Excellent column today by Samuelson at the Post on the immigration bill and the mainstream media's complete failure to report the truth on this subject. Also, every time you read that there are 10 to 12 million illegals here, doubt that "truth" as well. It's much much more.
This issue will impact every one of you, and yet your politicians and your media continue to fail you. Just like they did with the prescription drug fiasco, just like they did with Iraq and just like they did with the management of this country's finances.
The Senate passed legislation last week that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) hailed as "the most far-reaching immigration reform in our history." You might think that the first question anyone would ask is how much it would actually increase or decrease legal immigration. But no.
After the Senate approved the bill by 62 to 36, you could not find the answer in the news columns of The Post, the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. Yet the estimates do exist and are fairly startling. By rough projections, the Senate bill would double the legal immigration that would occur during the next two decades from about 20 million (under present law) to about 40 million.
One job of journalism is to inform the public about what our political leaders are doing. In this case, we failed. The Senate bill's sponsors didn't publicize its full impact on legal immigration, and we didn't fill the void. It's safe to say that few Americans know what the bill would do because no one has told them. Indeed, I suspect that many senators who voted for the legislation don't have a clue as to the potential overall increase in immigration.
June 01, 2006
Washington Post: What you don't know about the immigration bill
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There's a reason no one paid attention to Rector's projections -- he's a two bit hack with an axe to grind.
Immigration is a good thing. Open immigration policy is a core principle of this country and, even though it's often been controversial (see, e.g., the experiences of the Irish, the Polish, the Italians), immigration has made the country stronger and more dynamic.
Managing immigration is important, but questioning the value of immigration in general is just un-American (and small-minded, stupid, and bigoted, to use the labels that Samuelson hopes to avoid).
don't like the message, attack the messenger. you attack the media, and guess what, the media will attack you
not scarborough though on msnbc - go here for his report under commentary and analysis
Here Keith. This site has facts and figures far more horrifying those those you present.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is not a good thing, and employers who lure illegals here than dump them on society to support (medicine, education, welfare, etc.), are criminals, guilty of the worse kinds of exploitation, and, arguably, treason.
To the writer above, open immigration has not been a core policy of this country for over a century. Mexico doesn't allow it, so why do you think WE should?
The corrupt government of Mexico, one of the potentially wealthiest countries on Earth, is dumping its poor and uneducated on the United States. If it weren't for greedy Americans looking for cheap slave labor, this would never be allowed. Prosecute the employers and the illegal immigrants will go home.
In the last year, the U.S. government fined only four employers for hiring illegals out of tens of thousands of employers who do so. This shows you that our government has no interest is stopping the invasion, and that big money political contributions are the only things that count.
Anon above hit it right on the button!! I share these thoughts completely.
The globalists have won this round becaue illegal immigration furthers their cause. Most of Congress now fits in that category, so next time you vote, ask yourself why you're reelecting a globalist (R or D).
Revolution? That might fix the problem, or it might make things even worse. When was the last time you met or heard a man with the intellect and stature of a Washington, Madison, or Franklin? If we had a constitutional convention nowadays, Jerry Springer and and some guy from NAMBLA would be sitting at the table with Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump.
The easiest way for the house republicans to retain their majority is to tell the President and the Senate NO WAY! That’s a guarantee!
In fact, I’m starting to wonder if this is a conspiracy to screw the dem’s again. Think about it.
Folks, this is a diversion. Immigration (illegal and otherwise) was not on the radar a year ago. While there are isolated areas where it is a problem, it is not an issue in most neighborhoods.
This is strictly to divirt us from the war - that should be the number one issue for this country - trying to figure out a way leave or win. Permanent damage is being done to the US military and stature in the world.
People have been mad as hell about immigration for years but MSM hasn't been talking about that..Bush's plan was to push this through in 2001 but 9/11 killed that plan..
Here is some statistics: (things are even worse now)
From the L.A Times(2002)
1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County (L.A. County has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3's of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L.A.County 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak Spanish (10.2 million people in L.A.County).
