July 31, 2006
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
serious dot-com bubble deja-vu
Dan, you pussy anti-semite, those chidlen were USED by terrorists as shields like they've been used many times before.
You're the same kind of idiot that sees no problem with the parents of those children strapping bombs to them and sending them out to INTENTIONALLY kill Jews, but God forbid they be killed ACCIDENTALLY by Jews. You pathetic moron. Yes, it's sad, but the fault lies ENTIRELY at the feet of those terrorists. You're exactly the kind of person that makes this country susceptible to terrorism. Too unprincipled to judge evil when you see it, and too much of a pussy to do anything about it.
And quit with the "former Republican" moniker. You lefties calling in to talk radio as former conservatives were caught and outed as lefties by investigators for those shows.
How pathetic that you also chose to use your child's possible abduction etc. as a sympathy-grabber here and to bash Israel and the President.
You are SCUM
Time didn't publish that cover until June 2005 ... they reported after a five year ramp up. So I would not be surprised if they waited just as long from the top.
Journalists are better historians than futurists.
dan boy, Muslims have been causing death for 1400 years. Israel is merely their current excuse. If you give it to them, they'll just come back for more, like Spain.
Perhaps those dead kids will turn them into blubbering fools such as yourself, and they will give up their foolish belief. But probably not; they volunteer their kids for death, and they brag about it.
Hey Keith!
Hey Keith -
How's your YHOO doing?
How you doing with your GM shorts?
How's your GLD doing?
Is the DOW below 8000 yet?
Is the median price of a home below 200k yet?
Have you gotten a clue yet?
Time to change your picks to tle latest flavor so all your long time readers can continue to mock you!
The Jews are in Israel because the UN gave them a state some 60 years ago. The Jews pulled out of Lebanon and out of the Gaza Strip and what did they get for it? They got two captured soldiers and rockets fired into their country, aimed at civilians, children. Hezbollah is Lebanon, Lebanon is Hezbollah, Israel needs to take off the gloves and finish Lebanon once and for all!
I am employing the Keith style reporting and I will affirmatively say I have been long in SWAT, PXPL, and and ZONS and have been short in GTOP, RACK and VLCM.
As long time readers know, I have held these stocks for quite a while and am a rich man.
Just leave me out of your jihad. And I don't want to get involved with any person's rapture. So you warmongers you know which way it is to the war theatre. Head on off.
So Dan is annoyed with Israel so he is an anti-semite? The phrase "an anti-semite is someone the Jews don't like" comes to mind. I believe the first reports were that those Israeli soldiers wandered on to Lebanese soil. Yes Bush is a puppet of the neocon cabal. The first murmurings of going after Iran were heard as we were beginning our "cakewalk" into Iraq. Why were those reports about the Israeli "art students" (actually Mossad)who were shadowing Atta et al squelched?Carl Cameron on Fox had a series which disappeared from their archives- but you can see it on you-tube. Israeli isnot a very good friend to its only ally
Dan, This is a house bubble site, go see a shrink, ya big pussy!
I hope you felt the same way Dan when that Israeli schoolbus was blown to pieces last year by one of those brave Jihadist "warriors". Or perhaps you've forgottern the dozens of children slaughtered in Beslan by those "noble" Chechnyan Muslims. And what of the thousands of kids starved and murdered by Muslims in Sudan, is there a Danny tear for them too?
War is a terrible thing. Collateral deaths are not the same as intentionally targeting innocents. Figure it out you ass wipe.
Re: "Just leave me out of your jihad. And I don't want to get involved with any person's rapture. So you warmongers you know which way it is to the war theatre. Head on off."
Sorry, but you're going along whether you like it or not. Pick a side or be assigned one. If you think people like you can sit as if you're invisible on the sidelines and benefit from the efforts of others, you're nuts. This is WW III. It's just that half the country doesn't realize it yet, and the other half aint gonna wait till it's too late.
