Do HP'ers know the Iranian nut sent a note to Germany's government a few days ago (which they won't release) basically spouting Hitler's platform, calling for the elimination of the Jews, denying the holocaust, and asking Germany to join in the cause.
We were warned. Just like Hitler warned us what he was going to do, this nut is doing the same thing. So when he does it, don't pretend like it was a surprise. He's already fighting the West today - using Hezbollah and Hamas as his proxies.
The battle has begun - or in his case, the final battle leading to the appearance of the hidden imam and Jesus. Seriously.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday the solution to the Middle East crisis was to destroy Israel, Iranian state media reported.
In a speech during an emergency meeting of Muslim leaders in Malaysia, Ahmadinejad also called for an immediate cease-fire to end the fighting between Israel and the Iranian-back group Hezbollah.
"Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate cease-fire must be implemented," Ahmadinejad said, according to state-run television in a report posted on its Web site.
August 03, 2006
Iranian President: Solution to Middle East crisis is to destroy Israel (get ready world, a nut is on the loose)
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A little history of Islam and its conquest of the old Persian Empire.
Note, this has nothing to do with the Jews, this is between an Islamic invader and a Zoroastrian Persian Emperor some 1400 years ago.
The current leader of Iran is Islam's bitch!
From the London Museum...
Yazdgird III Letter To Omar
The Historical Letters
From: Omar Ibn Al Khatab Khalifat Al Muslemin
To: Yazdgird III Shahanshah of Persian Empire
Yazdgird, I see not a fruitful future for you & your nation unless you accept my offer & commit Bei'at (Joining with Khalifat & bringing Islam). Once upon a time your land ruled half the known world but what has it come down to now? Your troops are defeated in all fronts & your nation is bound to collapse. I offer you a way to rescue yourself. Start praying to a mono God, a single union God, the only God who created everything in the universe. We bring you & the world his message, he who is the true God. Stop your Fire Worship, command your nation to stop their Fire Worship which is false; join us by joining the truth.
Worship Allah O Akbar the only true God, The creator of universe. Worship to Allah & accept Islam as your salvation. End your Pagan ways & your false worships now & bring Islam so you can accept Allah O Akbar as your savior. By doing so, you will find the only way to your survival & peace for Persians. If you know what is best for Ajam (Arabic term for Persians meaning Retarded & Weird), you will choose this path. Bei'at is the only way.
Allah O Akbar
Khalifat Al Muslemin
Omar Ibn Al Khatab
And here's Yazdgird III, famous respond to Omar:
From: Shah of Shahs, Shah of Persia and Beyond, Shah of many Kingdoms, Shah of Aryans and Non Aryans, Shah of Persians and many other races as well as Arabs, Shahanshah of Persian Empire, Yazdgird III Sassanid
To: Omar Ibn Al Khatab, Khalifat of Tazi (Persian term for Arabs, meaning Arabian Hound Dogs)
In the name of Ahura Mazda, creator of Life & Intelligence,
You in your letter wrote that you want to direct us towards your God, Allah O Akbar, without having the true knowledge of who we are & what do we worship! It is amazing that you occupy the position of Khalifat (Ruler) of Arabs, yet your knowledge is the same as a lowly Arab rambler, roaming in deserts of Arabia, & same as a desert tribal man!
"Little Man", you offer me to worship a united & single God without knowing that it has been thousands of years that Persians worship the mono God & they pray to him Five Times a day! In this land of culture & art this has been the normal path of life for years.
When we established the tradition of hospitality & good deeds in the world & we waved the flag of "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds" in our hands, you & your ancestors were roaming the deserts, eating Lizards for you had nothing else to feed yourselves & burying your innocent daughters alive (an old Arab tradition, cause they preferred male children to female)!
Tazi people have no value for God's creatures! You behead God's children, even the POWs (Prisoners of War), Rape Women, bury your daughters alive, attack the Caravans, mass murder, kidnap people's wives & steal their property! Your hearts are made of stone, we condemn all these Evil which you do. How can you teach us Godly Ways when you commit these action?
You tell me to stop my Fire Worship! Us, Persians see the Love of Creator & power of inventor in the light of Sun & warmth of Fire. Lights & Warmth of the Sun & Fire makes us see the light of truth & warmens our hearts to the creator & to one another. It helps us to be kind to one another, it enlightens us & makes us to keep Mazda's Flame, alive in our hearts. Our lord is Ahura Mazda & it is strange that you people also, just discovered him & named him Allah O Akbar! But we are not the same as you, we are not in the same level as you. We help other human being, we spread love among humanity, we spread Good throughout the Earth, we have been spreading our culture but in respect for other cultures throughout the whole world for thousands of years, yet you in the name of Allah invade other men's land! You mass murder the people, create famine, fear & poverty for others, you create Evil in the name of Allah. who is responsible for all this catastrophe?
Is it Allah who commands you to murder, pillage & to destroy?
Is it you the followers of Allah who do this in his name?
Is it both?
You have risen from heat of the deserts & burnt out infertile lands with no resources, you want to teach people the love of God by your military campaigns & the power of your Swords! You are Desert Savages, yet you want to teach Urban people like us who lived in the cities for thousands of years, the love of God! We have thousands of years of culture behind us, a powerful tool indeed! Tell us? With all your military campaigns, barbarianism, murder & pillage in the name of Allah O Akbar, what have you taught to this Muslim Army? What knowledge have you taught the Muslim that you also insist on teaching it to non Muslim? What culture have you learned from your Allah, now that you want to force-teach it to others?
Alas, Oh Alas...... that today our
Persian Armies of Ahura have been defeated from your recently Allah Worshiping Armies; Now, our people have to worship the same God, the same Five times a day, but forced by the sword to call him Allah & pray to him in Arabic, cause your Allah only understands Arabic!
I suggest, you & your gang of bandits pack up & move back to your deserts where they are used to live. Take them back where they used to the burning heat of the sun, tribal life, eating Lizards & drinking Camel Milk. I forbid you to let your band of thieves loose in our fertile lands, civilized cities & our glorious nation. Don't turn these "beasts with hearts of stone" loose, to mass murder our people, kidnap our women & children, rape our wives & send our daughters to Mecca as slaves! Don't let them do these crimes in the name of Allah O Akbar, put a stop to your criminal behavior.
Aryans are forgiving, warm, hospitable, & decent people and everywhere they went, they have spread seeds of friendship, love, knowledge & truth; therefore, they shall not punish you & your people for your pirate ways & criminal acts.
I beg you to remain with your Allah O Akbar in your deserts & do not move close to our civilized cities, for your believes are "Much Fearful" & your behavior is "Most Barbaric"!
Yazdgird III Sassanid
don't forget we're fighting Iran in Iraq too - they fund the shia militias
Head of U.S. command: Iraq civil war possible
Abizaid: 'Sectarian violence is probably as bad as I've seen it'
Zionism is a political movement and ideology that supports a homeland for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, where the Jewish nation originated over 3,200 years ago and where Jewish kingdoms and self-governing states existed up to the 2nd century. While Zionism is based in part upon religious tradition linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, the modern movement was originally secular, beginning largely as a response to rampant antisemitism in Europe and in many parts of the Muslim world during the 19th Century. After a number of advances and setbacks, and after the Holocaust had destroyed much of the existing Jewish society in Europe, the Zionist movement culminated in the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.
