Housing has gone bust, meaning subcontractors aren't getting work, meaning the cheap labor illegal immigrants they hired during the boom are no longer needed. With Hispanics accounting for 50%+ of the home building labor force in many areas, that's a lot of unemployed men.
And no, those numbers will not count in the rosy US unemployment figures the unsuspecting masses look to for comfort.
Adding to their misery, the illegal Mexicans now (finally) have the US government (led by cities and states) looking to send them back home.
So what will they do? Where will they go? Will they resort to crime and violence? Will they go home peacefully? How will they eat? How will they pay rent? Will the US see a human tragedy on the scale of an African country, with hunger, desperation and anger running rampant?
We're talking millions and millions of illegals, living job to job, week to week, who all of a sudden have no prospects, and little hope. All because our government allowed them to come pouring in, to build the houses we didn't need.
August 01, 2006
It's time to revisit this nuclear subject: What will the illegal Mexicans do now that their home building jobs are gone?
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Its simple keith! Chase the next bubble in our bubblicious economy. The next bubble will be soon.
I love that housing panic can talk about things that the msm cannot - screw those that'll call you racist for bringing up the subject. I think we'll see crime rates soar as they do anything they can to stay here and not go back to the mess in Mexico
Any cops out there with some reports from the street?
and they have no unemployment, no medicare, no medicaid, no aid to dependent children, no social security, no savings, no government safety net, no nothing.
they wouldn't be here if they couldn't be here
the corrupt republicans (we need cheap labor) and democrats (we need voters) let them in. period.
and now we have a big ol' mess on our hands.
I will consider the idea of them now taking other jobs - short order cooks, dry cleaners, mechanics, whatever. so it may not be them out of work, but the poor, uneducated white and black guys.
even more dangerous. watch these dominos fall
"What will the illegal Mexicans do now that their home building jobs are gone?"
THEIR jobs? They are not and never were THEIR jobs.
Anyway to answer the question: squat in the very same homes.
Oh puh-LEEZ. ALL because the govt let 'em in, huh?
Keith, you're SO into victim thinking. Those who crossed illegally and now find themselves out of work are the victims of government policy?
Yes. What's so strange about that? Try an get an immigration law already on the books enforced.
Most have lived here many years already and are effectively Americans. They will not leave. Keep on dreaming mexico haters. They are here to stay. They will take your jobs, bang your daughters, and rob your garages in the middle of the night. It is too late to get rid of them.
Throw them over the Fence - Put a Bounty on their heads and Pay out of work Construction workers to round them up - Problem Solved - Revoke all anchor babies citizenship and ship all back where they belong. We Need Educated workforce not a captive third world slave trade.
some beaner named guabeener said = Most have lived here many years already and are effectively Americans. They will not leave. Keep on dreaming mexico haters. They are here to stay. They will take your jobs, bang your daughters, and rob your garages in the middle of the night. It is too late to get rid of them.
I say they will never be americans they will always be BEANERS Dirty little Mexican Scum
You will be able to get rid of maybe 25% to 33% of them. The remainder will stick it out no matter what, that leaves 10 or 15 million honest hard working decent brown people for you to hate. More will still be coming. I know it will be hard for you racist hate mongers to accept. Welcome to Los Estados Unidos.
From another thread, senores:
A local day laborer recruiting strip on a street in a suburb of Portland, OR now contains 2-3 times (my estimate) of illegal Mexicans than is typical this time of year and from earlier last spring and early summer. Local police drive by dozens of times a day and the illegals don't even blink.
These people live 6-8 to a 1-2 BR apts. and even more for a single family house. They take over local parks for their fiestas and leave mountains of garbage behind for the cities to clean up. They play Mariachi music loud enough to wake the dead and laugh or give menacing stares to non-Mexicans who ask them politely to turn down the music. Their children run freely around the parks, often helping themselves to other people's food and drink without asking. When they are asked politely not to take the food and drink, they pay virtually no attention, as they do not (or behave as though they do not) understand English.
