No $$$ needed - just list where your money is at today.. stocks? bonds? shorts? gold? savings? euros?
For the bubble-sitters who sold at or near the top and are riding it out - are you just trying to preserve your gain, or are you risking it to make even more?
Also, anyone out there get rich during the bubble, and are now cashed out, sitting pretty and retired?
July 04, 2006
HP'ers - How's your portfolio looking?
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long gold/silver miners
short home builders
favorite here is WCI Communities (WCI) - high end Florida condo towers; 19 now...sub 10 soon
starting to build short positions in retail/consumer spending related stocks
Apple Computer
Sandisk (flash memeory)
Home Depot
all positions through option spreads to limit risk
do your own research - don't be making decisions based on a message board!
70% cash
10% GLD
10% SLV
5% WMB
5% GSK
The market action yesterday was a head fake.
Hold gold stocks (primarily GG), hold gold (Gold Eagles) and silver (Silver Eagles), solar energy stocks, hydrogen fuel cell stocks, oil company stocks, money market funds. Buying more gold and also, guns.
About 20% in gold and silver (metals and stocks), 20% in energy (oil and alternative) stocks, 60% money market funds.
My retirement accounts (that can't hold shorts) are 70% money market with the rest in energy, gold and foriegn.
My brokerage is mostly medium to long term put options on home builders and now some banks and lenders. My biggest positions are WCI (Sept and Dec) at and in the money and CORS, a Chicago bank that aggressively loans to Condo developers in the hotest markets.
I am buying long term (leaps) on regional banks that have been red flagged by FDIC for high exposure to real estate. These positions now include NYB (NY) RF (south) and BBX (Florida). The banks seem very attractive because the prices on options (implied volatility) are usually very low. I decided to buy out of the money leaps and in the money 6 month options.
Options can be tricky, so you should study about them before investing much. The home builders have been flat to up during the last three weeks, so next week may be a good entry point. My options account was up 50% during a 7 day trading period in late May, early June. This is good for an acccount with about 50, mostly long term positions.
Laddered short term (60day-1yr) CDs.
I retired in January. . .
Sold in May (with a small price reduction in Northern California) and am retired in San Diego. . .the 3.56% TAX FREE Calif Muni on 500K (proceeds from sale of house) is paying my rent down here . . .and I save property tax and HOA dues to condo. . .each year I rent I bank $5600 for doing nothing. . .plus my pension and interest income of my portfolio . . .mostly in utilities, oil stocks (Chevron) and a few high flying tanker and pipeline stocks . . .I watch condo prices on the waterfront here go down each week. . .500K should get something REAL nice in a year.
5 years worth of dried food for 4 people
AR15s/SG/40s/38s/300 Weatherby - and thousands of rounds
All physical gold and silver
50%: Keith puts (that is makeing money off keith financial ruin)
30%: stocks (google+xom+emerging markets)
20% cash @HSBC
30% iBond
30% stock
40% gold
50% silver
30% gold
short builders and long energy trusts.
having trouble getting out of my last property, however i believe my silver long will allow me to wipe out the mortgage debt in 3 years.
50% small caps
50% cash ING Direct
Portfolio doing well.....100% invested in the stock market since six months ago (using proceeds from sale of second home):
GM 34%
DIA 33%
TGIC 33%
Mutual Funds
70% Gold
30% Energy
10% Foreign
Metals, Mining and Oil
Propane powered generator with 1000 gallon tank, shotgun, ammo and 200 pounds of assorted grain stores.
Cashed out now sitting in an ever rotating stable of stocks, locking in profits wherever possible. Some funds, oil, wireless, emerging markets and yes a hefty chunk of CASH...
100% Single Family Residences in Phoenix. Hopefully I will be rich in 2-3 months!
I love the guy who is all in the DOW. (obviously he is joking........I hope.)
50% MM & CD's
20% gold ETF and Precious Metals Mutual fund
20% XOM and Global Energy Mutual fund
10% other stocks (domestic drugs, healthcare,global industrial materials)
35% in Cash
20% in Foreign Currency
25% in Gold and Silver
15% in Oil
Shorting TOL, CTX, LEND, CFC
International cash:
I get in and out of trades a lot, but current snapshot:
Physical silver
Money market
30% physical gold
10% physical silver
50% cash
10% checking (for paying bills)
70% Gold & Silver Stocks
25% Physical Gold & Silver
5% Cash
AR-15's w/night scope
Smith & Wesson 44Mag
1,000 rounds
2 years freezedried food
generator w/fuel
building rural home with underground shelter w/10" steel reinforced poured concrete walls/ceiling
solar powered well pump and select home items
hazmat suits
NBC masks and air system for shelter
working on comm center
large garden w/canning operation
what happened to i - bonds? werent they yielding 6+% last month? did they just reset to 2.41%? thats horrible. what a horrific investment...
owning gold during a deflationary period doesnt make much sense..good luck with that..!
"poured concrete walls/ceiling
solar powered well pump and select home items
hazmat suits
NBC masks and air system for shelter
working on comm center
large garden w/canning operation "
is that guy a little bonkos..? is this site comprised of middle aged men from the south and/or west who own SUVs, flat screens and keep the online porn industry flush?
