civilians the americans killed in iraq. the jews realize they have to fight not only all the crazy ass islamists surrounding them but have to wage a bullshit pr campaign to placate the jew hating western press as well. they could wipe out the mohammed fuckers overnight if they wanted to.
also, if ahmadinejad doesnt shut the fuck up about wiping israel off the map the israelis will soon drop a nuke or two on his sorry ass and unfortunately plunge us into ww3. in the mean time we can all go on about how islam is a peacefful religion and we should tolerate muslims in our country while they plot our demise in their american mosques. moderate muslim = silenced muslim. for the truth
My money is on The Lord Jesus Christ Son of God! Anyone who can take that kind of a beating, humiliation, and bloodshed only to Rise one Bad MamaJama! All the rest are pikers!
"Jew hating western press"
Ha! Now that's a laugh! Who's a Jew-hater? Frank Rich? Charles Krauthammer? Tom Friedman? To deny that the press is heavily Jewish is like denying the housing bubble. Then there's the goyim "amen corner", not wanting to bite the hand that feeds them, like the Israeli ass-kissers on Faux News. I have heard that jug eared dope E.D. Hill slip several times and say "we" or "us" when discussing Israeli tactics.
The press is nearly as Jewish as Hollywood, though there are some non-Zionist Jewish leftist journalists who are more objective. We hear the whining about the anti-Jew press from those who squeak loudest--they believe the press isn't sufficiently pro-Israel, i.e; 100%.
I heard some Jewish woman at a party last night complaining that Joe Lieberman had not been a good supporter of Israel!
you're a jew hater. the western press is biased towards the so called "palestinians" especially the BBC. 200 rockets a day rain down indiscriminately on israel and maybe a mention or two with one photot bit israel hits a building where rockets are being launched and the lyibg bastards hezbollah claim scores of innocent civilians dead only to find out later it's a lie and all the photots were faked by lying arab photojoubalist. your a jew hater idiot falling for their propaganda.
the backward stone age barbarians called arabs will continue to waste their resources and lives hating and killing jews as their mullahs promised hitler while the rest of the world embraces the new century. get a clue you hate filled mohammed fuckers.
Wait until the balance of power shifts in USA and Congress doesn't prop-up Israel. You don't think Latinos, etc., (the "multiculturals" whose agenda was pushed by American Jews, in no small part) are gonna want their kids dying for Israel, do you? We're in Iraq thanks to Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith and their barnacles, the dispensationalsit fundies...not WMD! More likely those SCUDS that Iraq lobbed into Israel made Iraq enemy #1, and AIPAC rolled-up it's sleeves, just waiting for the most tenuous excuse to prod USA to action. 9/11 had no Iraq connection, but they reached for the WMD contrivance, and what the hell if later debunked?--"Mission accomplished!" Shortly after our Iraq "cakewalk" began, these "geniuses" were rubbing their hands together and drooling over Iran & Syria. I clearly recall Wolfowitz talking about the "end of nations" just post-9/11. To which nations was he referring? You can bet your bottom bagel that "shitty little country" wasn't among them. And BTW, if you want to call anyplace "so called", as "Palestine", you might as well add "Israel" to the list.
I'm no Mohammedan-lover, by a LONG shot; I hate that my government sides with one group of crazy-ass semites over another. I hate that we support a country that takes billion$ in aid from us and spies on us. USA should have no part in that mess.
As far as news coverage, I think it's fair to say that far greater damage has been wrought on Lebanese civilians than on their Israeli counterparts, doctored photo notwithstanding.
oops, dispensationalsit=dispensationalist
(dispensationalshite, more like it!)
more damage to lebanese because hezbollah is mixed among the civilians. also, israelis built bomb shelters for their citizens - hezbollah built bomb shelters for themselves and do not give a shit about lebanese civilians. iraq has nothing to do with my argument against islam except the fact that iraq is a good example of islamic dipshits blowing each other up (shia vs. sunni). the jews dont blow each other up nor do they blow anyone else up unless attacked first. jews aren't trying to force their religion on anyone else just trying to live on their little tiny plot of sand without some crazy arab trying to kill them.
Lobbying on Iran, groups strive
to play down the Jewish angle
By Chanan Tigay
May 9, 2006
NEW YORK, May 10 (JTA) — With concern mounting over Iran’s atomic ambitions, the American Jewish community is lobbying intensively to ensure that the threat is taken seriously by the United States, the media and the world.
Careful to avoid giving the impression that it’s primarily an issue of Jewish or Israeli concern, however, U.S. Jewish groups are taking pains to highlight the greater regional and global threats posed by a nuclear Iran and its Holocaust-denying president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
“We have to mobilize public opinion in this country and around the word to understand the serious threat that this represents,” Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of President...