That's not possible. Rummy and Bush and the group said that there is no way that Iraq would fall into a civil war. How can they possibly be wrong and not see it coming....oh my....arrrrggghhhh....what do we dooooooooo........
IDIOTS run this country. IDIOTS vote them in. Bottom line is it will eventually collapse. Stupidity on this planet is growing exponentially.
"Aryans are forgiving, warm, hospitable, & decent people and everywhere they went, they have spread seeds of friendship, love, knowledge & truth; therefore, they shall not punish you & your people for your pirate ways & criminal acts."
===what a crock of shit.===
You got the wrong Aryans.
These were not Hitler's boys. Hitler's ideas were all bullshit; Germans aren't any more Aryan than the Slavs who they looked down upon.
These were the ancient preIslamic Persians who were in fact very tolerant of other nationalities: Egpytians, Parthians, Jews, Indians, etc and even took in Plato's academy when Orthodox Christian fanantical Greeks thought that they were pagan heretics. Read your history books in this empire.
The jews killed Jesus, and Jesus condemned them to hell. So who cares what happens to Israel. Sounds like that Iran guy is working for Jesus.
Islamists are also against Buddhism, Hinduism, and the Bahais.
Do Jews oppress these other faiths, in contrast? I didn't think so.
If Israel were in Cyprus then we wouldn't have a Hamas and gang. Instead, Israel is in Palestine which is why the pan-Arab states (plus Iran) are conspiring against it. So, it's about Jews and Islam which is why no one's criticizing Islam as a stand alone failed religion for modern times.
Before anyone condemns Judaism any further, ask this question...
Do Jews oppress Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Bahais, and Hindus?
And I don't mean in a debating team sort of fashion.
That's the best way to determine who the more guilty is in this conflict.
"Zionists" is not equivalent to "radical Islamicists". One can imagine, e.g. Iran, without a radical Islamic government.
On the other hand, if you are a Jew, and you live in the Levant, you are, today, a Zionist, by definition.
And really, when the armies come marching through do you think the excuse, "bbbut I'm not really a radical Zionist" is going to make a difference?
Plenty of Jews were sent to the camps clutching their World War I medals from the Kaiser, proclaming, "But I'm a loyal German!"
Sorry fellows but the Zoroastrian King of Persia said it centuries ago, Islam is an imperialistic religion of cutthroats, not civilized peoples. His words, not mine.
The jews dont even recognize jesus, but to muslims Jesus was an important prophet. Thus we should support Islam against Israel, Jesus would want it that way.
:we have no way of knowing
Zoroastrians are still persecuted in Iran today. And these are Persian descendants, not Israeli/American plants as Islamists would like to think of anyone who doesn't agree with them. Also, what's going on with Bahai people in Islamic countries like Iran?
I predict The middle east is going to be one big mirror real soon
:Thus we should support Islam against Israel, Jesus would want it that way.
Islam simply made Jesus a stepping stone for Mohammed. That's not showing respect but sidelining him whereas the three Magis (Zoroastrian scholars, BTW) were looking for him as the possible saoshyant (a.k.a. savior in ancient Avestan).
Sure but the jews dont like jesus, theyre always calling him an asshole and a fraud. At least muslims have a tiny bit of respect for jesus. Everyone knows the Jews are all going to hell ( unless they convert! ), so why should we give two shits about israel.
biblical scholar said...
The jews dont even recognize jesus, but to muslims Jesus was an important prophet. Thus we should support Islam against Israel, Jesus would want it that way.
They recognise him as a Prophet, but not as the Messiah. Same as Islam, prophet not Messiah.
Solution to the Middle East is to destroy Israel...? No, not destroy, just admit that it is a failed experiment in Zionist statecraft, admit that American empire no longer needs Israel as a garrison state/client, withold support for its continual existence, and propose and implement Diaspora II for the Israelis.
(From another thread...)
The "State of Israel" was an artifact of the Cold War, a tactic to prevent Stalin and his boys from co-opting the Jews in Palenstine and to find a dumping ground for the remaining unwanted Jews throughout Europe. The "Jews"/Israelis were placed in a hopelessly unworkable situation surrounded by hostile ethnic/religious groups and meant to do the dirty work of Anglo-American empire, serving as a kind of garrison state in the Middle East for empire.
Now, with the US invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, the Anglo-American imperialists really don't need Israel anymore in its former capacity.
Thus, it's well past time to finally concede that Israel is no longer a viable project in the Middle East. Give the Israelis 5 years to vacate, that is, emigrate to Europe, UK, Ireland, Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, South America, Mexico, etc. Require the western host nations to compensate the emigrees, and assign a large UN/NATO contingent to facilitate the evacuation and to remain behind under UN mandate to protect Jewish religious and cultural sites.
Call it "Diaspora II", only this time the Iraelis are not the Hebrews or Israelites of Egypt or Bablyon but willing emigrees from a hopelessly violent existence, and enthusiastic participants in forging a better life for themselves and making way for Anglo-American empire to placate Arabs/Muslims formerly hostile to the Israelis and to us.
Then, let the Arabs and other minority ethnic groups fight it out amongst themselves for supremacy, only keep the oil flowing for we decadent westerners to consume.
There, we gave you back Palestine, the Jews are gone and safely out of harm's way and where they should have been in the 1930s-40s, and you can now decide for yourselves whether you want theocracies, democracies, monarchies, republics, or whatever. We need the oil under your feet, and we want to pay a fair price for it. No more need to hate the Israelis/Jews(???) or at least no need to want to kill them anymore.
And, no, I am not an anti-Semite or self-hating Jew. I am merely reflecting what a growing plurality of the western power elite are coming to conclude. It is clear that US empire does not require Israel to do our dirty work anymore, and the costs in terms of face, reputation, credibility, and money are becoming prohibitive to support Israel and fight an endless War of Terror with Radical Islam.
Shalom and assalamu alaikum.
As I said in the last thread, isn't Israel the size of Connecticut or Mass? And don't the pan-Arab states have more land?
Next, isn't that land worthless from the point of view of irrigation and agricultural and natural resources development?
If my country was just a buffer zone between Providence and New York and I was being encroached upon by terrorists from RI, Mass, and NY, wouldn't I need to put up a New Rochelle defense zone (see Gaza), a Narragansett RI zone (see Golan Heights), and a western Mass defense at Sturbridge (see South Lebanon)?
You see, I'm trying to make due with Connecticut but I've got enemies trying to bust through at every angle.
If anything, it was the British Empire's fault for not making Cyprus island, the Jewish homeland, as oppose to a region known as Palestine. The Turks and Greeks already have homelands and can return to either countries if they get sick of living with Israelis. Also, being on a quiet island keeps the wrath of pan-Arabism at bay. Let's face it, this is an Arab-Islam issue and over the decades, the Israelis have become trigger happy because of all the terrorism on their soil.
The Iranians need to learn that they've lost their Persian culture centuries ago. Today, they're little more than greater Arabia, though Shitte instead of Sunni with a cult of personality leader.
