Should be an interesting day tomorrow. Already getting more and more interesting by the hour... Iran and oil prices can quickly add the kerosene to this housing fire...
Iran has turned away U.N. inspectors wanting to examine its underground nuclear site in an apparent violation of the Nonproliferation Treaty, diplomats and U.N. officials said Monday.
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the confidentiality of the information, told The Associated Press that Iran's unprecedented refusal to allow access to the facility at Natanz could seriously hamper international efforts to ensure that Tehran is not trying to make nuclear weapons.
The revelation came on the eve of Iran's self-imposed Aug. 22 deadline to respond to a Western incentives package for it to roll back its disputed nuclear program. The United Nations has given Tehran until the end of August to suspend uranium enrichment.
Meanwhile, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Tehran will continue to pursue nuclear technology, despite a U.N. Security Council deadline to suspend uranium enrichment by the end of the month or face the threat of economic and diplomatic sanctions.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran has made its own decision and in the nuclear case, God willing, with patience and power, will continue its path," Khamenei was quoted as saying by state television.
August 21, 2006
Ah, the drumbeat of war... pa rump a pum pum, pa rump a pum pum
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Not good...this could get really ugly, really fast. I posted an article from the WSJ on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on my blog:
This is a very dangerous man we're dealing with here!
Nuke 'em. Nuke 'em now dammit.
Almost seems like if the US didn't blow it's oil wad in 1971 we may not have to occupy Iraq, Iran, Turkey etc.
Or if our cars got 50+ miles to the gallon - or if we only had 1 HD TV in our 8,000 sq ft. house.
Looking for blame for what is upon us?
Look no further - look in the mirror.
How DARE the U.S. try to tell Iran
what to do!
Our country's populace has the outstanding dual characterisitics of arrogance and ignorance. Apparently, we have decided that Iran cannot have nuclear technology because we don't like Iran. Of course, it's OK for Israel to have nuclear weapons, even though they have never formally acknowledged or admitted to having them, obtained them illegally and covertly, and are thus in blatant violation of the non-proliferation treaty. Oh, excuse me - I criticized Israel - I must be an anti-semite. Of course, Israeli's recent use of Napalm and cluster bombs on civilian populations in Lebanon, ostensibly in response to the kidnapping of two of their active-duty soldiers, proves what a responsible power they are - a true bastion of democracy and civilized restraint (sorry, my tongue got stuck in my cheek).
I am an American citizen, born and raised here, a self-described Goldwater conservative, and ex-card carrying member of the Republican National Committee. The present Bush administration is not "republican" nor "american." This entire American-Israeli military campaign in the middle east is built on the 911 lie perpetrated on the American public and the world. Wake up: we were duped on 911 - steel girder riveted contruction skyscapers built with 600% load redundancy do not collapse at free-fall velocity in perfect little foot-print-sized piles from jet airplane impacts and fire. Burning diesel does not cause huge steel girders to melt in mounds of molten metal as were found at the bottom of the WTC rubble: thermite and thermate do melt steel.
Please distinquish between supporting your country and supporting your government. The government is in the grip of the neocons and their world view and interests do not coincide with those of the American people.
The latest revelations regarding the so-called liquid bomb plot in England are so bogus as to be laughable. One cannot fashion a bomb out of acetone, peroxide and fuming sulfuric acid whilst taking a 2 hour transatlantic flight. The reaction requires many hours (>24), involves complex mixing and extraction steps, is incredibly unstable (akin to making Nitroglycerin) and must be done under precise temperature-controlled and vibration-free conditions only availble in a specially equipped lab. I know: I have a graduate degree in Chemistry. This purported liquid-bomb plot could never be consummated on a jet plane in the bathroom in 2 hours - never in this universe - the laws of Chemistry do not permit it. And Bush and Blair and their experts must know this, which makes them bald-faced liars. Wake up America: your country is walking the dead man's walk to armageddon, all for a oil that isn't ours and a little country populated by people who think they are better than you and I:
"Our race is the Master Race. We Jews are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." (Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament], quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts," New Statesman, June 25, 1982).
