Wasted a trillion dollars - check
Caused a civil war - check
Faked a reason to go to war - check
Cost thousands of US soldiers lives - check
Caused the deaths of over 40,000 Iraqis (so far) - check
Got oil prices up to record highs - check
Got my old firm a no-bid government contract - check
Proved that the American people are suckers - check
I believe the Iraqi Civil War has now started. And our soldiers are right in the middle of this frying pan. And Iran and North Korea know this too damn well.
Now go pump your tanks with $4 gas, drive to your depreciating exburb homes and turn on the America's Next Top Model (or Fox News) where it's nice and safe and warm. Meanwhile, death and destruction are spreading fast throughout the middle east today, thanks in part to this fool pictured above.
July 17, 2006
Oopsie, my bad...
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You summed it all up.
bush will replace this loser in the next few weeks or months so that this new vp can run in 2008 as the saviour (you gotta believe it'll be condi)
"health reasons" will be cited
more insightful input from the right wing above
they love name calling in the absence of a coherent argument or defense of their actions
meanwhile, spot on indictment of cheney and current situation
With that said:
imagine how much worse Al Gore would have been.
...and people desparately want to live here in the US.
Doesn't make sense,
or maybe keith has it all
"cheated his way into office."
twice, you forgot.
put the bong down
Maybe next time you will vote Hippie!
Keith would Al Gore have been better? Please answer. If not, then who? Dean? Daschel? Pelosi? Kennedy? Oh that's right, you are an "independent", and can take shots, yet have no stand on anything right?
gore would have sucked, but sucked less than bush I believe
At least gore understands basic issues like global warming, budget deficits and diplomacy
Gore is also a policy wonk, and would've known the basics in how to govern
Bush, I've afraid, is the worst diplomat the US has produced in generations, must be afraid of the telephone, never addresses the american people, doesn't seem to have a plan, doesn't believe in evolution, and basically sucks when it comes to governing
give me a smart guy vs. a dumb guy any day
for 2008, I'm thinking gingrich on the right and mark warner on the left. but i'm hoping for a centrist independent candidate or new party
you are a pissed off, liberal, loser, Dem sucka
more useless comments from a conservitive rightwing god is great douchbag.
At this point in this presidency ..Micky Mouse would be a viable Canidate
Oh and keith no offence but Gingrich is just as Dumb as the current administration this is his quote"
What city is this and what news did i miss????????
Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III and President Bush should say so.
Gingrich said in an interview Saturday that Bush should call a joint session of Congress the first week of September and talk about global military conflicts in much starker terms than have been heard from the president.
"We need to have the militancy that says 'We're not going to lose a city, " Gingrich said.
On pure academics, Gore was dumber
"Bush and Kerry: Two Average Joes "
"As they bid for the White House, Democratic candidate John Kerry was often painted as a pompous, French-speaking intellectual, while George W. Bush was portrayed as a simpleton who routinely flubbed the English language. Bush also took his lumps for being a lousy student at Yale, where he graduated with a gentleman's C average, according to a transcript published in the New Yorker in 1999. Kerry, on the other hand, didn't release his grade report until last month. And? Surprisingly average , reports the Boston Globe: an unremarkable 76 grade-point average--a point below Bush's GPA. The Globe reports that Kerry got a slow start, racking up four D's in his freshman year at Yale, but pulled up his average to an 81 (B) his senior year. His top scores freshman year: a 79 in a poli-sci course and a 77 in French. Clearly, he improved, becoming a top student at the Naval Candidate School, graduating from law school, and becoming a lieutenant governor, senator, and presidential hopeful. President Bush obviously wasn't hobbled by his so-so academic performance, either."
heh - Gore score a GPA point BELOW Bush!!!!!
talk about dodging a bullet!
Al Gore is a wannabe socialist.
He would have plunged us into the financial hell europe has suffered under the last 50 years.