It may not be the rapture, but we're getting closer : )
Maire, no they won't (Republicans out of office). The Democrats couldn't do it last time, and thank God (pun intended) for Howard Dean and other left-wing whackos. If not for them, our far from ideal republican candidates would lose. Democrats are like the Palestinians. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Republicans LOVE the current slate of Democrats, because no matter how bad we screw up, we'll still be a better choice than the party that would sell us out to terrorists or some new Godless world order
A little history of Islam and its conquest of the old Persian Empire.
Note, this has nothing to do with the Jews, this is between an Islamic invader and a Zoroastrian Persian Emperor some 1400 years ago.
From the London Museum...
Yazdgird III Letter To Omar
The Historical Letters
From: Omar Ibn Al Khatab Khalifat Al Muslemin
To: Yazdgird III Shahanshah of Persian Empire
Yazdgird, I see not a fruitful future for you & your nation unless you accept my offer & commit Bei'at (Joining with Khalifat & bringing Islam). Once upon a time your land ruled half the known world but what has it come down to now? Your troops are defeated in all fronts & your nation is bound to collapse. I offer you a way to rescue yourself. Start praying to a mono God, a single union God, the only God who created everything in the universe. We bring you & the world his message, he who is the true God. Stop your Fire Worship, command your nation to stop their Fire Worship which is false; join us by joining the truth.
Worship Allah O Akbar the only true God, The creator of universe. Worship to Allah & accept Islam as your salvation. End your Pagan ways & your false worships now & bring Islam so you can accept Allah O Akbar as your savior. By doing so, you will find the only way to your survival & peace for Persians. If you know what is best for Ajam (Arabic term for Persians meaning Retarded & Weird), you will choose this path. Bei'at is the only way.
Allah O Akbar
Khalifat Al Muslemin
Omar Ibn Al Khatab
And here's Yazdgird III, famous respond to Omar:
From: Shah of Shahs, Shah of Persia and Beyond, Shah of many Kingdoms, Shah of Aryans and Non Aryans, Shah of Persians and many other races as well as Arabs, Shahanshah of Persian Empire, Yazdgird III Sassanid
To: Omar Ibn Al Khatab, Khalifat of Tazi (Persian term for Arabs, meaning Arabian Hound Dogs)
In the name of Ahura Mazda, creator of Life & Intelligence,
You in your letter wrote that you want to direct us towards your God, Allah O Akbar, without having the true knowledge of who we are & what do we worship! It is amazing that you occupy the position of Khalifat (Ruler) of Arabs, yet your knowledge is the same as a lowly Arab rambler, roaming in deserts of Arabia, & same as a desert tribal man!
"Little Man", you offer me to worship a united & single God without knowing that it has been thousands of years that Persians worship the mono God & they pray to him Five Times a day! In this land of culture & art this has been the normal path of life for years.
When we established the tradition of hospitality & good deeds in the world & we waved the flag of "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds" in our hands, you & your ancestors were roaming the deserts, eating Lizards for you had nothing else to feed yourselves & burying your innocent daughters alive (an old Arab tradition, cause they preferred male children to female)!
Tazi people have no value for God's creatures! You behead God's children, even the POWs (Prisoners of War), Rape Women, bury your daughters alive, attack the Caravans, mass murder, kidnap people's wives & steal their property! Your hearts are made of stone, we condemn all these Evil which you do. How can you teach us Godly Ways when you commit these action?
You tell me to stop my Fire Worship! Us, Persians see the Love of Creator & power of inventor in the light of Sun & warmth of Fire. Lights & Warmth of the Sun & Fire makes us see the light of truth & warmens our hearts to the creator & to one another. It helps us to be kind to one another, it enlightens us & makes us to keep Mazda's Flame, alive in our hearts. Our lord is Ahura Mazda & it is strange that you people also, just discovered him & named him Allah O Akbar! But we are not the same as you, we are not in the same level as you. We help other human being, we spread love among humanity, we spread Good throughout the Earth, we have been spreading our culture but in respect for other cultures throughout the whole world for thousands of years, yet you in the name of Allah invade other men's land! You mass murder the people, create famine, fear & poverty for others, you create Evil in the name of Allah. who is responsible for all this catastrophe?