Fact: If Israel disappeared or was magically moved to another location outside of Arabia, this would go a very long way towards ameliorating tensions in the region and reducing anti-American anti-Western feelings. Israel is an invention of the Zionists, and the latter are not synonymous with Jews per se. Arab nations view Israel as a Zionist proxy state of the West, and for all intents and purposes that is what the "Jewish State" has transmogrified into. While Islamofascism has deep roots that stem from centuries old animosity towards the west, it is the irritant, destabilizing and corrosive effect of the Israeli nationstate that has crystallized the militant moslems into a fighting movement. The recent Israeli actions in Lebanon are war crimes; mass destruction of civilian infrastructure whilst killing hundreds of women and children and displacing hundreds of thousands of non-combatants is de facto genocide that would make Stalin proud. Israel has now demonstrated a long and consistently infamous history of acting out in it's own national interests, often to the extreme, with total disregard for proportionality and human rights of non-Israelis, and with arrogant disregard for the world community of nations and international law. Israel has ignored UN directives, has committed treasonous espionage against it's main sponsor, the United States, and has stolen nuclear secrets from the US and continues to be a renegade nation vis-a-vis it's ill-gotten and illegal nuclear stockpile;cwith it's latest illegal invasion into sovereign Lebanon and murder of international observers on the scene in order to blind the world community to the atrocites being committed, Israel has shown itself to be no better than the Nazis. As an American citizen, I have come to despise militant Zionist Israel and the neocons who have betrayed the American people to involve us in this endless middle eastern conflict, all for money, oil and power. I hope that Israel gets her cumuppance, soon.
Yep, Israel was a big mistake. They are a racist state and every bit as violent as those that attack them.
"dont hate either the jews or the muslims, both people(their politicians) use religion to stir up people. just like in the US.
why do you think US politician use the gay issue when convinient, or gw uses the word "crusade" or "evil", these are to stir up religious people.
This is also exactly what the BJP does in india to inflame the muslims and stir up fundamentalist hindus.
people get programmed by this from an such an early age, before they can think for themselves, be it christianitym,islam, judaism or hindu."
These jealous, violent tribal desert sky gods have been a curse to humanity for millennia. It's time we opened our eyes and minds and stopped behaving like children who still believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny.
Most people's intellectual development becomes arrested at around puberty, and we spend the rest of our lives allowing the cognitive capacity of our brains to atrophe while continuously stimulating and appeasing the reptilian, fear-based part of our brains.
I found myself scrolling through all of your comments. blah blah blah.
enlightned diplomacy,
hey if that plan is ever implemented i will buy a big house and some acreage and provide free housing for 10 years for as many of them that i can.
panicearly, very good, as will I. A small price to pay versus what we as a country have paid and will pay to perpetuate the failed experiment known as the "State of Israel".
I think a famous black comedian once said:"If there were no niggers, whitey would have to invent some" The same applies to jews. Magically take them all away today and the islamic world would turn on itself like rabid dogs. The majority of slaughter is muslim against muslim, far out distancing the kill rate for americans and jews.
Folks, the USA has had two major terrorists strikes in a decade, Oklahoma City and 911; I don't really count that Ryder truck WTC attack in '93 to be very significant.
In contrast, Israel has had an attack, almost once a week for years at a time. If anything, I'm not at all surprised at its govt's paranoia and strike first psychosis on any issue involving the border regions. If you remember, the US attacked Mexico because of Francisco Villa's border assaults back in the 1910s with the govt in Mexico City doing nothing about it. Ok, now back to the present, the USA has land whereas Israel has at most, Connecticut.
The Arabs have the rest of New England, New York, and Pennsylvania but instead of letting these New London-to-RI, Tolland MA, New Rochelle NY border region residents relocate within greater New England, NY, and PA, they maintain multi-generational refugee camps, support suicide/and non-suicide attacks on Connecticut, and it's all for the greater good of a homogeneous northeast corridor.
"Do Jews oppress Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Bahais, and Hindus?"
Well, I wouldnt lump Jews in the same category as zionists who carved out and control the territories of Palestine, but the short answer to your question is yes, they would not only oppress but kill anyone of any faith who stood in the way of what they want. Religon is not the issue, it's about territory acquisition and control of indigenous resources. Israel is the problem in the middle east. What I find fascinating by this whole thing is why the US continues to allow itself to lose the moral high ground by throwing their lot in with a bunch of violent zionists, but also go against their own national and strategic interests by doing so. It's an interesting study in irrationality. All the money and effort they put into propping up these zionists (billions in direct and indirect aid every year) could easily be channeled to build up relations with the very culturally and oil rich countries they help Israel to attack. No one in the world likes or support Israel, they are bully and always have been. Israel has no national resources or anything of any value to give America. All they do is take from the dwindling coffers of American resources, and create countless enemies for Americans in the region. America can't really afford to support these people any longer, they are a drain, both a moral and financial one.
:who carved out and control the territories of Palestine
Umm... you mean Connecticut. Wow, real imperialists here.
There were Buddhists in Afghanistan, Central Asia, and part of Iran as well as Hindus. Do you know why the mountain range in Pakistan is called Hindu Kush? (Hint: It means Hindu Kill).
If it weren't for the tolerant Mughal leader of India, Akbar, a man way ahead of his century, Hindus would be less that 10% of India today.
Zionists just want a sliver of land, not an empire of blood.
:control of indigenous resources.
Israel plus Gaza, S Lebanon, Golan Heights (and even Sinai) has no resources.
"Israel plus Gaza, S Lebanon, Golan Heights (and even Sinai) has no resources."
Israel gets two thirds of its water from territories that it has invaded: the Golan Heights and the West Bank. It takes water from the Jordan and stores it in the Sea of Galilee in contravention of international law, which states that water should not be diverted from its catchment basin. This water is then transported to Israel’s cities, farms and industries. Also, land acquired by force allows Israel to expand their borders and scope of regional power. These lands are then settled on by Israelis using American taxpayer money to raze existing homes of indigenous people and build new ones to be settled into by Israelis.
Solution to the Middle East is to destroy Israel...? No, not destroy, just admit that it is a failed experiment in Zionist statecraft, admit that American empire no longer needs Israel as a garrison state/client, withold support for its continual existence, and propose and implement Diaspora II for the Israelis.
How exactly is that going to work?
Israeli eliminators: we are here to ethnically cleanse you from this area.
Israel: No.
Israeli eliminators: Really! We're gonna drop a U.N. resolution on you if you don't.
Israel: Fuck off.
It comes down to this. Are you willing to start a nuclear war to eliminate Israel? Remember they have at least 40 or 50 strategic (200 kt and above) nuclear weapons.
The fallout will exterminate most of the Palestinian Arabs and much of Lebanon + Jordan too.
Paris, London, they'll all be gone.
A bit on Bahaism, the oppression under Islamic govt and the co-existence with Judaism.
Since the Islamic Revolution they have once again been subjected to relentless persecution. "In the early days of the revolution, the nine members of the national spiritual assembly were kidnapped and disappeared. They are presumed dead. Another nine were elected, and were subsequently executed," Fullmer says.
"When the next nine were elected, a law was passed banning them."
Since it is a Baha'i principle to obey the government, the movement complied with that law, and disbanded the assembly. However, Baha'i followers continued to teach the religion and culture to their children. That led, in 1983, to the hanging of 15 teenage girls accused of holding Sunday-school classes.
Faced with international condemnation over the executions, the Iranian authorities adopted more subtle forms of repression, banning Baha'is from studying and teaching at university. In response, the members created universities in their homes, equipping them with computers and laboratories, and offering degrees in subjects ranging from pharmacology to engineering.