(All 10 from the Los Angeles Times)
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops but 29% are on welfare.
Over 70% of the United States annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration.
The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was a NET (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) $70 BILLION a year, [Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University].
29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.
Dems want cheap votes, big biz reps want cheap labor and Rino's like McCain want to do something (anything).
Mexico controls it border, why shouldn't we do it?
This makes me sick.
Immigration legal or illegal is a fact of life in the USA.
I'm a legal immigrant and I'm all for immigration. I just think that illegal invasion, identity theft and using forged feredal documents (both felonies), getting welfare and medicaid are wrong in this case.
Senate version is sick piece of legislation. It says that illegals do not even have to pay back taxes (only 3 of the last 5 years). US citizens have to pay taxes and they are not allowed to commit identity theft. Why reward criminals?
I'm all for more open policies when it comes to immigration as long as they are aimed at taking the very best people from other countries. Hard-working, productive people. America can't lose in this case. More immigration and thus competition among wage earners may depress wages but the CPI will adjust accordingly and you will eventually pay less for goods as well. Increased productivity means more jobs and cheaper goods. They say that it will only cause a minor growth in the economy, for one I'd like to see there numbers and two what do we know about the projections without the immigration will there be negative growth because of population declines? Or might increasing immigration by more than 20 million have an even greater effect on growth. Maybe 20 million is still too conservative.
We all know this goes (see Reagan amnesty):
1. Amnesty bill plus some vague enforcement promises is passed
2. 15 million illegals use real documents to get a green card
3. 25 million family members get green card (everybody got a grandma or cousing in Mexico)
2b. 15 million additional illegals use fradulent documents to prove they have been living here for 5 years (employer "Jose" - who cannot be reached anymore - proves that Manual has been working for him for years).
3. Immigration lawyers and activist judges extend the law every imaginable way -> nobody will be deported
4. 5 million illegals come to US every year..First thing they do is to buy "proof" that they have been living here for 10 year.
The last Bill Ted pushed through was the Tip O'Neil Tunnel costing us $14 Billion.
What most people don't seem to realize is that the politicians are breaking the law and the oath they took by allowing an illegal act to occure, ie.. allowing ILLEGAL aliens to remain in this country and not prosecuting companies in violation of the laws by hireing the illegal aliens.
The could, by definition of the law be prosecuted for their actions, but noone will stand up and take action against them. Where is the Supreme Court when you need them?
Can we sue congress?
I don't believe we can "SUE" them, however they should be able to be brought up on criminal charges for violation of the law for allowing known illegal actions to take place as well as encouraging such actions to continue. Our lawmakers should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but who has the courage and money to pursue such action! Apparently not the American public who are the people most being hurt by their actions.
this illegal issue makes me sick too but what makes me even MORE sick is the $400 million bonus that Exxon whale got.
osopolar2000 said...
Huh? What scapegoat?
As for panicearly, how is illegal immigration a distraction from the war in Iraq? Bush loves the illegals, and is very annoyed that they have become a major issue. Also, the housing bubble predates the war in Iraq.
The Press, not the Administration, decides what the Press reports.
There is no cabal of sorcerers in Washington that waves a wand and creates bubbles, distractions, or what have you. Worldwide conspiracies only work in movies and television, not in reality.
The way to stop illegal immigration is (1) vote out every politician who supports it, and (2) shun and prosecute employers who hire and exploit illegal immigrants. Expose these abusive cheapskates, carry signs, march, protest. Organize. Get involved.
By all means, file lawsuits.
The illegal immigrants are here because they're desperate; the Americans who employ them do so because they (the employers) are selfish, greedy, and without conscience, as are the politicians who support their illegal business operations.
