Here's a letter to the editor today in the Arizona Republic. File this under "unintended consequences" and boy, what a tinder box we sit on today. Remember when Paris was burning earlier this year with immigrant anger?
Well, America is about to see millions of unemployed illegal aliens inside its borders. Get ready for a wave of crime, rioting and protests. People get really mad when they can't work or eat.
Another problem passed along
Jun. 23, 2006
With the downturn in the construction industry, what do the construction companies plan to do with the illegals they just had to have to operate? Or is that now our problem? -A. Turberfield, Surprise
June 23, 2006
What will the unemployed homebuilding illegals do now?
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Last year a former coworker of mine working here as an illegal quit and moved back to Mexico. She sold her house and took the loot back home where she is living like a queen. Not sure what her profit was but friends of hers say it was pretty handsome.Wonder how many others did the same? Just wonder how she got a job and a house with no down payment and just happened to stumble over the biggest real estate bubble ever.
People will be sorry they're building a border fence. Now instead of keeping illegals out it will keep US citizens in.
Andys - regardless - hope you are already south of the border.
I missed it -- is Friday Know-Nothing Xenophobia day?
Look, if you want to worry about unhinged reactions to an economic downturn, I suggest you turn your attention to our own fellow citizens, who decided that the only life philosophy that matters is "More. Gimme More. It's My Due." Back in 2004, about half of these cretins looked at four years of G.W. Bush's inept and probably felonious "leadership", and opted for more of the same.
Lay off the immigrants who only come here looking for a job.
-- sglover
The Grapes of Wrath 2.0?
A few years back I decided to re-read (or actually read) some classic books from High School English class. I read the Grapes of Wrath for the first time. A great book, I'm glad I decided to read it before seeking my fortunes in California (made no fortune, but had fun trying)
Not that I think there is a direct correlation between the farmers of the 30's migrating to California with illegal aliens having no work today (or near future).
However, I think we may see something like it. Too many laborers with zero work with nothing to do but get in trouble.
As big developments come to a screeching halt and left unfinished, will the 'workers' looking on at these unfinished homes and feel anger? wrath?
Will they head back south? Or will they stick around looking for work and compete with Americans who will be looking for jobs (RE agents, loan officers, etc)
Will anger toward these non-citizens get vicious once we hit a recession next year??
I can assure you if we go into a depression that the 11Mil illegals will get rounded up and shipped south in very short order. No politician in the states will say they should stay if we get massive legal unemployment and illegals bringing down wages (which they do now) for all. Expect the military to go to the border (in the 200K range) and seal it. I would also expect a national ID set up also to help in enforcement.
And it would be a very popular program (pols TODAY are at 70% for stopping the illegal)
Round hem up and kick them out? Think 'Watts riot- Rodney King'. Think pulli ng a 'Reginald Deny' on the local crackers. It's going to ge real ugly. These guys have nothing to lose really if they lose their jobs. Be scared.
If you live in a large city, you can expect considerable looting, rioting and burning WTSHTF. As far as I'm concerned the best city refuges will be those fortunate enough to live up steep hills, behind huge gates, down long drive-ways in homes with lotsa dogs and plenty of ammo.
Many of those with construction skills will be able to find work in commercial building, which isn't going to slow nearly as dramatically nor at the same time as residential. There's also going to be a lot of jobs guarding stuff that will be accumulated by the wealthy in the next ten years, empty houses, parking lots full of repo-ed cars, RV parks where millions will end up living, and on and on.
Here's the skinny on the big fence and what Bu$hco could do to solve its problems.
1. Tear down the existing fence and invite every able-bodied male in Mexico between 16 and 29 to the US in exchange for Mexico taking 50,000 Mexicans currently in US prisons and putting them in their own prisons.
2. Keep up the policies like health care dictated by the insurance/pharma industires and insolvent medicare and social security. This encourages everyone over the age of 55 in the US to just cross that open border and retire in Mexico where they can afford a condo AND food and medical care... and this will keep up the Baja beach construction industry!
3. Rebuild a huge fence and add a minefield without notice one night. Close the border completely.
This will accomplish several goals. Bu$hco will need MANY Spanish speaking soldiers for the new wave of oil wars in Latin America (Bu$hco's failed coup in Venezuela will spill over and get really ugly) and the rest can fill all the Bu$hco jobs, you know, that spectacular record of creating ($6/hour service industry and burger flipper and gardening) jobs. At the same time we'll get rid of all those pesky old people who just want to consume healthcare and services and not contribute to GDP. Let Mexico take care of 'em, maybe they can put their prisoners to work on it! And the immigrants who don't want to go kill people for Halliburton?! They can be our rent-a-cops (the biggest growth industry in post Bu$hco Amerka) or wash windows and grow corn for ethanol fuels and our corn (as in high fructose ---- syrup and ---- fed beef) -based food industry that so successfully keeps our pharamceutical and absurdly overpriced healthcare complex going...
You see, Bu$hco's immigration strategy all makes perfect sense and fits economic reality perfectly, but they just got step 3 first and need to go back and really do steps 1 and 2 well first! And if they lose their mascot in 2008, they'll need a new one, perhaps a well spoken veteran who didn't dodge the draft in Vietnam from a border state that has seen the worst of the real estate implosion.... say someone from Arizona... who can pander to the trailer trash and evangelicans AND get some of the college educated (10%) vote...
There might be more crime but there will be no riots. If you're white you will be blamed for all the shits that happening. I blame all of us...those who didn't vote but complain, those who voted for this retarded admin rups & demos. It's going to be a rough one good luck all.
if you are poor and can only afford a $80,000 house for your family of 4.
The Mexican poor neighborhoods are much safer than the black neighborhoods.
Your Right Some have the Last Name ANONYMOUS just like yours is it Jose ANONYMOUS or Felipe ANONYMOUS well i guess it does not matter one or a hundred still MEXICAN
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