Ahmadinejad finishes with an original, created and new slogan: "Death to Israel". I guess "kill the Jews!" was getting a bit t
Get ready for an even more expensive commute from that new Toll Brothers house in the far-flung exburbs. The deadline approaches my friends. What will the Security Council do?
August 29, 2006
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"What will the Security Council do?" NOTHING!
then Israel goes in alone and takes care of the problem
Or the world withdraws from the entire Middle East - they will do their worst to one another if there is nobody else to do it to.
"Should we be unable to find a way to honest cooperation and honest pacts with the arabs, then we have learned absolutely nothing during our 2000 years of suffering and deserve all that will come to us"
Albert Einstein
if you missed it, dingleberry called to debate bush on TV (brilliant!) and also said the UN has no authority
the cia could just go in and pop the guy, and his mullah handlers. that would be cool, save us a Trillion or so, and a few hundred thousand deaths
"The deception has been aided by the fact that much of the media use an ‘independent’ company called Middle East Media Research Institute (Memri) for translating Middle Eastern languages. Memri just happens to be owned by two right-wing neo-con Israelis: Meyrav Wurmser, the wife of one of Dick Cheney’s aides (and ex-special assistant to ‘Strap-on’ John Bolton), David Wurmser and former(?) Israeli Military Intelligence officer, Colonel Yigal Carmon. Indeed a look at Wikipedia’ s incomplete staff list seems to suggest a heavy Israeli bias in staffing and at least two more ex-Israeli Military Intelligence people. Still the little red email is sure that’s just a coincidence, as is the fact that the Israeli army (presumably military intelligence) has also used this mistranslation tactic in the past."
Just days before the United Nations Security Council deadline for Iran to cease and desist enriching uranium, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave the West the Iranian bird. By inaugurating a "heavy-water" reactor, Iran instantly doubled its chances of acquiring nuclear weapons. Adding insult to injury, the military mullahs test-fired a new long-range missile -- the Thaqeb, or Saturn, a submarine-to-surface weapon.
The new reactor runs on natural uranium mined by Iran and skips the difficult enrichment phase to produce plutonium, which gives nukes the power to obliterate entire cities. Of course, all these efforts, says Iran's president, is to treat and diagnose AIDS and cancer patients. And -- we almost forgot -- to generate more power to improve agriculture. The fact Iran has sufficient oil reserves to generate electric power for generations to come is conveniently overlooked.
I've got an idea on how to get Russia and China to back us up in the Sec. Council: Threaten an immediate and 100% ban on all trade with the US if they do not.
Bush too chicken to debate un-censored. Do you suppose the censorship was for Iranians or Americans?
How many uncensored debates taking place in Iran ahmedinejad? actually, how many debates? Tom? Richard? go find some evidence on your internut sites showing what an open and free debating society Ahmedinejad is lording over.
Brian Williams: Mr. President some say that you should have asked for more in the way of sacrifice from Americans in the wake of 9-11
Prezzy: Americans are sacrificing - they pay taxes
Gee Tom, You mean to say memri translated "Allah loves them jews and has peaceful nuclear intentions" to "death to israel"? wow, thanks for once again enligtening us all. you think a few arabs in this country would have caught that but no, it takes a conspiracy blogger like you to open our eyes. keep up the good cut and pastin buddy.
panicearly, I'm sure many people talked about taking out saddam hussein, especially the jews since he dropped some scuds on them. sorry, no smoking gun, more inuendo conspiracy lightweight detective work on your part.
the cia could just go in and pop the guy, and his mullah handlers. that would be cool, save us a Trillion or so, and a few hundred thousand deaths.
Jack Bower could do it..sorry had to.
I agree one hundred percent 1 shot the state of Iran in chaos.
Mission complete, I mean Mission Acomplished, I mean I mean, I mean???