When the police are called, the Mexicans play dumb and shrug their shoulders and say, "Lo siento, lo siento." When the police leave, they laugh hysterically and pat themselves on the back for being so clever fooling the gringo policia.
Then, when the issue is brought up at local city council meetings complete with photographs and time-stamped video footage, non-Mexican citizens are shouted down by "immigrant advocates" often speaking Spanish and brandishing signs and making menacing gestures outside the council chambers or in the parking lot.
The illegal Mexicans' children are flooding the public schools with virtually no English skills, poor behavior, and high absenteeism. Classroom order has broken down, non-Mexican parents are complaining and pulling their children out of schools in droves.
The above description is just the tip of the iceberg, not to metion teenage pregancies (14-16 year-olds having multiple children out of wedlock), property crime, high high school drop out rates, taking over neighborhood blocks and menacing non-Mexicans in order to make them leave, and so on.
Ladies and gentlemen, the people referred to as "anti-immigrant" who describe the situation as "an invasion" ARE CORRECT. When small or manageable numbers of minority ethnic immigrants immigrate to a nation, assimilation is often achieved within a generation or two.
However, when large numbers of immigrants flood a country in a short period of time, it is much easier to commune with one's cultural/linguistic fellows, discouraging them from assimilation and encouraging "ghettoization". Lack of assimilation leads to isolation and lack of interaction with the majority population, which in turn leads to misunderstanding, mistrust, suspicion, fear, and diverging interests.
We are experiencing a disaster in the making and the increasing likelihood of a massive backlash by the majority population against the millions of illegal Mexicans who have come to feel entitled b/c of their concentrated numbers.
It's going to be ugly, friends. Muy feo, amigos.
This is a lead suit-wearing nuclear issue in Lake Forest, CA. I think it's a bit overblown personally, but nevermind. I am aware of two different Mexican-American families (legal citizens) and homeowners renting out parts of their home to illegal Mexican migrant workers.
What will happen when the construction and Home Depot jobs dry up in the OC and the illegal renters can't cough up the $500 to $600/mo. for the one-bedroom?
I don't know. In one case, I believe that the homeowner himself is a painter . I don't know what they will do when the everything comes crashing down. It'll be a double-whammy.
And sadly, they probably won't understand exactly what hit them. I guess they'll want to head north or toward the Midwest believing the economy will be better there. - ? Returning to Mexico might be considered, but there are no good paying jobs there.
boring....running out of topics keith?
and they have no unemployment, no medicare, no medicaid, no aid to dependent children, no social security, no savings, no government safety net, no nothing.
The do get unemployment and do get social security. They don't need medicare or medicade because they use the emergency rooms. They probably have the greatest savings rate of any group in America. And they vote.
If you have lived in areas that have lots of illegal alliens (I lived in Texas for most of my life) you know these things. They have more job skills than most Americans and they are smarter than most Americans in that they pay cash for everything and save most of their money. They will be fine. The older ones will retire on social security or welfare fraud and younger ones will take more of the low end jobs. As someone said earlier, it just puts more white and black Americans out of work.
I agree with some of the earlier post. We lost the right to bitch and complain about illegal immigrants the moment we failed to hold our elected officials accountable for controlling it with legislation and enforcement in 1986, 1988, 1990, 1996 and again in 2000 (i.e. 20 years - Democrats and Republicans share equal blame). We were lazy and didn't think it was a big enough deal to get off our asses and stop it. By the way, the levy is still freaking broke.
Returning to Mexico might be considered, but there are no good paying jobs there.
What do you mean? They are going and coming to Mexico all the time. The border is effectively wide open. The border guards are taking bribes in the form of sex, drugs, cash, etc. There are coyotes selling girls to border agents to pass. When the agents have had their way with the girls, the coyotes take the girls out into the desert, kill them, and often leave them to the four-legged coyotes, if it's too hot to bury them.