Is it Allah who commands you to murder, pillage & to destroy?
Is it you the followers of Allah who do this in his name?
Is it both?
You have risen from heat of the deserts & burnt out infertile lands with no resources, you want to teach people the love of God by your military campaigns & the power of your Swords! You are Desert Savages, yet you want to teach Urban people like us who lived in the cities for thousands of years, the love of God! We have thousands of years of culture behind us, a powerful tool indeed! Tell us? With all your military campaigns, barbarianism, murder & pillage in the name of Allah O Akbar, what have you taught to this Muslim Army? What knowledge have you taught the Muslim that you also insist on teaching it to non Muslim? What culture have you learned from your Allah, now that you want to force-teach it to others?
Alas, Oh Alas...... that today our
Persian Armies of Ahura have been defeated from your recently Allah Worshiping Armies; Now, our people have to worship the same God, the same Five times a day, but forced by the sword to call him Allah & pray to him in Arabic, cause your Allah only understands Arabic!
I suggest, you & your gang of bandits pack up & move back to your deserts where they are used to live. Take them back where they used to the burning heat of the sun, tribal life, eating Lizards & drinking Camel Milk. I forbid you to let your band of thieves loose in our fertile lands, civilized cities & our glorious nation. Don't turn these "beasts with hearts of stone" loose, to mass murder our people, kidnap our women & children, rape our wives & send our daughters to Mecca as slaves! Don't let them do these crimes in the name of Allah O Akbar, put a stop to your criminal behavior.
Aryans are forgiving, warm, hospitable, & decent people and everywhere they went, they have spread seeds of friendship, love, knowledge & truth; therefore, they shall not punish you & your people for your pirate ways & criminal acts.
I beg you to remain with your Allah O Akbar in your deserts & do not move close to our civilized cities, for your believes are "Much Fearful" & your behavior is "Most Barbaric"!
Yazdgird III Sassanid
"Tell us? With all your military campaigns, barbarianism, murder & pillage in the name of Allah O Akbar, what have you taught to this Muslim Army? What knowledge have you taught the Muslim that you also insist on teaching it to non Muslim? What culture have you learned from your Allah, now that you want to force-teach it to others?"
Same story, different century. Was pre-Islamic ancient Persia, the USA of its times? This emperor sounds like a modern thinker.
Does anyone have any idea of what the last two posts mean?
Wow, a guy makes an emotional post about horror going on in the world and he gets called names? Obviously you who call him these names are the same ones who support your own murderous government and that of Israel - it is really no suprise after these kind of comments. I have to assume you are sociopaths to make fun of someone because they are sad that children have been killed. And Dan, if it makes you feel any better, your comments are supported by the vast majority of all the people on the entire planet, even many within Israel and the U.S.
"Does anyone have any idea of what the last two posts mean?"
Yes, some of us do know what they mean. We learned to read before they invented lip rings and 15-second commercials.
Simple, Islam and its leadership are not exactly innocent of the wrongdoing that they've claimed was specifically aimed at them.
What the historical letter above indicates is that it's probably even more imperialistic than the US-Israel-England "union" because if you look at Iran today versus what it was before the advent of Islam, the past was a respected ancient civilization (and I think a lot of historians concur here) and today, it's a banana republic run by a religious junta, not too different from its ancient marauders.
Persian king said: 'you want to teach people the love of God by your military campaigns & the power of your Swords!'
This is sweet! Send this letter to every Iranian person who thinks that his nation is following the Persian way and show him that he's been duped by Islamic colonialists for ages. And you guys think Fox News is the mother of the devil. It's just a pov with an attitude.