Ahmadinejad indeed may be evil, an asshole, and too many other expletives for me to mention here, but that doesn't have anything to do with debating Bush. It's taken him five years to learn to speak in public, and still, he often sounds like a fifth grader addressing a crowd of adults. I don't know if Bush could beat ANYONE in a debate if they were both briefed with exactly the same info. BTW, as far as I'm concerned, when you rate evil, Bush is on par with Ahmadinejad, so that wouldn't affect the debate. Intelligence on the other hand would play into who won - and it wouldn't be Bush!
the cia could just go in and pop the guy, and his mullah handlers. that would be cool, save us a Trillion or so, and a few hundred thousand deaths.
you guys been raised on batman, wonderwoman, spider man... a-team?
yeah that would be cool, rad, phat,
join the army of one......maybe they`ll let you do your stuff
Anyone else on this blog finds Borkafatty's politics retarded. I'm picturing some fat biker-guy with earings and a pet poodle.
Don't worry. Cooler heads will prevail. A crisis will be averted. Have faith in diplomacy.
Yeah, that's sarcasm.
but Kofi Annan says....
I know. Let's ask George W. Bush what he would do.
Your source set up a straw man. Reuters is moot. Try CNN.
"CNN showed Palestinians cheering the death and destruction of 11 September. The scenes were repeated throughout the day and around the world to sow hatred against the "callous" Palestinians.
Now it turns out that it used footage from 1991 and just claimed that it was today's footage. A contributor to CounterPunch (edited by Alexander Cockburn) reports that he and his colleagues had compared this tape with one from 1991 showing Palestinian cheering, and found them to be identical. Here are excerpts from that letter by Marcio A. V. Carvalho at State University of Campinas - Brazil:
"All around the world we are subjected to 3 or 4 huge news distributors, and one of them - as you well know - is CNN. Very well, I guess all of you have been seeing (just as I've been) images from this company. In particular, one set of images called my attencion: the Palestinians celebrating the bombing, out on the streets, eating some cake and making funny faces for the camera.
Well, THOSE IMAGES WERE SHOT BACK IN 1991! Those are images of Palestinians celebrating the invasion of Kuwait! It's simply unacceptable that a super-power of communications as CNN uses images which do not correspond to the reality in talking about so serious an issue.
A teacher of mine, here in Brazil, has videotapes recorded in 1991, with the very same images; he's been sending emails to CNN, Globo (the major TV network in Brazil) and newspapers, denouncing what I myself classify as a crime against the public opinion. If anyone of you has access to this kind of files, search for it. In the meanwhile, I'll try to 'put my hands' on a copy of this tape.
But now, think for a moment about the impact of such images. Your people are hurt, emotionally fragile, and this kind of broadcast have very high possibility of causing waves of anger and rage against Palestinians. It's simply irresponsible to show images such as those."
Marcio A. V. Carvalho State University of Campinas - Brazil.
The security council will do nothing. Russia and China will balk. And I agree that Israel will say it has no choice but to pre-emptively attack Iran in "self-defense". Then the shit storm begins.
News footage of Palestinians celebrating the attacks was old or faked
RUMOR: "I've received several copies of a message alleging that CNN is using 1991 footage of celebrating Palestinians and passing it off as 2001 footage of Palestinians supposedly celebrating the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon."
STATUS: False. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat wouldn't be on record as condemning such demonstrations if they hadn't happened; besides which, they were also documented by news outlets other than CNN. Eason Jordan, CNN's chief news executive, has denied the allegations, calling them "baseless and ridiculous." According to Jordan the footage in question was shot by a Reuters crew in East Jerusalem on September 11. Reuters also stands by the authenticity of the footage.
keep up the "research" guys.
but it does make sense, since it's common knowledge celebrations did take place CNN would rather use old footage than sending out a camera crew and take a chance someone might notice (duh, ya think?) and invite alot of misstrust over their newsreporting abilities. guys, the games over, it's time to use a little common sense when you read that crap on conspiracy websites.
Hey Keith - riddle me this batman...
Why do we want to invade Iran...you think it might have anything to do with oil?
Did in 1914 with the British invasion of Iraq...remember the Orient Express?
Markus - the shit storm began in 1914
If we wanted to invade a country for oil we could do it a lot easier and cheaper by invading the ones directly below us. they have far less formidable armies.
Not exactly MI - check out theoildrum.com.
what part of theoild.com should i be checking?
On CNN and what not...