An illegal earning (yes, they earn it) $10/hr. US$ can support 4-5 people (more...?) in Mexico. The wage and cost-of-living differential would be like a person earning the average of $30,000 going to Canada to earn $120,000-$150,000 with the CDN$ to US$ at 10:1.
Why would these illegals not risk their lives to come here to earn 3-10 times more than they can make in Mexico? I surely would, were I in the same situation.
And, yes, there are THOUSANDS of legal Mexican families harboring MILLIONS of illegals ALL OVER THE COUNTRY, coast to coast and in between. Business owners who hire illegals are more often than not on a first-name basis with these families. The families themselves have family members they support or smuggle into the country.
A wartime, police state-like crackdown on employers and those harboring illegals and mass deportation are the only certain way to resolve this mess.
funny the closed minded liberals think talking about this subject is racist
guess we can't talk about the french, the canadians, the iranians, the english, the cubans, the martians, the green people, the red people, indians, jews, muslims, handicapped, women, men, ......... because talking about people from a class is just down-right racist
If you see some dead mexicans on the side of the road - just drive on by - it has started.
"A wartime, police state-like crackdown on employers and those harboring illegals and mass deportation are the only certain way to resolve this mess."
Bring back internment camps, huh? Nazi death camps? How many "Meskins" will you have to gas? I guess that will create lots of work for Halliburton and all those out of work gringos.
But who will pick your lettuce and tomatoes? Who will mow your lawns? Who will bus your tables? Who will cook your enchilades? Who will clean your hotels?
someone said = A wartime, police state-like crackdown on employers and those harboring illegals and mass deportation are the only certain way to resolve this mess.
If that is what is needed to return the United States to the Citizens than that is what we should do - if we don't or don't have the stomach for it - than we have no right to it because we won't even defend it - what does that make us ? LAZY - Cowards I am ashamed of my fellow American Citizens - and yes the Illegals are Voting in our elections against the law because no one checks to see if they are legal or not and the Mexicans know that so they are changing our laws right in front of US because we are lazy and do not have the courage to do what it takes to protect our Country from the Illegal hoards of Aliens
IA making $10/hr? Many of them make much more than that. In many parts of the country you can't find a brick layer, plumber, or other skilled construction worker who isn't an IA. And they make a lot more than $10/hr and they don't pay taxes. My best friend and I tried to figure out how much his lawn guy takes home a year. We asked him how many yards he did a week and how much he charged for each one. We figured he makes about $100k a year in cash and, of course, he doesn't pay taxes.
Is it just me, or does it seem odd that the whole moral panic about illegal immigrants started at about the same time the US started getting into difficulty, both financially and politically?
Bait-and-switch...;-) Gotta blame someone for it all...
BTW: if its decided to deport every illegal immigrant in the US...how much would it cost?
Would it cost more than an 'amnesty'?
Would allowing a certain number of immigrants in every year, with the proviso that they had to learn English, not get into trouble, have a job and pay taxes be more expensive than manning the southern border with x thousand National Guard troops and the considerable cost of repatriating?
The Klan couldn't get rid of the Niggros in the south after many years of trying, now black people are the majority in many cities. What makes you Gringos think you can get rid of the beaners. Beaners are smarter and harder working than any negros.
Let's not forget that the Klan's great grandfathers paid top dollars for them 150 years ago...
i have a 15 shot 9mil ruger - crome barell black handle can hit a fly at 30 feet - hell my little house is only 30 by 50 so this should work if the shit starts flying - need about 20 boxes of ammo though at 20 shells per box that would be 20 x 20 = 400 rounds that does not sound like overkill does it?
Oh great Charlie, another gun nut armed and ready. The most likely outcome will be that you accidently shoot off your left nut when you stumble around your trailer in a drunken whiskey stupor.
Guns are for Defense only - that is what separates Crime from Defense of Life and Property - In other words being civilized
I don't drink - smoke - cheat - bully - but i do like to look at pretty women and good food though. the gun is for protection only..