Like the french, he would bow to UN peer pressure and go the way of the do-nothing-and-still-get-your ass-bombed by the Jihadists
Iraq may be less than ideal now, but the ass kicking Bush gave the Jihadists there was, and is, worth it.
sure, Bush isn't the best conservative politician but he was the lesser of two evils
agreed, borkafatty is a loser
gingrich was talking about iran or NK putting a nuke on a ship and sending it off the coast of seattle, threatening to blow it up unless we did what they wanted
Ever read the book "The Fifth Horseman"? One of my favorites, similar scenario, with a hidden briefcase in NYC, set to blow unless we renounced our support of israel. Written in the 80's I believe
sky is falling Keith
well, as much as everyone hate the repubs and bush and cheny and condi... i really have to stick to the middle of the road here. are there reasons for all this?
are there really really good reasons? "the american way of life is not negotiable." what does this mean?
all of the above are "oil men/women". does it seem possible they know something more? the corrupt CONgress, corrupt us corp entities, the ingnorant american public all have contributed to this problem.
the real problem? PEAK OIL.
the admin knows it. how do they "save" america?
engineer a recesion (for a drop in oil use), engineeer a war ( to fuel govt spending AND get 1st dibs on securing the largest know oil fields in the name of establishing a US friendly govt in iraq).
while the depression will be very tough, it beats the hell out of no oil in this country. we may live like 1929 but it beats the hell out of living like the 17th century arabs and nigerians or middle earth chinese. this is the end game, oil the big prize to keep it all going. do want to be left out? read "crossing the rubicon". you will have no more questions.
Dick Cheney is great . . .
My oil stocks and oil royalty trusts have trippled since he came into office as president. . .(he is president isn't he?). . .his assistant isn't to smart, however.
Bush and Cheney should be shot for crimes against the American family. No trial, no discussion, just shot dead on the street. Or even funnier maybe one of his girls could be raped by a border jumper or african american and impregnated. And let's break the president's spine so he can no longer walk. Maybe then his mind would change on abortion and stem cells. Let's send the other girl who wasn't raped off to war. Maybe hand over Dick Cheney's daughter to the insurgents as a hostage so they could force a penile re-education on her ass! Maybe then the pro war sentiment would change.
Do you find this post completely ridiculous or wrong? Well now you know how most Americans have felt the last 6 years.
Threats against the president are still illegal as far as I know.
You better hope the F.B.I. does'nt show up at your house dumbass! You might want to burn your computer before they come knocking!
I'm surprised that people would defending Bush with the tactic of attacking Gore. I know it's getting hard to justify the decision to vote for Bush again in 2004, but can we at least stop the hypothetical bullshit. You can't say that Gore would've followed the same or worse path after Sept. 11. But Bush and Cheney have been the chief execs for 6 years our country IS more fucked up than ever as a result. In my opinion, Keith is definitely on to something with his nice concise little check off list there, though he forgot the important bit about the CIA stopping their search and destroy mission for Osama Bin Laden. Yeah, anyone remember him?
Is this Satan or the VP?
Oppps, same thing.
"Bush and Cheney should be shot for crimes against the American family. No trial, no discussion, just shot dead on the street. Or even funnier maybe one of his girls could be raped by a border jumper or african american and impregnated. And let's break the president's spine so he can no longer walk. Maybe then his mind would change on abortion and stem cells. Let's send the other girl who wasn't raped off to war. Maybe hand over Dick Cheney's daughter to the insurgents as a hostage so they could force a penile re-education on her ass! Maybe then the pro war sentiment would change.
Do you find this post completely ridiculous or wrong? Well now you know how most Americans have felt the last 6 years. "
Hey Borkafatty and Keith...real nice post with lots of pyscho liberal anger right? Must be ok because I have seen no one comment on how crazy it is. That's because this is a 98% left/lib/looney blog.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
LOL. Right after 9/11, the conspiracy theorists claimed that all of the things that are happening now are exactly what the Cheney/Rumsfeld administration WANTED to have happen. (They say that de-stabilzing America was their goal)
And now look - they certainly have succeeded swimmingly!
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