June 02, 2006

So, what will Iran do next? Rice warns Iran it doesn't have much time

My guess? They'll give the world the middle finger straight away.

However, a small chance they'll seem to agree to the terms, stop production, start negotiating, then... give the world the middle finger.

Ah, here comes the Hidden Imam now! Look! Over there!

The United States warned Iran it will not have much time to respond once it is offered an international package of rewards to encourage it to suspend uranium enrichment, suggesting that the window could soon close and be replaced by penalties.

Condoleezza Rice told NBC's "Today" show, referring to the six-power package of perks or penalties aimed at halting Iran's enrichment activities


Anonymous said...

We should totally nuke every inch of Iran, they might possibly be a risk. We must murder them all, because there is at least one bad person there. Praise Jesus. God bless america and no place else.

Anonymous said...

i got a few cans of tuna and two extra 5 gallon cans of gas (+ whats in my lawn mower) , I'm prepared. Are You?

Anonymous said...

I am an ex-Republican, ex-card carrying member of the RNC, and a conservative. I have come to loathe the Bush administration and it's hubris. There is no meaningful difference between the political parties: they are both corrupt, avaricious and have stomped all over our Constitution. The neoconservatives have made the USA the most hated nation on earth, and rightly so. We stick our nose in everyone's business; we judge all others as we are better and know better than they do; we feel threatened by everyone and anyone because the world revolves around us and that is justification enough in our myopic self-aggrandizing minds to threaten, coerce and if need be military rape any nation that will not meekly accede to our vision of the new world order, the American empire. Bush crystalized the new Iran by needlessly and recklessly destroying the buffer that was Iraq, using a self-serving lies and innuendos about non-existent WMDs, plying the fears of the people, telegraphing his hostile intentions years ago (i.e. the axis of evil speech) and giving Iran no other choice but to try to immunize itself from neverending American imperialist aggression. The Bush administration, with the help of a morally corrupt and internationalist congress, are destroying American prosperity and her middle class by outsourcing our jobs and auctioning off our industries, stripping us of our privacy and civil liberties in the name of fighting the invisible boogy man "terrorism," and leaving our borders wide open to invading hordes of illegals; they have bankrupted the treasury, taxed the working people into virtual indentured slavery, and have indebted this country to a level that that will make our children sharecroppers in their own land. What a disgraceful nation we have become: arrogant, boastful, haughty, dishonest and flim-flammers to boot. America, history's greatest debtor nation, is going broke trying to be the new Rome, because of self-serving power-hungry corrupt leadership and an exhausted, apathetic, fearful and demoralized populace that would rather watch American Idol and the nauseatingly vapid Katey Couric. America will fall because we are against the whole world, and we are on the wrong side of the argument, morally, economically, and historically.

I say these things with sadness, for I love America and all that she stood for, but despise what she has become.

Anonymous said...

How melodramatic.

Anonymous said...

So now we're stopping other countries from technological development. Amazing.

Other countries wouldn't seek nukes if the american republicans weren't such assholes.

blogger said...

tom - I disagree. when you have a country who control the oil they do, who controls the straits of hormuz, whose president has called for the destruction of israel, whose people are preparing for guerilla war, who is capable of making a nuke if unchecked, and whose people are cult-controlled (gotta love those islamists), this is the real deal, senor.

they're not turning back. this isn't about oil to them, it's not about politics. It's about religion, and their leaders see themselves as bringing about the return of the hidden imam, fighting against the crusaders and infidels.

go read what the prez of iran says. then go read mein kampf.

in the end, if we don't take care of this soon, or the EU, then israel will.

but it's gonna get really really really messy.

Anonymous said...

I say these things with sadness, for I love America and all that she stood for, but despise what she has become.

By Anonymous, at Friday, June 02, 2006 3:57:06 PM

Anon, sounds like you need some re-eduacation! America, Love it or else, your life depends on it. Praise Jesus for sending us GW Bush, only he can save us from the evil-doers. We should just make him king for life.

Anonymous said...

From an academic perspective, the form of apocalyptic writing describing the return of the 12th Imam is similar to Revelations. This was a popular form of writing from 200AD to 1000AD. This Hebrew form of storytelling provided hope to people who were oppressed at the time. Religious zealots will always look prophetic apocalyptic writings to justify their actions. This is a constant in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

The Iranian government is complex organization with a religious pseudo-monarchy. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a moderate and considered by the local people as a “working class hero.” With this being said, we are in a dilemma. The world powers in the “nuclear club” do not want additional members, unless the can get inexpensive energy from a tenuous relationship. Various Iranian spokesmen can say whatever they want without any repercussions from the world because they have one commodity—oil.

If the U.S. (or Israel) attacks Iran—even with a strategic bombing raid—the global oil market will soar. Iran does not have to retaliate with military action; they have a very powerful economic weapon that can cause global suffering.

If we allow Iran to have nuclear weapons, the world must have faith that an unstable government will not use them in a preemptive strike. It has worked in Pakistan because we are supporting their fragile (and oppressive) government. The question is if it can this same strategy work in Iran. Due to our poor relations in the Middle East, it would be almost impossible to foster this similar relationship.

Anonymous said...

If you are saying that the U.S. is giving the world the middle finger, then I would agree.

Bill said...

Looking at that photo on the front of all those beautiful looking robots it is a shame abortion was not legalized years ago

Anonymous said...

I don't understand all this handwringing about far-away Iran, when America is in the midst of a real crisis: gay marriage. Fortunately, Our Dear Leader plans to confront this horror directly, this Monday. What a great, brave man he is!
-- sglover

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is Condi Rice looking more and more like Michael Jackson's monster face in "Thriller"? I think we need a side-by-side of those pictures.

Anonymous said...

I expect Santorum or Tancredo will trump them all, and write an omnibus bill to deal with the threat from gays who launch their War on Christmas by burning flags while singing the national anthem in Spanish.

It's impossible to do satire any more, with all these fools in the public square.....
-- sglover

Anonymous said...

Iran doesn't need any nuclear weapons. All they have to do is start demanding euros for their oil, instead of dollars. If they do that, it'll be like a economic nuclear bomb hit us. If Iran is making threats to Israel, the let Israel take care of them. History has stated that Israel is more effective at fighting terrorists than we are. Plus we bit off more than we can chew with Iraq and the continual problems in Afgahnistan. This hurricane season might create all sorts of new issues. Let's start taking care of our own. If Iran builds one bomb and sends it our way , then we'll just send 1000 their way!

Anonymous said...

Iranian oil is irrelevant. btw, they need to import gasoline. Iranian economy is near collapse already so maybe sanctions work after all.

Wall Street Journal:

Anonymous said...

It is not just Isreal that is threatened by the Iranian bomb. Sunni states like Egypt and Saudis are just as desperate to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons and they are also pressing Bush to do something. If Iran gets the bomb, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and possibly Jordan will get a bomb too. They hate shiites even more than jews and they are afraid of Iran. Nuclear standoff/containment with fanatics is not something I wish for my children. And one day the Iranian dictatorship will collapse. Even if Iran does not give nuclear weapons to Hamas or Hezbollah, they sure will get them in the aftermath of the regime collapse.

I really hope that this chain-reaction is somehow prevented Sanctions, internal coup, Isreali strike, US-led strike, whatever.

Anonymous said...

Who like like to lace a bet. My dollars to your doughnuts that there is no Iranian nuclear weapons program despite their blustering.