The utter destruction of both Persia and Byzantine is a real holocaust.
come on, folks -- this bombing in Lebanon is a human tragedy. Dozens of children dead. One man lost all five of his children. Can you imagine?
Yes, Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, dedicated to attacking civilians, and hiding among Lebanese civilians. But we as Americans cannot condone this kind of warfare. It is contrary to our values. We are Israel's principal (only?) ally, we are their backstop financially, militarily, we provide diplomatic cover... We need to get this country on a leash. And our journalists need to start reporting the situation in the middle east with more balance. And the political leaders of the country, in both parties, need to get the guts to stand up to the Israel lobby and say: "Our foreign policy is going to be determined by our government. Not by a foreign government."
Critics will be branded anti-semites and compared to the Nazis; images of the holocaust will be invoked to intimidate them into silence. In time, however, this line of attack will lose its credibility, and Americans will demand a more candid discussion of these issues.
Well guys, over 200,000 East Timorese were killed during the 80s and 90s w/o a peep from anyone because General Suharto of Indonesia was a bulwark against communism in SE Asia. It was a nicely cloaked genocide.
I'm not too sure they would have ever received the same attention as the Palestinians because the neighboring Arab states have been using Palestine and the Israel border regions (Hezbollah controlled South Lebanon) as the proxy for the endless cold-to-hot-to-cold-to-hot wars with the west and Israel.
Endless use of proxies (Golan Heights, Lebanon, Gaza), hiding behind children, hostage crisis in Ossetia, Russia involving school children, Kashmir/Delhi bombings, etc, appears to be a highlight in a type of Islamic guerilla war.
A former republican.
Me Too.
:A former republican
Was never a republican but was also never a fan of Islamic based nation-states.
If Israel was next to Nepal (Buddhist majority) or Brazil (Catholic majority), I'm sure that within a few decades, all parties would reconcile their differences.
now we're getting somewhere!
religious fanatics, and politico bootlickers all a froth!
collapse! collapse! collapse!
The problem with Israel is that they're trigger happy, that's all.
When you're surrounded by enemies on all sides, for decades with differing degrees of state (or independently) sponsored terrorist attacks, that kind of mentality kicks in.
Realize, the way the news is filtering in affects viewer's points of view. If we were direct witnesses of the death squads used on East Timoreans, in a weekly video reels, I'm sure we'd be pretty upset as well.
None of us Americans have lived in a nation with regular terrorist attacks like Israel so it's hard to understand their state of reactivity and paranoia.
Hey McCain is shipping his kid off to die in Bush's escalating war. I suggest the rest of you Bush supporters do the same or shut the f--- up. If you don't have kids that get your own asses over there. You pathetic
passive aggressive wimps.
I would suggest that Dan leave the harsh language to the brainiacs that still don't understand how much damage Bush has done and will keep doing to our country if he is allowed to do so.
Isreal is militant, watch Munich and it is glaring.
I do not blame them, with their history.
Look how we gained our freedom. We did not just ask and say please.
All of the violence is wrong, but truly there is no end in sight with the terror culture. We have been fortunate enough to have great oceans protecting us on each side.
The Mid Easterners do not really know who is at war with whom on a month to month basis. All they know is Holy War...How can we understand it?
I do not think they do. They just pray to thier God and murder people who do not.
:The Mid Easterners
You mean Muslim middle easterners.
Realize, the Chechen schoolhouse slaugher was commited by Slavic muslims in Russia, the Kashmir rebels were Indians, and the bombers in Indonesia were Asian. Notice, the dearth of Orthodox Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist organizations recruiting terrorists.
Dan, read the Persian Emperor's letter, I think those ancients know more than Bush.
Islam, when fueled by cult of personality type of leadership, is a danger to peace in the world.
'The phrase "an anti-semite is someone the Jews don't like" comes to mind.'
I second that.