Subscribe to Jewish Times for full story.
What I encountered while in college (more than 10 years ago):
-When non-jews criticize Israel's foreign policy, they were automatically labeled "anti-semite," and "racist."
-When jews criticize the same Israel's foreign policy, they were "self-loathing jews."
It seemed like everything was/had to be so personal to them. I see that the general attitudes towards those critical of Israel's militarism hasn't changed much.
I'd just like to point out that a blind loyalty to Israel and its foreign policy is NOT the most loving thing to do, even for jews living in Israel or elsewhere, and the rest of the humanity.
“We have to mobilize public opinion in this country and around the word to understand the serious threat that this represents...”
Well, no one can argue that the Jews have a talent for "mobilizing" and influencing opinion and policy. Consider the term "holocaust". Who ever thinks of Stalin, or Pol Pot, the Armenians, etc, etc?
It's as if the term has been trademarked.
Ditto that.
1 Million Titsus were massacred in Rwanda in just 30 days while the Clinton administration was dancing around with the meaning of Genocide.
I wonder how the world would have reacted if they were Jews instead of Africans ? What term would we have used to describe it ?
just because the jews refuse to forget their genocide during ww2 doesn't mean it didnt happen to anyone else or that the jews are conspiring to cover it up. if the tutsis want the world to remember their holocaust then go for it but it's not the jews resposibility to take it on and just because westerners don't give a flying fuck about africans isn't the jews fault either. the choice is crystal clear - support a people whos culture is harmonious with modern western society and whos people contribute something to it, or support islamofascist fuckers who want you dead or converted and your women covered head to toe in sheets. easy choice retards.
"just because the jews refuse to forget their genocide during ww2 doesn't mean it didnt happen to anyone else..."
My point was that the Jews haven't let anyone forget their holocaust, to the point that it has been seared into consciousness as the only holcaust. It is to most, The Holocaust. It is tied to arguments for US support of Israel. I said that the Jews have a true talent for getting their message out. The ethnic cohesion, the well-funded political efforts & organization of powerful lobbies haven proven quite successful, indeed.
"if the tutsis want the world to remember their holocaust then go for it but it's not the jews resposibility..."
If the Jews want the world to remember their holocaust, they should be pleased as punch, because it certainly does, but why should it be the USA's responsibility to send billions of dollars/arms to Israel?
"the choice is crystal clear - support a people whos culture is harmonious with modern western society "
I do not argue the West's Judaeo-Christian tradition and I'm not up for a Clash of Civilization sidebar, now. Simply put, I see no reason for USA to be sending billions in military and other aid to Israel. I don't like American made bombs falling on Maronite neighborhoods- am I not entitled to a smidgen of religious cohesion? Do I lack some holocaust street cred? I don't like bombs falling on any innocents, Maronite, Mohammedan nor Jew, and it sickens me that I am forced to contribute, through taxes, to this madness. I would rather not support a country, despite cultural sympathies, whose interests are at odds with the best interests of my country, faith and morals.
Man, you HP Zionistas sure have some potty mouths! What stripe are you, Hebrew or Hagee? Is this caliber of discourse more representative of Yeshiva or Bob Jones?
Excerpt from article posted at, De-Zionization
What protects the Israel lobby is the fact that anyone who would denounce an opponent funded by the Lobby as a quasi-agent of a foreign power would immediately be accused of anti-Semitism. In fact, imagine that Big Business is unhappy with the current U.S. policies (as it well may be) and wants to change them--how could they do it? Any criticism of Lobby influence on U.S. policy would immediately trigger the anti-Zionism-is-anti-Semitism accusation.
So the strength of the Israel lobby resides in part in this second line of defense, which itself is linked to its influence on the media. But even that could easily be defeated -- not all the media are under the lobby's influence, and, more importantly, the media is not all-powerful: in Venezuela, it is anti-Chavez, but Chavez regularly wins elections. In France, the media were overwhelmingly in favour if the "yes" vote to the referendum on the European Constitution, yet the "no" won. The problem, and that is why the Israel lobby is so effective, is that it expresses a world view that is accepted too easily by too many Americans. After all, nothing could be more ridiculous than accusing someone of anti-Semitism because he wants or claims to put America's interests above those of Israel. Yet, the accusation is likely to be effective, but only because years of ideological brainwashing have predisposed people to consider U.S. and Israeli interests as identical -- although instead of "interests" one speaks of "values".