In 1998, the Iranian authorities raided these home universities and confiscated the equipment.
Like the Jews in Iran, Baha'is are frequently charged with being agents or spies for Israel. In the last two decades, tens of thousands of Iranian Baha'is - some of them fifth-generation members - have left the country and settled in other parts of the world.
The Baha'i communities in other Muslim countries - with the exception of Turkey - face differing degrees of persecution. In most Arab countries, they are obliged to inform the authorities if they want to congregate even for a picnic. Fullmer is reluctant to reveal more details about these communities. "Our experience is that every time we do that, there are repercussions for the community in question," he says.
IN ISRAEL, there is no local Baha'i community. The Baha'is who work at the international center in Haifa are all sent over from other countries for limited periods of time. The absence of a local Baha'i community is the result of the Baha'u'llah's written order not to engage in any proselytizing in the Holy Land. The Baha'i have studiously adhered to that edict.
"When Israelis approach us, we direct them to our Web site where they are able to satisfy their curiosity," explains Fullmer. "If they want to do more than that, we explain to them that there is no formal community here."
Albert (Avraham) Ben-Joya, a retired bank employee from Haifa, once offered to volunteer at the Baha'i Center. "I do a lot of volunteer work for different organizations and I wanted to offer my services here, too, because these people seemed so decent. But they turned down my request," he recalls. "They said that only Baha'is who come from abroad can volunteer at the center."
The Baha'u'llah never gave a reason for the ban on missionary work in the Holy Land - missionizing is legal in Israel as long as it does not involve the giving of cash or goods to entice converts. But experts in and outside the religion suspect that it was done in order to enable the movement to establish a foothold in Haifa without provoking friction and opposition.
While there is no Israeli Baha'i community, there are many Jews who have joined the religion - in particular in its birthplace, Iran.
In fact, by 1940, about one out of every 10 Jews in Iran had converted to the Baha'i faith, according to Dr. Amnon Netzer, the head of the Hebrew University's department of India, Iran and Armenia studies.
"Even today, nearly every Iranian Jewish family in the world, including my own, has some Baha'i relatives," says the Iranian-born academic.
Netzer attributes the popularity of the movement to two factors: first, a substantial number of Jews in 19th-century Persia gravitated to other religions including Islam and Christianity.
"Jews were badly persecuted in every respect," explains Netzer, noting that the Shi'ite Muslim Iranians have a special word to refer to Jews: it is "najes" - which is Persian for "ritually impure."
The Baha'i movement was particularly seductive because, unlike Christianity and Islam, the Jews who joined it did not have to renounce their Jewish faith.
"It was regarded as a social and cultural movement more than a religion," says Netzer. "And at first those who joined it continued to mark Pessah, Shabbat, Yom Kippur and all the other Jewish holidays. Subsequent generations became more cut off from Judaism," he notes. "But Jews did not regard Baha'i converts with the same contempt that they regarded a Jew who converted to Christianity or Islam, which would usually lead to a complete severance of ties. Even today, most Iranian Jews - including myself - treat their Baha'i relatives as Jews."
But what if they don't observe any Jewish rituals or holidays?
"You could say the same about many secular Jews," replies Netzer. "To be Baha'i does not mean you turn your back totally on your last religion. And besides, these people are not fanatic; they never try to coerce others to convert." Netzer notes that the universal nature of the religion was particularly attractive to Iranian Jewish intellectuals, who saw in it something not that different from the writings of the prophets.
JEWISH INTELLECTUALS in many parts of the world are drawn to the universal message of the Baha'i faith. Kate Shanks, an American university professor, who grew up Jewish, became a Baha'i in her thirties. An articulate woman who looks much younger than her 60-something years, Shanks was clearly disappointed with her own Jewish upbringing, but is, in keeping with Baha'i principles, reluctant to criticize it in public.
"I don't want to hurt anyone," she says, but when prodded, finally tells her story.
Shanks grew up in a non-religious Jewish home in the Midwest. "I knew I was Jewish and that all my friends were Jewish, and that my family had always been Jewish, but to be frank with you, I didn't know what faith was."
Eventually Shanks married a Christian. "When my first child was born, I wanted her to have equal respect for the religions of both of her grandparents and not judge them," she says. The Baha'i religion, first discovered by her husband, answered that need since it holds both Judaism and Christianity in esteem. "There was nothing in the teachings of the Baha'i that I would ever regret my children learning," she says. "There was tolerance, equality of men and women, justice."
"Leaving the Jewish faith was very difficult; there was a psychological separation that was hard," she recalls. But Shanks never denies her Jewish background. "I call myself ethnically Jewish, but my religion is Baha'i." To convert, Shanks was required to say, more or less: "I believe Baha'u'llah is who he says he is, a manifestation of God, and that I agree to abide by his laws." She also signed a card to that effect.
She smiles and says that her relatives probably still regard her conversion - almost 30 years ago - as a "delayed adolescent Sixties rebellion that I would eventually get over." Her mother "never came to terms with it," though the two continued to maintain their relationship.
Shanks says that, ironically, her respect for Judaism is greater now than it ever was before. She sent her children, raised as Baha'i, to Jewish community-center summer camps in San Diego, where she lives, and adds that she is proud that they, too, respect Judaism. "When they attend the bar mitzva of friends, they read everything and take it very seriously."
As a Jew, Shanks never visited Israel. But as a Baha'i, she applied and was accepted to work in the research department at the movement's headquarters in Haifa. The inauguration of the gardens - to which she, like all other Baha'is contributed - is especially meaningful. "In a sense I feel like I'm contributing to my Jewish heritage. The people of this country will benefit tremendously by having something so beautiful to look at and by having such a peaceful place in which to contemplate."
Like most Baha'is stationed in Haifa, Shanks keeps a certain distance from Israelis. She, like other Baha'is, says she is simply too busy to socialize.
"I am a Baha'i servant of God." But Fullmer admits that there is a directive to avoid "excessive socializing" with Israelis. "It is a closed community," he says, "and that is partly to avoid the impression of missionary activity."
I guarantee that the Jews living in central Asia during and after the Kushan times wouldn't kill Buddhists the way the Islamists did a few centuries later.
Here's the model...
Islam tolerates bits and pieces of Christianity ("People of the Book") hence the existence of Syrian and Lebanese churches.
Islam hates Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, and finally Bahais (after 1850). This is the Hitler youth side of Islam. Most Islamic countries have committed genocide on these groups.
Islam has a love-hate relationship with Judaism because of some desert vs city ancestry involving Abraham which then causes them to want to have wars with Jews especially in the promised region.
Finally, in contrast, Judaism doesn't really care about anyone else's relgion. As long as they have a contigious piece of land to live and work, they're happy. Arabs and Islamists, however, using old tricks and pretending that everyone is against them (without digging up the records on their own genocides againsts Zoroastrians, Buddhists, and Hindus) is making the present day Israelis paranoid and psychotic in defending their small strip of land.
End result, Islam vs the world (Russia {Orthodox Christians vs Chenchens}, India {Hindus vs Kashmiris}, Thailand {Buddhists vs Muslims-Malays}, and finally, Israel vs all of its neighbors).
