For the few remaining die-hard party loyalists out there who never consider the other side,
For the Left and for the Right, who don't see a Center,
For the Fox News Viewers, who never watch another news channel,
For the New York Times readers, who view all other media as inferior,
Your partisanship, your blind faith, your closed mindedness and your inability to think, learn, challenge your beliefs and listen, well, that's what's gotten us into the mess we're in. You're being used as simple, mindless tools. You are being played the fool.
My suggestion? View all sources of information, HP included, with questioning eyes. See the corrupt Congress and two-party system for what it is - corrupt. See that George and Dick are incompetent, divisive and dangerous. See Hillary, Harry and Nancy as the bought-and-sold, soulless, gutless politicians that they are.
And hopefully you'll finally and collectively recognize the mess we're in, and demand, or even cause, a change to come about. Or you'll choose to simply stay on this ship of fools.
Peace out.
July 03, 2006
On this silly Democrat / Republican / Left / Right thing...
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"Politics has become largely irrelevant, subsumed and transcended by economics. The United States is transitioning from the lone superpower and world's engine (circa 1945-2005) to an also-ran power in decline. The baby boomers will have been the most fortunate generation, materially, as the standard of living declines with the ouster of the US dollar as world's reserve currency. These sweeping forces of macroeconomic wealth and power shifting to the east will produce a prolonged headwind against any income growth by the working classes in America. Politics is, and has become, a deliberate Punch-and-Judy Show distraction to keep the masses from noticing the real threat to America, our bankrupt government and exponentially growing debts largely caused by the socialist revolution started by Roosevelt in the 1930's. Government-run pensions and benefits have set he nation on a course of financial ruin, and pitted generation against generation. The dollar, a fiat currency and fraudalant creation of the few central bankers, has allowed the wealthy and powerful few to rob the American majority of their birthright and freedoms by indebting us individually and collectively. Politicians are the bought-and-sold hucksters and con men of our time - they sell their souls in exchange for a place on the financial lifeboat. America is being sold off and repossessed, industry by industry, job by job, to the globalist money powers, all aided and abetted by the politicians who have allegiance only to their self interest and their masters. The rest of us, the slowly dying but once mighty middle class, will be stripped of our property and freedoms in the names of economic extremis and security, and are doomed to finish our lives as indentured slaves on the feudal estates of the bankers."
-Swantar, Transcendental Macreconomist
massive debt? print more money
massive entitlements? print more money
massive fraud and loss at fannie and freddie? print more money
massive trade deficit? print more money
massive debt? print more money
Buy more printers!
I like to consider myself "post-political"
No-one or group of people can or has the ability to stop this train wreck.
Said it before - say it again.
8 in 10 gotz 2 go.
Vote out ALL Democraps and Rethugs this november. Try to elect as many independents as possible, but for goodness sake break up the two-party, good-ole-boys club.
I am politically agnostic now. Ihave some core beliefs that neither party satisfies.
"The human race was dying out.
No one left to scream and shout.
People walking on the moon.
Smog will get you pretty soon.
Everyone was hangin' out.
Hangin' up and hangin' down.
Hangin' in and holdin' fast.
Hope our little world will last.
Along came Mr. Goodtrips Looking for a new a ship.
Come on, people, better climb on board.
Come on, baby, now we're going home.
Ship of fools, ship of fools."
The Doors
Save us Libertarian Party!!
We are reduced to choosing the left of center liberals or the far left of center liberals with the current parties. Don't believe me? John Fitzgerald Kennedy could not win today's Rep nomination because of his extremist conservative views. That's how much this nation has swung to the left in the last 40 years.
Now Republicans who support unrestricted abortion are called Moderates, but ANYBODY who opposes it is called a Right Wing Extremist (despite the fact that Mohatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa were both adamantly pro-life, as is the current Dalai Lama, as were the thirteen Dalai Lamas before him). Your point is well taken.
The wisdom of the great Swantar enlightens this somewhat pedestrian blog. Most of you have traces of the knuckle-dragging Homo erectus temperment, but are generally on the right path. Bush, then Clinton, thus dynastic succession at the behest of the money lenders shall proceed. Bread and circuses for the masses it be. Bernanke presently operating the helicopter drop clandestinely. He has acquired the skill for misdirection from Greenspanicus the Gesticulator. Holders of the paper dollar will be impoverished.