Associated with this identification comes a systematically hostile view of the Arab and Muslim world, which both increases the lobby's effectiveness and is in part the result of its propaganda. Despite all the talk about anti-racism and "political correctness", there is an almost total lack of understanding of the Arab viewpoint on Palestine, and, in particular, of the racist nature of the problem. It is this triple layer of control (selective funding, the anti-Semitism card, or rather canard, and the interiorization) that gives the lobby its peculiar strength. (And that is also why it is easy to dismiss its strength by saying, for instance, that, obviously, Jews don't control America. Sure, but direct control is not the way it works.)
People who think that it is the arms or the oil industry that are running the show in Washington as far as foreign policy is concerned, should at least answer the following question: how does it work? There is no evidence whatsoever that the oil industry, for example, pushed for the Iraq war, the threats against Iran or the attack on Lebanon . (There is a lot of evidence that the Israel lobby pushed for the Iraq war; see Jeff Blankfort, A War for Israel
Bravo, boycot! Excellent article, right on target.
It jogged a recollection of 'The Weekly Standard' crowd, some time back, whining that the term "neocon" was anti-semitic code for "Jew".
Bravo, boycot! Excellent article, right on target.
It jogged a recollection of 'The Weekly Standard' crowd, some time back, whining that the term "neocon" was anti-semitic code for "Jew".
"the choice is crystal clear - support a people whos culture is harmonious with modern western society "
I think you must've meant "Kristol" clear.
Harvard's Kennedy School of Government took their name off of
Mearsheimer (U. Chicago) & Walt's (Harvard) paper when Dershowitz (& no doubt some deep-pocketed benefactors ) started howling anti-Semitism.
an excerpt:
"...since the Six Day War in 1967, the centerpiece of U.S. Middle East policy
has been its relationship with Israel. The combination of unwavering U.S.
support for Israel and the related effort to spread democracy throughout
the region has inflamed Arab and Islamic opinion and eopardized U.S.
This situation has no equal in American political history. Why has the
United States been willing to set aside its own security in order to
advance the interests of another state? One might assume that the bond
between the two countries is based on shared strategic interests or
compelling moral imperativs. As we show below, however, neither of those
explanations can account for the remarkable level of material and
diplomatic support that the United States povides to Israel.
Instead, the overall thrust of U.S. policy in the region is due almost
entirely to U.S. domestic politics, and especially to the activities of
the Israel Lobby.. Other special interest groups have managed to skew
U.S. foreign policy in directions they favored, but no lobby has managed
to divert U.S. foreign policy as far from what the American national
interest would otherwise suggest, while simultaneously convincing
Americans that U.S. and Israeli interests are essentially identical."
From Seymour Hersh, objective reporter or self-loathing Jew, depending on perspective:
Published: Sunday August 13, 2006
In an article for the New Yorker, renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersh states that the Bush administration was closely involved in last month's invasion of Lebanon by Israel, RAW STORY has learned.
Hersh describes the administration's initial reaction to the invasion as "strangely passive," with George W. Bush saying on July 16, "It’s a moment of clarification" and Condoleezza Rice stating two days later that a ceasefire should wait until "the conditions are conducive."
Hersh's intelligence and diplomatic sources tell him that the reason for this hands-off reaction was that George Bush and Dick Cheney already knew about Israeli plans for a bombing campaign against Hezbollah's underground missile complexes and were convinced that it could both increase Israel's security and serve as a prelude to a American pre-emptive attack on Iran's nuclear installations.
The White House also wanted Hezbollah stripped of the ability to retailiate against Israel in the wake of an American attack on Iran. As one U.S. government consultant told Hersh, "The Israelis told us it would be a cheap war with many benefits. Why oppose it? We’ll be able to hunt down and bomb missiles, tunnels, and bunkers from the air. It would be a demo for Iran."
The White House and National Security Council have denied knowing in advance about Israel's plans. However, Hersh's sources made it clear that Israel shared its plans with the Americans this past spring and received strong encouragement. Israeli military and intelligence experts acknowledged the American support but insisted to Hersh that Israel had acted against Hezbollah solely on the basis of its own interests and not as an agent of American policy..."
But, of course Israel acted on its own interests, it's the USA that acts as agent to Israel. Imagine Israel asking: "Is it good for the Americans?"
"The Israelis told us it would be a cheap war with many benefits. Why oppose it? We’ll be able to hunt down and bomb missiles, tunnels, and bunkers from the air. It would be a demo for Iran."
Yeah, they're not exactly 'kicking ass and taking names' with Hezbollah-- do they expect Iran will be "cakewalk ll ?"