Come on Kieth.
You've lived in Arizona. you lived in Michigan.
How can you not bash the no good Canucks here illegally and ride the hard working Mexicans into the ground every freaking day.
Name one Canadian this world is not better off without. Name two tha should be allow to live in our country.
I have never fired it and I bought it almost 10 years ago - Shit is sure hope it works though - this way I do not have to clean it if I do not get it dirty from using it. I was a good shot in the army a long time ago. America is our Homeland..
I remember when Loretta Sanchez won here US House seat based on illegal votes. See the link below.
I voted in Dallas in the last election. I lived in a historic area that was surrounded by the barrio. When I went in to vote at my precinct, most of the people voting didn't speak English. I assume that a high percentage were IAs.
Was it the 20 boxes that raised your wiskers? it is kind of fun to arouse the masses with talk out of the side of my neck though...
Question: But who will pick your lettuce and tomatoes? Who will mow your lawns? Who will bus your tables? Who will cook your enchilades? Who will clean your hotels?
Answer: The smartest person I've heard yet answer this question said "the prisoners!" That's right, use prison labor, and if they do a job job and behave doing the job, their sentence time should reflect that, providing they were the type you could allow out of maximum security...
For those, put some fields on the prison grounds or have them doing support work for those that do the labor outside the prison...
The correct sentence was "good job."
By this time in 2010 this will be their country too. They just need to wait it out.
Pay no attention to this, go back to your american idol.
I Know. They'll all push those little ice cream carts thru the vacant flipper neighborhoods.
Question: But who will pick your lettuce and tomatoes? Who will mow your lawns? Who will bus your tables? Who will cook your enchilades? Who will clean your hotels?
Robots. Designed by well paid engineers, built by well paid highly skilled techs, marketed by well paid sales staff, installed by locals, programmed by well paid software engineers, tracked by well paid GIS engineers, using satellites designed by... you get it. Low priced unskilled labor doesn't displace unskilled labor, 100 bad jobs displace 10 good jobs.
Having the National Guard at the borders is a joke. They don't have weapons and are not armed unless you count paper clips.
I get pissed at the Social Security site that gives you the option to calculate your future benefits in English or Spanish. Screw the Spanish crap. If you have been here long enough to collect Social security benefits, you should also know English.
>>> Not directly related but I just bought my first gun. Its a smith and wesson 686 revolver. She's a bute.
-- Nice gun, used to have one. Love shooting large bore revolvers at the range.
But, for real tactical work I prefer my 10mm Glock. Something about a semiauto in which I quickly put more shots into the black consistently, and can re-load instantly. Try some IPSC practical pistol contents, you really find out how reloading after 6 shots really slows your down...
Also, don't forget the backup gun.
And for serious sh*t, can't beat a Ruger Mini-14. I find I can deal with it tactically better than my AR-15.
It is the Wild West in Florida as of last year you may shoot to kill if you are threatened; your home is entered or even your car. There are flyers passed out to tourists getting off of planes at the air ports that read "Do not upset the local population un-necessarily as they may shoot you legally.”
psycho but true.
I'm thinking my next purchase will be a bad mother shotgun or assault rifle. Something that strikes so much fear into the poor lunatic that just the sight of the thing will make him lose his bodily functions and run for his life weeping.
Any suggestions?
That pistol grip SPAS 12 gauge Arnold used in the Terminator is a nicey...
No need to worry they'l go back to stealing car radios
it would appear that even though bringing up the socioeconomic reality of illegals about to be displaced by the housing meltdown isn't racist, yes, sadly, the country is full of racists
talk the issue folks, but leave the name calling racism in the gutter, por favor
Why wouldnt they just go back to Mexico? I had to do parse through information on cultural studies of illegal immigrants for my job and found out most of them come from fairly economically stable households in Mexico. The difference is that jobs in the US allow them to do things they wouldnt be able to do in Mexico, i.e. update their home, buy a car etc. However, they are more than able of eating and keeping shelter. Why on earth would they stay in some post-apocalyptic depressed America with nutcases running around hunting them when they could just go back. It would mean a paycut, but theyd survive.