I love how you guys blame socialism for the current state of the economy when all the evidence points to Europe's economies being in far better shape and they are far more socialist than the US of A.
Socialism is NOT the problem...
GREED is the problem. CORRUPTION is the problem. CEOs getting paid 800x what their employees get paid, THAT is the problem.
"John Fitzgerald Kennedy could not win today's Rep nomination because of his extremist conservative views."
Hahaha... funny! (You must have been joking, right?)
It is amazing to me how people can be so revolutionay online and not in person. If a leader were to emerge who was not a Harvard educated NFL white blonde blue eyed 6'5" man, would you follow this person? I am trying not to be hypocritical at this point, but are people willing to deal with insecurities and fear to the point where courage and common sense will prevail? I have become so jaded at this point, that in many cases when I talk with conformists, I can finish their sentences. There are numerous self-help books that state that if you tell someone the truth, then you will be rewarded with hostility. Why is this the case? I may be rambling, but I know who I am and cannot lie to myself, and my best friends are inveterate truth tellers. I refuse to reward liars with value. They may have US currency, but our monetary value is largely dominated by people who got money from things that hurt other human beings. If you don't accept this sense of value, then do something about it personally. Do not reward evil.
As a high school teacher told me back when I was 17 and naive and thought America was pure, he said, "At least in the USSR they know what they read is propoganda and read between the lines and in many sources to try and filter the truth. In America we BELIEVE the myth of a FREE PRESS and so believe EVERYTHING the PRESS feeds us."
Our Congress is as Corrupt as any first or third world. Our Congressmen/women serve the interest of the Powerful and the rich and the poor and not the average working class American.
Don't be fooled by politicians that try to stand up for the poor. That is a tool used to buy votes and get into power to serve the same interests as those politicians who speak of tax cuts for the rich. An example was when I lived in Tampa, (a group I'll leave un-named but are a bunch of rich folk trying to appease their concious by doing social d0-good projects" came into my ghetto neighborhood with the zeal of the religous right to "rehab" homes for the poor. Now I am white and had bought a house in a 98% black neighborhood and experienced all the discrimination by banks that "red line" poor neighborhoods regardless of your income or race.
They spent millions doing more harm than good. Corrupt contractors would candy coat poor black folk's homes, throw up vinyl siding over rotton wood, destroy the character of historic homes and the city would put a lien on their houses called a "grant" that didn't have to be repaid unless the house was sold. They'd spend $200,000 to fix up a boarded up house (lot of money in 1990) and put a poor, single black women with two or three kids in the house with a $50,000 interest free loan and a $16,000 a year income but not a dime to any one using the private market place to try and come in and renovate a home to live in. They called that gentrifying and that we were evil white folk. The truth was they just wanted to keep black people in the ghetto and my district black. God forbid a real, viable, integrated, multi-cultural neighborhood.
At city hall I challenged the mayor about those policies and I was called a racist! ????Hello, I was the one living in a high crime black ghetto neighborhood. That is racist? The reason was that I didn't follow their political agenda.
Back to the point. The middle IS the middle both politically and socially and financially. The middle class is what made America great and keeps this country stable. Our current government is content on creating a Mexico, a Brazil, etc that has the two extremes of Rich and poor. Politicians play off both of those extremes against each other. What we need are politicians who protect the rights and the needs and the lifestyles of the middle class. Enforcing term limts (maybe three) and especially denying all those who serve in the legislatures limited salaries (after all they are there to serve) and absolutely NO pensions might help install "servants of the people" whose interests are for the people and not themselves.
"Europe's economies being in far better shape and they are far more socialist than the US of A."
- After I picked myself up off the floor, I could type this response. Europe, especially "old europe" is so screwed, I don't even know where to start.
Dying countries, dying economies, dying cultures and incompetent uninspiring politicians and parties.
"John Fitzgerald Kennedy could not win today's Rep nomination because of his extremist conservative views."
Hahaha... funny! (You must have been joking, right?)
Try it. Defense spending? He dedicated twice as much of the Federal budget to the military as we do today. Foriegn interventionism? Not just an option but a primary tool of State. Social programs? No Dept of Education in his cabinet. He'd find no authority in the Constitution for its existence. Yeah, he'd even be one of those wacko extremetists that actually believe this is a Nation of Rules not rulers. EPA? JFK was a product of raw capitalism. Abortion? Come on. I'm absolutely serious that JFKs winning 1959 election positions would be considered too far right to garner the Rep nomination today.