Any hint of even just and moderate criticism of Israel (its foreign policy, not to be confused with its people) is met by sheer hysteria. This is ridiculous.
These people are exactly the definition of a "self-righteous fanatic," no different from those islamic extremists they so profess to hate.
Get a life. Then maybe a rational discussion can happen.
::These people are exactly the definition of a "self-righteous fanatic," no different from those islamic extremists they so profess to hate.
Fellow, many people are self-righteous, including the old lady at the bakery who thinks that a person who works at a desk isn't really working hard like a shopkeeper. The difference is that the old lady may criticize the so-called lazy typist but won't put a knife to her throat. That's the key difference.
The Islamists, however, have been launching assaults against not only Jews in Israel, but Christians, Buddhists, and Hindus in other parts of the globe. They have definitely created an Israel-USA bloc and an in-crowd bloc. I've actually known Iranian Christians who're ousted from their former country for being sell outs to the west even though their ancestors were Christians before the US became a nation. Other faiths, like the Persian Bahais, are actually beaten in broad daylight w/o recourse from the police in Iran.
Look, there never has been peace in the Isreal/Muslim/Gaza strip, etc...area. These two peoples will fight til there are no soldiers AND no civilians left on either side. Problem is, the US seems to be under Israel's control and that idiot Bush will probably lead us into WWIII. This is exactly why Israel is so cocky - they think the US will stand behind any action they take.
I don't agree with the bombing of civilians anywhere but that is just a sad fact of war.
I feel the Jews control the MSM here......yes they do, don't deny it. They also control Hollywood and the entertainment complex which keeps all us dumb Americans numb and careless to whats going on in the real world. And, no, I'm not an anti-semite or Jew hater. I have the right to express my own opinion about the Jews or anyone else. Problem is that we get called anti-semites and the real issues at hand get lost in the name calling. Like I was saying, the MSM is biased and filtering what it reports. Find a satellite news channel reporting from somewhere else and you'll get another side of the story.
BTW, I'm not a fan of the Muslim religion either.
Well founded criticism of Israel in some Universities can get you blacklisted. So
much for academic freedom.
"...and what did they get for it? They got two captured soldiers..."
Actually, Hizbos captured 2 soldiers after killing 8 or 9 others in unprovoked attack. Why?
"Well founded criticism of Israel in some Universities can get you blacklisted. So much for academic freedom."
It's exactly opposite: In the majority of American Universiries supporting Israel can get you blacklisted and dismissed. So much for academic freedom.
I find that many college professors, academics and scientists are Jewish. Ironic that the WASP-y people who control these colleges would hire so many Jews to preach liberalism.
that Time article, as has been pointed out about 500 times before on this blog, was not bullish on real estate. The cover image made the point that the country as a whole was falling in love with real estate, and sounded a note of caution for that reason. It reported the huge runup in prices, quoted both housing bulls and bears, and left the distinct impression that the editors were skeptical. Note the headlines on the cover -- "Is it time to buy -- or sell? and "The case for renting."
The idea that Time pumped RE at the peak is well on its way to achieving the status of an urban myth, thanks to Keith's persistant efforts.
"It's exactly opposite: In the majority of American Universiries supporting Israel can get you blacklisted and dismissed. So much for academic freedom."
You have obviously never set foot in a university let alone taught in one.
Excuse me, but Hizbollah is not a terrorist organization, but rather a political entity. It is no more a terrorist organization than is Likud or the current American Administration (who actually attacks other countries and has killed thousands upon thousands of civillians). It has the majority support of most Lebanese, and because of Israel's current war crimes, the full support of most of the world.
"Excuse me, but Hizbollah..."
No, I won't. Hizbos started this "s**t" and as responsible for the war crimes hiding their forces behind civilians. What did they expect? And what would you do?
"I find that many college professors, academics and scientists are Jewish": What's your solution - racial quotas?