You people are sadly really, really stupid. You blame Illegal Immigrants for America's economic woes. Illegal immigrants only exist for one reason: the US gave way all its industrial productive power to foreign countries, drove its own population into a crediting fiasco, and allowed India and China to surpass us in creation of real wealth. This was the promise of a "post-Industrial" economy and you all bought it hook, line and sinker. So if you really disagree with illegal immigration you should look at yourself, your economic decisions and who you have voted in, not some Mexican dude putting up sheetrock. In a lot of ways you fools are just like the people who claim there is no bubble. Its difficult to find fault with yourself so you either take the eternal optimist viewpoint, or blame it on the poor fools who are only pawns. You talk about concentration camps, police states, arming yourself, etc. Guess what, those things may come true but it aint gonna be against illegals. Americans dont control this country, corporations do, and they only act in their own economic interest. And things only got that way because YOU voted for it.
does this mean i will see less
knocked up mexican women on the
Sterling, Va.
10 days ago several houses shot up
5 days ago home invasion
who's behind it
gangs or out of work illegals because of the downturen in the homebuilding sector take you pick
"And for serious sh*t, can't beat a Ruger Mini-14."
I am looking for one of those now to replace one I had (stolen). It is a better semi-close range weapon and also useful for coyotes. The larger brother (.308) is also a nice round which I would use at longer ranges.
Have multiple clips loaded up and ready.
Can anyone really see it coming that far that we have open warfare in the streets here? Look at what hapenned after Katrina and during the So Central LA riots and Watts.
Too late stupid gringos, we are here to stay. You could have done something maybe 10 years ago. But now our numbers are too many. Viva Mexico. Viva La Raza. Estoy contigo en la lucha.
"I'm thinking my next purchase will be a bad mother shotgun or assault rifle. Something that strikes so much fear into the poor lunatic that just the sight of the thing will make him lose his bodily functions and run for his life weeping.
Any suggestions?"
The shotgun is a great point defense weapon that has the great advantage of emiting the universal sound of "you are in trouble boy"... When a 3" 00 Buck shell is chambered. I like Winchester 1300 Defenders.
Maybe put birdshot in the first round but definately 00 buck for the rest.
States fight illegal migration
Dozens of measures limit access to jobs, benefits
Daniel González
The Arizona Republic
Aug. 2, 2006 12:00 AM
More than half of the states in the nation have passed immigration measures this year aimed at denying undocumented immigrants access to jobs and benefits, following Arizona's lead and tackling the issue themselves.
The states and some cities are responding to mounting public pressure for stricter immigration enforcement.
Enforcing and passing immigration laws is usually the job of the federal government. But, so far, Congress has failed to pass immigration reform, with the House and Senate unable to strike a compromise over two competing bills passed earlier this year
"Castle doctrine taking the country by storm. It means you don't have to retreat from a bad guy, they have to retreat from you. Awwwwwww... that's no fun."
The great state of Alabama also passed that law. I was very amused the other day as I was buying ammo. The wanted to see my ID to be sure I wasn't from a commie state like CA or OH. Once he saw my AL license all was good. No records BTW. Just like my gold coin dealer...
Fake ID's are easy to get. I will go from Diego Ramirez from Oaxaca to Jim Adams from Tulsa for only $300.00. Too Late Gringo Dummies, we are here to stay.
simple answer really. the gubment cann feed them, clothe them and shelter them AND solve the high gas problem. ship them to the middle east, give them pup tents, some camo, an m16 or machette, a canteen and mre's-let them kill every single muslum-camel-jockey and let them start digging for oil.
