As HP readers may remember, 8/22 is the date that the Iran whack job said he'd get back to the world on their nuclear offer. Not the 21st, not the 23rd, not by the end of July as they required, not the end of August. Nope, the 22nd.
Why? Because that's the day muhammad rose to heaven.
Really. So great, we have the whacko there who believes that he's ushering in the appearance of the hidden imam, and we have the whack job running the US who believes in the rapture, the battle of gog versus magog, and armageddon. Nice combo, the two of 'em, wouldn't you say?
So, now that we've got that out of the way, enjoy Iran Week, and the market turmoil. It started early with their test firing 10 missiles today. Fresh off of his victory versus Israel, I think he's more emboldened than ever, and will have a big, BIG, announcement for the world this week.
Read the entire article in today's Times. You'll be glad you did.
Iran's president is the West's looming nightmare - and this week he's promising to make matters worse. If some Iran-watchers in America are to be believed, we could be 48 hours away from the day of judgment.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's president, has promised to deliver on Tuesday his response to international demands that Iran stop enriching uranium for nuclear use. By the Islamic calendar, Tuesday is also a holy date: the night when Muhammad rose to heaven from the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on a buraq, a fabulous winged beast with the body of a horse and the face of a woman, and reappeared in Mecca.
Will Ahmadinejad seize the moment to unveil the possession of some new fissile material or weapons system, perhaps a nuclear-tipped one? Bernard Lewis, the West's foremost scholar of Islam, has even warned that on such a symbolic date it would be wise to bear in mind the possibility of a cataclysmic event such as a strike on Israel.
August 20, 2006
August 22nd is just hours away... What will the Iranian whacko do?
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am I on the same planet with these nuts? winged horses? rapture? this is some crazy-a** s*it!
well, if 144,000 people are raptured (is that the right number - or is it 14,400,000?)that's a lot more empty houses with no buyers! except for vegas because nobody there is rapture-worthy of course
foo - if iran announces they have the bomb, can you imagine the impact? I can't
I think he turns down the current offer, and says if they sanction, iran cuts off the oil. russia, france and china don't have the guts to stand up. he is the master of delay though - so may play that card again. whatever he does, the price of oil is in the back of his mind. instability is good for his business
I do think sanctions would work. Iran is a poor country, and cutting off the oil money will lead to civil unrest and an overthrow of the government
damn good article!
Nothing (out of the ordinary) is going to happen on 8/ can bet on that.
Don't believe me?
Then sink all your money into selling DJIA call options tomorrow (monday) with an expiration of this month.....if you have the cojones.
The Big Finale. Apocalypse. Hidden Imam vs J. C. Get Yer' Tickets & Popcorn, Folks. It's All Gonna Happen Next Week!
Lets see how Keith spins this one when nothing happens and Iran talks concilliatory towards the world on the 22nd. DJIA soars 200 and oil sinks to 65. Great week ahead.
The Romans instituted blood games in the Collesium because the leaders felt that the people had become "soft". Rome, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Sadaam, the list goes on even with the terrorists and Islamic Fanatics, they all know we are soft and value life more than they do. The old hostage thing. I'll kill your friends if you don't give us the information we want, then kill you anyway.
What good is power if you don't use it? If we have nukes but are afraid to use them (like we did in Japan) then why have them? We all know that Iran will use their's or Pakistan/India if provoked enough.
So innocent people die? So what, we all are going to die one way or another. How long do you have to be provoked before one responds with force? The innocents never cause these wars but we always pay the price.
Hizbollah doesn't care about innocent lives and to them, there are no innocents when it comes to unbelievers as they are nothing more than the instrument of Allah's will and judgment. Can you reason with these kind of people? Ancient civilizations for all their brutatlity knew that the only way to conquer is through total destruction.
Isn't that the way we won WWII? How many died? Over 100 million? Did Mao or Stalin have any qualms about killing 100s of millions to establish Communism? Do we think these radicals care if they kill 100s of millions of unbelievers?