"Excuse me, but Hizbollah is not a terrorist organization, but rather a political entity." Yeah right, we all idiots here. Do you think the goal of elimination of Israel as a state will be accomplished by peacefull relocation of Israel citizens? What do you smoke? Support of Lebanese is irrelevant here. The majority of Islam followers would support the destruction of all Western States, well, should I wait untill they slash my throat? Finally, firing 1500+ rockets into Israel cities and villages is not a war crime, right?
when a terrorist organization like Hezbollah kills civilians, it celebrates. Dances in the street. The more killed the better.
When Israel hits a Hezbollah weapons cache or missle-launching site, it warns civilians to leave. If civilians die, the PM expresses sorrow and orders a suspension of attacks and an investigation.
Israel is trying to fight a conventional war, a war against armed men who hide behind civilians. Hezbollah and other terrorists are fighting a war whose purpose is to kill civilians, the more the better.
Targeting civilians is reprehensible. Killing them when you are trying to kill armed fighters hiding among them is tragic, but can not be morally equated.
Muslems have trouble understanding this distinction. As a result, they kill not only Jews or Christians, but other muslems, in savage terror attacks on mosques, buses, schools etc. Look no further than Bagdad, but there are many many other examples around the world.
This is why, ultimately, the US will continue to support Israel and will never legitimize the kind of warfare that so many muslems around the world seem to think is not only legitimate, but honorable and praiseworthy.
Anon, I couln't say better...
The UN should create a new Pagen State in the middle east call PagenLand and the US should back us with huge amounts of money which we will use to buy weapons from US politicians and of course keep a little money for ourselves.
Its about time true peace loving Pagens from around the world have thier own nation.
Religous retards have been running around the world for 2,000 years too long and its time to put an end to all thier ignorance.
thanks dan for threadjacking and ruining this one
Israel has a right to self defense. Under Barak Israel offered a fair peace deal to the Palestinians whose leadership refused.
You sheeple can argue about what came first the chicken or the egg forever. That's how the real issues get sidestepped. Who started the violence this time? Was it the kidnapping of an Israeli? What about June 24 when Israel abducted two Gaza civilians, a doctor and his brother. Click Here Hello America, how come the entire world has been constantly condemning Israel except for America? Yes, check the UN record
over the past 50 years. The real issue is that Israel has been STEALING land and evicting Arabs for many years so that the Zionists can build a greater Israel!! Perhaps the neocons have convinced President Bush that Israeli olive oil can substitute for Arab petroleum as fuel for America's SUVs. Our relationship with Israel has become a liability
to our country.
Clinton said that he would die for Israel. He wasn't neocon...
Four things.
First, the comment about universities. I recently graduated from a major American VERY-LIBERAL university. I'm talking Top 5 on the 'Liberal Schools That Conservatives Love to Bash'. Let me put it this way....criticizing Israel, even if it was only in a minor way ("I support Israel and their military maneuvers completely, but I disagree with that bombing last week") would get you black-listed by everyone. People were physically threatened and assaulted for even minor quips or shows of disagreement. Just because most American Universities are liberal doesn't mean they're anti-Israel. That guy who said it was "the opposite" probably gets all of his information on education from Michael Savage.
2. Democrats aren't taking back the Congress, the seats in question are too close. However, when the next Presidential elections rolls around, and the public sees the crap going on in the Middle East and what by then will likely be a bottoming-out economy. You can bet your 20% down fixed rate 6% mortgage that the Democrats are going to win it. Howard Dean WILL look like a god next to George Bush and Bernanke.
3. "The phrase "an anti-semite is someone the Jews don't like" comes to mind." THUMBS UP. That is so on-target.
4. People need to wake up. Our economy is close to going down the tubes if this real estate market busts and not only are we spending money on the war in Iraq which seems to be going backwards, but we're throwing away our money to buy the Israelis planes and tanks? We seriously need to stop ALL funding to this country, let them do as they will on their own, but not with our cash.