First we need humane, fair and enforceable laws on the books. Then we need to enforce them. I am for immigration but voter fraud and tax evasion must be stopped. We need a compromise where people can enter the country legally, be afforded the protection of law and pay taxes. The president’s guest worker program seemed to make sense, unfortunately Bush has lost control of the Republican base.
Quit bashing mexicans. I find them to be (majority) hard working and honest people. They are doing the work most of our welfare class refuses to do. This country is built on the idea that if you work hard you should be rewarded. The best thing for this country is to open our borders and let all who want to work enter.
Even if the housing market reduces the small number of Mexicans who are employed (versus the total number in the country) most will still be doing the menial jobs most Americans don't do or want. I watch Mexicans everyday busting their butts in the heat, humidity, working hard. They are more reliable than "american workers" in those fields, respectful, and pick up after themselves.
This is a housing blog, get off the bandwagon of hate.
>>Question: But who will pick your lettuce and tomatoes? Who will mow your lawns? Who will bus your tables? Who will cook your enchilades? Who will clean your hotels?<<
ANSWER: High School and Collage students, just like in the old days. Heck, I remember when my older brother and sister used to bag groceries. Sadly, by the time I got old enough to do it, those jobs were gone
"They are doing the work most of our welfare class refuses to do."
So, you're saying that we should allow illegals in to do the work that those on welfare should be doing in the first place?
And, to boot, you're fine with paying an entire class of people to do nothing but sit on their couch, eat tubs of ice cream, watch their "stories" and pop out more kids just like them?
Didnt you post this same exact thing in the past? oh well, here I go. I think they will see vacancies in the RE jobs so they will apply. THe RE industry will be so hard up that they will take them in and train them.
"Jello, My nem is Jose, I am ju frenly neyborhoo real estet ayent, how ken I hell ju? Ju wanna an intres only with opchum Arm? No prablem amigo! I can huk ju up."
>>Question: But who will pick your lettuce and tomatoes? Who will mow your lawns? Who will bus your tables? Who will cook your enchilades? Who will clean your hotels?<<
"ANSWER: High School and Collage students, just like in the old days. Heck, I remember when my older brother and sister used to bag groceries. Sadly, by the time I got old enough to do it, those jobs were gone"
Exactly. And I'm personally tired of the stereotypes perpetuated by the Bushies and the rest of the Republicans who should know better that Americans don't want to work any more. I've seen at least two reports illustrating now illegal immigrants take jobs away from young and/or lower class Americans.
jip said : High School and Collage students
..Gee, I dint know there were students that studied the art of making collages?
I think someone DIDNT go to college..you stupid fuck you.
"Can anyone really see it coming that far that we have open warfare in the streets here? Look at what hapenned after Katrina and during the So Central LA riots and Watts."
I believe this is very possible. I read recently where L.A. has the highest rate of population density of any city in the nation, including New York and Chicago. East L.A. is an even worse powderkeg than it was during the early 1990s. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the City of Angels has major rioting if (or should I say when) the economy crashes.
The Mexicans are here for the same reason the housing bubble existed: Greed. Greed all the way.
Most of the illegals had decent jobs in Mexico, but they wanted mas dineros and heard every day that Fox and Boosh were all in favor of them heading to El Norte.
But then when they come here, they trash the place and have to move to another part of the country. There was that article recently about the welfare mother with new quadruplets, up to 10 kids in all -- living in poverty in California while her relatives all left California and went to destroy Kentucky.
The Mexican invasion and the Zerg Swarm have a lot in common. We don't need them here. I don't care how oh so very "humble and hardworking" they are. They'll keep increasing until we turn into another dirthole Latin American country. Is that what we want? I don't think so.
until we turn into another dirthole Latin American country. Is that what we want? I don't think so
Don't matter what you want, it is our corporate masters who want them here for their cheap and exploitable labor. Just like the negros were brought here and ended up staying, our brothers from the south of the border will remain and be integrated into a browner america. Honkey Gringos will become the minority.
Even if the housing market reduces the small number of Mexicans who are employed (versus the total number in the country) most will still be doing the menial jobs most Americans don't do or want.