"Cheap war with many benefits" I love the cost/benefit pitch. Ask Lebanon about the cost and benefits. What a disgrace.
the israeli lobby is effective because IT MAKES SENSE. If any other western democracy was being attacked by islam we would defend it to the death. Israel is hated by arabs because they are jews, not because of the so called palestinian problem because iltimately they do not give a camels ass about them. we could stop giving aid to israel tomorrow and the mullahs would find another excuse to stir up anti-american hatred among their oppressed and uneducated youth. Islam is a cult of terror that sees itself as a victim that must constantly fight and destroy nonbelievers. they could have peace instantly with israel if they wanted to and don't use the excuse that the jews stole their land because if thats your argument then it's time to deed your house to a native american family and pay restitution to african americans. we don't live in the past because it's not practical but islam does and that is why it will always be at war with modern civilization. Billions in aid to a democracy in a sea of american hating stone age barbarians? you betcha! money well spent. Want to stop the aid? Give the arab countries an ultimatum - accept israel and live in peace or prepare to meet your 72 virgins!
p.s. why not ask Lebanon how harboring fascists is working for them? It didnt work for germany, italy, japan and serbia so well did it?
p.p.s. perhaps you've forgotten the pictures of the peace loving Lebanese rejoicing in the street on 9/12? you harbor terrorists and fascists you get your house bombed - easy equation. israel could and should have done a lot more damage to south Lebanon but had to restrain itself due to missguided westerners who have fallen for the "poor innocent arab" propoganda. If one of their kids blows himself up along with your family he's a martyr and they will be proud. I'll pay to fight that insanity any day.
p.p.p.s. heres the problem. in our overly PC culture we are being programmed to blame the victim. A man commits a violent crime (let's say a minority) and the uber lefty's reaction is - oh, he grew up poor and oppressed so of course he was going to rape a 6 year old retarted girl, sorry it was YOUR kid though. It comes down to humans have free will and make choices and if you choose wrong there are consequences, some harsh. If an entire people choose to be violent and us PC robots excuse it because they are "oppressed" then we deserve the violence heaped on us because we are accepting their behavior and excusing it as long as it affects someone else (in this case the jews who we have always found expendable).
Whoa! What octane coffee are you ADL flying monkeys drinkin'? You jabbered alot, but didn't address any
of the valid points of other posters.
Just "riddle me this": Why should American tax dollars support Israel?
"Islam ... sees itself as a victim that must constantly fight..."
Gotcha, only Jews can be the victims.
Yeah, Israel shoulda hurt Hezbollah alot more, but...
truth is, the much vaunted, well-funded Israeli army isn't faring so well against the rag tags, rather like the US forces in Iraq. Small wonder they want the US to "take care" of Iran.
not hard to figure out - hezbollah among civilians and hiding like rates in bunkers wearing civilian clothes - israeli army having to broadcast every move to the lebanese people with leaflets to limit casualties and bomb buildings that pass through several channels before getting the green light, wheras hezbollah sets up rockets launchers on the top of aprtment buildings and lob rockets indiscriminatelty into israel with the sole intention of killing civilians - not the IDF. hell they even killed some arabs and then declared them martyrs. why should american tax dollars support israel? because they are fighting our war against islam for us because you are right - were too inept. Islamic "intellectuals" in britain today blaming Tony Blair for muslim extremists. More self loathing blame the victim bullshit. British women will soon be wearing the hajib and getting the shit kicked out of them for being insolent. Sorry I killed your kid but I was abused when I was little - it must be your fault for allowing it.
2 fox news employees kidnapped in Gaza today. Must be the jews fault. or perhaps our foreign policy or perhaps our blind love of free speech. damn when will we wake up and give the islamofascists what they want so they leave us alone to sip our lattes and hate ourselves for having it so good but not wanting to share it with everyone else. gotta go, my illegal underpaid housekeeper might be stealing something from me.
Israel is hated by arabs because they are jews, not because of the so called palestinian problem.
Give me a break. Try spewing your Jewish I’m an innocent victim lies somewhere else. We all know what the real truth is. **Click here**
actually, the truth is here:
what your precious palestinian propoganda wesite fails to mention under it's "history" section is that the tensions between the jews and arabs came to a head when a local arab leader who was a supporter of hitler incited the dumb masses into a violent rage and started killing jews which started reprisal killings. Check out the history on wikipedia or other source for an unbiased (if thats possible) history lesson. Prior to that jews were legally buying land in the area from willing arab land owners and making good productive use of it until the arabs who were used to screwing each other over got jealous.
