The housing bubble has burst. The middle east is in flames. The administration's incompetence has been exposed. We're $8.4 Trillion in debt and counting. We can't meet our future liabilities. Our currency is being devalued. The market is falling. And Britney and Kevin are reconciling.
So now what are we to do?
July 29, 2006
HousingPanic Stupid Question of the Day
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A good start would be always vote against incumbents that aren't exactly what you want, reguardless of their opponents record.
If 10% of the voters did that the entire US electorate would be sh&*ting a brick.
Dan....and what would 5 - 10 be? You are on a roll and if you don't mind I'm stealing #2 for work on Monday.
foo - the debt on the books as of today is 8.4. the future liabilities are endless, even your 60T number is for people currently living.
dan - when the dems take over the house and/or senate, you may see subpoenas and possibly trials. #2 is an interesting idea, or at least take away their non-profit status in most cases.
get into cash and gold, vote all incumbents out, continue to rent, short stocks and prepare to be jobless
Your right! A lot of jobs are going to be toast by the end of the year.
hike rates, force a crash in housing, bail out the banks but not the homeowners, flush out the effects of the housing bubble, and don't let the Fed make the same loose money errors in the future.
I can't believe that people think things would be better if the Democrats ran the county.
And spare me the Bill Clinton reference. He benefited from republican purse holding and a speculative economy while no major world crisis happened on his watch. Truly an extraordinary man in unextraordinary times.
The only reason we are not currently in a depression is because of the enormous amount of government spending that followed 09/11 and Katrina. Unfortunately this seemed only to postpone the inevitable.
"The housing bubble has burst. The middle east is in flames. The administration's incompetence has been exposed. We're $8.4 Trillion in debt and counting. We can't meet our future liabilities. Our currency is being devalued. The market is falling. And Britney and Kevin are reconciling."
"So now what are we to do?"
Add GLOBAL WARMING to your list and remove all of the other problems. If you haven't seen Al Gore's movie, "An Inconvenient Truth", see it in an air conditioned theater this weekend. Then, buy the book and experience a greatly expanded version of the material presented in the movie.
In the end, it won't really matter what Britney and Kevin do if their home planet becomes uninhabitable.
i'm thinking of buying land in canada, sweden and norway - they'll be places people will want to live vs. europe and the states which will be too hot, or underwater at this rate
london's been in the 90's for the past month. london. go figure.
Once Ann Coulter called President Clinton a "latent homosexual" on national TV, I started to wonder: "What was the reason again why I voted for Bush?"
Just like Anakin Skywalker after turning to the Dark Side: "What have I done!".
Ann, Clinton may be a lot of things - pathological liar, flip-flopper, and an amoral liberal - but a homosexual? Nope. Not buying that one.
I got it. Let's start a war with Iran, Syria or North Korea?
Spend, spend, spend.
The nation should go through a 12-step, 5 year rehab plan to kick its addiction to oil, both the domestic and foreign varieties. After 10 to 15 years, our so-called "friends" in the middle east will need to make their living selling solar power, wool and glass. At the same time, our natural resource-dependent, and non-income-tax -collecting neighbor to the south, Mexico, will be completely bankrupt and in the throes of another full-scale revolution.
>>> dan - when the dems take over the house and/or senate, you may see subpoenas and possibly trials. #2 is an interesting idea, or at least take away their non-profit status in most cases.
- What B.S. Stop the liberal slant. Besides I wish there was a law that if you did not live here for the past year you can't vote or influence our elections...
That said, I am worried as a Republican because the lack of action on the immigration issue will cause a lot of republicans to site on the side lines this year in order to "show them". This will by default shift the votes to democrats. Most real republicans can never bring themselves to cast a vote for the losers in the democrat party, even in anger, but will instead abstain from voting providing a default. This is how the democrats would win, not because people became suddenly (un)"enlightned".
>>>Once Ann Coulter called President Clinton a "latent homosexual" on national TV, I started to wonder: "What was the reason again why I voted for Bush?"
- She is not the president, and last time I looked he does not consult her. Now I like Ann Coulter and what she says, but sometimes she will say something to stir the pot. It's like saying you wonder why you voted for a democrat when Al Franken says something.