A study done by UCSD has identified 32 job classes that used to be handled by Americans and are now handled by Mexican Illegal aliens - The Primary reason for the Change is the wages for those classifications has been depressed by the Illegal aliens taking those jobs which Americans can no longer afford to take them - it has never been a question of Americans not wanting to do them it is Economics the wages have been depressed by the Illegals willing to work for much less and americans greed of hiring cheap illegal labor.
Brown lamp shades are the latest investment - seems that they are made out of a man made ingredient that is plentyful..
It won't be so easy to turn them beaners into lamp shades. Them cagey brown people have lived their whole hardscrabble lives in diversity. Gringos have lived theirs in air conditioning on a couch watching TV and eating lard-ass burgers. It is a pretty sure bet that them beaners are a lot smarter and stronger than you take them for you fatty gringo slobs.
Get off the racist bashing of Americans. Yes, Mexicans are Americans. We all are part of North, Central, and South America. We should be as unified as Europe if we want to survive globalization. Just like the European countries have been dumping billions of Euros into Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, to name a few of their poorer regions, we should be doing the same in Mexico, Central and South America. Open the borders (because they are a farce now anyway) and let people migrate where the jobs are and let people live where they want.
Free trade, free competion, that is what capitalism is all about. What about hte saying on Miss Statue of Liberty? Where is that immigrant spirit that created America? Oh, and don't forget, the Spainards were in the Americas long before the British or French. Mexicans have as much of a right to come here as Palestinians have the right to return to Palestine.
Mexicans are a family oriented, hard working, culturally rich people who have added much to this country. Quite bashing them. I see more hispanics in community colleges than non-hispanics. Our young people are too busy having fun while the hispanic community understands the value of education and skills to rise out of poverty.
The only reason people bash another group is because of their own inadequecies and the need to feel superior because they lack character.
"The Mexicans are here for the same reason the housing bubble existed: Greed. Greed all the way."
After watching that show on cable '30 days' where a minutmen agreed to spend time with an illegal family and he flew to Mexico to see where they lives...I now know why they came here. The conditions and poverty they lived in would make any human being cross the border. You would too.
To what extent do you think that today's anti-immigration types would love to swap out Mexicans for more eastern Europeans (sans the Russian mafia members) to keep the country 'white'?
I would like to see swap outs of blacks for hispanics. For each new illegal hispanic coming from the south, there should be a one-way ticket issued to a random black person. The sheriffs would escort the nig to the airport to be certain they make there flight to Africa, never to return.
Nigs are lazy, ugly, and smelly. Latinos are hard working, industrious, intelligent, and beautiful people.
It is a pretty sure bet that them beaners are a lot smarter and stronger than you take them for you fatty gringo slobs.
Smarter? LOL! Name one useful modern invention by a Mexican. Name 100 inventions by Europeans (or gringo slobs such as Thomas Edison). You'll find much to your surprise the latter job easier.
Get off the racist bashing of Americans. Yes, Mexicans are Americans. We all are part of North, Central, and South America. We should be as unified as Europe if we want to survive globalization. Just like the European countries have been dumping billions of Euros into Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, to name a few of their poorer regions, we should be doing the same in Mexico, Central and South America. Open the borders (because they are a farce now anyway) and let people migrate where the jobs are and let people live where they want.
Free trade, free competion, that is what capitalism is all about. What about hte saying on Miss Statue of Liberty? Where is that immigrant spirit that created America? Oh, and don't forget, the Spainards were in the Americas long before the British or French. Mexicans have as much of a right to come here as Palestinians have the right to return to Palestine.
Sorry, but your feel-good liberalism won't get you anywhere except in Wonderland. Europeans are all part of the same race and culture. "Americans" are not. It's exactly like asking Europe to integrate with Africa and Asia. And why are you equating Spaniards with Mexicans? Because they both speak Spanish?