The proxy "terrorist" plots are coming to an end.
Sinking a tanker in the persian gulf.
LA port - and a dirty nuke.
Or the green zone - relentlessly bombed by "them" fun-da-mentals killing 130K GIS -
All sure to have a flag waving effect before we "save" the world (and secure universal hegemony and fear)with "mini" nukes to "select" targets.
Remember remember the 5th of november.
so true and so sad...
Americans have free access to information and yet barely bother to pay any attention to it. Ignorant...I agree. So sad and yet so true.
How Bout this for what's in store for the good ol US o' Assholes
Zimbabweans Hurry to Trade in Old Money
Monday August 21, 2:00 pm ET
By Angus Shaw, Associated Press Writer
Zimbabweans Hurry to Trade in Old Currency; New Denominations Aimed at Fighting Hyperinflation
Stupid americans. Flitting from perceived enemy to perceived enemy. Can't get enough of them. You people LOVE them! Poor things haven't felt right since the Soviets disappeared. Weren't they supposed to nuke you too? Then enslave you and make you stand in long lines for food? Take away your 12 choices of mayonaise?
"NUKE THEM ALL! NUKE THEM ALL!", cry the reactionary americans. Savages who think the only way to get along in the world is to destroy everyone else.
Ironic that the only country to ever actually USE nukes is freaked out that others are developing them. Do you people really think you can stop other cultures from progressing?
UNfortunately - the nuke um' all anon above - respresents the vast majority of our population (and Keith).
Anon the chemist.
A chemist you might be, but an architect/structural engineer you are not.
The failure of steel structures, like the world trade center buildings is possible and you DO NOT HAVE TO MELT the steel for it to fail!!!
Steel is a very strong material but its weakness is heat. Steel can lose up to 50% of its strength well before reaching the melting point. Have you ever wondered why old school NYC buildings have steel girders incased in concrete? It's not for strength; the concrete insulates the steel in a fire. Buildings in NYC based on the 1938 building code had to be fireproof... anyway getting off topic.
So, jet fuel, plus carpets, plus painted walls, plus wallpaper, plus reams of paper, plus furniture, MINUS the sprinkler system (because is was severed by incoming jet) = collapsing building. period.
hey Pat - go here -
Look at last video - John Lennon's Imagine Playing -
Then come back here with some insights.
Hey Pat:
Please tell us: when was the last steel girder builder to collapse from a fire? Please be specific. If what you say is true, given the tens of thousands of such edifices, there must be at least one such fire-induced collapse to support your contention.
The world trade towers were built in three sections - each divided by a massive reinforced concrete floor. The top most section would have stopped the "pancaking effect".
The world trade towers were built like a screen door and the plane a pencil through the screen - these towers could have withstood MULTIPLE hits by commercial planes AND REMAIN STANDING.
The deliberate collapsing the the WTC towers served the needs of many domestic interests:
1. The towers were money losers and were never to be profitable
2. The towers were a huge asbestos abatement problem: the cost of removal would have been multiples of the cost of construction.
3. The WTC were constructing of disimilar metals steel and aluminum, and suffered from continuation galvanic structural weakening. The engineers discovered this and estimated that the builders could not be repaired and would have to be demolished in a few decades.
In short, the WTC towers were white elephants that were costing the Port Authority billions to subsidize and would have bankrupted the owners if asbestus abatement was mandated. The towers, with their incredible energy inefficiencies and self-contained world of shops and stores, were rendered obsolete by the decentralization of business activities and the internet.
Hey - the pentagon was a steel reinforced structure - no collapse -
Must have built that one with the top shelf stuff - all that paint and furniture stayed put.
WTC Towers got the bargain basement materials I guess.
aaaaGGGGHHH!! another threadjacked
this thread is about iran. take your 9/11 crap elsewhere
oh my friend...
1st dot = US out o oil and Saudi peaking
2nd dot = 9/11
3rd dot = Iraq
4th dot = Iran
Be patience young grasshopper.