The Bible code predicted a war between Israel and Hizbollah in July 2006 way back in 2005 and in March predicted that August 22 would be a day of calamaty for Israel and Iran.
I don't believe in these religions (Islam, Judaism, or Christianity) but do believe that their prophecies can be self-fulfilling. If you believe it to be so it will come about as people will play the came to make it happen.
Something will happen, nothing will happen, either way the end game is the same. Iran is a threat, not just to the USA and Israel but to Europe, Russia, China, and all the Sunni nations.
They have been winning the propaganda war for 26 years and will continue to do so. 1 billion muslims. That is a big army.
The real question is if he's really the religeous nut he claims to be or not. If he is, he may really believe that the imam is coming. If not, it's a date with an excuse to do something bad. Typically, the leaders (I know he's not the real leader) aren't really the religeous nuts. The leaders use religeon to keep their people in check. I personally think it's an excuse to test something. I don't think it will have the effect Iran wants though.
oooh! I can't wait!!!
Panicearly, it would be nice if the world were that simple. I don't dispute that America has done some pretty aweful things with it's power, but what nation, powerful or not hasn't? You fully misunderstand the nature of the beast, MAN.
Some say religion is supposes to tame the beast but I think in most cases it only makes him worse. Iran hasn't been some innocent country preaching "Let's just get along" Their religion is fundamentally evil, if you define evil as "absolutely right". The difference between them and most christians is they actually fell Jihad is god's will and are not going to wait around for some mythical Jesus to appear and impose his truth on the world.
Where do you start with blame? 2006, 1967, 1948, 1900, 1492? Islam was born with a sword. They talk about Muslim rights and Muslim lands, well those lands they conquered in the name of Islam were something else before, christian, animist, pagan. So I think maybe Islam should withdraw to Saudi Arabia and let the other places return to their original faiths? Will Istanbul return to Constantinople? Will the Hagia Sophia return to a church?
Does America or Britain or Germany or France or even Israel send suicide bombers out to blow up trains, planes, cafes, buses? Did Israel blow up athelets at Olympic games? Do American troops blow up Shia mosques? Kill Shia pilgrims just because they worship differently than Americans?
Your moral relativism is noble if not ignorant.
Where is the morality of chopping off heads of innocent people? Of murderiing and slitting the throats of reporters in Pakistan? When did American christian fundamentalists go and blow up a jetliner filled with Muslims to express their anger for 911?
When did a Zionist hijack a plane to crash into Mecca? When did an American terrorist hijack a cruise ship and single out jews or muslims and kill them just because they were jews or muslims?
War is a necessary evil but wars waged by nation states is never clean and bloodless but compared to terrorism? And Jihadiasm? And for Muslims that are Americans or Britains or Germans or French to kill their own brethern out of the hate that eminates from Iran or Al Queda? Do you see Christians resorting to these acts in defense oftheir Christian breathern being slaughered in Dafur by Muslims? Do they hold all Muslims guilty for what Algerians are doing to christians?
How many germans died with your attitude? Believing that the Jews deserved what they got and that they'd all be find not resisting Hiltler's craziness. Then 100s of millions died.
These countries don't have clean hands. Washing your hands like Pontious Pilate doesn't make you or them any more innocent.
Ultimately it comes down to them or us. If you had to decide to save your child or their child. I'd love for us to all just live in peace but as the bible says, "Can a leopard change its spots?" If you really believe that Iran just wants to be left alone you are insane. We didn't invade them, bomb them after the revolution even when they took hostages. We have no interest in Iran other than as they pose a threat to the world. If they have such peaceful intentions why do they need nuclear weapons? If they stay out of other people's business the world would leave them alone.
One day you'll wake up to a blade at your throat and will havae to swear allegiance to Allah or die.
