This Century 21 commercial just gets better and better as the bubble bursts
July 31, 2006
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This Century 21 commercial just gets better and better as the bubble bursts
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What a b*tch!
oh, man, in real life, can you imagine being that guy who got bamboozled and pressured by your wife and her realtor friend into buying an overprices s*ithole?
oh, man, that's gotta suck
time for divorce.
No wonder that guys so fat... he's stressed out of his mind by that idiot of a wife who'll believe anything "suzanne" tells her!
I'll bet that he jumped in the car and headed straight for McDonalds after agreeing to that! haha
What on earth are you guys talking about? Dont you know? Housing NEVER goes down. Everything is FINE. :-P
Good Morning America did a special report on the cooling real estate market. Couple of RE agents talking about how its a buyers market. Some guy in Phoenix is trying to sell his house with no luck, but then tells the reporter that once it sells, he will then really shop around to find the best deals because there are tons of houses on the market. The seller just doesnt get it, he must think he is the only one going to do that. The flipper and then the second home owners with exotic loans are going to get killed.
That husband looks like he either wants to strangle her or run to the bathroom. Oh, he likes the garage that's good because with a wife like that he spend plenty of time there.
I love the real estate industry pushing the term "buyer's market". A $50,000 asset goes up 100%,200%,300%,400%,500% ,whatever,
seller drops the price $20,000 and its a "buyer's market"? It's a fools market until that asset comes back down to the original $50,000 (adjusted for inflation and local cost of living)
something to look foward to retirement hahahaha there is going to be no money your 401k is taxed to death..IE wiped out...keep it up GWB you are running this country with tied ARMS ( no punt intended)
Not in a million years would that be me talking to my hubby. In any event, my husband still doesn't believe the bubble has burst even though every street now has for sale signs. Didn't the realtors tell us that the reason prices were so high was supply and demand? What's their excuse now?
I rest my case from other threads about American women and marriage. autofx just can't bring himself to admit it.
Oh...real estate agents are so nice. They are so concerned with our well being. That is why it is always a good time to buy. I have a bridge for sale, great time to buy. Hurry!
Hope he gets used to that garage.. He's going to be living in one after the foreclosure.. hehe
century 21 put that ad out to get their agents business?
if so, that has to be the single worst commercial ever filmed
wonder if it's still running anywhere, and if they fired their marketing director and ad agency
The most evil wife in history of commercials.
Does Suzanne the Realtor just stay on the speaker phone all day and offer helpful tips?
"This listing is special John, you can do this! You guys are suckers....oh wait did I say that last part out loud? you guys can do this."
It's clear he doesn't have a set of nuts so I suppose he has a dresser full of panties and bras. What a wussie!
Century 21 has a sound board with clips like "you can do this". You are witnessing the future replacement of the realtwhore.
>>Oh...real estate agents are so nice. They are so concerned with our well being. That is why it is always a good time to buy. I have a bridge for sale, great time to buy. Hurry!<<
As one radio ad running in LA said: "There are no good or bad times to purchase real estate. Just good stratagies".
definitely creepier and creepier - the way the realtor is suddenly revealed to have been listening in.. it gets me every time. chilling.
That commercial makes men look weak and easily manipulated.
hope the poor guy had a prenup
women in this spot are portrayed as evil, conniving and controlling. plus they team up on weak men to get their way, and they're awful with money and financial decisions
women out there - don't you agree this commercial makes women seem awful?
good word
in real life, couples are breaking up today over bad decisions - made by the man or the woman
whichever one of 'em advocated the big interest-only, no-doc, no-down loan to buy that $800,000 condo - well, they're in a world of relationship hurt today
I gotta believe it's the aggressive Type-A type guys who are the ones in big trouble tonight
What a weak ineffectual, domineered,henpecked husband.Wake up dude and dump your realtor and give your wife the bitchslap she deserves.
What a weak ineffectual, domineered,henpecked husband.Wake up dude and dump your realtor and give your wife the bitchslap she deserves.
"Son...your mother is a whore...a REALTWHORE."
When I saw the look she gave her husband when he wouldn't buy I instantly hated that woman.
Oh I know many guys like that. You know, they got their nutsack up on the mantel or in the purse. I would say 80% of my friends are married to a C.U.N.extT.uesday like that. I laid the rules form the get go and it works great so far. I am the MAN/HUSBAND of the house and she is th WOMAN/WIFE. And if she get out of line I set er straight. No physical abuse but a little verbal goes a long way.
anon. If you were not the loser that you are, you would not verbally abuse anyone. Maybe you feel sorry for 80% of your friends, but I feel sorry for your wife. She'll wise up and leave you soon enough...they always do.
Anon said...
"Maybe you feel sorry for 80% of your friends, but I feel sorry for your wife."
Don't. My wife is well taken care off. Let's just say I have a well hung wallet. My income allows here to do what she wants, stay home. Like a typical wife, ocassionaly she might act out of line like the real estate commercial bitch so I handle my business. She knows who is the boss and shes Ok with it as long as I take care of her.
Suzanne and the wife have now moved into the house together and booted out the fat fool, who has to pay money each month to support the two lesbians. He will kill himself soon.
That commercial seems even more painful now. He could still use the same facial expressions of disbelief/resistance while looking over his bills today.
I've been in situations where I have made some poor decisions while under the gun. Those haunt you forever, but losing $10K pales in comparison to what this fictional guy will lose.
if you guys weren't so concerned about FBB and paid a little attention to character, you might have picked a life partner instead of a user.
If I wanted character I would have married Maya Angelo or something. I don't want some fat, obnoxious, loud mouth cunt 'life partner' telling me what to do so I married a hot, young, naive, air-head who knows how to cook and love me to death.
intelligence for boys is handed down from the mothers side
What do you expect, He's married! Leave your testicles at the alter!
This WHOLE series of ads really deserves a look. Every one of them makes me think less of the profession. - In the one I keep seeing lately, a single mom says "thanks" to her realtor and muses about how many places they saw and the realtor corrects her and says they saw 34 places. Um, what total investment of time is like 40 hours and you get 3% o the price of the woman's home. You'll live. The Chinese family ad cracks me up too because we're supposed to feel so good about the realtor that he spent "the whole morning" learning how to say hello to the people he already sold a house to. AND I think it's just a Realtor (ask your agent if he's a "Realtor) ad that totally cracks me up - an experienced home buyer & seller pleads with you not to go it alone "Now, the first thing I do is call a realtor." Ha!
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