Kidnapping two employees is a horrible incident, but it is a red herring to throw that in front of a fifty year history of torture, human rights violations, bulldozing houses, diverting water, racial discrimination and kidnapping. If you want a more complete list**Click here** to see what the UN General assembly has been documenting since 1946. (there are so many resolutions that you first have to click on a year to expand the view)
UN resolutions mean nothing as you know or hezbollah would not be in existence in southern Lebanon. The UN is a joke. Any arab not willing to acknowledge Israel and get along deserves the hell they live in, it is too bad for their children who have no say in the matter but they sure look stylish dressed up as terrorist bombers don't they.
by the way, here's your precious UN in action:
In 1947, following increasing levels of violence together with unsuccessful efforts to reconcile the Jewish and Arab populations, the British government decided to withdraw from the Palestine Mandate. The UN General Assembly approved the 1947 UN Partition Plan dividing the territory into two states, with the Jewish area consisting of roughly 55% of the land, and the Arab area roughly 45%. Jerusalem was planned to be an international region administered by the UN to avoid conflict over its status.
Immediately following the adoption of the Partition Plan by the UN General Assembly on November 29, 1947, David Ben-Gurion tentatively accepted the partition, while the Arab League rejected it. Scattered attacks on civilians of both sides soon turned into widespread fighting between Arabs and Jews, this civil war being the first "phase" of the 1948 War of Independence.
The State of Israel was proclaimed on May 14, 1948, one day before the expiry of the Palestine Mandate.
Israel was admitted as a member of the United Nations on May 11, 1949.
Look, you can give me the Jewish version of history and I’ll give you the left out parts all day.
What is most important to Americans now is that we no longer pretend that Israel and the United States are united by a shared terrorist threat. This thinking has the causal relationship backwards: rather, the United States has a terrorism problem in good part because it is so closely allied with Israel, not the other way around.
A very insightful paper that explores the Israel lobby and America's problem with terrorism.
the jews own Wikipedia too? Wow they sure are smart those jews. the jews picked out my clothes for me. the jews control the media. the jews control me. the jews, the jews, oh no! Americas problem with terrorism is TERRORISTS dumb ass, not jews. Why aren't the opressed mexicans blowing themselves up on planes, why aren't the other billions of oppressed people on this planet blowing themselves up on planes. Islam is blowing themselves up - open your eyes!
I heard of a scientific theory that three hydrogen bombs exploding in the desert could reverse global warming. why not do double duty and take out Nasrallah, assad and amadinejad AND reverse global warming and get our bloody oil back from those thieving arabs.
Hey tom, very insightful vision of your 14 year old daughter being lynched from a crane in the town square after the Islamic morality police accuse her of adultery. Your right, let's negotiate with them, they mean us no harm. Gonna be alot of handless petty crooks runnin around these here parts. better than life under those damn jews though I am so sick of matzo balls and being controlled by their evil jewish ways. gonna miss Sara Silverman though, shes purty and funny too.
Keith, were gonna have to start a separate jew vs. arab post soon. is there a housing bubble in israel or Lebanon? I guess it's been popped recently. see jew later. it's been nice arguing with jew. jew have a nice day. did I arab you the wrong way. can jew forgive me?
I don't know whether to laught or cry. It really is starting to be boring. atleast change somthing...
15 years I've been protesting, volenteering with Palestinian kids, active in left wing Meretz for Oslo agreements, and later for the withdrawal from gaza.
I think it's safe to say we never stood a chance. Palestinians are depressed al right. but after having seen the most constistent refusal to use any chance for a new future on their part, or even to spend one penny on start building a state, or even just building cities insted of refugee camps, I can safley say: Their depression is a deliberateed policy of their leaders. 15 years of our lives wasted on that, in the joke is on us.
same thing all over. nothing ever changes:
1947-we accept UN partition resolution for peace-> results in war.
1948-1967-we constantly call for peace-> results in war.
1967-we offer full withdrawal of OT -> 1973 war.
1977-we sign peace agreement with Egypt, and fully withrawal from Sinai, and offer Gaza to them as well... they didn't want this curse on their hand.
1974-1983 - consistant terror from Lebanon against Israelis in & out of Israel-> results 1983 war.
1991-2006-The new blood libel. this is going to be studied in history as greatest fraud and conspiracy ever.
while we were ingaging in peace process, they were ingaging in this:
we never stood a chance. there was never any chance. but worse, while we were busy being surprised at the Palesitinan's consistant refusal to giveup hatred and move on to independence, a new blood libel emerged. with the help of global press, the Palestinians felt the have a wining card they can't give up. Israel as child murderer. It's too full of potential to forsake it for prosperity. they were right. its so successfull Nasrallah had adopted it too. building bunkers beneath schools and houses. targeting from with in population. it doesn't matter how many Hez. we killed. we lost the war because the war is about setting the platform for non-legitimacy of our self defence. it is about setting the public platform for Iran's plan to wipe us out. We have been asleep. It is now 3:00 am in Israel and I can't sleep. Because I just relized what it is about. I look around me, and I see people having no clue what they're up against.
Tom, I forgive jew for being ignorant - welcome to the light.