He's said it loud and clear:
The occupying regime of Palestine has actually pushed the button of its own destruction by launching a new round of invasion and barbaric onslaught on Lebanon," the official Islamic Republic News Agency quoted the president as saying.
DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources report that information rated “highly credible” has reached US undercover agencies of a secret report presented to Iran’s supreme ruler Ali Khamenei by Abdollah Shabhazi, one of the heads of the Supreme National Security Council. He claims to expose a mega-terror plot against Jerusalem scheduled for August 22, which aims at killing large numbers of Jews, Arabs and Christians.
This atrocity will reportedly arm the United States and Israel with the pretext for hitting Iran’s nuclear installations, as well its capital, Tehran, and other big cities.
Shabhazi says the US and Israel need to launch a military campaign to restore the deterrent strength they lost in the Lebanon war.
The massive attack will reportedly focus on the Old City of Jerusalem and its eastern suburbs. The Iranian report claims that the plotters, who are not identified, are eager to recreate the divine white light whish spread over Jerusalem in the year 632. It does not rule out the use of a non-conventional weapon.
If the U.S. was as seriously evil as the posters here describe, it would have turned it's enemy's lands into hockey rinks. I'm talking molten glass. I.e., what the islamists would do if they had the capability.
The U.S., since WWII, has bumbled about, with the greatest military might the world has ever known, much in the manner of Wally Cleaver in a sea of Eddy Haskells.
That's the nature of our government. In the end, Wally prevails and Eddy is always revealed as a jerk.
Since American troops are on one side of Iran, Afganistan, and the other side of Iran, Iraq, it seems that Iran will have two fronts. They have been boxed in on purpose.
Panicearly, No, Hitler wasn't christin but sought to restore a german neopaganism. Many in his government were into all kinds of non-judeo/christian/islamic philosphies.
You don't get any religous group going door to door in Islamic countries because it is illegal and you get executed for trying to convert people or if you are a muslim to actually convert to another religion. There is no tolerance there.
Also, I lived in Saudi Arabia for a year. So don't tell me about Islam (my best friend is a Somali muslim). And yes, they did try to convert me and gave me a Koran and asked me to attend study sessions.
As far as America trying to force their ideology, who doesnt? Do you think Islamic Fundamentalists are any different? Look at the Taliban. They still kill their own people if they refuse to submit to their interpretation of Islam. The goal of these fanatics isn't a secular free society but a Theocracy ruled by clergy who will impose their moral views through Sharia and will kill, shop of hands, heads of anyone who dares disagree. And women? Just look at Afgahnistan to see who they want women to end up, barefoot, pregnant, uneducated, subservient which in itself is against the teaching of Mohamed.
Always easy to hate those you envy or think have too much power or wealth or influence. But someone will always occupy that position. At one time, Greece, Rome, Babylon, Egypt, China, France, Britain, Spain, Japan, the Ottamans, the Venitians, someone. Do you think if America just withdrew from the world that someone wouldn't flil the vacum? And if they did would we be any safer?
I personally wish we were not the world's policeman. I wish we would bring all our troops home and stop spending so much to defend everyone else. Let Europe and Japan defend themselves and if they don't do you think I care if China or Russia controls them? At least they are secular powers that won't tolerate religous fanatics.
And do you think Iran's intentions are peace? They can't wait to bring about armegedon and destroy Israel. And you think they are not trying to influence events outside of Iran wether through the Shia in Iraq or Hizbollah? Since when and by whom has the Palestinian/Israeli conflict been turned from nationalistic conflict to one of relgion?
What nation in the region has more freedom than Israel? What nation is more secular than Israel?
Not to say that Israel hasn't launched policies that are self-destructive in the name of security. But how does what they've done compare to the Sunni insurgents killing shia to provoke a civil war? Or is it that the Shia Sadyr is actually responsible in killing his own sect,bombing his own mosques to incite a civil war so that the Shia can create another Islamic state?