Citizen's Primer on Immigration Reform
WorldNetDaily.com : June 1 , 2006 -- by Jane Chastain
"The American people are about to get "Bushwhacked"! The Republican-led House of Representatives is our only hope against a runaway president and squishy Senate leaders who have joined with Democrats in an attempt to ram a disastrous immigration bill down our throats. You must contact your House member and strengthen his or her resolve to support only those measures that would control our borders and enforce the law.
"To help you deal with members of the administration and Congress, I have prepared a primer to help you translate the rhetoric.
"When they say: Our bill creates a path to citizenship.
"What they mean is: Amnesty for those who have broken into this country illegally.
"When they say: These immigrants will pay fines and get punished for breaking the law.
"What they mean is: Citizenship for sale, cheap. Pay fines of $2,500 and we will give it back to you and thousands more in the form of the Earned Income Tax Credit; retroactive Social Security credit; SSI for your indigent parents, who you can bring here legally; free medical care; free education; as well as free housing, food and money through your dependent children.
"Reality check: What a deal!
"When they say: These immigrants will have to work for 11 years, then go to the back of the line before they can become citizens.
"What they mean is: These illegal immigrants will be working inside the U.S., which was their goal when they broke into the country. In six years, these immigrants can apply for permanent resident status and a green card, so, for all practical purposes, the line for them doesn't exist
"Reality check: The average wait for a legal immigrant from Mexico is 16 years.
"When they say: Mass deportation won't work.
"What they mean is: We don't know what will work because we've never tried to enforce the law. In fact, Bush policy is not to detain or deport anyone who is more than 100 miles from the border or has been in the country more than 30 days.
"Reality check: We are not talking about rounding up people and transporting them to the gas chamber. We are talking about giving those who are caught free transportation -- in air-conditioned comfort -- back home.
"When they say: The 11 million illegal immigrants have 3 million children who are U.S. citizens. We can't ask them to go home and leave their children.
"What they mean is: I'm out of arguments and I hope you will buy my sob story.
"Reality check: Illegal aliens can take their underage children home with them. Adult children, who are citizens, can stay and sponsor parents back into this country legally.
"When they say: If the law doesn't create a just result, what good is it?
"What they mean is: We want amnesty for these lawbreakers so they will be grateful and give us their votes when they become citizens.
"When they say: It's not fair for a nonviolent offense to result in upheaval or make people felons.
"What they mean is: We want amnesty for these lawbreakers so our business supporters can have cheap labor at the expense of hardworking taxpayers.
"Reality check: Name another incidence of 'breaking and entering' that isn't a felony. Illegal aliens can go home on their own. They don't have to become felons.
"When they say: Our bill will strengthen border security.
"What they mean is: Trust us ... again.
"When they say: We want a system where employers can have an honest opportunity to employ people. If employers do it dishonestly, they will pay a price.
"What they mean is: Let's make all illegal aliens legal. Then, employers can legally employ the same people for pennies on the dollar.
"When they say: All illegal immigrants who have been here less than two years will have to go back home.
"What they mean is: We won't find anybody who as been here less than two years because there is no real verification of current illegal-alien status.
"Reality check: The Senate bill has a provision that limits immigration authorities from investigating beyond the piece of paper on which an alien applies for amnesty and a third-party declaration. All an alien with a third party has to do is lie and the case is closed.
"When they say: The American people want comprehensive immigration reform.
"What they mean is: We can pass what we want and get away with it. By the time our re-election rolls around the public won't remember how we voted. The American people are helpless and stupid.
"Reality check: Are you going to prove them right?"
Many Republican have essentially become Democrats. On one hand it's funny b/c Democrats still hate them even though they have essentially equal positions. On the other hand it's not funny if you're a conservative - half the party has turned into brain-dead zombies. The Senate bill is a f-ing joke and an insult. It's insane and naive. And yes, the only reason we're hearing about it is b/c it's an election year. Our representatives don't want to listen to us. This is Rome burning - a slow motion trainwreck.
I agree w/ the poster who says 'vote out every globalist'.
I'm so sick about senate bill. Nothing good comes from McCain or Kennedy. Both should thrown to jail because they support organized crime. Can't we use any of those mafia-laws to prosecute senators?