For one, isn't Israel the size of Connecticut or Mass? And don't the pan-Arab states have more land?
Next, isn't that land worthless from the point of view of irrigation and agricultural and natural resources development?
If my country was just a buffer zone between Providence and New York and I was being encroached upon by terrorists from RI, Mass, and NY, wouldn't I need to put up a New Rochelle defense zone (see Gaza), a Narragansett zone (see Golan Heights), and a western Mass defense at Sturbridge (see South Lebanon)?
You see, I'm trying to make due with Connecticut but I've got enemies trying to bust through at every angle.
If anything, it was the British Empire's fault for not making Cyprus island, the Jewish homeland, as oppose to a region known as Palestine. The Turks and Greeks already have homelands and can return to either countries if they get sick of living with Israelis. Also, being on a quiet island keeps the wrath of pan-Arabism at bay. Let's face it, this is an "Arab-Islam is best" issue. The Iranians need to learn that they've lost their Persian culture centuries ago. Today, they're little more than greater Arabia, though Shitte instead of Sunni.
Excuse me, but Hizbollah is not a terrorist organization, but rather a political entity
You'r a Hodgie Troll.
Sorry, Keith, but I don't find this boring. A lack of "big picture" perspective helped push this country to the mess we're in.
I concur with all who said that criticizing Israel will get one blacklisted in academe. I see this firsthand where I work.
The idiotic multiculturalism pushed heavily by educational institutions has been at the expense of critical thinking and basic, decent education. This will not serve us well when really tough times arrive- it's bad enough now with relative prosperity! Years ago, a decent high school education would've sufficed for people to navigate- and avoid- the crazy ARMs, I/O, buying beyond means & other bad decisions that have ensnared so many today. College degrees have been printed and distributed like so many fiat dollars. All these factors- wreckless foreign policy, a dumbed-down populace, poor leadership, loss of jobs/manufacturing, unbridled immigration, etc., will haunt us - if not do us in- in coming years.
Pat Buchanan, labelled an anti-Semite for his remarks about the Israel lobby (and it's "Amen chorus in the Senate") foresaw all of this. Pity he nor any other 3rd party had any chance in previous elections- we may have avoided the looming disaster.
Pentagon Plans To Sell $4.6 Billion In Arms To Arab Nations
July 29, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST
Yvonne Lee - All Headline News Staff Reporter
Washington, D.C. (AHN) - The Pentagon details plans to sell $4.6 billion in arms to friendly Arab countries. Up to $2.9 billion in battle tanks will go to protect critical Saudi infrastructure, while $808 million worth of UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter gunships will be sold to the United Arab Emirates.
Black Hawks, valued at $252 million, will also go to Bahrain. The $2.9 billion Saudi deal includes up to $400 million in AH-64 Apache helicopters, and 58 older-generation U.S. M1A1 Abrams tanks that would be updated.
In addition, 315 Abrams tanks owned by the Saudis would be modernized with air-conditioning and infrared sights for commanders and gunners.
The announcement comes two weeks after the Bush administration said it will sell Israel up to $210 million in JP-8 aviation fuel to help "keep peace and security in the region."
The U.S. also rushed delivery of precision-guided bombs to Israel, as it conducts air strikes against Hezbollah fighters.
The Pentagon has tapped General Dynamics Corp.'s Land Systems business to be the project's prime contractor.
The Pentagon said in a required notice to Congress, "The proposed sale and upgrade will allow Saudi Arabia to operate and exercise a more lethal and survivable M1A2S tank for the protection of critical infrastructure."
"Fellow, many people are self-righteous, including the old lady at the bakery who thinks that a person who works at a desk isn't really working hard like a shopkeeper. The difference is that the old lady may criticize the so-called lazy typist but won't put a knife to her throat. That's the key difference."
Of course not! The old lady will simply bomb the place, killing the lazy typist AND his/her spouse and children. Why bother with a knife?
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