How can men with blood on their hands claim the moral high ground when Muslims have killed more innocents and fellow muslims over the past 50 years than all the wars with Israel or the USA.
And your moral high horse is pure ignorance and naiveity. If a man held hostages at gunpoint and threatened to kill them if you didn't put down your gun and you had to choose put your gun down to save those hostages or human shields knowing that that person will then shoot you and kill the innocent civilians around you. What would you do?
I remember in the Phillipines when GIs condemned girls for selling their bodies for a piece of bread. How can you judge them when all they are trying to do is survive? Israel doesn't blow up innocent people just to kill innocent people.
You don't have to support your government's actions. You don't have to turn your eye away from the suffering of innocent Palestinians, jews, christians, muslims just because a minority only wants to hate and destroy but you can't be so naive as to believe that evil men will respect life, liberty, freedom of concious, religion, innocent blood if all we do is give in, ie convert to Islam, destroy secular states world wide, give all power to radicall Muslim clerics and peace be with us all.
Since when and by whom has the Palestinian/Israeli conflict been turned from nationalistic conflict to one of relgion?
This was the result of the fondest wish of two (or three) men:
1) Osama bin Laden
2) Ayman al-Zawahiri
3) Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
It's a disaster. A nationalistic conflict might be able to be settled with "you get this, we get that, you get this, we get that". But a religious one? WTF?
Note: the problems in Northern Ireland stopped because the IRA gave up (the U.K. won because N Ireland is stil part of it), and despite the clear religious distinction their ideology was not explicitly religious.
The only advantage of a religious-themed conflict is that maybe the Sunnis will realize---as they did in the 80's---that maybe they need those ugly Americans after all. If Iran gets the bomb, they know they're next.
On the upside:
Ahamanijad has little real power and the average Iranian is actually substantially less radical than most other Mideast Muslims. Really: there weren't any cartoon riots in Tehran, but there were plenty in Pakistan and the Arab states.
This will last about until the first bomb gets dropped on them, like Lebanon. Until three weeks ago, Lebanese were generally much less crazy than the rest. Lebanon was comparatively a nice place.
Saddam . . .I laughed my ass off. . .144,000 more empty houses. . .way to go. . .I guess I will be "raptured" so maybe I won't pay my rent this month. . .I will go to confession tomorrow and early Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary . . .that should do it - and a little extra $ in the box!
rapture = reason for bush's big tax cut, spending like he has no care in the world, and social security/medicare/medicaid - who cares! the rapture is here!
it better be. otherwise, we're f'd!
And since it is a slow Sunday. . .
My favorite religious joke - "It was the End of the World! . . The Pope was in Rome monitoring the situation, waiting for Jesus to return. . .his aid ran in and said, "I have good new and bad news" the Pope said, "what is the good news?" The aid said "Jesus is on the phone" . . ."then what is the bad news the Pope asked". . ."He is calling from Salt Lake City!". . .
Foxwood deceit first said:
“So innocent people die? So what, we all are going to die one way or another.” “If we have nukes but are afraid to use them (like we did in Japan) then why have them?”
Then said:
“Hizbollah doesn't care about innocent lives" “There is no tolerance there.” “And your moral high horse is pure ignorance”
One thing for sure is that Iran will ultimately give the US the middle finger as Israel has done to the world since its inception. The press may talk of US or the “west” vs. Iran but in reality those are American troops that have Iran surrounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Jews are not the good guys and the Muslims are not the bad guys. There are people who think like foxwood on both sides, so let’s not go down with them. Both governments are in denial about a holocaust. I believe in the first one and you can read about the current one right here
Tom, my point about innocent people will die, so what, we all will die, isn't that I don't care but if and when this religous war does break out it really won't matter who starts it but who finishes it.