Since everyone seems to like to talk about Muslims and Jews, here is a post I put on a middle eastern blog about Israel and the killing of 39 children.
In the 1989 funeral of Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini, a mob of millions (yes, millions) of Iranians stormed the funeral bier and tore Khomeini’s corpse apart in a frenzy to obtain pieces of his corpse. This islamic state has killed teenagers for being homosexual, murdered thousands of its citizens, creates a suicide cult believing that to blow oneself up for Allah is virteous. Hamas, hizbollah, Al Queda, and all these groups feel that to kill with inpunity, to blow up civilians in cafes, on buses, on trains, shopping at markets, to capture civilians and chop of their heads, drill holes into their heads, the list goes on, apparently is what “true” Islam is all about. Israel tries not to intentionally kill innocents but there is a difference between a military assault and terrorism. This military assault wouldn’t have happened if hizbollah hadn’t commited its acts of war against Israel.
For the tens of thousands of Iraqis killed every year by the so called “resistance” in Iraq, I bleed for you. I cry for you. For every jew killed by a suicide bomber or a Hizbollah missle, I cry for you. For every innocent civilian killed in any war between ideologues, I cry for you. Where are the tears of terrorists? Murderers? Those who violate the commandment of not commiting “murder” and that law is even in the Koran? For the Jewish reporter who had his throat slit in Pakistan, or the innocent Jewish tourist murdered on a cruise ship, or the innocent Iraqi just trying to feed his family and rebuild his life after Sadaam who is blown up, kidnapped and executed as a collaborater, or because he is a Shia or Sunni.
The hypocracy of the Islamic world is evident in the fact that moderate muslims do not speak out against these crimes when commited by Muslims against Muslilms. More muslims have been killed over the past 30 years by muslims than in all of the wars against Israel (Men, women and children who would not have been killed if arabs hadn’t tried to anilhlate Israel). Still, where is the mass protests, millions in the street protesting the murder of Muslims by Muslims? They fall into the streets over a cartoon, they burn flags and riot when a non-muslim kills (even accidently) a muslim but never for the tens of thousands, millions killed by members of their own faith.
The Islam that produced the Alhambra, great mosques, centers of learning is a faith I can admire, but the faith of Islam as practiced today raises in me the same contempt I feel for the Catholicism of the 1400-1600s. For all those moderate Muslims, your day will come. The people of your own faith will put you in chains, oppress you, kill you, just because you don’t follow their strict interpretation of your faith. The old sayings, “The letter of the law killeth but the spirit of the law gives life” has been forgotten by these fanatics. When they beat you, cane you in public, chop off your hands, cut off your heads, use terror to control you and to enforce their faith, you’ll have to ask yourselves is this the “all merciful” Allah that I as taught as a child? Just as all those people who refused to stand up against Hitler paid the price of being inprisoned and murdered, we forget that for the six million jews murdered in concentration camps, twelve million non-jews were also killed for being gypsy or catholic or homosexual, or just polish. The killing will start with jews but it won’t end there.
and the neo-cons will save us from all this? lol
This is ridiculous. The U.S. is actually running around destroying other countries, or supporting the destruction of other countries and the murders of thousands of civillians and you are pointing fingers at another leader????? Give your head a shake!
"The Islam that produced the Alhambra, great mosques, centers of learning is a faith I can admire"
Actually, I don't believe this to be authentic. The Islamic invaders actually pilfered the works of the ancient Persians, Indians, Egyptians, and Phoenicians calling it their own concoction much like a plagarizer at a university publishing someone else's work as his own. I find it hard to believe that a bunch of desert mauraders could have invention the whole of ancient civilization.
I find it hard to believe that a bunch of desert mauraders could have invention the whole of ancient civilization.
You've obviously never been to southern Spain then.
Lets see...just a small selection of the things that the Moors gave the Northen European savages
distilled alcohol
a numerical system that didn't require a degree in mathmatics to use.
Oh, and Algebra.
And trade with the rest of the world.
Some of the above may have been 'invented' by other people further west, but never would have known in Barbaric Europe if not the for the Moors
Sure, the Arabain Peninsula has always been full of warring nomads.
But both Damascus and Bhagdad were pretty much the only 'civilization' west of China for about 800 years
To those who think the Muslims were a great ancient civilization...
The so-called Arabic numerals were actually Hindu.
The Atlas region's north Africans were pre-Islamic Berbers who mixed with the Cartheginians (Phoenecians) before being taken over by Rome and later, conquered by Muslims. Babylon was Parthia (i.e. western Persia) and Damascus was under the Byzantine/Greek empire. All these places had centers of learning and architecture. The Islamic Caliphate's empire simply lifted this work and called it Islam's originals.
"The UN hasn't lifted a finger to take care of the Hezbollah threat."
The UN is a colossal joke. They couldn't stop a clear and present genocide in Rwanda and they only made Milosevic's bloodbath in Bosnia easier to conduct by disarming his opposition. Great job by the security council!
Israel was forced into a situation of extreme action because they have terrorists on all sides and perpetual proxy war going on with Islamic-Arab govts at all times since the Yom Kippur war of '73.
Also, Iran no longer represents the virtues of Persia. They are a fundamentalist neo-Arab colony. I repeat, all non-Muslim Iranians should immediately disconnected their racial origins from the country that pretends to carry them forward. There's more of Persian thought in Russia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijian, and Tajikstan then in Iran today.
For those who're sick and tired of Iran's bullshit and want some straight talk about what differentiates Persia from Arabia and its heritage of Islamic psychosis, read the following...
Then, look at the Shitte crapper, a.k.a. the Islamic Republic of Iran and see that they're no different than an Arab nation.
And Iranians reading this, you know that your nation was force converted!
Notice how the "Jews vs Muslims" polarization ceases when we bring in the Bahais, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, and Hindus into the picture.
Then, it becomes Muslims vs {Bahais, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians} and then it becomes clear to the outside observer that this is a form of Arab cultural colonialism (and I'm not talking about popular US brands like Nike and KFC being sold in Asia and Europe).
The sickening thing about this world is that all political commentary is gravitating toward absolutes.
ALL muslims want to do x to American and Israel.
ALL Iranians are muslims.
ALL jews are the root of all muslim suffering.
ALL americans help jews so they are the enemy of our enemy.
WTF? Where the hell has our common sense gone?
To suggest that Iranians want to destroy Israel and the USA is bullshit. Yes, the zealots in the Iranian government may spout off about it, but they can't afford to go to war with Israel or anyone else right now. They would lose (again) and probably rubbed out. In reality, most Iranians on the ground in Tehran would probably prefer an improved relationship with the USA, greater individual freedoms for themselves and better security (against Israel and Iraq).
Two interesting questions here:
Question - What would happen if tomorrow Israel withdrew its army and disarmed itself 100%, i.e. no more weapons?
Answer - Muslim terrorists/freedom fighters would invade Israel, occupy it and kill and/or expel all Israeli inhabitants.
Question - What would happen if Hezbollah and Hamas disarmed itself 100%.
Answer - There would be peace in the Middle East.
I drive a Mazda. Does that help?
I can't stand Jews or Muslims AND Christians. Iran isn't even really "Persia" anymore either. The Islamic waste occupied the Pagan's and destroyed the true religion of those people.
Similiary Western culture was destroyed by the Christian sluts and degenerated into what it is today.