Why do we have a domestic terror threat? Why do we have so many Muslims & others at odds with American interests in this country? If they weren't already here, the borders could be secured IF anyone in power had the will. It's too late for that, anyway, they're here, and many wish us ill, detest us, and will one day act on their hatred.
The Hart-Cellar act, spearheaded by Emanuel Cellar and pushed by Jacob Javits and a 'who's who' of -then and still- powerful Jewish interest groups. The act shifted immigration numbers away from predominately European, and toward Asian. Chain immigration was introduced, the floodgates opened. Jews pushed multiculturalism in a self-serving way, as summed up by HISA'S Leonard Glickman who said "The more diverse American society is the safer [Jews] are".
Go check Israel's immigration policy-- gotta be Jewish for citizenship. Democracy? Gotta be Jewish to be in Knesset.
There's double standard, and Israel's interests are at odds with USA's. The loyalties of many-though not all- American Jews are divided, and American interests are subordinated to Israel's.
Israel sold American missile technology to the Chinese (which may one day make Californians pine for the good ole pre-radioactive days, when their biggest problem was the real estate bubble) Israel, with Jonathan Pollard's help, traded secrets with Soviets to gain rights of Russian Jews to emigrate to Israel.
'Israel first' is a fine policy for Israel, but not too damn good for the USA.
In fairness, I should note that that fatass shanty Irishman, Ted Kennedy deserves blame for his part in the wretched immigration bill of '65.
every ethnicity protects and promotes their own, why do you think we have a ridiculous emargo against cuba but not china? because the cuban american lobby owns our country according to your logic. You have stated nothing damning that even approaches the atrocities of islamofascists and any other group that calls for israels demise. by ethnically diverse they were probably hoping to dilute the power of jew hating europeans, can't blame them really given their recent history. placating muslims who are allready in our country is a chickenshit approach to dealing with fascism. Fascists can't be appeased, they will see it as weakness. If the peace loving muslims feel the need to start blowing shit up here because of our support for the only thing that resembles democracy in the middle east then round the fuckers up and send them packing - they can blow themselves up on the way back to islamashiteland.
"by ethnically diverse they were probably hoping to dilute the power of jew hating europeans"
always the victims. always morally justified.
Ask a Ukranian about "hate", about "holocaust". Ask a Ukranian about Stalin's most vicious henchmen.
what the fuck does stalin have to do with the middle east mortard? what about the native american? what about african americans? what about christopher columbus? what about the indian killing fucking pilgrims? what about the huns? the mongrels? the barbarians? alexander the great? jack the ripper? get an argument dipshit.
The jews didn't do so well in russia either, ever see fiddler on the roof? matter of fact they moved to the sandbox in the middle east because the europeans didn't want to play nice with them. we can be sympathetic to the jews and ukranians at the same time theres plenty to go around I just haven't heard any speeches lately from heads of nuclear seeking nations calling for the eradication of ukranians and wiping the ukraine off the map. If someone does I will gladly send the ukrainians billions of dollars in aid and weapons to fight the mutherfuckers cause after they wipe out israel and the ukrain you bet your sweet ass there heading for our neck of the woods, oops thats right, they already came on 9/11 - my bad.
oh I forgot, 9/11 was OUR fault because of blah, blah, puke, puke... our support of those goddam jews. Nasrallah and amadenajad will be glad to pick up where your buddy hitler left off.
If every oppressed, poor, uneducated, pissed off, rights violated, lynched, abused, displaced, murdered by the national guard and drugged by the cia person in America decided to act like those fucks in arabia we'd all be swimming in blood. why not? no Islam. only people allowed to think for themselves get off their asses and fight honorably for their rights and don't blame the jews - except for nation of islam dipshits and a few rednecks.
My point was that I'm sick of the perenially suffering victim card used to justify Zionism.
I gave an example of Stalin's fascist henchmen, largely Jewish, who rival any Nazi for evil. Jews have been victimizers, as well, so stop with the poor, persecuted Jew whose actions are merely defensive-it doesn't fly. Well, it may fly for those whose historical frame of reference is founded on Broadway musicals. A pity Joe Stein didn't team up with Jerry Bock to do a production of 'The Stern Gang', and maybe broaden your perspective.
great, now it's jewish henchman working for stalin kicking everyones asses. jews were working for the KKK too in Alabama dipshit? What is zionism, I've never used the term in my arguement, is it similar to americanizm or palestinianizm or frenchizm? I justify not your Zionism, I only justify Israelis right to kick anyones ass that attacks them I could give a fuck about zionism, judaeism or christism or jizm. they got a right to be left the fuck alone. could you post a graph of your nazi rivalmeter? how is it henchman are jews under an aethiestic communist dictatorship. sniff, sniff, ooo I smell a jew hater.
just looked up the stern gang. wtf does it have to do with stalin or anything else you confused mortard. Oh, I get it, a few jews pissed at the british for fucking them over and not supporting them during ww2 damns an entire race. sorry, you lose again retardo mentalbahn.