Europe's economies being in far better shape and they are far more socialist than the US of A.
Snigger. That must be why we have youth riots over issues of unemployment and disenfranchisment and they don't. Not.
Didn't Kennedy have some type of relationship with the mob? I heard their was a Chicago Crime boss that delivered him the union labor vote, which got him elected. Not sure what he had to give. Then there's Truman.
I guess my point is ...strange bedfellows and such. They may all be corrupt (obviously to different degrees) but it may be naive to think that it can be avoided altogether. They have to choose their battles, so to speak, and so must we as voters.
Voters are returning to their historically typical low leverage and influence after a period of 30 years or so of unusually high influence. Kennedy did have (mostly second hand) dealings with corruption at many levels including unions and mob ties. The mob and union bosses thought their support would be repaid with a blind eye to their illegal activities, they were wrong. Heck, those of us who voted for GW the first time thought he might be fiscally conservative or at the very least fiscally responsible, another incorrect assumption. Presidencies are package deals, you cannot cafeteria pick and choose your candidate's positions. There is no conservative party. When was the last time you heard anyone suggest doing away with HEW or HUD or Edu or privatizing anything? We are so far left we don't even recognize conservative or libertarian values as being realistic. Saw Dennis Miller live last week and he went on and on about Bill Clinton the person, and the leader. Excellent if x rated observations about results versus perceptions.
It is a good thing we get the politicians we deserve and nowhere near all the government we pay for.
From the Declaration of Independence ...
"when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government"
Mark my words ... maybe sooner, maybe later ... the U.S. is in decline and the better of us will "throw off such Government". I sure hope its with less rather than more blood.
"holgs" has his head buried in the sand ... Europe is far more socialist and far worse off economically ... the greater the degree of socialism, the lesser the degree of freedom and economic prosperity. Its been proved over and over and over again ... some people like "holgs" choose to be blind or are just evil
The original post is well-meant but way off. Of course, our entire Beltway insider class--D and R--is far too beholden to their own power and the money that put them there.
But you can't "compromise" between a center party and a far-right extremist fringe fascist party in the 1930s European mold; the latter doesn't even believe in compromise, and however much the Democratic party moves to the Right, the Republicans move even further.
Especially not when the entire US media is controlled by five men who back the ruling party and spew a steady stream of right-wing government propaganda through every single major media outlet, bar none.
This situation has left people saying such absurdities as the country has moved to the left over the past forty years. Right, that's why we have a conservative Republican White House, conservative Republican Congress, and conservative Republican Supreme Court; why major moderate Republicans from Eisenhower's son to Lowell Weicker have abandoned their party as extremist; and we are actually having a national debate about evolution. In the twenty-first century. Today, Richard Nixon could not get his party's nomination, because he started the EPA, toyed with a minimum guaranteed income, enforced civil rights laws, and failed to pander to the revival-tent nutbags. He'd be called a
tree-hugging godless liberal, and Ann Coulter would call for him to be shot.
In fact, the entire thread is a testament to the futility of compromise, mostly because right-wingers live in an alternate reality where facts mean nothing. Hate to tell you, but the average white person lives a longer, healthier, more disease-free life anywhere in the developed world other than the USA. The per capita productivity of a French worker exceeds that of American workers, and most gains in US productivity have now been identified as back-door effects of outsourcing to China and India. The US has a double-digit unemployment rate which it cooked the books to avoid reporting; a smaller percentage of Americans work today than when Bush took office, and without the housing bubble we would have had absolutely no GDP growth whatsoever since Bush took office.
Right-wing fanatics, like all fanatics, never learn until their entire world crashes around them. Which, unfortunately, will be soon.
"The per capita productivity of a French worker exceeds that of American workers"
There are lies and then there are damned lies. This is, well ... you can figure that out for yourself.
French productivity?
I spent 1 year in France working for a U.S. firm there. The employees in France were all French. Everyone had there 6 weeks a year vacation, 30 sick days, 22 holidays, etc., etc.