In Hindu prophecy, the final avator will come on the white horse leading a global crusade against the forces of decay and return the world to the spirtuallity of the earth. Both the West/East will be allied in this cultural cleansing. I thought when the Japanese had emerged from the 19th century industrialized along with the rise of Nazism, we were at the footstep of spirtual renewel...............
Anonymous said...
To those who think the Muslims were a great ancient civilization...
Not really, I was trying to make a point that,contrary to what people think of Muslims nowadays, their empire was the foundation of the Western World.
Yes, decimal numerals are Hindu. As are many other 'inventions' accredited to the Islamic Empire. They borrowed from a lot of places.
Much like the Greeks 'borrowed' from the Egyptians and Mycaeneans. Or the Romans 'borrowed' from the Greeks, etc etc
The point being, when the Europeans were busy stealing cattle, and living short, nasty and brutish lives in vermin-infested hovels in the forest, they were the only ones with any kind of civilsation at all in that part of the world.
"Israel has now demonstrated a long and consistently infamous history of acting out in it's own national interests, often to the extreme, with total disregard for proportionality and human rights of non-Israelis"
I think of "tweezer man" picking-up bits of Jewish flesh apres bombing. But for mases of Lebanese, it's "oops, sorry".
Innocent Lebanese children are slaughtered and what are American Jews incensed about? Mel Gibson's drunken words. No apology is good enough. (there were a few reasonable voices, in fairness, but few & far between. Most commentaries always got around to bashing "The Passion..."
"...when the Europeans were busy stealing cattle, and living short, nasty and brutish lives in vermin-infested hovels in the forest, they were the only ones with any kind of civilsation at all in that part of the world"
Islam is a screwed-up cult (look no farther than it's pedophillic, sociopathic liar and killer of a founder) and possibly the dumbest "religion" ever. I have nothing good to say about Islam. Europe pulled itself out of the dark ages and its Christian foundations are the basis of all that is civilized in this world. Sadly, "multiculturalism" has undermined our traditions. Secularism ( pushed in no small part by American Jewry) has served to weaken the faith and traditions in the U.S., and multiculturalism itself further erodes. Goofy American fundmentalist Christianity (dispensationalists) and their pro-Zionism, "bring on the apocalypse" thinking is as harmful as the other enemies of the West.
I won't even start about neocon quizlings, the mestizo invasion, the reckless financial policies...
Civilization takes much longer to build than it does to deteriorate, and when it goes downhill, it moves quickly. Buckle up.
Islam is a screwed-up cult (look no farther than it's pedophillic, sociopathic liar and killer of a founder) and possibly the dumbest "religion" ever. I have nothing good to say about Islam.
No shit! What exactly do you actually know about it? Other than spewing bile, that is?
Europe pulled itself out of the dark ages and its Christian foundations are the basis of all that is civilized in this world.
You obviously haven't studied Early Medieval European History...;-)
There were quite a few places in Europe that didn't convert to Christianity until the 14th Century. And quite a few 'converted' on pain of either being christian or being beheaded. Charlemagne was a big one for forced 'conversions'...most of Gaul capitualted after enough people saw their families killed, thier livestock slaughtered and their villages razed to the ground.
BTW: for the first 300 years of its existance Christianity was a 'stupid cult' to the Empire of the day.
Romans anyone?
You forget that christianity has as bloody a history as islam, if not more so.
Anyway, I'm not waving the flag for any of the Big 3 Religions, just putting an historical perspective on things.
I get pissed when people spout about how awful a religion is without having the first notion of how their own got where it is today, and how fundamentally intertwined judaism, christianity and islam are.
"I get pissed when people spout about how awful a religion is without having the first notion of how their own got where it is today, and how fundamentally intertwined judaism, christianity and islam are."
Of course Judaism & Christianity are fundamentally intertwined. But Mohammed was a fraud and liar who claimed Abrahamic succession. One can start a "religion" and claim whatever- look at Scientology, for an absurd example. It was done successfully in the 19th c. USA. The haze of history obscures, and Mohammedanism, though a relative parvenu, hides its error better than, say, Mormonism. Mohammed cherry-picked Christian doctrine which suited him and left out what didn't fit his scheme (rather like Luther wanting to dispose of the "Gospel of Straw").
I'm fully aware of the uglier aspects in Christian history. You might've missed that I said "pulled out" of the dark ages - and that was thanks to the Christian foundations which were preserved. The Renaissance wouldn't have been possible without Christian underpinnings and context. I blame human nature /misinterpretation for Christendom's past faults, not the Gospels, the essence of the religion. The very basis of Islam, it's founder and his writings (he was illiterate) are SERIOUSLY flawed. So sorry you're pissed- issue a fatwa on me arse, if it makes ya feel better.
So sorry you're pissed- issue a fatwa on me arse, if it makes ya feel better.
No probs, mate ;-)
Actually, not pissed. just sort of curious as to why you have such an unbridled hatred of islam.
Using your same logic you could just as easily assert that christianity 'cherrypicked' the bits of judaism it liked and left the rest.
Actually, Islam 'cherrypicked' many of its ideas from judaism rather than christinaity, as judaism was the dominant religion (with the exception of pantheism) in the Arabian Peninsula.
Mohammed's "No god but god" was actually a backlash against pantheism, not christianty or judaism.
All 3 of them claim to be 'sons of abraham', and have been around for over 1000 years, so I don't think you can put that genie back in the bottle and pretend islam doesn't exist.
As for the 'christian foundations of the renaissance..
Italy made a lot of money, by trade, with a lot of other places, including the islamic world.
The new (Hindu/Arabic ) numerical system resulted in simplified accounting systems, and so the first banks were formed. New money made it possible for some individuals to finance learning and art.
The new number system also allowed people to understand finally what the islamic scientists had discovered, and so on.
Same with chemistry (an arabic dervied word).
Even Isaac Newton used old arab books to figure how calculus worked.
Sure, it had a christian coating, but the hard science belonged to others, first. Nothing is an island. Not even our modern world.
Let's just say that the church 'cherrypicked' what they liked (which wasn't much. The Vatican's never been known for its free-flowing R&D type thinking..) and turned the rest into heresy.
Anyway, you obviously hate islam, go for it.
I have no opinion one way or another. Just pointing out that people who live in glass houses aren't in a position to throw stones.
You may find it seriously flawed (and no one knows if Jesus was illiterate or not, so there's no point in blaming Mohammed for it, either), but over a billion people live by it, so go tilt at that windmill, and I wish you luck.
I actually forgive myself, for not getting involved in all this religious crap. No wait I am thankfull I never got involved in it.
Oh and as a side note religious offence to the great Iranian President.But I use to beat little pricks like you up in school ,,way back in the racisim here I just think he is a little runt.
islam, judaism, christianity,
all originate from the same place, same story,all have intertwining characters/story lines.
this war is nothing about religion though religion is used to stir up morons, there and in the west.
its disgusting to see the sub-humanization of an entire region,
i guess the right wing war mongers need to do that before they go on a slaughter fest with aid of hindu fundamentalist aid.
all the racist comments "rag head " comments here are nothing new.
i know that racism is just below the surface among a lot of americans.
i pity them. fools
good/bad thing about the net, is it allows all the closet racists to vent their guts anonymously, because they do not have the courage to say it in public. as your american "dreams" become just a stench in the air, you have no one to blame but yourself.
adios america
I would love to see all the racist muslim haters go public. We would have soo much fun laughing at them.