People also flipantly throw around words like genocide, holocoust, and rob them of their original meaning. Genocide is the attempt to kill an entire people, not just a portion killed during a war. Palestine had plenty of opportunities to have a state, all nixed by radicals, intolerants, and muslim states. No one blinks an eye when Jordan, Syria or Egypt absorbs an independant Palestinian state (Prior to 1967) but when Jews occupy that land waiting for a meaningful peace, when Arafat rejected Camp David's most generous offer, then Israel is wrong?
I am no firm supporter of Israel. I think both sides have lost the moral ground years ago. Where are the courageous people who can really make a difference? Nassarallah? Hamas? Hizbollah? IDF?
Peace can be achieved tomorrow if Hizbollah and Hamas, Syria and Iran, gave up their quest to finish what Hitler started. If Jordan and Egypt can make peace so can the other parties. Israel is a fact on the ground. Doesn't matter if the French and British screwed up the Middle East with their Colonialsm, that maybe Europeans relished the idea that their "jewish" problem could be solved by exporting jews to Israel (but a lot came to the USA), they are there, many born there, and now have the same right to live there as anyone else.
You might get some people who say, "Oh, Americans stole the land from the Indians so lets send them all back to Europe, Asia, and where ever else their ancestors came from? Well, Indians came from Asia so shouldn't they go back too?
Israel wasn't responsible for Lebanon's civil war, Palestinians were, but how did that lead to shia killing sunni killing druse killing christian come about? Those people can't even take responsibility for their own insanity.
Sadaam killed over 100,000 kurds in a two week period and used chemical weapons on his own people. Most of them were muslim. Where was the outrage from Muslim countries? 19 children die in Qana and the whole world calls Israel butchers, practice genocide. hello?
Muslims in general are peaceful and not radicals, as are most people religous or not. It only takes a few rotten apples to spoil the barrel. Look at how Sadyrs militias are creating sectarian violence in Iraq. Yes, they blew up their own golden dome. They kill their own people to foster hate against sunni, to foster civil war, why? They don't want peace. They want an Iranian style theocracy with the Shia in power so they can oppress the kurds, the sunni, and any other person who doesn't follow their Taliban ways.
You want tolerance? You won't find it in most muslim countries today except those that are modern like Kuwait, UAE, or among muslims of Europe, America, and here in America Muslims experience greater acceptance and freedom than anywhere on the planet.
I personally say let Saddam out of prison and let him, his Bathist party, his sunni follower duke it out with the Shia. Let the sunni nations fight the Shia nations. They are all hell bent on killing each other as well as westerners, let them feed on each other.
It is easier to slide into hate than love. Easier to wage war than make peace. Those fanatics know that and they want to provoke what they see as a war between the children of light and darkness (and of course everyone thinks they are the children of light and their enemies of darkness). Iran has been calling us the great Satan for 30 years.
I have a lot of American Iranian friends and coworkers, my best friend is Somali American Muslim. I have a great admiration for enlightened Islam, its contributions to science, architecture art, etc, but their evil twin (fundamentalism) I hate as much as I hate fundamentalist christians, but at least I don't fear that some christian fundamentalist is going to strap a bomb on his chest and blow me up at a cafe.
All the hate spewed against America and Israel when daily those fanatics are killing women, children, innocent muslims around the world? And I'm suppose to respect them? To not see them as less than human because they kill innocent people and then cry if muslim blood is spilled by non-muslims?
It is one thing in a war to target military targets. I don't like seeing even innocent soldiers die because some politician or clergy use them as fodder to advance thier cause. Look at how Iran sent wave after wave of innocent children to die in their war against Iraq? But these people will intentionally place their weapons, missles, among civilians because they really don't value life, not even their own.
They could have chosen the path of Martin Luther King or Ghandi, a way of peaceful resistance instead of picking up arms, blowing up civilians. Then I might respect them and trust them.
