People vote their pocketbooks - and this November, when we're in full economic meltdown, people's "wealth effect" has gone poof, Hummers are being reposessed, and For Sale signs line neighborhood after neighborhood, there'll be blood in the streets of DC - Democrat blood and Republican blood. Boy, if there was ever a time for an outsider or an independent, this would be it...
It's funny (and sad) that our first MBA president is also our most incompetent and unpopular. I also think it'll be a long time before Americans do the nepotism thing again.
Bush's approval rating slipped to 35% in a TIME poll taken this week, down from 37% in March (and 53% in early 2005).
In the TIME survey, 66% said the country is on the wrong track, vs. 28% who said it's going in the right direction.
July 02, 2006
66% of Americans say country is on the wrong track. Boy - wait until the bubble devastation REALLY hits
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From another post:
The following article is a must read!
The US is printing new money at an unprecedented rate, under which circumstances the dollar would normally depreciate because of its dilution. This is where ‘management’ comes into play, through its biggest ‘tool’ - the price of gold.
But therein lies the ‘Achilles Heel' of the central banks. They are relatively impotent when it comes to controlling the market for real things.
Although six years ago, the yield moved slightly above the upper resistance line, there has never been a confirmed breakout in 24 years - until now - and the implications could be enormous. It’s the 10 year treasury rate that drives the mortgage market, where the ever-decreasing cost of borrowing has fuelled an unprecedented boom in house purchases and refinancing.
Where banks bury their gold
It's really no surprise that an MBA would make for a crappy president. This one was even a crappy student, a crappy CEO, a crappy baseball owner and a crappy Governor. It's not like we didn't have it coming.
35% poll?? I doubt is 5%
Economy - an illusion, wrapped in an enigma, masked by a conundrum.
re latest bush poll numbers (in the last few days):
Rasmussen: 43%
LA Times/Bloomberg: 41%
Hotline/FD: 41%
fox: 41%
ABC News: 38%
But of course it's much more fun to take the only poll which supports your point.
And it's always fun to see what Fox (Fair and Balanced) has to say. I didn't know what people meant by beam me up Scottie. Since Dubya bought the W House, I not onlt figured it out, but want it to happen soon. Scary to be surrounded by greedy cut-throat ignorant "people".
35% or 41% - so call it 38% and call it what it is - a disaster of a presidency, a failure and a debacle that will take decades to dig out of (if we ever do)
history will not be kind
The massive speculatory bubble and its grinch of a pal the Real Estate bubble are near the end!!!!!!
Bush's "MBA" was bought and paid
"...our first MBA president is also our most incompetent and unpopular..." - but he is not without a gift! Name another president who mishandled EVERY aspect of the Nation's affairs. That requires a talent. Jimmy Carter comes to mind, but he didn't get MBA...
Trying to make this a BI-partisan thing since you can't stomach the idea tha conservatism is a very bad ideology?
Republicans have run this country for over decade. The "Conservative Revolution" started in the late 70s and got a HUGE push during the Raygun years. Trying to blame our current direction on democrats is assinine.
No, CONSERVATISM deserves the credit for taking is in the direction of the feudal system. A system ruled by greed, selfishness and profound ignorance. The idealism of the liberals is ridiculed and trashed.
You voted for it Keith, you get what you deserve. That goes for the rest of you stupid people who thought the republicans would get into office, cut off the poor and you'd have 99% of your taxes back to buy more crap to fill your empty, soulless lives.
Now eat it.
notice how when eliminates anonymous comments, he gets hardly any action? When he allows them, he still gets about 1/5 the action that Ben gets over at HB2. Thus, Keith would love to eliminate all of us anonymous commentators, but he can't stand to see Ben's blog leave him in the dust, so he changes his mind. Then changes it back, and so on.
here are some people in trouble.
The public is stupid. Castro and
Chavez get great numbers in opinion polls but it doesn't necessarily mean they're good leaders. I would be scared of any leader who gets high public opinion polls because the public is stupid and think on a short term basis rather than a long term basis. Democracy in the Middle East is a noble goal and don't forget all the Libtards in Congress voted to go to war with Iraq.
Oh yeah, John Kerry would have lead this country into success with his signing of the Kyoto Protocol, taxing the crap out of everyone, and trying to negotiate and be nice to every despot in the world. Polls have taken the place of opinion pieces.
Neil Bush LOOTED the SILVERADO Savings and Loan for HIS little Friends. THAT ALONE SHOULD have told America SOMETHING about the Bush Family Values!
NOW George has LOOTED the Entire U.S Treasury and America's Future for HIS little Friends.
Without going into the entire Bush Parasitic Family History of HIGHWAY Robbery Finance at Taxpayers EXPENSE through Prescott Bush, the War Profiteering Holdings of Uncles and Aunts and Jebs early dealings in Florida..... SHEZZSH ! DOESN'T ANYONE SEE a Criminal PATTERN HERE ? ...Or IS Everybody in America JUST too Busy...Getting THEIRS NOTICE ???
41% isn't exactly something to celebrate, either.
Carter may have been inept, but he nailed our foreign oil dependency issue dead to rights. If we had followed his lead back in the 70s, we would have had a few painful years but by now we would be on easy street. Instead, the selfish boomers went for the me-generation greed and materialism of Reagan who promised cheap oil forever and no sacrifices of any kind. Of course, he made deals with terrorists to get elected and then again after they blew up out marines in Beruit. I wonder what gave Osama the idea that terrorism was a good tool to use against us? Hmmm...
Republicans and noble goals? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
We're talking about people who vote eat their MOTHERS if they thought they could shit MONEY.
If there is another attack by the weak Bogeyman Al Qaeda in the US there will be only the incomptent Bushies to blame. Four years and those idiots have not gotten Osama Bin Laden. The Dems would have had him hanging by his balls within six months. The tough talk bomb dropping Bushies simply can not do what it takes to bring Osama to just ... THINK, BE PATIENT AND PERSISTENT.
Well Ladies and Gents. I think when the system collapses and all incumbent, federal politicians are demonized, we will need to bring in, that's right, The Terminator, Arnold.
the only thing that can save the republicans before the 2006 elections is a terrorist attack.
think about that folks.
now watch.
Hey Devestment, many of US only know conservatives. You make it sound like we're made up and not out here. We're out here in bigger numbers than you think which is why the MSM always guesses wrong at election time. Conservatives also almost never demonstrate or engage in public displays of civil disobedience which is why you kooks can't believe there are so many of us. We ARE the silent majority and we're getting bigger.
As for the liberal above who said the Democrats would have gotten UBL, even you people don't believe that and everybody knows that the Democrats are the pussy party, even democrats, which is why all the anti-war, anti-america and gays are in YOUR party.
But hey, keep posting what you did, cause we all need a good laugh
Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative. -- John Stuart Mill
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