Christianity (a.k.a. teachings of Paul), have more pickings from Mithraism (can you say Greco-Anatolian sect of Zoroastrianism) than from Judaism. The center of it still involves the life and teachings of Jesus and depending upon one's denomination, the nature of his sacrifice/death. That's where the branches of the religion depart and spend endless hours debating and nitpicking one another.
Mohammed, however, was a conqueror of desert tribes. If anything, he's essentially a control freak who went out of his way to build an empire in the desert. Yes, that's a cult leader, a more influential version of a Jim Jones.
The writings of Rumi, a so-called Islamic scholar, was actually more a Bactrian Buddhist than a Muslim in his approach. As you know, Buddhism was kicked out of that region during Rumi's time. The Sufis, the sect that follows Rumi's work are practically heretics in Islam because although they say Allah is god, they say that Mohammed's a prophet but not the last (and therefore most important) one. Meditation, music, and dance are a part of this sect in achieving a state of unity. Sounds a bit eastern/taoist-like to me.
The founder of Bahaism, Bahaulah, was essentially a modern day seer, however, unlike the angrier Mo', all his teachings are about racial and ethnic tolerance as well as accepting prior teachers as messengers including Zoroaster and Krishna, who again most Muslim clerics and teachers despise.
So, without bringing in the Jews, I find holes and credibility problems with Islam while at the same time indicating Christianity's Mithric linkage while maintaining that the center is still on the sacrifice of the man, Jesus.
"Do Jews oppress Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Bahais, and Hindus?"
No more no less than christians.
Do just a little bit if research. Jesus of
Nazareth did not exist.
In conclusion, other than a few sideliners like the Sufis (a.k.a. peaceful disbelievers trying to eck out a living in the turbullent near east), Islam's a lousy monothestic religion along the line of the southern Baptism taught by slave owners and then KKK leaders that place the white man at the top of god's hierarchy. Only the height of Christian state corruption, during the Inquisitions, matches the thinking of Islamic leaders and their govts in modern times.
In conclusion, other than a few sideliners like the Sufis (a.k.a. peaceful disbelievers trying to eck out a living in the turbullent near east), Islam's a lousy monothestic religion along the line of the southern Baptism taught by slave owners and then KKK leaders that place the white man at the top of god's hierarchy. Only the height of Christian state corruption, during the Inquisitions, matches the thinking of Islamic leaders and their govts in modern times.
good/bad thing about the net, is it allows all the closet racists to vent their guts anonymously, because they do not have the courage to say it in public. as your american "dreams" become just a stench in the air, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Trust me if I had a problem with you I would be more than happy to say it to your face..that way there you will know I am not lying to you.
:racist muslim haters
You mean bigoted and biased against.
I don't have a problem with African, Mediterranean, or near eastern races. Racism is about race and color. You don't see me making remarks about Indians or other south Asians.
I travelled a bit in Muslim countries, Morocco, Algeria and France :) and I found by and large, the people to be wonderful.
My criticisms of Islam are of the religion itself; in any country, it is the fanatic few who screw things up. My criticism is more civilzation-wide. Look at the fruits and see who has done most to enrich the world. I say Christian Europe, whose legacy is now squandered by her heirs, has given more to the world. Islam, on the ascent, spread by the sword, has hobbled its peoples. Iran is a good example - thad hey remained Zoroastrian, Manichean, whatever, they'd be better off.
For all the boomer-bashing here, I note signs of boomer legacy,like accusing dissenters as racist.
As far as US being racist, how do other parts of the world score? Perhaps NL is less racist than most. Brazil maybe scores OK, not sure, but sure is a hell of a mess with huge disparity of wealth. I don't think the US is among the most racist of countries, though I've not travelled to Asia. What I've seen of Asians (SE, East and far East) in the US, is far more racist than the average Yank.
"I don't think the US is among the most racist of countries, though I've not travelled to Asia. What I've seen of Asians (SE, East and far East) in the US, is far more racist than the average Yank."
It is a common belief among educated Chinese that they are the superior race, and their destiny is to dominate all the others. A frightening prospect considering their numbers (and IQs).
In east Asia, they tend to respect half-heartly the white man but look down upon one another (Indonesians < Chinese, Thai < Japanese, etc, etc) as well as people of colour from the Americas, Africa, and Pacific island nations. Malaysia may be the most racially tolerant of the Asian countries though they prefer Muslims over non-Muslim but race independent since Malaysian Indians get more respected than in any other neighboring country. Once white nations lose their standard of living then they'll also be sidelined but there's a bit of time before that happens.
How quickly Hizbollah seeks to sound like the "peace maker" and offers a cease fire, if Israel does first. How easily this conflict has morphed into the "agressive invasion by Israel" and that Hizbollah is the defender of Lebanonese soil and only seeks to repel the invader. They forget that they started this conflict. They crossed into Israel and killed 8 soldiers and kidnapped two in order to try and get the release of a Hizbollah terrorist held for some 20 year? by Israel for killing a Jewish father in front of his four year old daughter and then bashing her skull in with his rifle. The mother hiding in the attic smothered her 2 years old daughter because she pressed her so tightly to her chest hoping she wouldn't cry and give their position away.
This is the same group that cries when 19 children are bombed by mistake? And today's rally in Iraq for Hizbollah by Muqtar Sadr's followers? Millions in the street to protest what is going on in Lebanon and the call for death to the USA and Israel? Where are those millions in the street to protest the violence in Iraq? 100 Iraqis a day murdered by fellow Muslims (most of them by Sadrs militias and who seeks to emulate Iran and Hizbollah)? Apparently Iraqi's lives are not as valuable as Hizbollah's lives.
Religion is for the weak minded, my moon god is better than your sun god crap better end soon, or this entire planet will be going up in a cloud of smoke. There should be a push to ban all religions, if people really want peace.
Hey guys, Bahais are not allowed to practice their faith in Iran, the land of its origin. Police in Iran regular beat up and kill them when found. And this is despite the fact that the national chapter had official disbanded.
Also, Zoroastrians, the original non-Arabic converted Persians, are forced to practice in hiding and can be executed if caught proselytizing to other Muslim Iranians. From what I've heard, from other Iranians in the US/Canada, the police are going easy on them and letting them off with a flogging. Wow, how compassionate of them when Islam requires the maximum punishment! I guess it's the step in the right direction.
Fellows... when are you going to get it? Islamic nations suck and live in the medieval world along with ogres and their iron maidens (and I'm not talking about the heavy metal band).
Israel is in a fight for her very existence! Look on a map, it's the David and Goliath scenario. Surrounded by those sworn to her elimination! Israel has the 'Right' to defend herself! The fact that some of these other countries aren't a smoldering heap is testament to Israel's tolerance!
The God of Israel will make himself known 'To All' that He is God!
"The God of Israel will make himself known 'To All' that He is God!"
Hey Charlton Heston, if you make it a battle between Arabs and Israel then you have endless proxy wars and pandering techniques of the Muslim states.
When you show that it's Islam vs every other faith in the world {read: Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Bahaism, Zoroastrianism} then you show its true color, a faith of pan-Arab colonialism, an enemy of mankind. And then afterwards, you can debate the Kabbalah vs the Gathas of Zoroaster vs the Rig Veda, ok? We'll also worry about the transmigration of souls at another time, for now, let's keep our attentions' focused on a common foe.