PS, I'm not antiwar to defend one's self, and we should be like France who stated they would use nuclear weapons if threatened or attacked by muslim fanatics. Doesn't matter if most Iranians are peaceful (like most Americans) we ALL are held HOSTAGE by our governments, and some by groups that don't represent nations (like Hizbollah). When the President of Iran launches his jihad to fulfill his religous apocalypse then he deserves to see nation burn, just as Japan and Germany saw their nations burn as a result of the war of hate they started. I will feel as bad for every dead muslim as for every dead christian, jew, atheist, arab or non-arab, life that is lost but what power do I have to prevent these madmen from their delusions.
I always wondered at how Romans could have so many cruel Caesars, made men ruling the greatest empire, but things are no different than today. Most people don't care until it is too late and their heads are the ones on the chopping block.
It's about the oil, stupid. Leaders use religion to control their people. I'm not an just have to open your eyes halfway to realize this. To say that if the "axis of evil" countries were to just leave us alone...all would be naive. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with oil...the next 10-20 years will be about oil and fighting to have bidding rights to oil. Times they are changing...going to war with these countries will not solve our problems, they can sell their oil to China or India. I think it's high time we vote a leader into office that can use words (not a Bush strong point) to negotiate access to said oil. Democrat or Republican, if we want to come out of this mess ahead and even being able to compete with other developing countries, we need to choose a negotiator (not someone who approaches everything with the mindset of "we're America, the strongest nation in the world, we'll do whatever we want" or soon enough we won't be the strongest nation in the world.
This is one of the only radical leaders who has openly called for the elimination of the nation of Israel! He has never even tried to temper or restrain his opposition to their existence, or ours for that matter!
This is a whole new world boy's n girl's!
"Terrorism changes the rules to the game!"- Golda Mier P.M. of Israel
This guy has every intention of using whatever is available for Israel's destruction!
In the end, their attempted destruction...will be his own!
That’s Golda M-e-i-r. A truly fascinating woman once you overlook the ethnocentric fact that she saw no need to seek compromise with the Palestinians so long as Israel was secure. Her rigid nationalism and inflexible view of the Arabs led her to say once: "There are no Palestinians." She was a good Zionist.
One day you'll wake up to a blade at your throat.
Talk is cheap, dont talk Do it!
Anyway Very interesting week ahead for sure, I look foward to seeing what this nut job has to Unvail..Wouldn't it be funny as shit if he turned around and said O.J Did it.
For real tho we are going to see a lot of market minipulation starting tommorrow for sure..dow crash?? Anyone..Anyone?
The whole St. Joseph statue thing is silly & makes as much sense as the notion of "rapture". Believers would benefit as much from prayer, so if they're already underwater why spend $ for the statue?
I assume mark in san diego was kidding, but his example of going to Confession & Mass doesn't really fit. The idea of "rapture" traces its roots to an English Protestant, John Nelson Darby, in 1830's (England, I think). His ideas were popularized in the 1970's by Lindsey, (I was gonna say "Hal Lindsey", but maybe I'm confused with the actor from "Barney Miller"?) who wrote 'Late, Great Planet Earth'. Catholics and Orthodox have no belief in this stuff.
Amateur Warlords
Bush, Cheney, Blair - and now Olmert - have demonstrated they have no grasp of military affairs
Eric Margolis
August 20, 2006
For a leader who styles himself "the war president," U.S. Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush's military record now stands at 0 for 4. Even Italy's born-again "imperial Roman conqueror," Benito Mussolini, fared better.
- Fiasco I: Five years after Bush ordered Afghanistan invaded and proclaimed "total victory," U.S. and allied forces are fighting a losing war against Afghan resistance groups. Afghan heroin exports are up 90%. The U.S. just quietly deployed thousands more troops to Afghanistan to hunt Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri in a desperate attempt to save Republicans from getting clobbered in November midterm elections.
- Fiasco II: "Mission accomplished" in Iraq. Bush's war in Iraq is clearly lost, but few dare admit it. The U.S. has spent $300 billion on Afghanistan and Iraq, with nothing to show but bloody chaos, deficits, body bags, and growing hatred of America. The Bush/Dick Cheney "liberation" of Iraq has now cost more than the Vietnam War.