No one - I mean NO ONE - who I worked with - even the local French management who was supposed to support me - cared one bit about productivity. They only cared about "holiday". Most all of them frittered away at least 4 of their 6 hour days. On average, I estimated that each worker in that office was productive about 1 hour per day total.
Compare that to what I experienced here: some folks in my office in Atlanta haven't taken a vacation in 3 years; most only take a week a year, even though they are entitiled to 3 weeks. They accumulate vacation and sometimes lose it. Many come in sick (though sometimes I wish they'd stay home and not get ME sick too). Fully half regularly work 50 hour weeks and everyone puts in hours of OT regularly when the workload calls for it.
The French worker is more productive than the American worker? I not only don't THINK so. I know they are not - FIRST HAND!
I lunched with more of the clan than you can name. My best friend was almost in the plane Jr.
I live in Ventura County (sandwiched between dark blue Sant Barbara and Los Angeles) which went 50.5% for Bush, hardly a red neck paradise.
you know nothing about JFK , progressive thinking, or what New England is
Just goes to show how far what's left of New England has fallen. I grew up in Massachusetts. My first apartment was within earshot of Fenway Park. Just because I dropped off my thesis in Worcester and immediately hopped on my motorcycle for California doesn't mean I don't still follow New England issues.
But enuogh about your being wrong about me. Let's focus on your being wrong about Republicans. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending them, only pointing out your errors:
that has opposed in the last 100 years every piece of progressive legislation for the common person, the envirionment, human equality
Who started the National parks system 100 years ago? The conservation movement? Who started the EPA? Who overrode Democrat objections to pass the civil rights act?
While i may indeed burn in hell at least I'll be comforted by the fact that I got there honestly unlike some people who were just too ignorant of the facts to avoid it accidentally.
"Why do you liberals hate America so much"?
Wake up people-
You people who belive in some magical "third way" are only kidding yourselves. You still retain some idealism that we CAN build a better, more equitable culture but are too swayed by selfishness and greed to want to make it happen.
You prefer to live in a dream world where there is no redistribution of wealth, no taxation, no need to care about your fellow man but that this same mythical society is filled with equality, opportunity and widespread happiness.
There is no magical third way. You either believe in a civil world or a savage one. Conservatism is savagery. Trying to place blame on both ideologies is simply PC-like fairness bullshit. But it keeps you from having to embrace the egalitarianism and compassion of liberalism if you can paint it with the same broad brush of failure as you do conservatism.
I don't want a third way, I just want the same old boring American heritage of Liberty, free enterprise, and personal responsibility restored. I believe that each individual has the right to control his or her own body, action, speech, and property. I don't want any politician to build anything, it is not the job of the government to "fix" society through legislation. No this will not make a magical society, I would expect the same that it has given us in the past. Prosperity.
Just when we needed more proof that Republicans are the turds of America, which events are rapidly flushing down the toilet of history, we get the fetid, floating crap of these posters:
The French worker is more productive than the American worker? I not only don't THINK so. I know they are not - FIRST HAND!
No one cares about your hand. It has no use other than stroking the one-and-a-half inches Mother Nature cursed you with. Productivity is an objective number, see, calculated to reflect output per worker. And French workers are indeed more productive than American workers. Your subjective experiences are therefore of no interest to anyone, nor, in fact, is your existence.
Who started the EPA? Who overrode Democrat objections to pass the civil rights act?
You mean the EPA that every Republican since Reagan has tried to dismantle? You mean the EPA that's at the mercy of a Republican government that doesn't believe in global warming, unlike a complete consensus of every climate scientist on earth?
Oh, and those Democrats that objected to civil rights--you mean the ones who are now Republicans, who the Democratic party knowingly lost just so black people didn't have to use separate toilets? They're your problem now, buster. More than that, they are the base and core of your Party.
Please, just stop touching the children.
Hey "sold at the peak", your ad hominem attacks on me are PROOF that you have no valid argument.
The only reason people stoop to ad hominem attacks are, THEY HAVE NO VALID ARGMUMENTS.
Thank you for supporting my position by showing you have no valid arguments.
"Who started the National parks system 100 years ago?"
Y'know, I dunno. But they was some cool sons-a-bitches. It's summer, and I've been checking out just the tip of the iceberg. All of you, even the America-hatin' lib'rals and effin' racist neocons ought to give it a try...
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