I love the Coulter bashing, but last night tuning across the AM band I came across some wacko scare america station and all I heard was anger, anger, anger. What a bunch of cry babies, and so personally viscous! I listen to Ann and Michael Savage and they are only 1/2 as crazy as this station was. Not sure if it was a local show or national though...
(Locals seem to be even more wacko than most since they play to a smaller fringe)
The answer: there are 200+ years of coal under the soil of the continental USA. Dig it out, use coal-to-petrol technologies (invented by Nazis, later improved by DOE, then finally implemented by Sasol during Apartheid in SA) and then finally, stop importing oil from either the Middle east or the Soviet Caspian regions. This problem is highly solvable but our energy executives have failed us.
The above is neither liberal nor conservative but science and engineering.
RED ALERT..The IS a RECORDED MESSAGE from the White House
The United States of America is experiencing A TOTAL MALFUNCTION.
>>> The above is neither liberal nor conservative but science and engineering.
-- But not economic. It's not the "job" of the oil companies to use a different technology with higher costs of production. If you don't like it, start an alternative fuel company to do this. You won't win until the international oil market's price gets a lot higher.
I am OK with buying oil from the middle east and Chavez until it runs out, then tap our coal, shale, and ANWR reserves...
Yes, there is the economic uncertainty of the supply being cut of suddenly but a political action or war. That is what the strategic reserve is for, though it will not last long enough...
You could say if there is a failure, its not the oil companies, but the market in general discounting future uncertainty of supply vs. costs of development today of alternatives which are not profitable.
'If you don't like it, start an alternative fuel company to do this.'
Ok, so how does a little guy compete against Sasol? I'd rather go to medical school and get a guaranteed job.
'It's not the "job" of the oil companies to use a different technology with higher costs of production.'
First, get a chemical engineering degree before you pout your faux truth about coal technologies, proven and real in West Virginia during the 1950s. And realize the following is on the DOE site, not a conspiracy page.
It was the Petrol board who kept skewing the economic viability of it once the mideast oil was discovered. I knew people who were actually on these projects, my dad's generation. These energy companies are a stagnant oligopoly so stop defending them. But of course you'll then proceed to spout some free market horseshit knowing perfectly well that the US military is subsidizing the protection of the Azerbaijian pipeline as well as King Abdullah's govt in Saudi. Then compound that with the whole Iraq-Israel thing, which is what's getting our men and women killed over there, and you'll understand why some of us with science backgrounds are pissed at our corporate oligopolies.
Now, tell me that I'm wrong.
"alternative fuel company to do this."
And this is not alternative, it's old, and is effectively still a part of the petrol production.
Alternative is solar, wind, geothermal, or nuclear.
No major world crisis under Clinton because Clinton prevented that from happening on his watch, nor did he create one.
Speaking of 9/11: oh, yes,indeed, just simple police work would have identified,punished, and protected us from the terrorist responsible, but any and all investigations were blocked and prevented by the Bush regime.
These dots are not hard to connect and the picture that emerges is an unmistakeable one. Bush does not overreact; he doesn't even react as he's informed the towers had been attacked -- but, then, why would it be news to the orchestrator of the events of 9/11? Obviously he wasn't smart enough to anticipate that to sit in a gradeschool classroom to chat about a goat with the students for over 15 minutes after he'd been informed should arouse suspicion ---but, as it turned out a majority of Americans also weren't the sharpest knives in the drawer and it went right over their heads where every clue for the next five years went and thus allowed every atrocity he has committed since 9/11 to occur unimpeded.
To enjoy life without government & multinational corporations that dictate what we eat, drink, sing, wear, and "think" about the world around us is not Marxist nor is it a Utopian dream -- it is our right. However, in order to ensure that our rights are preserved we have to take our country back and it needs a governmental overhaul. There is one major flaw: federal government has to go. Elected representatives have to go.(prostitution is alive and well in Congress, you know, and we are always sold out to whatever corporation names their price). It is necessary for every citizen to vote on every issue that involves global business. Everything else is a state by state matter, and the citizens of each state must vote to decide all state issues. Taxes by the IRS have to go. It costs nada to decide foreign policy by votes of the people. Dismantling the religious right, though, is the one last federal act we should allow.
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