Mexicans are a family oriented, hard working, culturally rich people who have added much to this country. Quite bashing them. I see more hispanics in community colleges than non-hispanics. Our young people are too busy having fun while the hispanic community understands the value of education and skills to rise out of poverty.
I'm willing to bet you that there are also more hispanics in your jails and prisons than non-hispanics.
"The Destructive Pathology of White Privilege" video lecture by Tim Wise
"White privilege"? Haha! Here's examples of "white privilege": 1) having the honor of getting your countries overrun with gimme gimme gimme bongonians, 2) getting crapped on all the time by "people of color" while you are called "racist" if you dare object, and 3) being forced to pay for said people of color's out-of-control breeding.
I'd rather go without "privilege" like that, thank you very much.
Nigs are lazy, ugly, and smelly. Latinos are hard working, industrious, intelligent, and beautiful people.
In case you haven't noticed, most Latinos don't look anything like the dolled-up newscasters on Univision.
Wow Keith. Yeah, this isn't racist so far. I mean, all that has been suggested is genocide against Mexicans and turning them into "lamp shades". Deporting "nigs" to Africa. People arming themselves for the eventual civil war that will erupt from a simple bubble collapse (of course theres a precedent though, who can forget those roving bands of marauding day traders hitting up people after the 2000 stock crash).
I think this really paints a fairly good portrait of the average Housing Panic reader. It's obvious that not everyone here is an astute watcher of the stock market. More like deranged, racist, extremely paranoid, likely mentally disturbed individual highly out of touch with reality.
Oh, and in response to the person who said that illegal aliens caused wages to drop thus moving Americans out of those jobs. You sir (or maam) are retarded. The wages for those jobs dropped because the American public, primarily under the Republican party, has launched a worldwide program of market liberalization and globalization of capital and trade. That means fruit growers in the US have to compete with fruit growers in Asia, Latin America, Europe etc. that enjoy lesser prices or heavy subsidies. Those jobs can't fundamentally exist in the US if they don't pay sh!t-wages, because of the policies you people vote for. If you really dislike illegal immigrants there are a few things you can easily do:
1. Pass government subsidies to support growers so they can pay higher wages, which would involve a heavy expansion to federal taxes
2. Begin demanding that you're supermarket only stock fruit grown by growers who employ Americans paying minimum or fair wage, which would likely raise the price of many foodstuffs considerably
3. Vote for a protectionist president, this may be distasteful to some of you since the vast majority of these are very leftist Democrats
Until then, stop bitching because your idiotic ass is part of the problem that is fucking this country up. Not only are you doing nothing to stop the problem, but everytime your moronic behind votes for a pro-globalization Republican (in other words, nearly ANY Republican), keeps buying foodstuffs, housing, etc. you are not only exacerbating the problem but also subsidizing various illegals.
-A True Patriot, not like you moronic "conservatives" that wouldnt know a conservative if he hit you in the behind
The out of work illegals should join the US military. We need soldiers, they need jobs. Start a 'service buys citizenship' campaign.
"The out of work illegals should join the US military. We need soldiers, they need jobs. Start a 'service buys citizenship' campaign."
That already exists, legal residents are able to join branches of the military and after (I think) 7 years they become citizens. I believe something like 5% of the armed forces consist of individuals like this.
What will the illegals do? Take the handouts our taxes give them! Whatelse?
I have been reading your comments...We have a mexican family that just moved across the street from us. They have stolen our sunday morning paper. Stole my grandchildrens toys. We have never ever had a neighbor do this to us. Most of the AMERICANS! I know respect their neighbors. That's what it means to be an AMERICAN, you have respect for other Americans and their property, that's freedom.
Our government is letting this go on, (the illegals are crossing our border and the government is letting this happen!
But the United States government is not stupid. They didn't become the power that they are by being stupid. They have some reason for doing this, they are letting this happen. The only thing I can figure out is one day Mexico will attach us and we will have a war with Mexico. Mexico will be the 51st State of the United States.
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