I know, go to wikipedia and look up some famous killers or other bad jews to justify your argument. I bet if you try hard enough you would discover hitler was a jew and the holocaust was an elaborate zionist plot.
actually dudes, I'm just mind fuckin ya, I can't stand jews. I really like those muslims tho, dudes know how to throw down some jews don't they? I like the way they smite your infidel asses to hell! cover up your ladies gentlemen cause Mohammeds comin to town and he's pissed at your jew lovin asses. gonna blow ya all up reeel good, yeehaww!
Wikipedia? 'Fiddler on the Roof'? What are your other references, Oprah? Classic Comics? Good God, man, I didn't have to look up the Stern Gang. but it seems you did. Look up Deir Yassin, as it seems likely you haven't heard of that.
by the way, when Jill Carroll was captured in iraq by Islamic peace warriors after yelling Jihad! Jihad! Jihad! they asked her her religion and if any of her relatives drank alcohol. surprised they could control themselves seeing so much of her dirty flesh before covering her up in the proper islamic way (can't be tempted by all those walking vaginas can we?). Yea, we can negotiate with these people, they sound oppressed by jews!
allright, looked up deir yassin and guess what, you still have no point. 100-107 people killed during a war with arabs started by arabs in 1948. wow, those genocidal jews are at it again, makes hitler and stalin look like pansies don't it? yes people, go study the horrible massacre of deir yassin you will be awakened to the evil of the genocidal jews!
why don't you pull another slice from long ago history out of your ass to make your point, like the jews killed jesus or something. apparently they parted the red sea and killed a bunch of egyptian "freedom fighters" too. if deir yassin condems all jews then canadians are rabid mass murderers.
good god man, I didn't have to look up the stern gang!
well maybe if you did you would have realized your blowin smoke out your ass again.
ok, big deep breath. heres my original point(s):
1.Israel has a right to exist inasmuch as any other UN recognized nation does.
2.Israel has a right not to have rockets lobbed at it indiscriminately by hezbollah and hamas.
3. Israel has the right to give back land it won in a war started by arab nations any time it damn well pleases as any other country would.
4.Israel has the right to petition, lobby, cajole and otherwise persuade americans it's our buddy in the mideast just as any other nation does.
5.Israel has a right to be wary of UN cease fire agreements and the word of Islamic fascists calling for their destruction.
6.america has the moral imperative to support israels right to exsist and to live in peace or we should shut the fuck up and lock down all our borders and tell the whole world to fuck themselves and take their lumps from fascists, dictators and warlords with out complaint.
7. america has the right to tell nazi islamists to go fuck themselves if they don't like our cartoons and sexy women. if they want to blow another airplane up we can send a few IBM's over to settle the score.
8. you have a right to your opinion.
The viciousness displayed in the above
comments is typical of the religious. Which, other than the irrationality of religion, is a damn good reason to applaud its demise. Curse all you want but such a demise will happen in my lifetime.
Countries don't have rights. Your arguments blow.
your momma blows - no argument. countries have sovereignty and represent a group of humans who have human rights. palestinians have no rights in arab countries. kind of odd isn't it since their all up in arms about their palestinian brothers but treat them like dogs in arab countries. they can't give them rights cause then they wouldn't have a reason to stir up jew hating among us liberal and right wing nut jobs in amerika.
So was Iraq one of those countries with "rights". So much for countries' rights.
I did not see Israel stand up in defense of Iraq's "rights". Gee guess I missed that.
Blow? No!
yes iraq had sovereignty which should have been repected. I did not and do not agree with the iraqi invasion and I do not support GW and his neotards. I am a pissed off cali liberal surrounded by muddleheaded hippies and rich rednecks (but hey thats not your problem). people get so wrapped up in their identity as left, liberal, right whatever that they no longer think for themselves. You'll have to cut Israel a little slack for not coming to the aid of Iraq - I guess they were a little pissed that Saddam lobbed some scud missles at them during the first gulf tard war.
ok, your momma don't blow, just foolin.
dude, you and I probably have the same political leanings, I just like those darn jews is all.
Ah you must live in the San Joaquin Valley.
My condolences. My assertion remains. The USA has implicitly declared that the countries of the middle-east have no "rights". Therefore I do not recognize
the "rights" argument when invoked by US allies.
also, if I may contradict myself a bit (what the hell, it's a housing blog for chrissake) I would have to lower the sovereignty bar for evil dictators and monarchies like the saudis, they're fair game I guess. Dubai, north korea, pakistan and texas (except austin) as well. I know, I'm playing god but it's for entertainment purposes only.
