So today, this doozy from our Axis of Evil evildoer:
"The army and people of the DPRK are now in full preparedness to answer a pre-emptive attack with a relentless annihilating strike and a nuclear war with a mighty nuclear deterrent"
Hmmm.. we let North Korea get nukes right under our noses. We're in the process of doing the same with Iran. Our military is bogged down in Iraq, our finances are in disarray, our housing-fueled economy is about to collapse, and to make matters even worse..
Britney is staying with Kevin.
I can't take it anymore!
July 03, 2006
I think Kim Jong Il is feeling a bit left out and needs a hug
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Housing anyone........anyone?
Bottom line: any country - North Korea, Iran, Russia or China - any country that fires a nuke at us will:
a) have the nuke shot down before reaching us
b) be annihilated almost instantly by a counter-nuclear attack
No one wants this to happen, but it will almost have to to wake us up. Shame.
Yes but the worst of all is how can Ashton Kutcher have Demi Moore?
what more a romantic Travesty is that?
The world is obviously soon to end crack me up!
My lunatic ravings are topped only by yours...
keep up the good work!
world geopolitical events, the world economy, interest rates, consumer confidence and housing all go together
at least the smart people would agree
LOL. This is one of the funniest off topic posts (usually better) for a while.
I think that saying that would work so much better.
Sometimes ridicule (with superior firepower) is the best policy of all. Don't take them too seriously or play into their schemes.
U.S. Secretary of State: "Regarding today's developments with North Korea. Hey Kimmy, are you having a wittle tantrum? Maybe you just need a huggie. Oh by the way, if you try anything really bad, you'll go to bed without dinner. For about 50,000 years."
"You're quick to bash Bush and Republicans, but here you give Clinton and the Democrats a waiver"
Hmmm...did I say Bush? No, it was Clinton who signed the deal with the devil, trusted and didn't verify, and then bush took over and continued the failed policy
Now go back to Fox News where it's nice and safe
What right does any country have to arm itself against a "pre-emptive" actack?
The Queen Of England gave us the God given right to invade any country of non-believing hethans we want and take thier gold so that we can better service our God.
If any of those fuker countries try to start some kind of democracy crap with paying us the taxes we are due then we will invade thier sorry asses.
Until of course they kick our sorry asses as they did in Korea, Nam, Iraq, ...
Hmmm in about 10 years there will not be a single "America" alive that remembers anything about democracy.
with all this end of the world shit going on: I think ill go take a swim in my Home Equity bought swimming pool. Ahh the fruits of Paper Wealth
search "nuclear near misses" and tell me America will be to shot down a chance
No operator will push the button until its too late because the warning systems do not work, and the operators know it.
If not for the "operators" with thier finger on the button the world would have ended at least 1/2 dozen times we know of in the last 20 years or so.
Makes me glad Bush got the job of President and nuclear operators are not elected by you morons but need to work to get thier jobs.
NORAD is on heightened alert status tonight
North Korea is desperate, it's hungry and it's on the verge of failure and chaos
This is not a rational party.
I hope they heard about the asteroid passing closs to earth today.
My guess is a 4th of July firework will kick off the NORAD sensors and then freedom loving America will then burn a few billion innocent people to death.
Pursuit of Happiness indeed.
Got to love those Freedom loving Republicans.
Republicans are desperate. The US dollar is on the verge of collapse along with housing equity right prior to an election.
I predicted tons of craziness prior to the election and the nuke scare is just the beginning...I can't wait for "code orange" and "duck tape the doors of you SUV to keep the radiation out"
Here's a picture of Madeline Albright "negotiating" with Kim Jong "ill". She did a wonderful job.
This blog should stick to housing. Keith Iran is years away from development, yet we are talking about possible military action against them. North Korea HAS nuclear weapons with an nut job at the helm, yet I see no talks of military action against them. Something smells rotten here. Perhaps it has something to do with oil. I say we nuke North Korea first, then Russia, then China. No not Russia, they're white, let's just nuke the non white nations that have nuclear weapons or are thinking about them.
The reason there hasn't been any attacks against North Korea is geography:
Seoul is very close to their border, and it would be very bad to lose 10 million capitalist clients, and even some people too.
Iran isn't right next to anybody we care about.
We won't even bother to waste a warhead on the NKs. Standoff precision guided HEs delivered from near the Aluetian Islands and from runways in MO and carriers in the South Seas won't kill the pest but worse, emasculate him. That's worst case. More likely is the Reagan Doctrine of wear the bastards down. Worked for the two Germanys, working for the two Koreas, may even eventually work for the two Chinas.
From a great satirical article found on Newsweek...
June 27, 2006 - In an act of retaliation for North Korean president Kim Jong-Il's plan to test a long-range missile that could reach California, the U.S. today threatened to launch conservative pundit Ann Coulter in the direction of North Korea.
President George W. Bush announced the plan to weaponize Coulter in a nationally televised address.
"If North Korea intends to test the most deadly weapon in its arsenal, we will have no alternative but to use the most deadly weapon in ours," Bush said. "And that weapon is Ann Coulter."
Mr. Bush did not indicate how and when Coulter could be fired toward Pyongyang, but most military experts believe that she has already been loaded onto a nuclear submarine and could be launched at any moment.
At the United Nations, an emergency session of the Security Council was convened to discourage the U.S. from deploying Coulter, who is seen by many in the international community as the ultimate doomsday weapon.
Fears abound that if Coulter were fired toward Pyongyang, she would spew noxious fumes that could lay waste to the entire Korean peninsula and might even destroy Japan and parts of China.
A spokesperson for Coulter today acknowledged that her client had the power to destroy large areas of Asia, but said that she was "stoked" about the mission.
"If destroying Asia will help Ann sell more books, she's up for it," the spokesperson said.
>> Here's a picture of Madeline Albright "negotiating" with Kim Jong "ill". She did a wonderful job.
Who's idea was it (cough, Clinton, cough) to send a Jewish woman to deal with Arab men? Yeah, wonderful job there too...
Taepodong 0, SBX 1
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