"Psst .. hey Palestinian kids... yeah yous... come here... hey.. if you dance and cheer in fornna tha camra .. like say ye're celebratin' a weddin' I'll give ya each 100 shekels and Baklava fingers."
" Cool... yeah... more cheerin' .. you in the red shirt i like yer flippin in the air.... Excellent... now shout Allahu Akbar... Yeah Death to israel yeah you hate israelis do you not.. excellent. Her is a flag.. burn it. cewwwwwwwwl"
You can then use the footage the way you like.
getting a little tired of the "mis-translated", he didn't really say "wipped off the map" so he really isn't all-that-bad, he is just misunderstood BS line of reasoning.
I suppose that the iranian nut saying that the holocaust never happened is a mis-translation also.
Hey, perhaps he really isn't snubbing the security counsel, it is just a mis-translation too.
Keith, I thought this was a housing bubble blog. Why do you always post all this war stuff?
So, are the MEMRI translations inaccurate? No, they aren't. The original source is always there for others to translate on their own.
The fact is that accurate translation of local-language media from Arabic and Farsi makes most people "right wing".
Just because American neocons are delusional doesn't make the open anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli bigotry any less non-existent or repulsive.
More physics: heavy water reactors, and graphite reactors, are more suitable for producing weapons-grade plutonium than the light-water reactors which are standard and most economical for civilian electricity production. The first large scale reactors produced in USA (Hanford) and USSR were graphite moderated and designed for weapons production. The Nazis pursued a heavy water reactor for a similar purpose.
I think it's good if Iran wants nukes for electricity: good for the environment and we can save the oil for longer.
If they were honest, they wouldn't bother with enrichment (as such nuclear fuel at reactor level is easily available) and they'd buy modern reactor designs from European and Japanese contractors (The USA no longer makes any sadly).
Why are you so in love with Israel?
I must have misinterpreted "Death to Israel, Death to America" ... even when I hear it in english. You dumbasses! They do the same f*cking chants in London and various U.S campuses. "Death to Israel, Death to America, Death to Blair, Nuke America". You guys must be closet muslims. You're worse liars than the average realtor.
This one's like Sesame Street for Hitler Youth
I feel sorry for you that you were born so stupid.
If you can answer this question, you will unlocked the key and found the crux of the matter ....
Riddle me this:
Why do Sunni and Shia continue killing each other, as they have for centuries, when Christian sects, like Lutherans and Methodists, do not?
Keith, I thought this was a housing bubble blog. Why do you always post all this war stuff?
this isn't a housing bubble blog. this is a blog about the unwinding of the debt-fueled, speculative financial bubble, helped along by a disasterous blowup of world events, misguided financial policy, and aided by incompetence and corruption in the white house, fed and the REIC
houses and real estate happen to be the speculative asset that people bought with tremendous leverage which are now selling off. If that asset happened to be goat cheese, maybe I would have called the blog "goatcheesepanic"
hope that helps
perhaps the islamists who intentionally kill innocent people in the name of their god are possessed by the devil?
Adolf Hitler and Russian leader Stalin were possessed by the Devil, the Vatican's chief exorcist has claimed.
Father Gabriele Amorth who is Pope Benedict XVI's 'caster out of demons' made his comments during an interview with Vatican Radio.
Father Amorth said: "Of course the Devil exists and he can not only possess a single person but also groups and entire populations.
"I am convinced that the Nazis were all possessed. All you have to do is think about what Hitler - and Stalin did. Almost certainly they were possessed by the Devil.
"You can tell by their behaviour and their actions, from the horrors they committed and the atrocities that were committed on their orders. That's why we need to defend society from demons."
I find it incredible that when you cite the criminal acts committed by the Zionists they immediately respond with the race card. Another tactic is to call someone ant-Jew or anti-Israel, but the most popular response is to play the ant-Semitic race card. Obviously most Jewish people are not Zionists and Israel has the right to exist within its boarders, but let me first let the world know who we are dealing with. The Zionist are the white supremacist skin heads of the middle east. They are the only group that have been certified by the UN officially as racists.
"that the racist regime in occupied Palestine and the racist regime in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a common imperialist origin, forming a whole and having the same racist structure and being organically linked in their policy aimed at repression of the dignity and integrity of the human being"
“DETERMINES that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.”
UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 November 10, 1975
So it’s proper to condemn Zionism which is a form of racism no matter if you are a Jew Christian or Muslim.
I think the "anti-semite" card is used cynically to silence criticism, but I also think many Jews really believe the goyim are out to get them. It's hard to think of a more ethnocentric and cohesive group than the Jews. Look at the virulent attacks on Pope Pius Xll for "not doing enough" to help the Jews, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Golda Meir herself, praised Pius, but some hack Goldhagen writes a critical, factually flawed book a few years back and the party line is "Pius was an anti-Semite".
That said, Ahmadinejad does strike me as an evil and nutty bastard. Menachem Begin was no angel, either, quite willing to kill innocents for Israel. The Muslims hated the West for centuries before Israel's creation, but no doubt US involvement with Israel has fanned the flames. The Bush administration is lousy with Zionists, Jew & Fundy, so things are reaching fever pitch. Pity we ever got involved.
Tom, your right the anti-semite card is abused. I think people like to us it in exasperastion when conspiracy nut jobs refuse to see reality and keep spewing lies and half truths about jews and become apologists for radical islam. sigh, were only human i guess.
Nuke Amerika, eh? Get it?
Stick Isreal in the Arizona/ New Mexico area and be done with it. There are more than enough vacant homes there. World problems solved. Too easy huh? Oh what would the arabs do then? Attack each other suppose. Would be entertaining to watch.
"what part of theoild.com should i be checking? "
Right here MI...
Will Mexico Soon Be Tapped Out?
by Marla Dickerson
Peak oil - July 15...
The peak oil crisis: Our Government Forecasts the Future...
Peak oil - July 21...
Four Corners broadband: Peak Oil...
Other energy - July 21...
MEXICO CITY — Output at Mexico's most important oil field has fallen steeply this year, raising fears that wells there that generate 60% of the country's petroleum are in the throes of a major decline.
Production at Cantarell, the world's second-largest oil complex, in the shallow gulf waters off the shore of Mexico's southern Campeche state, averaged just over 1.8 million barrels a day in May, according to the most recent government figures. That's a 7% drop from the first of the year and the lowest monthly output since July 2005, when Hurricane Emily forced the evacuation of thousands of oil workers from the region.
Though analysts have long forecast the withering of this mature field, a rapid demise would pose serious challenges for the world's No. 5 oil producer. The oil field has supplied the bulk of Mexico's oil riches for the last quarter of a century, and petroleum revenue funds more than a third of federal spending.
"Cantarell is going to fall a lot, and quickly," said independent consultant Guillermo Cruz Dominguez Vargas, a former executive with Mexico's state-owned oil monopoly, Petroleos Mexicanos, known as Pemex. "I can't imagine the strain on this society if there is nothing to replace it."
to infidelsix re riddle me this.
this should help with the riddle
why oh why can't the jewish run media leave the poor guy alone.
NewsTrack - Top News
Iran cracks down on women's dress
TEHRAN, Aug. 29 (UPI) -- Police in Tehran have been ordering Iranian women to cover up, stopping those they perceive as "badly veiled."
The crackdown followed the 2005 election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
"We are certainly seeing a return to behavior we haven't seen for 10 years," Hadi Ghaemi of Human Rights Watch told The Telegraph. "Generally, the imposition of strict Islamic codes has been increasing under Ahmadinejad."
Ghaemi said that the penalty for violating a code that requires the complete covering of women's heads and bodies in public depends on the officers involved and the women's political connections.
"The person could end up in jail depending on their relationship with the authorities," he said. "Generally, the imposition of strict Islamic codes has been increasing under Ahmadinejad."
Just as women in recent years had pushed the boundaries by wearing head scarves that revealed more than they hid, many Iranians had flouted the law banning them from owning satellite dishes, the report said. The government has been cracking down on them as well.
Mr Anonymous,
You've failed to answer the question.
Your link doesn't address the question either.
Try again and be honest with yourself.
One good flush, should take care of Iran!
Better make it two....alot of s--t there!
One way or the other, Israel will finish this once and for all!
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