"AR-15's w/night scope
Smith & Wesson 44Mag
1,000 rounds
2 years freezedried food"
guy, if you dont live in manhattan, you really have nothing to protect and no reason to be alarmed. the terrorists dont give a hoot about Jamoke, Iowa....
hey anon - check out
I don't think living anywhere where there are hungry people is really gonna matter
100 percent either Canadian cash or Canadian T-bills
I think a few of these posters are having some fun with us...
at least I hope so!
403's 50% money mkt, 50% PMs/mining and energy mutual funds.
Also hold physical.
Ever changing holdings and always trying to lock in profit.
Long a gold miner.
Short a home builder.
401k in a money market fund since I don't have a short option and the long funds all suck.
Guns? Lmao, I have a bunch of them. AK's, AR's, Mini-14's, a couple shotguns, some 22's and a couple handguns. Lots of clips. Thousands of rounds (mostly for the AK's, shotguns and 22's). I think I have between 7000 - 10,000 rounds.
Sold my house in Sacramento last March. 10x my equity in 7 years.
Left the USA all together, bought a house for cash in Australia, no mortgage - no property taxes and no $1000+/month health care premiums for my family. Shorted TOL money is in 6% term deposits in Australia.
My ex bought me out of a DC rowhouse well over a year ago. Not being a very sophisticated investor, I trotted up to the bank, and plunked 2/3 into a spread (varying risk) of five mutual funds that immediately dropped 20%. Thank you Mr. Banker man! To date, I'd have done much better with CDs. The other third went to cash, and I splurged a chunk of that on a Prius (first time ever buying a new car; at the time, used ones were selling for near list anyway).
Thought I was just "parking" the money, and even went out to look at houses last Spring (although I knew very well that speculation was driving the frenzy).
I am on my own and willing to live in a blue collar neighborhood, but could not stomach the fact that people were demanding $100k over what they'd paid a year ago, resulting in upscale prices for substandard houses in less-than-tony neighborhoods. I kept hearing of people my age and younger (frequently less educated and/or intelligent) retiring off the housing Ponzi scheme with over a million (it's easy - flip ten houses in a few months...). Arrrgh!
On assorted blogs, I see people tossing $500k around as a pretty good pice for a house. I'm an above-average wage slave, but prices dropping from $750k down to $500k is meaningless to me. Is it just me? Mr. Banker Man told me "some people have bucks". Well, cashing out doesn't do you much good when things have gone up as much as 400%, that's all I know.
Anyway, I'm a happy renter now. I used to enjoy tinkering with my house, but now I like zero maintenance and a $20/mo. energy bill.
I am desperately trying to educate myself about investing and the big picture, and have been watching gold peak, drop, and climb again wondering what that means. My Dad lived throught the Great Depression, and predicted a crash my entire life . I wish he was around so I could hear his reaction to this apparent perfect economic storm. I recall his saying the only haven during rapid deflation is "cold hard cash". Here we are anticipating rapid inflation in commodities such as gold. I guess my slight hesitation is over a nascent speculative frenzy over gold on top of the natural price pressure explained clearly on assorted housing bubble blogs. One common strategy seen in this and similar threads is not to place all eggs in one basket.
I will probably lower my direct deposit to my retirement fund and, considering advice here and elsewhere, re-allocate a bit more to money market. The (well-known academic fund's) advisor, a comely young woman, came around at the beginning of the year when money market was not showing a good track record, and told me to stop inputting my 5% and move that money elsewhere.
As for buying gold and Euros, I'm afraid I am not set up to do that just yet. What's the mode of choice - online or human broker? If human, brokerage or bank services? If online, which one? Ameritrade? Schwab? Other? Does it matter?
Oh, I can pass along a bit of information about Hydrogen fuel cells coming to the rescue. There are major technological hurdles - it is still taking more energy to produce H than you get out, and only photosynthesis seems to be able to break the water molecule efficiently enough. Then there's the little known environmental risk - a tiny leak of a few per cent for the country's H infrastructure would be more damaging to the atmosphere than CFCs (has to do with free radicals and Ozone, IIRC). Do you think we can make a perfect system?
I hate to break it to you, but according to at least one DOE scientist, putting all the alternative energy sources together with massive conservation will not meet the global energy demand. This is more to say that for most of our lifetimes, not enough has been invested in pure research. There are some promising things on the horizon, but it seems we are coming close to banking on a miracle. Maybe this is a bit shrill, but to "catch up", we probably need a concentrated effort like the Manhattan Project to solve the energy crunch.
Been hedging portfolio with homebuilder LEAP puts (CTX, RYL, TOL). These puts have almost tripled over the past 6 months. Just purchased a Jan 2008 70 put on SPG (an REIT). REITS will be the next to cave since they're completing a historic run.
last anon - you nailed it friend - no combination of any alternative energy sources will ever make up more than 5% of our current liquid consumption of oil (85 million bb/d) - only a demand destruction event will slow "peak" - like closing the straights of hormuz.
mostly cash, playing a little in gold, but don't claim to know the metals market well enough to play aggressively in it.
preserving capital for real estate purchases, also expect future bargains in stock market.
long gold, long silver, short HB's, short HAL, short IBM, short GS, short USD:JPY, short USD:CHF, long EUR:USD.
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