This is an insult. Enforce the law and secure the border now! Once that has been taken care of then it is time to think what to do with those 11-20 million illegals.
Illegal immigration turning once pristine solid middle class neifgborhoods into slums. This is waht has happened to Santa Ana in orange county Ca. The entire city has degenerated into the illegal alien hellhole of OC.
Was listening to John and ken show and they had an interview with a lady who was so disgusted by the swarms of illegals moving into her neighborhood that she was selling her home ASAP! Told J&K that frequently Hispanic immigrants would move in several families who's combined incomes counted for income qualifications for home loan processing. And that the city of Santa Ana allowed as many as thirty "family members" to live in a home without violating zoning ordinances.
She also said that frequently when she was out doing yard chores that the illegals would
hoot and whistle and make sexual motions(putting their hands into their trousers or scatching at their crotches).
I have seen santa ana and it's accelerated decline into a Tijuana slum. Just drive down bristol ave or ist street south of the 5 fwy and you will see ragged weedy homes with assorted junk cars and japopy lawn-care pickups and hot wagons al over. And waves of teenage brown girls pushing baby strollers. And Mexican/cent American peasants just arrived from the border lurching down the streets with their wide-brim sombreros.
The check-checking store on 1st has this sigh: Central authorizado de welfare (with the Cal state seal on it).
CA is turning into Tijuana. This is also a problem in NY region: I know one case in which 30 men, with 6 cars are living in a one-family house. Men are drinking beer and making a lot of noice (including sexual harassment to women), urinating outside house, cars are parked all over the area. The middle-class neighborhood is being destroyed.. I know people are really angry (this is THE ISSUE now that resonates) and this has the potential that can change elections. It is not a coincidence that senators who do not face re-election are supporting illegals and others (esp congressman) who face re-elections are 95% against amnesty bill.
I don't care if dems or republicans win but I really hope that this madness is stopped by somebody. I will vote for anybody who enforces the law. I'm desperate and I know there are millions of us. This is our country and laws must be enforced! (why we need to even talk about this??)
It's going to be a long dreary sizzling summer here on LA. With the explosive mix of a Re Market ready to go down and the illegal immigration issue plus the high gas prices there will be a lotta pissed off folks here in Scal.
Look for a sharp spike in crime and road rage incidents all over greater LA Metro as the lowest dregs who get the ax due to a slowing economy do some "Jackings" on some unlucky whities.
Look for laid-off illegal alien offspring gang-bangers to take potshot drive-bys at any unfortunate vehicles who happen to cut them off, or angry homeowners who are stuck with their ARM's and are upsidedown and cannot sell or are treading toward foreclosure going berserk down the hwys.
As the slowing RE market leads to a slowing economy which leads to massive layoffs of the lowest grunts on the economic food chain, there will be unrest on the streets of LA, more homicides, carjackings, sharp rise in wife beatings, girls getting snatched off the street to get raped by cruising gang-bangers, more 2 am freeway shootings, more idiotic Fox/msnbc reporting on latest co-ed murder. ect.
As millions of Scal homeowners discover their "easy" equity vanish and get into massive and ever-rising Debt over increasing costs and inflation eating up their entire meager earnings and see Illegals getting free money and Gov't benefits using fake forged documents this will only lead to still more calls for draconian measures against illegal alien flood.
Sunday, June 04, 2006 6:38:20 AM
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
There's more than one 'gotcha' in the Senate immigration bill. Another is the doubling of the H-1b quota. Many people don't worry about the Mexicans because they figure they're white collar professionals, and their jobs are not threatened. Guess what sort of jobs the H-1bs come here to take? (http://www.h1b.info/lca_search.php) And, they are willing to work for an AVERAGE of 13K less than you (http://www.cis.org/articles/2005/back1305.html). Your employer is considering it, trust me ..... (http://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/6/prweb400619.htm)
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
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