When was the last time a Jew ran into an islamic center and shot 6 women (killing one)! Or drove a car through a college campus hitting many in the name of God! All here in the good ol USA!
Oh, that's right it was the muslim's doing that!
The head screwloose in Iran has called for the complete elimination of Israel and the U.S.
Such a wonderful bunch!
August 2, 2006
Did you know that non-Jewish Israelis cannot buy or lease land in Israel?
Did you now that cars owned by Palestinians are colour coded to distinguish Jews from non-Jews?
Did you know Palestinians are not allowed to move from one city, say Gaza to Bethleham, to another without first getting a 'visa' from Israel?
Did you know that Israel allots 85% of the water resources for Jews and the remaining 15% is divided among all Palestinians in the territories? For example in Hebron, 85% of the water is given to about 400 Jewish settlers, while 15% must be divided among Hebron's 120,000 Palestinians?
Did you know that Israel routinely confiscates Palestinian bank accounts, businesses and land and refuses to pay compensation to those who suffer confiscation?
Did you know that Israel stands in defiance of over 80 United Nations Security Council Resolutions?
Did you know that it was not until 1988 that Israelis were barred from running 'Jews Only' job ads?
Did you know that Sharon (the 'elected' leader of a democratic society) was held responsible for the massacre of more than 2750 Palestinians in the refugee camps of Sabra and Chatila? The UN qualified the massacre by Sharon as GENOCIDE.
Did you know that Sharon's commando unit in 1953 razed the Palestinian village of Qibya killing all its citizens and bombed all the houses, mosques and schools?
Did you know that Israel's settlement-building on Palestinian land increased considerably since the signing of the Oslo agreement?
Did you know that settlement building of Jewish only homes under Barak doubled compared to settlement building under Netanyahu?
Did you know that Palestinian refugees make up the largest portion of the refugee population in the world?
Did you know that between 1967 and early 2002 Israel expropriated some 79% of the West Bank and Gaza Strip? Estimated figures published by Amnesty International in 1999 show the following:
Year Land Confiscated in the West Bank
1984 42%
1991 60%
1998 74%
Did you know that since between 1967 and early 2002 Israel demolished or sealed over 8500 homes, of which 2500 were in East Jerusalem alone? Houses are demolished as punitive measure or under the pretext of 'lack of building permit' - permits are rarely granted.
Did you know that the Ha'aertz Israeli paper estimated in 1998 (31 July) that a population of 5800 Jewish settlers in Hebron consumed 547 liters of water a day each? By contrast, a population of 119,230 Palestinians in the same area consumed or had access to no more than 58 litres per day each.
Did you know that since 1967, (and of course not counting the atrocities committed since March 2002) over 600,000 Palestinians have been jailed in Israeli jails and over 200 have died while in Israeli jails? During the first year of the second intifada alone, Israel arrested over 1900 Palestinians, of which 600 were children under 16.
Did you know that Israel uses torture routinely in jails (only against non-Jews of course) despite the Israeli High Court outlawing it?
Beware the Trojan Horse of Tolerance!
"When was the last time a Jew ran into an islamic center and shot 6 women (killing one)! Or drove a car through a college campus hitting many in the name of God! All here in the good ol USA!"
Charlton, I'm not picking on Jews. We have a common enemy. I stand for all religions (and non-religious peoples) who fight against Islamic oppression.
My only point is to not make it an Israel only issue. Get Indians, Thais, Filipinos, Russians, and everyone else involved. This is everyone's freedom of religion and living in a modern secular (plus racial/religiously) tolerant world that's being destroyed by Islamists. The Caliphate of Babylon is back (Iran's President and friends) and they're out for blood. The Persia of Cyrus the Great is no more! Remember the Bali bombing, well, 80% of Balinese are Hindus and Buddhists. They too have been attacked!
Sabbah's blog
August 7, 2006
Did you know that the UN in southern Lebanon suspects that Israel is manufacturing non-existent raids to pacify public opinion as Hizbollah missiles continue to fly across the frontier?!
Now you know!
Did you know that the UN draft contains ambiguous wording, such as demanding cessation of the fighting instead of a complete and immediate ceasefire?!
Now you know!
Did you know that some Israeli pilots are 'deliberately missing’ targets in Lebanon as disquiet grows in the military about flawed intelligence? The pilots were worried that targets had been wrongly identified as Hizbollah facilities.
Now you know!
Did you know that IOF stormed shortly before midnight on Saturday the house of Aziz Dweik -speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) (he is a professor at al-Najjah University)- and kidnapped him. "He is the head of Hamas’s legislature and since Hamas is a terrorist organization, he is a target for arrest," IOF spokesman said.
Now you know!
Did you know that by his own definition - and his actions - Blair is as much of a danger to world peace as al-Qaida?!
Now you know!
Did you know that President George W. Bush was unaware that there were two major sects of Islam just two months before he ordered troops to invade Iraq?!
Now you know!
Did you know that EVERY night of this 26-day-old conflict, Israeli warplanes have tried to destroy Hezbollah’s television station, al- Manar. Every night they have failed?!
Now you know!
Did you know that the type of missiles being fired by Hizbullah at Israeli cities cannot be fired from within houses, mosques, hospitals or even UN facilities as has been suggested by the IOF?!
Now you know!
Did you know that since the establishment of the UN, the US has used its veto no less than forty times to shield Israel from the international scrutiny and to enable it to violate international norms and to commit war crimes with impunity. The latest such obstruction of the international will occurred only two and a half weeks ago, when the US blocked a resolution that would have demanded Israel cease its onslaught against Gaza. Not uncharacteristically, ten members voted in favor, while the US was alone voting against. Eight of the last nine vetoes protecting Israel have been cast by the U.S. Remarkably, this is the first time in UN history that a call for a ceasefire is opposed so blatantly?!
Now you know!
Did you know that Israel has finally conceded that air power alone will not defeat Hezbollah. Over the coming weeks, it will learn that ground power won’t work either. The problem is not that the Israelis have insufficient military might, but that they misunderstand the nature of the enemy?!
Now you know!
Did you know that The Independent and Save the Children are launching an appeal for the children of Lebanon, for urgent food, medicine and clothing desperately needed as the violence continues to escalate.
Now you know!
Did you know that if Bush, Blair and Olmert truly believe that their war crimes in Lebanon are going to crush the influence of Hezbollah they not only suffer from all of the aforementioned ailments but are, in addition to those, utterly delusional?!
Now you know!
to Boycot: Yup, now I Know....and still don't Care! An A.H. like you is the biggest Danger of all! We don't need to fight over there, with plenty of sympathetic Libs like you stinkin' up the joint! Grab a towel, wrap it around your pointy little head and join em'
"Grab a towel, wrap it around your pointy little head and join em'"
Hey, let's not make fun of head pieces. Sikhs wear them and they've helped Hindus fight Islamic invaders, historically.
Let's show these Islamists that they cannot make this an Israel issue anymore. They've offended and attacked every religion in the world, from the Christians in Ossetia, Russia to the Buddhists in Thailand and Bali. These people are against all who don't subscribe to their pan-Arab colonialism.
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