Gold. Cash. Oil. Trouble.
World powers agreed Wednesday to send Iran back to the United Nations Security Council for possible punishment, saying the clerical regime has given no sign it means to negotiate seriously over its disputed nuclear program.
July 12, 2006
FLASH: Iran and North Korea Week continues: Iran goes before UN Security Council
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And Isreal enters Lebonon this is going to end real bad real some have stated in past post's on this blog, get your guns and ammo stocked up and your gold in a safe place as things are going to be real interesting after the G8 summit on saturday.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling. CALM DOWN you nutjob doomsayer.
McBride: What are you going to do when martial law is declared and you don't have shit in your cellar? Stock up on everything now before there are limits and restrictions. Don't you get it? our entire way of life WILL change soon- prepare now. Get food, water, weapons, and GOLD because your paper money will be needed as kindling for the cooking fires. This is real people.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling. CALM DOWN you nutjob doomsayer
you will eat those words ass wipe! and when bush and company sends your loved ones (of age of course male or female) that nice little draft notice in the mail you will look back on this day and say ..gee those Nutjobs were telling the enjoy your days of calm as they are soon going to be panic if bush and Co have their way.
If you don't want your kids to get drafted, you better vote Republican. The Dems are the only ones to call for a draft. The Republicans have summarily dismissed the Democrat calls to institute a draft.
Borkafatty. With the sometimes exception of your method of delivery {the in your face method} I must say, I frequently agree with your view points. However, I need to make it clear: I see no difference between the two political parties. I believe they both deliver a poison to the American people and deserve our wrath. But I'm with you. Gold, Guns, Ammo. Check, check, check. Regards. Python
I just wish the pic was of muhamad and then the izzies would be all stirred up again.
Please. Iran doesnt need oil for electricity. They are sitting on the largest gas supplies around. They want the nuke for power.
bspays said...
"Nice, flattering caricature of an Iranian with a stupid look on his face. Of course you're not a racist, no, not at all"
so if I put a picture of a stupid looking white guy that makes me racist and sexist?
what a joke
Hey all you Anons: Get this. IT IS ALL INTERCONNECTED. And it's not a us vs. them issue. WE ARE ALL GOD's CHILDREN. It's about all of us trying to prepare for BAD TIMES. So PLEASE leave your race and/or political views in the background. We get it. And we don't care to be distracted by your rants. The blame game doesn't solve anything. The question is: DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING CONSTRUCTIVE TO SAY? Can you offer any SOLUTION{S}? If not: then SHUT UP or go back to watching American Idol.
Keith, since you are an ex-pat what is your interest in the US housing market? Python, very constructive, you have all the answers.
Nor does he tell you how he makes a killing from this site with over a mil hits a day and if 10% buy any of his links he makes money and that is how he is funding his life in London (one of the most expensive cities in the world and makes most US cities look cheap).
But back to this topic, what else will drive money and people back to the USA? A world war!
Things are going downhill fast, the Housing bubble, Israel nearing war with Syria. I expect a all out jihad on Israel with the rest of the Islamic countries sending millions of men(and women) to fight the holy war, the US then will have to jump on Israel's side and reignite the draft to have the manpower for the war setting off mass demonstrations at home.
While WWIII is happening over in the middle east, Kim takes the oppourtunity and invades South Korea resolving the Korean conflict and uniting Korea under Jeche rule. China and Russia quickly announce a partnership with Jeche Korea and against USA/Israel "terror" and declare war on the US along with the Eastern European nations. Western Europe finally gives up chances for peace and joins the Israeli/US block against the eastern block.
The war will last 4-6 years and will dramtically change the balance of power in the world.
Keith -
Check out this:
I am convinced!
There is no bigger loser than Skytrekker. Someone call him a wahhhmbulance. To bad bitch. Repubs rule, and will rule this place for a long time to come. Please pull an Alec Baldwin and move out. You are bitter, jealous, and clueless. A typical Dem!
Skytrekker is OK.
Both major political parties are deluded and corrupted. But at least the Dems believe in protecting our heritage of Constitutional rights.
The Repugs apparently want a presidential dictatorship. Didn't the Republican Party stand for smaller government and conservative financial policies? And state rights? And keeping out of foreign entangelments and "nation building"?
Well, they have betrayed every one of their principles.
I get a kick out of some of you, "this blog is going down hill".
well than leave!..but you cant cause it's like a drug ..what will keith say or write next...belive it or not 3/4 of what keith writes we are all thinking ..except some of you are still in the denial stage..or to afraid to admit or say what is really on your mind ..this is why i like this blog..honest open talk about what we are facing
Crude Oil Prices Rise to $75.24 a Barrel Amid Rising Tension in the Mideast
foxwood - thought you were a long time reader
this blog makes about $4 a day from google - that about covers a pack of gum in london
what a joke
looks like geopolitics is taking front center stage these days. A Hot flareup in middle east with israel going after Hamas in an all out assault in Lebanon and Gaza. Iran and North Korea getting a lot of press over the nuke/missle issue.
Looks like China and Russia putting up roadblocks to stern sanctions against NK
Meanwhile oil prices thru the roof and with all the mideast instability oil will more than likely shoot up some more.
The US has to play a gigantic game of chess and use some geopolitical smarts since it apparantly cannot bluff and dictate to the world due to deficiency in energy resources.
Oil is power. Oil is the lifeblood of the western worlds economy. Unfortunately the Middleeast has most of the worlds oil resources which means any large-scale flareups or raising of geopoitical temperatures in Middleeast will cause oil price increases.
America can't and should not try to stop the rest of the world from progressing technologically.
Paintblot: > "This blog is going down the drain. The more Keith shows his republican, "Amurika- Fuck Yeah!" colors, the less I like him and the less sense the blog makes."
IS: the fact that it makes less sense to you when you start believing he is an Repub. says than it does about him.
Paintblot:>Funny how Keith never talks about how almost 40% of all U.S. wealth is in the hands of the top 1% of the population, compared to 13% 25 years ago. Or how the top 0.25% of the population owns more wealth than the other 99.75% combined.
Why would he? It's not his job or the gov'ts job to redistribute wealth. What justification do you have for taking Bill Gates' money you freaking theiving jackbooted gov't thug!
"this blog makes about $4 a day from google - that about covers a pack of gum in london"
Liar, liar, pants on fire Keith.
If you buy the cheap stuff, you could probably buy 3 packs of gum with $4.
OK it may be that vile flavour that nobody likes, and be past its sell by date, but hey don't look a gifthorse in the mouth!!
Another thing, what is with people dumping tins of stuff like shoe polish because it's past its sell by date?
Some of this stuff has a date of about 5 years on it, but to some it's OK to used until the stroke of midnight and then it has to be thrown.
Hell fire, I remember eating ration packs in the army that were older than I am!!
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