July 17, 2006

HousingPanic Stupid Question of the Day

How many realtors does it take to change a lightbulb?


Anonymous said...

1.4 million apparantly, because they have nothing else to do today

Anonymous said...

I have a great idea why dont we pay back the favor today to realtors and each one of us call them today, and tell them give us a call when the market drops 45%


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, you mean we’ll have to give up our morning trips to Starbucks, and give back the Mercedes? And I’ll have to get my GED! And I won’t be able to give out investment advice anymore!

Anonymous said...

None- The electric company already shut off the power, so they wont need to change the bulb.

Anonymous said...

If you rent, how much richer will your standard of living be(such as eating out, seeing plays, concerts, sporting events, etc)?

Since I've stayed a renter, I've been living pretty high (eating out, attending sporting events, weekends at SPAs) for the past couple of years while also saving some for a rainy day. My friends, who'd gotten into housing recently, have become hermits.

Anonymous said...

"Since I've stayed a renter, I've been living pretty high (eating out, attending sporting events, weekends at SPAs) for the past couple of years while also saving some for a rainy day. My friends, who'd gotten into housing recently, have become hermits."

Same thing here. I've had to make new friends who live closer and have some money to go out every now and again. Until the past few months, they were spending their weekends reading "Better Homes" and shopping at Home Depot. In an amazing change of pace, they now don't want to put any money into their houses.

Anonymous said...

Q: How many Realtors does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Don't pay attention to the labor costs, because you better change it TODAY, otherwise it will be burnt out FOREVER! I can get you a great deal on lightbulb financing, only $70 per bulb---and trust me they aren't making any more photons.

Anonymous said...

Q: How many Realtors does it take to change a lightbulb?

Just the one.

They stand below the socket on a stepladder, bulb in hand, and wait for the world to revolve around them....

Anonymous said...

P.S this joke also works using spoilt brats, opera singers, supermodels and rock stars...

Anonymous said...

It always amazes me that realtors get the blame for others stupidity. Didn't property values increasing by over 20%/year tell you something about excessive prices?

I've been advising my clients NOT to buy investment property for 18 months. Loads of profits were available to those who purchased a decade ago. I'm debt free , including the house, thanks to a booming real estate market. How about you?

I feel for those individuals in overpriced markets. Things will get much worse before they get better. The economy will lose many jobs prior to a drastic decline in housing prices. It will be difficult to rent or "own" without a job.

Anonymous said...

None. Realtors screw buyers and sellers, not lightbulbs.

Anonymous said...

Here's what I don't understand, most people are actively discouraged from trading futures and options where one takes a position on let's say the S&P500, going long/short, but with a margin anywhere from 5:1 to 20:1, with the possibility of losing the entire position if the closing price edges out of the payout range.

Housing, if it weren't for the mania, is essentially trading futures in a bull market with a high amount of leverage? Well... if housing is not considered a place to live but an investment, then its a future's mercantile exchange bet with potential for a huge loss (i.e. loss of the downpayment/equity or even upside down mortgage) but yet, no one other than us see it that way. What gives?

Anonymous said...

Because you're all obviously only considering the small percentage of the US housing market that went totally wild and is now full of overvalued properties with mortgages at 10% to 40% greater than the value of the property. This is not now nor has it ever been the case. Read the headline: "Housing PANIC"

One of my favorite movie lines is from "Men In Black": A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky animals.

Anonymous said...

Q. How many realtors does it take to change a lightbulb ?

A. None ..The lightbulb WORKS Fine... The last " Bigger Fool" just SWITCHED OFF LIGHT as he RAN out the DOOR !

Anonymous said...

Why change the bulb?, buy the bigger, better house down the street with a neg-am mortgage. It has granite counter tops and new-bulbs!!

Wendy said...

I have a winner...

The REALTOR who conned me paid a lawyer to threaten Google into taking down a blog that never even mentioned his name.

And when NAR's Board of REALTORS' "Ethics" committee forwarded all of the emails from me (the acccuser) to the crooked realtor (the accused) in an effort to make Brownie points and scratch his back, he thought they were coming directly from me.

So he paid a lawyer to threaten ME into stopping the emails that were coming from his own accomplices, trying to scratch his back.

(Is that dumb enough for you...?)


Anonymous said...


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