- Fiasco III: The White House had the CIA and Pentagon spend tens of millions bribing Somali warlords to fight Islamist reformers trying to bring law and order to their strife-ravaged nation. The Islamists whipped CIA-backed warlords and ran them out of Somalia. Following this defeat, the U.S. is now urging ally Ethiopia -- shades of Lebanon -- to invade Somalia, thus raising the threat of a wider war between Somalia, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. Good work, Mr. President...
-----------------------------------I'll leave it to your imagination what follows.
Normally I think your comments on politics tend to hyperbole, but in this instance you have truly nailed the wacky nature of the extremist regimes running Iran and the US. The entire world, outside of those two countries, is certainly aware of how extreme and dangerous those two regimes are. If there is a military confrontation of some sort between the two while the neoclowns are still pulling the strings at the Pentagon, bog help us all!
"Where do you start with blame? 2006, 1967, 1948, 1900, 1492?"
Yeah, I would start with 1776 when we declared independence and then decimated the "native americans."
If you read the Bible, God continually condemns Israel for their "over the top" violence.
"Islam was born with a sword."
Can you say the word "crusade?"
Several studies have concluded that religious people support wars way more than non-religous people. I assume that's because "religious people" moreally justify a war if their "values" are spread.
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There is nothing I agree with you more then it take 2 evil freaks to tango into a world war...
Hitler & Stalin
Bush & (Still Looking For An Evil Twin Stupid, Evil, & as Powerfull as himself to start ww3 with)
Interesting how the Jews always end up in the middle, complain about everything, and then make off with all money...
"Since American troops are on one side of Iran, Afganistan, and the other side of Iran, Iraq, it seems that Iran will have two fronts. They have been boxed in on purpose."
You're forgetting the Gulf which we also control.
That fool in Iran ain't going to do nothing. What's he gonna do?
- he's gonna make your gas prices go up. Now THAT should get your attention
With all the evidence there is out there about the validity of Christian Bible prophesy, I still can't believe there are so many non-believers.
Check out...
There's a 150+ page book there you can download for free showing how Bible prophesy is coming true. Those of you reading this who are believing Christians already know this, and the timelines of events that have occured that were foretold in the bible, but there are those of you reading this that still think it's all superstition.
Wise up before it's too late.
It's a good thing Bush wiped out Saddam Hussein's regime and allowed the Iranian shiite's full access to Iraq too. We could have had those 2 nations fighting each other for the next 1000 years just by feeding one side or the other enough to keep it even. Instead he wipes one side out and the other side comes pouring across the border with nothing to stop it.
Thanks Bush, you total 100% pile of crap.
Look on the bright side - maybe tomorrow will be the day that George Bush and his evangelical cronies rapture themselves right the hell out of here!
I'm not really up to date on rapture protocol - can we somehow fool Bush & Co. into thinking that they have to commit suicide in order to be taken up?
What will the American whacko do?
What will the Israeli whacko do?
Interesting how the Jews always end up in the middle, complain about everything, and then make off with all money...
You sure they're in the middle? You sure they didn't start the whole thing?
"foo - if iran announces they have the bomb, can you imagine the impact? I can't"
Even if they don't - our wacko (ur term right Keith?) prez will nuke them
What's the difference Keith?
Her rigid nationalism and inflexible view of the Arabs led her to say once: "There are no Palestinians."
That was not the point, the point was that Palestinian is not an ethnicity in any way distinct from other Arabs, like Jordanians or Egyptians or Lebanese or Syrians. It's still true, which is why they have all the support they do.
If it were really separate, say like the Kurds, or the Bahai, or any number of other minorities in Arab states, then they'd really get shat upon and nobody would care.
Well it's the 22nd of August and Armegeddon hasn't occurred.
Ya bunch of fear-filled, paranoid, ignorant americans.
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