Anon the chemist. You and you theories have already been debunked. Read all about it at Search under "9/11 Myths"
The Popular Mechanics article reads like a put-up job: it's all assertions, anecdotes and opinions, and little hard data - no more reputable than the conspiract theorists. I challenge anyone to name one steel girder building that collapsed secondary to fire prior to 911, just one.
Witnesses saw molten metal at the collapse site. How do we explain this if the fire at it's hottest was hundreds of degree shy of the melting point of steel? Perhaps it was aluminum? Others say heat alone would have weakened the steel sufficient to cause collapse. Then, I point you to paragraph one above. Finally, how is it possible for the building to collapse at free fall velocity? This is not disputed and can be verified by timing the video on that day. If means that the bottom two thirds of the structure offered no resistance to the mass above. But, the bottom two thirds of the building were not hit by a jet and were not on fire. I would really appreciate if someone could explain how a building such as WTC could have collapsed at free fall velocity.
you are all being duped by the mass media. there is no country called "Iran" led by a mad dictator out to destroy us. there never even were so called "world trade center buildings". they were a hologram created by the mossad and the cia to dupe us into a war in a country that doesn't even exists call "Iraq". There are no "fundamentalist Islamasists" out to destroy us either they are merely mossad and cia agents in disguise. When will you sheeple wake up and see reality as professed by disgruntled fat white guys on the internet with cheesey looking websites selling self published books telling the truth. ever since they outlawed lynchin niggers they've turned their paranoia towards the jews and zionists conspiracies.
Who Started Terrorism in the Arab-Israeli Conflict?
Monday, August 21, 2006
Bombs in Cafes: first used by Zionists in Palestine on March 17th, 1937 in Jaffa.
Bombs on Buses: first used by Zionists in Palestine Aug. 20th-Sep. 26, 1937.
Bombs in Market Places: first used by Zionists on July 6th, 1938 in Haifa.
Bombing of Hotels: first used by Zionists on July 22nd, 1946 in Jerusalem.
Bombing of Foreign Embassies: first used by Zionists on October 1st, 1946 in Rome (against the British).
Mining of Ambulances: First used by Zionists on October 31st, 1946 in Petah Tikvah.
Letter Bombs: first used by Zionists in June 1947 against British targets in UK.
(for documentation, consult The Arab Women's Information Committee and The Institute for Palestine Studies, Who Are the Terrorists? Aspects of Zionist and Israeli Terrorism, (Beirut: Insitute for Palestine Studies, 1972).
Aug 22nd and all is well!!! The sky did not fall for the chicken littles. These doom and gloomers are not at fever pitch. Marking a significant long term bottom in housing and stocks.
"Aug 22nd and all is well!!!"
got at least one link to support this?
Looks like flushing our once-proud nation down the toilet pay$ pretty darn well...
To wit:
"For all the contempt that the NeoCons shower upon "Old Europe," they sure seem to find it a good place to invest. Vice-President Cheney likes to tout how great the American economy is, but he and his wife Lynne don't have much confidence in the dollar. Kiplinger Reports took a close look at the Cheney's financial disclosure report recently, and found that the Second Couple is betting against the U. S. economy. The biggest chunk of their estimated $96 million in change is bet on a fund that specializes in predominately European bonds and had only 6% of its assets in dollar-based investments when Kiplinger took a look.
How nice for them. If the Vice-President's relentless push for a new war against Iran succeeds, and oil prices skyrocket to two or three times the previous record, with a resulting collapse of the dollar, it won't be the Cheneys who suffer."
...can you believe it? Oh My Blessed Jesus on a Beanpole, He's GOT AMERICA SHORT!!!!
What a Monster. What a World-Killing DEMON. What a -- um -- yucky person?
"The reason that it isn't a biog deal if the Israelis have nukes, but it is if the Iranians do, is because Israel is a decent society whereas Iran is governed by psychopathic sadists.."
You're kidding, right?
If not, I must say the following:
"The reason that it is dangerous that the Americans have nukes is because the US is full of morons and is governed by psychopathic sadists."
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