I don't like "playing god". The rules are really hard to follow.
the rights I invoke I give freely to all who respect their citizenry and at least try for democracy (like the USA). I have no affiliation with the united states government nor do I represent them on the world stage. I am a free thinking (I think) humanist and would like nothing more than peace and freedom for all (quasi libertarian with a splash of gin). I will not tolerate oppression of freedom loving peoples and lovers of gin. gotta go, my ice has melted.
not san juaquin valley but northern california. I don't want to be too specific as I rather enjoy making an ass out of myself on blogs.
just try it once, say I SMOTE THEE! see it's fun playing god and the silk robes feel sooo good on the skin.
oh my god, like it's so unfair cause like Israeli hackers like totally shut down ahmedinejads totally cool new blog. I mean, come on, what did he ever do to those totally uncool nerd israeli hackers. He was just about to tell us all about the time he ordered the 14 year old adulteress to hang from her neck by a crane and like now we can't even get on the blog - bummer, it's SO UNFAIR! he's so rad. I wonder if he has a girlfriend? oh my god I can't believe I just said that - don't you DARE tell anyone!
Israeli Terrorists Ruthlessly Attack Peaceful Islamic Blog - Scores Of Innocent Children Reported Killed:
The Iranian website, in which Iranian officials claim the Iranian President publishes a daily journal , was down for a few hours on Monday.
Following a report by Yedioth Ahronoth on Sunday about the site, Israeli hackers called for a joint effort to hack the site.
On Monday afternoon, the site was down for an hour and in the evening the site worked alternately.
Israelis bloggers claimed Monday that the site was down because of a joint effort by thousands of Israelis to enter the site simultaneously, causing it to crash.
Despite the effort, the site was operational late Sunday evening.
sorry dude, couldn't resist.
Ah yes. Where there's smote there's desire.
"not san juaquin valley but northern california. I don't want to be too specific as I rather enjoy making an ass out of myself on blogs."
Nudge, nudge, nod, nod, wink, wink, say no more.
dan, your smotin powers are to be feared and respected throughout the land. I UNSMOTE THEE!
You know, that poster from Israel's story broke my heart, and I haven't gotten it out of my mind.
A life dedicated to peace and justice is difficult, full of sacrifice and disillusionment-- but it is not wasted. (look at Mother Theresa-- made barely a dent in the world's suffering, but she DID what she could and inspired others to do the same) Any contribution to the welfare of one's fellow human beings, enriches the world even if greatly overshadowed by the evil world's
There are many anti-religious types on here -- I'm not one of them so please indulge me this: good and decent people do good works, no matter what their religion or lack of religion.
It bothers me to see a kind, loving person in such pain. This person, probably a Jew, was what Christians would call the Good Samaritan. He or she, out of human decency, did as Christ commanded, "love" for the "least of our brothers".
I will keep this anonymous, kind Israeli in my prayers and I pray for resolution to this sad, sad situation.
- an anonymous Roman Catholic
"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
Steven Weinberg (noble prize physics)
"All science, even the divine science, is a sublime detective story. Only it is not set to detect why a man is dead; but the darker secret of why he is alive."
G.K. Chesterton
The devine science? Oh I get it. Substitute the words "creation" for "intelligent design" and voila! ... I said voila! ... Come on now VOILA! Damn. Didn't work. :(
Oh, boy, if Chesterton knew a wit like yours would emerge in the 21st century, he'd have laid down his pen :)
I'm not usually one to nitpick about spelling or grammar, but can't help but note the poor writing and lack of cogent thought/debate skill among many on this board. (unless you're a very prolific poster, and I'm mistaking a sole writer for a pattern)
Is it a generational/stylistic difference, the decayed state of education, disparity between private/public education, or some combo?
At least for the 'devine' poster, I'd advise plying your skills within the confines of the "Dismal Science", and go discuss the housing bubble.
Best leave the "Queen of Sciences" for those with more "assets".
Your beloved Mr. Chesterton, a fat antisemite, was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and held no degree in sciences (or college degree of any kind). Nada. Zip.
His father was ... oh this is beautiful ... was a wealthy realestate agent. I will cut you some slack because I realize that amongst the religiously deluded it is difficult to find intellect of any kind to prop up to hero status.
Oh in case you haven't noticed this is the comments section of a blog. The proper use of grammar and spelling are much relaxed in the blogging environment. The criticism of ones spelling in such an environment is not considered nitpicking. It is considered to be the obsessive compulsive behavior of an innane drone.
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